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9107353 No.9107353 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9107358

You don't.

>> No.9107359


>> No.9107363

Why not?
I thought science and science journalism was being about as objective and literate as possible?

Thank you.
Where's the chemistry section?

>> No.9108137

Anything else?

>> No.9108146

Not in 2017. America is so binary these days, extreme left or extreme right. Science is government funded in a time where the government and therefor the funding of science is under fire from libertarians and people desiring freedom in general; most scientific journalism is parroting a dangerous leftist narrative in self defense, putting objectivity on the back burner for their own livelihood.

>> No.9108171

We live in sad times.

>> No.9108173

the best I can think of is actual scientific papers and you research the author to see who is paying them

>> No.9108179

Leftists and SJWs have been lied to for so long and so deeply by people in power, they are so emotional and intentionally ignorant it will be difficult to find an end that does not result in more violence than it already has. Many humans are so intellectually flawed I think the only way forward is to develop sentient AI, let it run its course, and let them carry our consciousness and culture across the universe as far as it can reach before space expands too much.

>> No.9108190

>Leftists and SJWs have been lied to for so long and so deeply by people in power,
Oh my yes only those people. The alt-right and fascists are the only ones who have been told the truth all along.
Thank you for your objective enlightenment we can all go about improving our lives now

>> No.9108216

Nature has a pretty nice news site, although it's limited to research published in their journals

>> No.9108227

The alt right are essentially libertarians and fascists only exist in tiny fringe groups in remote parts of the country. Nobody has been getting told the truth by anyone in power, not everybody has blindly accepted subjective fantasy land nonsense.

>> No.9108301

It has become impossible. You used to be able to, but a triple barrier system has been growing in the last two decades. Paywall, Academic in-circle, and CLASSIFIED.

>> No.9108318
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>The alt right are essentially libertarians and fascists
>libertarians and fascists

>> No.9108762

Is that the bullshit they teach journalists to make every issue look like a prefectly two sided one?
They aren't being rash enough.
Please stop calling fake libertarians libertarians

>> No.9108828

ArXiV isn't peer reviewed, which means we occasionally get stuff like this:

Angewandte-Chemie(can you handle the puns)
Other journals
A Twitter bot run by a scientist in my field

>> No.9108835

Even if it was peer reviewed, garbage would still get through, look at the entire field of psychology.

>> No.9109248

>(can you handle the puns)

Even as a physicist I heard that. Is it so bad?
All I see in the papers I read is an occasional snide remark.

>> No.9109482

>social sciences

sorry, out of luck, not real science

>> No.9109488

>bias free

>> No.9109505

>most scientific journalism is parroting a dangerous leftist narrative in self defense, putting objectivity on the back burner for their own livelihood.
And yet somehow the Science and Technology division of the Whitehouse is completely unstaffed for the first time since Eisenhower founded it, and prominent American scientists are being axed left and right.

Seems, if anything, if you wanted to defend your livelihood, you'd have a right wing bias. Most of these researchers would be defending jobs that make less than $50K/year anyways, despite the amount of funding that goes into them, and could easily make more money telling big pharma what they want to hear.