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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9125885 No.9125885 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9125893

oranges are from florida!

>> No.9125897


Wish you people would source your screenshots when you make a thread using only a headline and not the content of the articles. Propagandist cunts.

>> No.9125898

Too many whites on that pictures.

>> No.9125903
File: 28 KB, 398x241, girls_laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>US Education

>> No.9125916

Doesn't mean much in the long run because what will happen to the school's standing after everyone drops common core?

Depending on its past rankings before it adopted common core it will more than likely fall back to mediocrity. Thus returning the problem to it's original state.

People who hate common core will see this as a victory though, but said victory is short live when the reality of the East Asian moon people and America's hat (Canada) is still shitting on them with PISA scores.

And no, kicking out all the brown people won't do shit because fucking Estonia which is basically homogenized northern european still gets buttfuck by every East Asian country except for maybe China because those bastards skew the numbers with their bullshit provinces and thus there's no accurate average for the whole country.

>> No.9125928

The whites are in front of the blacks. Which also explains the school's performance.

>> No.9125942

There are a couple of general problems with regards to deciding which is best for the country as a whole. There's no skirting around the issue that each community, and indeed each individual has a specific way in which it can be helped best in education. That might be focus on issues framed in the community, like learning plans that incorporate local industry, or picking the right literature to engage students the best.

In that sense, standardization attempts to force students into a mold that simply won't work for everyone. There is no 'one size fits all' education plan. Standardized tests seem to be fine- after all, it gives benchmarks for the levels students should be at in fields with set objectives like math or reasoning. Standardized curriculum however becomes a huge issue for teachers to try to meet on their end, and for students to find engaging, so common core has, over the few years it's been breathing, tried to make more wiggle room, albeit not nearly reaching the level of malleability that can meet student needs.

From a societal standpoint, there's something to be said about having standardized goals and curriculum. If every student has the same educational basis, then every post-secondary institution can take advantage of this and streamline curricula, which makes it actually easier to learn in the realm of college or trade school. You make the process more efficient, allowing for strong training, easier projected models for proficiency and economic movement, how many students in a projected class might go one way or another, etc.

I just don't know if it's society and the country that benefits the most from this kind of thing, or just the bureaucrats.

>> No.9126048

There are no blacks in that pic which really shows why the school did so good.

>> No.9126051

Some things are more important than "ranking".

>> No.9126054

You sound like someone who thinks participation trophies are a good idea.

>> No.9126057

>tfw no qt celestial nosed silver-blonde daughter

>> No.9126059

>blog article screenshot thread

I wish mods would ban people for this back when it first started.

>> No.9126083

>no blacks
What about the darkies in the back?

>> No.9126115

On how common core taught:
>When asked to solve 530-270, the student arrives at the right answer by subtracting the way most of us were taught in school. Although the student got the right answer, his teacher wanted him to solve it by adding 30 to both numbers so the problem would then be 560-300.

Are americans retarded? That method is what I do. It is easier that way because now you passed all of the difficulty of the substraction to one single digit, so it becomes as complex as a substracting 5 minus 3.

I can't believe it. Americans got the chance to get taught the methods that geniuses intuitively develop and they dropped it because they were too retarded.

Bra fucking vo.

>> No.9126122

>Everyone should use my cookie cutting method that I've learned to streamline in my brain structure since I was 8
nigger this is the problem with you fucks
not everyone has the same structure, not everyone has "intuitively simple tricks for math"
In fact, it may be more taxing for people to make additional math to two numbers they're trying to subtract than actually do it in their mind from the two original numbers
This is why common core is fucking retarded and why caring about "the resolution" rather than having a correct answer is making everyone mad

>> No.9126139

is this pasta?

>> No.9126143

Just made it for you really
I'm Italian, so I guess it can't be helped

>> No.9126165

>not everyone has the same brain structure
Citation needed, but assuming this is true
>implying that just because not everyone has the same brain structure this would mean that some people could not do arithmetic in certain ways

That is retarded. Know why? You probably wipe your ass in a certain way. But from today you could start using a new wipe-ass technique and voila, you learned a new way to wipe your ass. The same happens with math. There is no limit on the techniques a person can adopt to wipe their ass, right?

