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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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9117181 No.9117181 [Reply] [Original]

Any dietitians here or medical guys here?

I've been on this low-carb diet and my sister in-law is telling me I'll turn yellow and really damage my liver with this meme ketogenic diet.

I'm finding incomplete and contradictory information on the internet, otherwise I've been feeling pretty good after 1 month on the diet.

>> No.9117185

my sister in law works in medicine **

>> No.9117225

Describe your diet in detail

>> No.9117237

about 2000 calories a day of the following

>chicken, different cuts of steak, pork, tuna, salmon, eggs
>kale, spinach, bok choy, walnuts, dark chocolate, cream, almond milk

i try to get about 100 grams of protein a day, i weigh 200 pounds now at 5'11

>> No.9117240
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If you're planning on avoiding fruits and veggies, then yeah, it's dumb. You will just make your health worse (there are pretty good published correlations on this). You gotta look at it more holistically. First, drop all the shit tier processed foods, so your only choices are things that came right out of the ground or right off of an animal (no brainer, but again there are studies on processed foods). After you've sorted that, then figure out if you're still getting too many carbs for your liking. I don't doubt that people do keto on shit food and then wonder why they end up feeling 200% shittier. But if you're not feeling bad effects, I wouldn't worry about it too much.

>> No.9117245

and avocados generally ill eat one every day

>> No.9117253

so you don't think there's any truth to what she said? I understand the liver ends up processing a lot of fat for energy, does that not damage the liver over time?

>> No.9117265

Read this: http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/the-ketogenic-diet

It's easy to find a torrent of it online.

This is the book that popularized Keto. It's a fine diet, just do it right. /fit/ jerks off about it daily, but unless you're already at a lowish bf% there isn't much benefit.

>> No.9117274

hey thanks