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File: 407 KB, 1500x2249, female sociopath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9108380 No.9108380 [Reply] [Original]

Can women have psychopathy (or anti-social personality disorder) just like men?

>> No.9108383

Women are born with it.

>> No.9108387

Then why are they so emotional? Psychopaths lack empathy and do not care about their own emotions.

>> No.9108388

Why not? The only real schizo person I ever met was a woman.

>> No.9108391

Fake emotions for the sake of manipulation. They have no actual feelings, just some mechanic reactions they can use whenever they want to manipulate you.

>> No.9108396

Schizophrenia is the opposite of psychopathy. Negative symptoms anyway.
Then why are male psychopaths more rational compared to the average female?

>> No.9108397

>Then why are male psychopaths more rational compared to the average female?
What does that have to do with anything? Even the dump I'm taking is more rational than women.

>> No.9108398

There is only 1 gender

>> No.9108400

Does it matter ? If the sandwich is perfectly made who cares

>> No.9108402

Has there once been a single intelligent woman on this planet (that wasn't self-hating of course)?
There are 2 genders, but 1 gender is the burden of the other.
Men cook better than women though. Go to any restaurant and you can tell when a woman cooked the food.

>> No.9108403

>Has there once been a single intelligent woman on this planet (that wasn't self-hating of course)?

No. That is because just like women lack genuine emotion, women lack intelligence. It is not really fair to measure their intelligence on our scale. It would be like picking up an ant and then compare it with our intelligence.

>> No.9108410

If women are manipulative, how does a man manipulate a woman?

>> No.9108564

Anyone have a serious answer to this? How is psychopathy different in females compared to males?

>> No.9108691


The people that say this are absurd or were naive and manipulated by a female and now misogynistic.

When people say that women are manipulative, what they are referring to is that women feel no guilt for using a man's feelings to get their way. Men would feel guilt before even attempting such a thing, so because the natural "that's blatantly unfair and taking advantage of something i have poor control of" reaction is absent in women they assume that women are evil.

Women are no more evil than any other animal, they are doing what they were programmed to, which is use emotions to their benefit.

Psychopathy occurs equally in men and women and although men are the more successful psychopaths its because they are more goal-oriented and competitive. Psychopathy + long-term goal = success. Women can certainly have any, or all of the features of psychopathic personalities but they are by no means predisposed to it.

Wake the fuck up and realize that women are not evil by pulling on men's heartstrings, that is part of their intrinsic nature and to them it is no more out of place than breathing.

>> No.9108709

But I really wanted to know what's the difference between psychopathy in males and psychopathy in females?

>> No.9108738
File: 16 KB, 383x455, 1500960000187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus the ignorance and sexism in this thread is bizarre

>> No.9108743

It's mostly just sarcasm.
Unless you're having a giggle there, m8.

>> No.9108751

The notion that Psychopaths are more succesful than others is a meme. Sure, there are some, very few Psychopaths that can be charming as fuck and are above average intelligence and thus get far in life - but that is despite them being Psychopaths, not because of it. Most Psychopaths are asocial people with little to know social contacts and often turn murderous.

The few charismatic, smart, good looking ones might suceed for a while, but in the long run very often the complete lack of empathy is going to show and in the end this will be their downfall.

Also, don't mix up people who are very rational with psychopaths. One doesn't feel empathy, the other feels it, but is smart enough to not implusively act on every emotion of empathy, because he is smart enough to realize that "well meant is not well done".

>> No.9108772

Machiavellian if he is to dumb to allow it, I will ge it.

>> No.9108780

Inverse psychopaths Hollywood is almost non existed, psychopath are charming as fuck and masters to read social language, but had average intelligence.

>> No.9108783

There is no such thing as psychopathy. It's a collection of evolutionarily useful personality traits, like low agreeableness, high extroversion and high conscientiousness.

>> No.9108789

English please

>> No.9108790

Women are evil. The fact that Evil has a feminine nature is one of the most ancient ethical insights of mankind.

>> No.9108794

>using "sexism" unironically

>> No.9108803

>Women are no more evil than any other animal, they are doing what they were programmed to, which is use emotions to their benefit.

Why do you go through all these mental gymnastics to contradict a simple fact.
If you are doing something evil then you are evil yourself, regardless of your programming and whats more, you are even more evil if you are programmed to do evil and are just following the program because you are not rebelling against it.

>> No.9108812

Sorry that does not pass the mental fire wall.

This is /sci/ a place for discussing scientific evidence.

>> No.9108815

>This is /sci/ a place for discussing scientific evidence.
Good joke.

>> No.9108825

>there are people that actually believe this.

>> No.9108838

So you consider some animals, when they follow the doctrines of their biological programming, to be evil if they commit evil acts?

And we as humans are different because we have the capacity to rebel against it?

>> No.9108845

>So you consider some animals, when they follow the doctrines of their biological programming, to be evil if they commit evil acts?
Of course.
If you work for a criminal you are a criminal yourself regardless of how oblivious/unable you are to make a different choice.

>And we as humans are different because we have the capacity to rebel against it?

>> No.9108848

Protip: So are men.

>> No.9108853

>If you work for a criminal you are a criminal yourself regardless of how oblivious/unable you are to make a different choice.
So what would be the punishment for ignorance?

>> No.9108862

Tell me this:
You go on a murderous rampage, cops manage not to kill you but restrain you and arrest you.
You get charged with crime and you claim you were ignorant of the law concerning murdering other people.
Now what do you think your legal punishment would be?

>> No.9108868

Not a good analogy. I'd say mental illness would be the case because I'm pretty sure dogs don't start attacking random animals for no reason.