And the thing is that if you can do the traditional method operation then you can also do it this way because it reduces complexity. In fact, it is methods like this that actually aid with mental math because you have no paper in your brain to "carry the 3" and shit so the traditional algorithm is fucking shit. This is better because mentally adding 30 is not even an operation. You could think of it as simply digit-shifting, which you can do automatically. So you can just freely shift digits until you end up with a much easier operation and then you do the math.

I take it that you are the kind of person that instead of using the fundamental theorem of calculus to compute antiderivatives you just write down the entire Riemann Sum and find its limit, as that is the traditional method.

>> No.9126174

You're comparing motor coordination to pure mental arithmetic, wiping your ass in a way compared to another only changes the basic movement of your arm, and even so writing with your non-leading hand is much, much harder than writing with your leading hand, and you're making this argument as a ambidextrous cunt saying "nah it's just as easy to write with my right and it is to write with my left hand, you guys just need to git gud"

fuck you, that's what

>> No.9126187

>only changes the basic movement of your arm
And the method only changes the basic movement of the half neuron used in arithmetic. Your point?

And your main hand is something you are born with. Are you saying that you are born with a fixed intelligence and nothing you do can change it?

>> No.9126204

>And your main hand is something you are born with.
[Citation Needed]

>> No.9126208
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>tfw no lgf

>> No.9126224

>[Citation needed]
[Citation needed]

>> No.9126249

Worked in the Industrial Age when we needed a fairly homogeneous workforce to justify the new demands. That in mind, I think the efforts to maintain status quo re: standardization is more inertia than deliberate evaluation and planning over what works better for current demands.

>> No.9126252

Ah, for labor and skill sets, I mean.

>> No.9126261

>basically homogenized northern european
Lmfao, Estonia is a poor country ruined by commies, and 30% Russian. You're calling that "Northern European" and "homogenized"?

They're lucky that they aren't as stupid as knuckle-dragging Poles. Just imagine if they actually had a tax base to fund their education system.

>> No.9126267

Even with standardised shit in high school, universities end up re-teaching people a lot of it because it's covered stupidly in high school or people didn't really learn it the first time around.

>> No.9126274

>not everyone has the same structure, not everyone has "intuitively simple tricks for math"
Which is why common core teaches various different methods rather than a single standardized technique that is unintuitive for many students.

>> No.9126300

>when it's white people it's because they just don't have the privilege
>when it's brown people it's because they are low IQ subhumans
Rely makes me tink

>> No.9126322

>Number 1 in education


>> No.9126343
File: 53 KB, 599x396, ukraine on a map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Burger Education in a Nutshell
New York Times asked 2066 American adults to point to where Ukraine is on the world map. Pic was the result:

>> No.9126346
File: 171 KB, 1228x914, nkorea map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Burger Education in a Nutshell
New York Times then asked 1746 American adults to point to where North Korea is on the world map. The result was far worse:

>> No.9126354

>knowing an obscure europoor country is considered a good education

>> No.9126358

Amerifats wanna nuke with North Korea.
End up nuking the Entire Asia & Europe because cant' find it in a map.

>> No.9126395
File: 1.02 MB, 880x608, Detroit-Hiroshima.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One Japanese friend told me that Americans originally intended to nuke the capital of Japan Tokyo & the 2nd largest Japanese City of Osaka.
But the pilots carrying the nukes made a mistake & nuked the wrong & smaller cities of Hiroshima & Nagasaki.
Hiroshima is about 800 km West than Tokyo (500 miles west). Nagasaki is about 750km West than Osaka(466 miles west)
The pilot carrying this nukes justified the mistake due to "too many clouds that led to bad visibility". But was in fact a geography mistake.

>> No.9126398


>> No.9126403

Pick two

>> No.9126410

nigger you should be able to pinpoint 80% of all countries on a world map. Some confusion is allowed for the balkans, Africa, and central america.

You should at least be able to tell where the continents or regions of the world are, and what countries belong in which. Ie you should know of a country is eastern european or middle eastern.

Problem is americans don't even know where the middle east is on the map.

>> No.9126412

I am by no means an expert, but I would expect that this way of teaching arithmetic, while useful, is also quite tricky to teach properly.

