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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9113886 No.9113886 [Reply] [Original]

I have proven by myself that,
Hard Work = Good Grades.

I ended with a GPA of 3.87, and I'm definitely of average intellect. I grinded through college, and now I'm applying to Med schools.

>> No.9113948
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Kill yourself

>> No.9113959

It's one hundred percent true. All intelligence is, is memory. And "traditionally" intelligent people have a great short term memory which is working memory. Overall IQ means fuck all. Perseverance and Passion are much more important. Einstein even said himself, 1 percent inspiration, 99 percent perspiration. Also always remember necessity is the Mother of invention

>> No.9113966

I hooked up a shitton of HDDs to my raspberry pi. Now it has 400TB of memory! Now it's much better than most super computers!

>> No.9113973

Working memory, not long term memory.
Your analogy sucks.

>> No.9113986

Just switch "HDDs" with RAM chips.

>> No.9113990

I don't think you even have thinking capacity (snot came out my nose from your inability to expose)

>> No.9113994

Exactly RAM is the correct concept

>> No.9114002

Not just RAM, think a bit harder about it, that is if you have the knowledge of computer hardware if you dont, dont bother you'll just make your head hurt.

>> No.9114003

Nice try planet fatass

>> No.9114016

That was the point. Memory(doesn't matter what kind) is relatively useless without fast and powerful processing and logic units.

>> No.9114122
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Please reply to my shitpost. GIB (YOU)s.