>> No.9108872

Actually ignorance of the law is a valid defense in various cases. You will at least get a shorter sentence because the jury dictate that you did not do your crime in bad faith. In the case of murder you need a solid reason but claiming a mental disease is enough to establish that you did not know you were breaking the law.

An example would be that rich kid who ran over a guy and then claimed he suffered affluenza, a mental disease that makes rich people think they are above everyone else.

>> No.9108878

lol no, your average psychopath killed a pet by age 8 and tried to rape or kill a sibling by age 12 and is locked up for life by age 18. psychopaths climbing up the ladder with their charme and their wit is a lie people like to tell themselves because its easier to accept why other people are more succesful than you: clearly they are psychopaths. i might not be as rich and powerful as them, but at least im not a psychopath.

>> No.9108882

>Not a good analogy. I'd say mental illness would be the case because I'm pretty sure dogs don't start attacking random animals for no reason.
Couple of things are flawed here.
>I'd say mental illness would be the case
First you ask about being ignorant, and now you argue about mental illness which is it then?

>I'm pretty sure dogs don't start attacking random animals for no reason.
Nowhere did I say that you went on a murderous rampage without a reason.

>Not a good analogy
It was a question whose answer would answer the question of that other anon, it wasnt intended to be much of an analogy.

>> No.9108884

It is not misogynistic to point out facts.
Fact: women do not have the same feelings as men.

Case in point: research shows that men take much longer to get over bad break ups than women.

An example I remember is when me and my first gf broke up. For an entire month I was depressed and suicidal, but then I learned that after a week she had a new boyfriend and in the course of that month she went through 3 other boyfriends.

Women clearly lack empathy if they are willing to destroy lives like that. And all I want is that these facts are freely stated.

Imagine that in primary school bio class they taught us the difference between men and women. I think about what if someone would have told me women are subhuman demons when I was a kid. I would have grown different. Maybe I would have turned away from women and turned gay and then I could live happily free from women. But no! I learned this after I had already sexually developed which means I am forever cursed to be attracted to women. If only I was fucking gay. I WANT TO BE FUCKING GAY... but now I can't. Because science is not allowed to research this in depth. So we all have to learn this by opening our hearts to women and then getting fucking destroyed.

>> No.9108890
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>> No.9108895
File: 30 KB, 300x455, jacket-art---singular-woman.-front-jacket-photograph-c-obama-for-americahandoutreuterscorbis_custom-0d5e4a01bad6f2a97019702b2ba1be4ab99596ff-s300-c85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9108380 >>9108863 >>9108867
Obama became Lawyer just because his mother was a White PhD in Anthropology. She passed her PHENOTYPE genes to Obama. She was a single mom because just like most black fathers, Obama father abandoned the family. Obama grow up without his father. Obama was a Mulatto ( half white & half black)
Now liberals are conspiring to turn American White girls into single moms with Mulatto children. Just like the Obama's mom.

>> No.9108897

>Actually ignorance of the law is a valid defense in various cases.
Never have I said that it isnt.

>You will at least get a shorter sentence because the jury dictate that you did not do your crime in bad faith
>Bad faith
>Bad faith (Latin: mala fides) is double mindedness or double heartedness in duplicity, fraud, or deception[1] It may involve intentional deceit of others, or self-deception.
You what mate?

>he suffered affluenza
Good one.

>In the case of murder you need a solid reason but claiming a mental disease is enough to establish that you did not know you were breaking the law.
I answered a question where it was not assumed that a person was mentally diseased but only ignorant.
So this statement of yours is a bit redundant, still useful to know.

>> No.9108902

Damn, baby Obama had a certain... phenotype.

>> No.9108976

>First you ask about being ignorant, and now you argue about mental illness which is it then?
I meant clueless instead of ignorant. Like "you really don't know" instead of "you do know but you don't know" type of thing.
>Nowhere did I say that you went on a murderous rampage without a reason.
Yeah but there needs to be a reason stated at all times.
>It was a question whose answer would answer the question of that other anon, it wasnt intended to be much of an analogy.
So what was the answer?

>> No.9109396

>Psychopathy + long-term goal = success
Psychopathy is basically the opposite of having and being able to pursue a long-term goal.

>> No.9109416


>> No.9109422

You're not serious are you?

>> No.9109463

science is sexist. deal with it

>> No.9109625

Margaret Thatcher.

>> No.9109661

I wish I wasn't being serious. Perhaps I did not explain that point well as I had a lot to go through in that post so allow me to elaborate.

I already proved (or at least argued) that women are inherently evil. They cannot love you because they cannot feel. They are machines. They will use and they will shit on you when the moment comes.

If I was gay then I would be able to have sex with other men and never worry about anything. But because I developed heterosexual (against my will) I now cannot help to like women sexually. I have tried watching gay porn and it just does not do it for me. Just thinking about having a dick in my ass feels horrible and thinking about putting my dick in a guy's ass makes me want to kill myself. It is too late for me.

I am forced to deal with women if I want to satisfy my sexual desires. Right now I have a girlfriend, we've been going at it for about two years. My first year with her could be completely summarised like this: Me waiting and even expecting her to dump me or cheat on me or otherwise fuck me over. So to protect myself I cut any kind of true emotional connection so that when she cheated on me I would not feel sad. That year went on and we are still good so I kinda trust her, but I have to remember that she is basically a robot. She has no real feelings, she can only emulate human emotions. I love her but I know that loving a woman is like loving a chair. They are an object. They have no consciousness at all.

And now she has started talking about getting married which means I cannot stop thinking about how she is just playing the long game so that we marry, then she cheats on me and then I have to pay her alimony for the rest of my life. THAT IS HOW WOMEN ARE. THAT IS WHAT WOMEN DO.