In principle, teaching different methods of performing arithmetic is a good idea. There are different techniques, some of which work well for mental arithmetic, others work well on paper, and some work well for particular computations which means they are valuable as niche techniques. Knowing a bunch of different methods is valuable, and useful to teach.

HOWEVER, in order to teach that correctly, it is vital to first teach what arithmetic IS, conceptually; and then, once students have mastered that, teach them different techniques that each perform the same underlying abstract operation in different ways. Just teaching different ways of doing arithmetic, and then saying "yeah they are all the same but different", is not going to cut it.

And teaching that to seven-year-olds sounds quite challenging. Teaching separately the notions of what mathematical operations ARE, and a bunch of techniques for COMPUTING those abstract relationships, requires a level of mathematical clarity and maturity that most students will not have initially and that is not easy to teach, *especially* when students do not yet have any mathematical background.

I would expect that if a teacher can manage to teach this approach to arithmetic correctly, it is a powerful improvement over the old way of doing things. But I would also expect that if you mess up teaching the subtle distinctions even slightly, the result will be far more confusing and bewildering than old-timey arithmetic curricula.

>> No.9126419

The method I do is subtracting 27 from 53 which is 26. If you can't subtract two digits in your head autoomatically you're a god damn brainlet and you should be ashamed of wanting children to be brainlets like you.

>> No.9126425

>so it becomes as complex as a substracting 5 minus 3.
Subtracting*, and you're adding a step to remove a step. The additional step is completely useless.

>> No.9126426

More like:
>even when economically disadvantaged, whites perform at a superior level
Get fucked cuck.

>> No.9126429

>adding to both numbers
>not just determining the distance between 7 and 13, which is 6, multiplying it by 10, holding the 60 in your memory, then doing 500 - 300 separately to arrive at 200, then adding that 60 to your 200 to find 260.
Literally 0 effort and instantaneous since it's due to memory and not calculation. Learn to optimize your fucking thoughts, brainlet.

>> No.9126489


this is hardly news as the type of school wanting to dump the common core is a private one anyway

>> No.9126537


bullshit article

common core is bullshit but lying about it won't get us anywhere

>> No.9126546
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>> No.9126605

the problem with Common Core isn't the standard itself, but the implementations. all those examples of "common core is wacky!" you see are sloppily written textbooks dashed together to try to meet the common core standards by companies looking to make a quick buck

>> No.9126652
File: 90 KB, 602x619, 3o_WKcp5UhAdbySsODPpYGLyrmhQW-qRa_drLDH-UMc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing about numeracy and literacy is that simply the only way to familiarize yourself with these skill sets is to buckle down and work at it. That's it. Just read and practice more.

I remember my old pre-school days where we literally where told to sit down, shut the fuck up and do pages full of simple arthritic for a hour straight. Teacher pushed us to memorize the tables till 10. 14 If you got all that down.

And for good reason. It's nothing short of horrifying to see statistics like this.
Apparently around 40% of Americans have sub par numeracy levels. It's not a far stretch then that 40% really don't have any shot at grasping more advanced math.

Common core doesn't fix this. I'm not sure why they don't simply copy the Dutch or Korean curriculum.


>> No.9126832
File: 51 KB, 640x360, now look at this net.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Number One

>> No.9126843

>solve 530-270
>remove the easy part of the problem by subtracting hundreds, get 330-70
>simplify it by subtracting thirty, get 300-40
>no need to bother with carry anymore, get 260
European here. Is the above a "common core approach"? Am I retarded? Pls help.

>> No.9126870

I do shit like that to, but it's more of a high level thing just to be able to do calculations in your head. If you try to teach that to little kids that don't even know what addition and subtraction are you're just going to confuse the shit out of them and they will come away not really understanding what it is they are doing.

The important thing is to make them internalize the core concept of the things they are learning, which enables them to come up with tricks like that on their own.

>> No.9126950

That isn't true.

>> No.9127004

Lmfao, what kind of propaganda is being taught in nip schools? I've never heard of such blatant lying from sore losers. Well, except from the DNC who blames Russia for revealing its crimes against democracy to the American public.