You cannot trust them because they are simply an algorithm with tits. An algorithm that reads

If(man.feeling == good) {

>> No.9109689

I want to call you names, destroy your 'logic', deny your experience, utterly humiliate you for your sexism and small mindedness. But I can't.

>> No.9109694

Masturbating works well, desu. I don't need women when I have my chinese cartoons.

>> No.9109696

Stating facts is not sexism. If you think I'm wrong then put your emotional well-being where your mouth is a go outside. Meet women. Go out like a beautiful butterfly and come back like a depressed and suicidal moth. That is what women do to you.

99.9% of the time I have noticed that men who are not at all critical of women are either fedora tier virgin fags or submissive cucks with girlfriends or wives cheat on them with their permission.

Which are you?

>> No.9109697

Nope. Three words:

All of them exponentially better than your hand.

>> No.9109711

Are you in your twenties? If so then yeah, you give too much shit about what others think of you and about women and bad breakups.
PROTIP: cut all contact when you break up.
Learn to read women properly. Yes, what you wrote is pretty much true for a lot of women. Biology puts different and much more rigorous constraints on them then on us men. In today's culture these kind of behaviors are reinforced in women, so 90%+ can be trash in a place like murica.

So my recommendation is this: learn what women are, not just the bad ones, but the good ones too. The dream woman doesn't exist for a lot of guys, so instead go and get on with a real one.
Regarding how to select them: go and find women who pursue jobs which require high morals and ethics. Fuck a nurse or something. The PhD girl or the business lady might look good on paper, but many of them get very narcissistic (in a different way than man do. it's less likely imho that they have healthy narcissism) or they apply the same ruthlessness they apply in business to personal relationships.

Learn the red-flags.

Apart from that don't forget the 3 best things in life.
I mean this without memeing. If you can understand this without edginess, the meaning then you're set. This doesn't describe life 100%, but it's 75%.

Don't give up, read above.
>Go out like a beautiful butterfly and come back like a depressed and suicidal moth.
This says that you're one of the betas. I don't like using such stereotypical tags though.
They can only do that to you if you let them. You should be leaving them well before. Also, some (bad) people will do that to you if it can be done to you. So stop being someone who can be fucked with. Primarily this needs confidence, not martial arts. This is how you end up a (gentle)man.

Yes, you can also heavily criticize them and not let them fuck with you. That's how you end up being a bad boy instead of crying depression.

>> No.9109716

The comfort that I don't need to rely on any woman to make me feel good is worth more than any benefit they can give me.

>> No.9109727

>They can only do that to you if you let them

I know, and that is my point. Because as a child no one told me what the true nature of woman was I never learned and I let them hurt me. I had to learn after I was already hurt. That is why I said that I wish that the differences between genders weren't fucking taboo so that in school bio class they can sit you down and tell you:

Today we are going to list the differences between boys and girls.
1) Girls are subhuman
2) Girls do not have feelings
3) Girls will hurt you in any opportunity you give them

Had I been told those 3 things as a kid my life would have turned out 100% differently. And it was worse for me because I was kinda a late bloomer. While most people have their first relation at like 12-14 I had to wait until like 16 and by then I was completely retarded. I actually called myself a feminist because I supported women so much. (Un)Fortunately I got my big breakup and then I learned the true nature of women. Now I shit on feminists and fuck with the women in my life as much as I can.

>> No.9109764

I forgot to add, if you're an academic or move in similar intellectual circles where niceness and ethics is appreciated then you can try to find women there. Also go to the library, the theater and go to various meetups, etc.

This is a defense mechanism, rationalization.I only casually read psychology, but even I can see it. The point of having a women is not to rely on her. Relying on your partner is a whole different thing than what you think right now. One is cooperation, the other is unhealthy (co-)dependence. You have a woman because it's fun to be with her and it's the same on her side. You don't depend on her.

Yeah, I get your point. I think people are generally assholes too.
Luckily my father told me that all women do bullshit stuff and a relationships can be casually left. We also don't have that much feminism around here. (Central-Western Europe) There are more traditional women here.

I will be the last person on earth to try to tell you what to do, but I do think based on personal experiences of friends and my own that you went from one extreme to the other very quickly. I don't think that's healthy. That was my point.
All women are like that in a way and not all women are like that in other ways.
So just try to find a middle ground first, before you commit to either extreme.

From where you're coming from I can understand your anger perfectly and as someone with a rational intellectual mind (based on your writing style) who probably values proper and ethical cooperative behavior you might even think that you don't deserve this and you deserve something better.
The thing is you are the only one who can make that something better happen, I know it's cliche. The universe won't magically give it you. The past won't change either. Dwelling is bad, solutions are good.
Many eccentric professors of mine have *real* wives. So think about that.

>> No.9109778

>Luckily my father told me that all women do bullshit stuff and a relationships can be casually left.

Yeah, my dad never talked to me about relationships. I was pretty much on my own there.

Anyways, I agree with all that you said except for one detail. That you say that I switched sides too quickly. I really didn't. As I said, my first big breakup was at 16 but even after that I did not dislike women. If anything that experience made me hate myself more than women, and I kept chasing. Tinder got popular sometime around that so I used that to find me some fresh pussy until bit by bit with softer blows I could disconnect myself from women more and more. I would say that I made the decision to dislike women after learning I truly understood their nature. It took me a while and then I got there. I also found that middle ground with my current gf. She is still an unfeeling robot but one thing I learned at college is that robots can be programmed and program I did. Now I'd say she is almost a human being, and we have lots of fun all the time.

But my philosophy is still the same: distrust women and fuck with women as much as you can. The only two women I trust are my mom and girlfriend. My mom because as she conceived me it is part of her algorithm to like and protect me. Otherwise she could go fuck off too. And my gf because I have trained her well.

Other than that I do not have female friends because I get away from women as much as I can. And in my work I have a strict no women policy. I do not collaborate with women. I do not consult women. I do not even talk to women. Fortunately research allows me to be self-directed and partner with whoever I want if I even wish to collaborate. This plus the lack of women in my field has allowed me to prosper.

>> No.9109784

There's also Schizoid, which is like ASPD except without all the violent or reckless behavior.

>> No.9109806

Okay, well, it seems you got it under control. Sorry, considering how little we know about each other in here all I can do is infer stuff from your posts so I had to extrapolate a lot on shitty data.
> current gf.
> trained her
This makes some of my points moot, because you already know stuff. I thought you have given up, but it seems all is well, considering the situation.

>She is still an unfeeling robot but one thing I learned at college is that robots can be programmed and program I did.
You got me with this one. It's a beautiful analogy. I actually remembered right after posting that I left out that some women are like blank slates and almost all of them need to be submissive. I wanted to write that, but I reached the character limit and I forgot about it later. You got it perfectly.

My point is, I would still keep a lookout. I'm not saying that there will be a women exactly made for you, but you might find one who has a better API and comes with a few things pre-progammed by nature/parents. Just avoid the talented deceivers. I have seen men fall for them (into marriage).
The same applies to me too... err.

>I do not have female friends because I get away from women as much as I can
Mostly the same for me too. I only talk to women for mating or business (if it's necessary) purposes and a few acquaintances.

This conversation has been a pleasure, it's good to see other people with a similar perspective.
Good luck and farewell!

(Gotta get some sleep now.)

>> No.9109833

This is art

>> No.9109987

>Autism Spectrum Disorder
>violent or reckless behavior
That's because of ADHD and co-morbid Bipolar disorder, fucking ableist cunt.
Prove me wrong.

>> No.9110470

yes just less of them have it

>> No.9110522

>Can women have psychopathy (or anti-social personality disorder) just like men?
Yes. However they cannot laugh, unlike your pic.

I have just been in court as the witness for prosecution against my female former boss who single handedly destroyed the company I used to work for.

Over time psychopaths in managements consider themselves above the rules and then above the law. In the end this caught up with her.

My colleagues from that time will come together for a great party now that the judgement has been handed down. Man, this just feels fantastic!

>> No.9110534

Don't all women have that shit?

>> No.9110581

They just have better emotional intelligence, they got over it and you didn't. You're clearly emotionally unintelligent. Also being gay is a lot worse than being attracted to woman, I can assure you.

Source:Emotionally Intelligent Faggot.

>> No.9110589

Schizoids have morality, they have just replaced emotion with fantasy.

>> No.9110597
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If they have better emotional intelligence how come they are so crazy?

>> No.9110601

When/if you meet a /sci/ girl with the type of psychopathy that builds a pharma empire you will know true witchcraft.


>> No.9110604

You view them as crazy because they are very different from you. While men prefer generally prefer direct confrontation, women can weave webs that make it so she does not get involved. Women are naturally better liars while men generally have lower natural subterfuge, they have low conviction which makes them morally ambiguous but able to ruthlessly pursue their goals while men tend to stick to their values and tend to admit they did bad to avoid further damage while men don't back down. If women were men, they would be viewed as insane.

>> No.9110619

i would ejaculate inside her vagina

>> No.9110629

>women can weave webs that make it so she does not get involved

bullshit. not getting involved and constructing a deceptive ploy to seem uninvolved are two totally separate things. As a message for Americans specifically: I would say that where Scientologists are concerned with the appearance of involvement, Christian should be concerned with involvement.

>> No.9110634
File: 5 KB, 170x228, elizabeth-bathory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Countess Elizabeth Báthory (1560-1614)
Hungarian Nobleman who murdered at least 650 virgin little girls.
She imprisoned then dildo-raped the girls, then tortured them slowly, mutilated them, ate their flesh & bathed in their blood.
The stories of her serial murders and brutality are verified by the testimony of more than 300 witnesses and survivors as well as physical evidence and the presence of horribly mutilated dead, dying and imprisoned girls found at the time of her arrest.
Guinness record of Woman which murdered the most.

>> No.9110639


>> No.9110640
File: 85 KB, 600x690, yK7kvu1_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The perverted Japanese manga artists turned Elizabeth Báthory into an anime girl character.
Elizabeth Báthory is an anime character in the Fate/ Grand Order game & Fate/ anime series.

>> No.9110646
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>>9110634 >>9110640 .>>9108380
There are also many horror movies & Novels telling the gruesome sorry of Countess Elizabeth Báthory.
Who dildo-tortured then killed above 650 little girls.

>> No.9110647

I don't know man, mama cooka a gooda meata ball!

>> No.9110780

>direct confrontation
>weave webs

One is easier, and has better results. BS that women have higher emotional intelligence

>> No.9110806
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Yes but it's more inherent in males for obvious reasons

Borderline is a B cluster disorder that is typical of woman, my sister has it it's horrible....

Borderline narcissism and histrionic and bipolar are typical woman illnesses i'm not even being sexist, it's just objectively true.

So it exists but it manifests itself in different ways, there are fewer female killers for one, you can link this do male dominance and the need to establish power etc

>> No.9110853
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You don't know shit, do some research before talking out of your neck

Wrong Shizoid aren't delusional shizotypal, schizoaffective and schizophrenia yes

This is true, however shizoids can have psychotic episodes under stressful situations or pressure

True, tho i've met psychotics and people on the schizophrenic spectrum that have clear anti-social tendencies or psychopathy, usually these are junks

> i have shizoid "personality disorder" and shizotypal issues as well, not delusional aka no positive symptoms, basically my chemicals are mixed up serotonin and dopamine are unregulated, can't stand being around people.