>> No.9127019
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They just did it so they can teach children that humans used to live along side dinosaurs before the great flood.

Also because campaign contributions from Koch brothers, extractive resource multinationals and their dark money conduits to teach that carbon dioxide makes trees grow so we need more of it.

>> No.9127061

>muh Koch Brothers
>but dark money from George Soros is okay, he'll just help craft another campaign finance law that disarms his political opponents but allows him to fund his sycophants through other means
Brainwashed leftists are the worst. Always shooting themselves in the foot thanks to selective blindness. Always reject both left and right wing globalism.

>> No.9127063

*I meant to say: you should always reject both left and right wing globalism, because it always leads to the same authoritarian neoliberal hellhole.

>> No.9127078
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this post is god, there are always a number of different ways to manipulate in basic operations. Why kids arent taught basic number theory and then show various methods of solving basic problems like this and subsequently allowed to make up their own fucking minds is beyond me. The only requirement after that point should be that the student can articulate, demonstrate, and defend their method.

NA public education is an absolute trainwreck in every way: underfunded, underappreciated, and constantly being reformed into dogshit like common core. End result: NA students still perform terribly on standardized testing relative to comparable peers AND have no creative or critical thinking skills. Even in Canada where over half the adult populace holds a post secondary degree of some sort. Europeans honestly dont know how good they have it with their public education system being years ahead of NA (insofar as the average curriculum). The final kicker being that the taxpayers in NA dont give 2 shits about it and only ever are in favour of tax cuts.

t. salty Canadian, strongly considering moving to denmmark

>> No.9127248
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Globalism and nationalism are buzzwords.
I don't care who gives money, I care about the specific causes funded by their donations. Although I'd rather we have campaign finance reform, exclusively publicly funded campaigns, and reverse Citizens United so no corporations bribe politicians.
Koch has been funding think tanks that run concerted propaganda campaigns to confuse people with false information with respect to climate change. If Soros was funding the spread of misinformation just for the sake of globalism it could be just as bad as Koch doing it just for the sake of liberitarianism. What matters is the specific platform in question. And climate change comes with a high risk of being an existential risk to Earth's irreplaceable ecosystems and human civilization in general. Even in the best case scenario, billions in the developing world would have their livelihoods threatened.

Trade is globalism. Climate change is a global problem. Cooperating with other countries to address it is sensible. I don't think globalist policies are bad or nationalist policies are bad, I think each policy consideration has its own nuances with respect to the interests of our country and Earth's ecology.

>> No.9127304
File: 21 KB, 300x289, 1486019921615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gee making shit way easier and lowering standards is surely indicative of superior methodology and resulting students

>> No.9127316

On the other hand, grading the method is a sureway to make everyone pissed as hell

You want to have them learn the method, give them a strict time limit, and let the rules of nature do their job. those that did not learn the method will go on without it, those that did, good on them, and those that did it their own way, their own problem now, not yours.
Rating the method used rather than the result will make the student hate it regardless, because if the method is stupid, you have no way to find out until it's too late.

>> No.9127349

why are we doing math in our heads. fucking cuck planet.

>> No.9127484

what did he mean by this

>> No.9127518
File: 44 KB, 612x396, 2903-290306[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Floridans take pride in the oranges.
We grow the best oranges on the planet.

>> No.9127605

I know but what does that have to do with this.

>> No.9127621

Well it is true that Kyoto and Tokyo were considered as targets, but our Freemason president decided to nuke the two cities with the largest christian populations in Japan instead

>> No.9127625

Because this is a thread about oranges now.

>> No.9127632
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ya dun good op

>> No.9127639

If common core is so good, how can it revolutionize later math topics like ODE?

>> No.9127722

Has anyone actually read the comments on this site? is obama really to blame for common core?

>> No.9128848

>making shit way easier and lowering standards
good thing that CC is going away. What a shitty method.

>> No.9128877

I propose an experiment: we get rid of k-12, replace it with an optional video series on how to do math & read, and allow children to enter public colleges by passing a test.

>> No.9128883

then we'll see if those ex-teachers were productive altruists or leeching retards

>> No.9128885

and then if an ex-teacher doesn't do something productive, we make them a criminal
this applies to k-12 voucher and public schools