Basically i just had shizoid which isn't really a debilitating disorder, however when you have shizoid disorder you can become psychotic and get shizotypal due to stress, drugs and general abuse psychical and mental

>> No.9111574

I have autism and I get schizotypal due to stress as well. I even get hallucinations and delusions every once in a while.

>> No.9111594

don't call my waifu a sociopath plz

>> No.9111735

I've loved this song ever since I was a little kid, but now that I've experienced a relationship with a woman I understand it, and I wish I didn't. I wish I was blissfully ignorant.


>> No.9111911

It's pretty easy to turn yourself gay you know, start with anime traps, shouldn't take more than year or two. Being born gay is a huge meme

>> No.9111936

>My point is, I would still keep a lookout. I'm not saying that there will be a women exactly made for you,
Nice. You talk about women and their evilness but you feel exacly the same about women as some of them felt about you?

>> No.9112051

I'd sociopath her tits.

>> No.9112066
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>Can women have psychopathy
The most psychopathic person I've met in my entire life would me my own mother, so absolutely! She has fucked every single person that has been close to her (around 9 people) including me, looking at them straight in the eyes with a sadistic smirk.

>> No.9112160

Oh yes obviously.

>> No.9112163

Dint even need to start with traps.

>> No.9112242


Underrated post

>> No.9112243

Yeah, my aunt has it. Best story of it was when she was 6, a neighborhood girl walked up her driveway and asked her if she wanted to come play. My aunt walked up to her and broke the girls nose with the bag she was carrying, totally unprovoked. She was medicated for a short time but my grandma didn't like the prospect of a chemical lobotomy, she went on to be a semi-successful gold digger.

>> No.9112398

>Wrong Shizoid aren't delusional shizotypal, schizoaffective and schizophrenia yes
I'm diagnosed with schizoid, you idiot.
I also never said anything that implied delusional thinking. You don't know the first thing.
>Basically i just had shizoid which isn't really a debilitating disorder
No, you did not. Not unless you live your life in a complex fantasy world you use to mediate your thoughts through and are throughly detached from your external self-experience. Schizoid means "spilt type" for a raisin.
You are just an autism. I know I have Aspergers and developed a schizm as a pre-teen.
The negative symptoms of schizophrenia are lifelong and extremely debilitating in ones capacity to act in accordance to their own will.

>> No.9112402

>basically my chemicals are mixed up serotonin and dopamine are unregulated
>I can't stand being around people
Because you have the tism son. probably with avoidant-attachment behavior.
It is also possible that you have have SPD but lack self-awareness and are unaware of what the condition really is.

>> No.9112459

I am legit diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Like, seriously.

>> No.9112463

I believe you, me too. But are you diagnosed as a schizoid?

>> No.9112473

Actually, I'm not him. I'm the OP. Should have mentioned, the post you replied to is me and only me.
I am not schizoid but a sperg, infact I even have schizoaffective disorder but I'm not necessarily "schizoid" in the slightest. Most of my anxiety comes from OCD and paranoid type shit. I also have a lack of motivation, overactive sex drive, hate for most adults my age, obsession with mathematics and psychology, impulse control difficulties, and a very strange imagination. I just wanted to keep personal issues outside of a /sci/ thread, but I guess it will dwell into that anyway because I'm a hopeless idiot.
I just wanted to know about the Womenz because I'm a dateless virgin and wanted to know if there is a chance I could be fucked over by getting in a manipulative relationship.
So tell me, what's the difference between ASPD in women and it in men?

>> No.9112523

Oh boy, you sound just like my cousin. Good news, your type isn't as emotionally disfunctioning as schizoids, I've taken girls home a few times and I can't even cum, every time they want to get romantically involved with me I drop all contact with them. I haven't tried since I became self-aware so that might have changed.
You're still an especially eccentric sperg so relationships are going to be a little difficult, not impossible. I don't know much about ASPD except it's rare and you shouldn't really worry about it. I do sorta know a guy who most likely had or who was secretly abusing my friend forever and raped another one before being chased out of town. Try to notice people who don't have expressive faces and don't get romantically involved with them, another way to do this since you are probably bad at that is reasonably tests their morality and see if they show a pattern of causing or wishing harm to others. what you need to look out for is the cluster 2 personality disorders like borderline. Probably no real difference between women and men. Just run at the first sign of verbal or physical violence/ moral ineptitude. If they try to belittle you or blow smoke up your ass you might be getting gaslighted.
Really you shouldn't actively stress over this, just try to find love for fucks sake.

>> No.9112532

Even if they play stupid, blame you for their abuse, or convince you that it is in your mind, don't tolerate it. Although that's tough because I'm sure you have minor to severe persecutory delusions. How you recognize it is wether or not they are actually harming you is by their actions and not your suspicions. Certainly don't trust their explanation or yours, only the acts themselves.
It doesn't matter who's flaut what matters is wether or not your parenter is treating you like shit.

>> No.9112549

...But what's the difference? Has this ever been studied? Is anti-social personality disorder and psychopathy made up?
One of the main reason why I can't get girls is because of psychomotor tics goddammit. It's hard for people to take me seriously when I act like tweak tweak from south park. I also talk like a child, not in my vocabulary but in my mannerisms. I have a heavily monotone way of speaking and I was always told I sound like a robot in elementary school. And I can rarely show facial expressions. I will regularly echo what other people say, and it takes me 10000x times longer to get when someone says a joke because I take everything I hear in the most literal way possible. Probably contributes to my psychosis.

>> No.9112569

>is it real
It's concept that describes something real but it's been arbitrarily constructed. These kind of diagnoses are synthetic but they have descriptive power as a heuristic. Yeah it sounds like you really got the autism/OCD. I'm right there to where it isn't too noticeable. You just need to be yourself and put yourself out there, just don't try to depend on this for fulfillment. Be self sufficient and look for love in the mean time.
Maybe try a behavioral cut up, get 3000 dollars and a plane ticket to India and travel for a few months in realitive luxury. Indian culture and international backpackering communities are generally pretty understanding dudes. Just keep in contact with friends and family back home if you have to go it alone.

>> No.9112576

Also don't smoke weed

>> No.9112582

But that's where you're wrong. Psychopaths do have empathy, they just don't attach to it.

>> No.9112583

I am already in a luxurious life-style though. I am upper middle class. That's not my issue. My issue is with feeling love in belonging with my family and the community. I am also so desperate for a relationship that I always feel nervous around women and even despise, envy, and obsess over women. I also live in the south so my culture is very distant from India. I also am right in the bible belt so I have religious fantasies with God and Satan. I believe Satan talks to me sometimes, I am actually not even sure if he's real or not.
Last time I talked to my therapist, he cut it short because I didn't make sense when I talked. I normally have disorganized speech and word salad and it's fucking appalling.
Only drugs I have done were anti-psychotics and nicotine. I am not addicting to anything (other than pornography and vidya probably). I should probably get help with my sexual issues but I am really afraid to tell anyone because they will think I'm a freak or something.

>> No.9112587

I think it's more evil if you think you are doing good but actually aren't.

>> No.9112593


>I'm diagnosed with schizoid, you idiot.

they have just replaced emotion with fantasy

>replaced emotion with fantasy

Clear indication of delusional thinking that leads to psychosis

>> No.9112601
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It's clear you can't stand criticism and try act like the informant because someone called you out

> the tism son

First off grow up, second i was tested on all sorts of things autism being ruled out entirely, you're mistaken

>lack self-awareness and are unaware

That's redundant/pleonasm also no

>basically my chemicals are mixed up serotonin and dopamine are unregulated wrong

No right, at least partially, allot of schizophrenia is regulation of chemical imbalance, you'd know this if you weren't acting like you're an authority
Also stop same fagging me

>You are just an autism

Well that doesn't sound right i literally am an autism ok

>No, you did not. Not unless you live your life in a complex fantasy world you use to mediate your thoughts through and are throughly detached from your external self-experience.

throughly isn't a word

>Not unless you live your life in a complex fantasy world you use to mediate your

That's not a significant factor of shizoid disorder if at all, i don't think you understand shizoid disorder or you must be overlapping variants

>You are just an autism. I know I have Aspergers and developed a schizm as a pre-teen

First off you can't fuckin diagnose me for obvious reasons, also i've been tested and any form of autism is ruled out, so again stop enforcing your utter bullshit

>The negative symptoms of schizophrenia are lifelong and extremely debilitating in ones capacity to act in accordance to their own will.

Here i actually partially agree, it's literally the only thing of any merit you said in that little paragraph

>> No.9112605

/sci9k/ - Science and crying about how nobody will fuck you

>> No.9112675

Not really, no.

>> No.9112694


>> No.9112713

Delusion implies false beliefs. This isn't the case.
>A pathological reliance on fantasizing and preoccupation with inner experience is often part of the schizoid withdrawal from the world. Fantasy thus becomes a core component of the self in exile, though fantasizing in schizoid individuals is far more complicated than a means of facilitating withdrawal.[19]:p. 64

>Fantasy is also a relationship with the world and with others by proxy. It is a substitute relationship, but a relationship nonetheless, characterized by idealized, defensive and compensatory mechanisms. This is self-contained and free from the dangers and anxieties associated with emotional connection to real persons and situations.[19] Klein explains it as "an expression of the self struggling to connect to objects, albeit internal objects. Fantasy permits schizoid patients to feel connected, and yet still free from the imprisonment in relationships. In short, in fantasy one can be attached (to internal objects) and still be free."[19] This aspect of schizoid pathology has been generously elaborated in works by Laing,[9] Winnicott,[23] and Klein.[19]:p. 64

>First off grow up, second i was tested on all sorts of things autism being ruled out entirely, you're mistaken
Wasn't an insult.

>That's redundant/pleonasm also no
No one implies lack of self awareness and the other implies ignorance as to the way SPD works.
>No right, at least partially, allot of schizophrenia is regulation of chemical imbalance
>Well that doesn't sound right i literally am an autism ok
That's because it was a shitpost. Not picking up on cues like that is pretty characteristic of the autism spectrum
>throughly isn't a word
Refer to above
>r you must be overlapping variants
This is the case. I was mistaken. Withdraw into ones own inner experience is schizoid. Fantasy is just one of many ways of facilitating that, but still rather common.
>First off you can't
Narcissistic rage. Calm down

>> No.9112733

>raging about being called autism
Also you are probably not on the spectrum. I have gotten yours and ops posts somewhat mixed up. The social symptoms of SPD and lower autism spectrum mirror each other. Autistic thinking is also part of SPD.

>> No.9114154

bitches will never b anything da same as men, in anything. dey belong at home, in bed, or in da kitchen makin me a sandwich, yo.

face book , c ō m / jimmylkennedy
San Jose, CA

>> No.9114167

Yes. This is easily answered by a google search, and not worthy of a thread.

>> No.9114376

I actually meant to put this in a SQT but 2 minutes after I clicked submit I was like "fuck".

>> No.9114815


Who gives a fuck?
A nice ass and a good set of boobs compensate for any sick behaviour or mentality.

>> No.9115490

Virgin detected. Get back to /yan/

>> No.9116063

Ever had a girlfriend?
No amount of nice ass and boobs can make up for incessant nagging, emotional abuse, cheating and putting you at risk of stds, etc.

>> No.9116228

They dont have empathy. Thats it you dense retards. If they lackd emotion they'd have no reason to do anything

>> No.9116906

People who have had lobotomies in the past could hold jobs (somewhat).

>> No.9117046


>> No.9117325
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>Kill a kid
>Sprinkle paper-clips around his dead corpse
>Not a psychopath

>> No.9117332

So you have to sprinkle paper clips around someones corpse in addition to getting someone killed to be a psycho?

>> No.9117351

I wish I was here.
>destroy a company
>leave with hundreds of millions because stupid boomers of Verizon buy your company

>> No.9117586

It's just a good example of how deeply psychopathy can permeate the human brain.

It's more than "evolutionary novel traits combining to form dysfunction"

It's a major detriment to the human species.

>> No.9117638

Prove "psychopathy" exists.

>> No.9117727

Then I have to prove psychology exists, but it's readily apparent that such a deviance from the genetic norm is a form of mental retardation.

>> No.9117790

shit man that's me. except I was successful and quiet.

>> No.9117882

That's not sufficient evidence, I guess psychology is bullshit then.

>> No.9117896
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>wah empiricism is wrong and cant exist!

>> No.9117898

Is Psychopathy real or not? You could have said yes or no but you didn't.

>> No.9117919

They don't feel empathy like a man does. They do thinks to make themselves feel better, so they feel like they are on a high horse, not to improve the lives of someone else.

>> No.9117983
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>> No.9117985
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>> No.9117986

it is natural for men like you to crave the validation of their existence and get depressed if they fail to feel relevant, responsible, dutiful.
The best way for a man to cater his need for approval is to serve some woman (and some of her children) through emotional&financial support, which he sees as ''a childish useless submissive woman'' [or whore and he feels betrayed by her]
Men are pleased to contribute to someone else life, to support their family.

Why women are a good way to feel relevant? Because women love to be provided for and each woman will always find a man ready to please her.
[for most men, the best feeling of feeling real is when the girl moans from your cock in her pussy, or for the most impotent, their tongue in the pussy]

THe problem for men is that they are disposable in the eyes of each woman, since all men wish to serve the few women who talk to them.
Men must thus invent several ways to please women, invention and creativity which strengthen their feeling of being worthy, relevant, in touch with reality.
Men are too impotent to find other way to feel real.
Once that the a woman replaces a man by another provider, the man gets very upset and depressed.
THis leads men to think that they are better than women, stronger, smarter and that they must built a life outside women. Some men manage to indeed built an empire, but they will always loose it for some women.
Women give meaning to men and betas, no matter how successful outside women, will always give up everything for some relationship with some woman who claim to fancy them.

>> No.9118253

Psychopathy and sociopathy are equally common in men and women alike

>> No.9118327

>t. roastie

>> No.9118338

>Women are no more evil than any other animal
This is true, women arent evil in the same way dogs arent, but we hold dogs on a leash for a reason.

>> No.9119670

I am actually diagnosed with aspd.
Thing is, yes, both women and men can be sociopaths/psychopats
However there is this common misconception that people with aspd dont have emotions. This is false.
These people, like me, just lack empathy and have relatively poor emotional intelligence, so they can be a bit out of touch with whats morally right or wrong and will generally just be very selfish narcissistic and egocentric, comoletely disregarding the rules or the society.

Thats it. Everything else is quite normal, but depending on the persons upbringing intelligence and personality in general, some of them might become criminals, and many do, others might just sleaze their way up the corporate ladder and grow to be sucessful upstanding(ish) citizens.

Now, its worth noting that just as any other disorder, no to patients are the same.
There are varying degrees of severity, so you only ever notice very extreme cases like ted bundy. You probably interacted woth quite a few both female and male sociopaths without ever realising it.

>> No.9121078

How would you even get diagnosed with aspd in the first place?

>> No.9121086

That is the absolute core definition of evil. Women are scum. Stop pretending this is acceptable. It must be stopped.

>> No.9121114

damn god she looks so incredibly hot on that pic, that it creates the illusion of experiencing physical pain

>> No.9121129

Mad about Alimony?

>> No.9121137

Nope. Mad about being a 28 year old virgin. Literally never going to not be rejected.

>> No.9121146

Females with Boarderline Personality Disorder are truly evil. I say this without hyperbol. They lack a soul and are a purest form of unbridled narcissistic greed. Stalin, Hitler and Jews have a greater good. These females do not.

>> No.9121157

Maybe you shouldn't be such a loser lol

>> No.9121163

Found one already >>9121157

>> No.9121175

I'm not mentally ill, you're just out of touch.

>> No.9121179

Nah, you're a cunt and definitely have no heart or human feelings. Seek help.

>> No.9121187

Imagine being this delusional.

>> No.9121190

U mad

>> No.9121194

You hate 50% of the population.

>> No.9121197

ASPD is anti social personality disorder. It's what psycopaths are diagnosed with.

Fucking brainlet.

>> No.9121199

She said needs to creampied a minimum of 3x/day. She said so on her dating app I hacked a few years ago.

>> No.9121202

Justifiably so for you, you mentally ill witch. Or are you forgetting that you are the one who chose to be an insulting, cruel person first out of nowhere? Fucking hell.

>> No.9121204 [DELETED] 

You are so pathetic.

>> No.9121689
File: 94 KB, 1200x1552, photos-5927048aac01987bf01383cf-master-pass.ff_holmes_large2.theranos - Google Search.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

< a better specimen?

>> No.9121700

>le I'm right because I """won""" an internet argument

>> No.9122238

Can there be a women more beautiful than Monica Bellucci?

>> No.9122855

Technically it does make me right.

>> No.9123445

Why am I so attracted to her. Do I have a femdom fetish. Yes, yes I do.

>> No.9124178

She's richer than you for sure.

>> No.9124288

Meyer's laugh > theranos what's her name voice

>> No.9124331

I love you too little wizard.

>> No.9124336

Definitely! Women are BY FAR worse.
>t. Work at psyche hospital.

>> No.9124365

Schizoid is absolutely nothing like ASPD. They're in different categories for a reason.

>> No.9124368

Why do you think we so rarely hear about women going on killing sprees compared to dudes?

>> No.9124369

I hate 99% aka Brainlet Normies

>> No.9124373

Not him but I think it's because women are more likely to see a mental health professional because there's less self-perceived stigma than with men and because mentally ill women are more likely to have social supports as compared to mentally ill men.

>> No.9124385

I don't think psychopaths respond super well to treatment.

>> No.9124514
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When I was diagnosed Asperger's the psychiatrist said that schizoid is closely related. From what I've gathered, schizoids often scheme (strategize like Aspies), but not in an aggressive or manipulative way. ASPD is more like NPD but more covert.

>> No.9124530

Yes, schizoid and Asperger's are largely the same as far as I know. However, as has been mentioned a few times already, ASPD in this case stands for Anti-Social Personality Disorder.

>> No.9124541

But that seems to only work in direct relation to men. If men wouldn't exist then women's emotional intelligence would be useless since it requires a proxy (aka, someone to be manipulated) to work. A group of stereotypical men would still function if they lived without women on a secluded island. I doubt the same could be said for women because they wouldn't have a proxy where they can apply their emotional intelligence. The form of emotional intelligence women seem to display seems to be completely self-serving and doesn't actually add any value to the situation.

If men suddenly turned asexual then it would negatively affect women. If women turned asexual it would barely affect men.

>> No.9125039
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>She has fucked every single person that has been close to her (around 9 people) including me
um can you be specify that a bit?

>> No.9125074

I'd make her yahoo

>> No.9125567

I would very much like to creampie her from both ends 3-5 times per day.

>> No.9125570

>from both ends
>3-5 times per day
So basically 6-10 times per day? Wouldn't that be exhausting?

>> No.9125577

all you had to do was google it

>> No.9125578

All you had to do was hide, sage, report, doxx, delete system 32, tie a noose, and kill yourself but you choose to reply. Why?

>> No.9125598

For at least the first couple of weeks it would be worth it. She could keep me in a special hidden bedroom attached to her office. Whenever she needed more power or blowoff so steam I would go to work on one of her holes. There would be fluffers involved as well and I'd have my own secret exit in the secret room.

>> No.9126213

psychology is not a science and should not be taken seriously.

>> No.9126528


>> No.9126653

Ive been married twice. Known many women.

I have come to realize that (except in the top 0.001%) women simply do not hold reason or logic in the high regard that men do. They simply don't value it. They value logic and reason how men value "my feelings" in a debate.

They will, however use your own logic against you if you misspeak since they understand logic that has a very limited scope. It usually simple "cause and effect".

They do not value logic, reason, justice, hard work or any of the things that men do. If they pretend to, it is a sham and if you belive it you have given up social power to them and they know it. Its like when you tell a woman you value emotions. Sure, you do, very limitedly and in limited contexts. Emotions and feelings do not permeate the mental process and decision making of men in general. This is true for logic and women as well.

Women value feelings (even though studies have procen that men experience emotion more deeply and that it drives the to action), social ordering, their own comfort.

Their brain is not the linear tool of logicical just reasoning of men, but the unorganized form of emotion and social manipulation.

You can do little to mold a woman by logic and reason. It is futile.

What you can do is use guilt, emotion, and social manipulation. You have to use their own tools against them. You have to learn their tools.

Women are nowhere near the level of men in any regard.

That doesn't make them "bad", per se. They can provide a fun experience for a man, and bare his children.

Other than that, they should be utilized as needed. Do not care too much about them or they will cheat on you, hurt you, and take you for all you are worth.

Women are psychopaths. The singular thing that they want is comfort. This implies money, social status, and self-esteem.

They will do ANYTHING no get those things.

Feminism, equality, fat acceptance' etc.. All of it makes them feel "comfortable". logic reason and justice be damned.

>> No.9126662


By the way. Dont ever tell this to a social manipulator. Dont give these people the upper hand.

Its better to just know it and act on it.

It does more harm than good to reveal the inner workings of rational thought tona woman. They see justification and reason for action as a weekness.

Read the 48 laws of Power for a more general and comprehensive insight into this.

>> No.9127745

Sadism is not synonymous or a decisive measure of sociopathy.

Sadism requires intelligence, satisfaction from controlling, inflicting and owning and asserting that power and dominance. It requires things sociopaths lack, planning, patience, an iq with three digits.

Sociopaths are just impulsive violent dumb impressionable shits that are fools for appearances.

>> No.9127975

What is abortion my man. They kill more kids than any Adam Lanza ever.

>> No.9127977

>she has fucked ever single person
>including me

>> No.9128540

But the Doctor is the one who aborts the baby, not the mother who pays for the operation. They kill more people than Breivik.

>> No.9129324

lmao took a trip to /sci/ for shits and giggles and I find the greatest collection of autistic nerds in this Taiwanese mountain biking imageposting forum

>> No.9130534

No but she can have my dick up her ass

>> No.9130538

whomst is this saemon daemon

>> No.9130653

this, cunt should fuck off

>> No.9130733

What does that even mean?

>> No.9130821

>/sci/ - Science & Math

>> No.9130833

Psychology is science.

>> No.9131636

That's actually pretty mean.

>> No.9131648

Psychopathy is just a quirk of personality, albeit a big on, so it would probably manifest in the same way normal personalities differ, e.g.: men being more direct, etc etc