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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9106711 No.9106711 [Reply] [Original]

how often do you have one-on-one talks with your professor, my fellow /sci/ssors?

>> No.9106713

I would never voluntarily talk to anybody I didn't have to, I only talk to my advisor and even then I try to avoid doing so.

>> No.9106742

I've taught at two large state schools. Working on my PhD now.

I never do it, and I should.

My students should do it, and they never do.

Pretty sad, really

>> No.9106744

Once a week. He only comes in a tuesday and friday for a few hours at a time. This can be frustrating a times. But if I write down all the problems I run into it ends up not being that big of a deal

>> No.9106764
File: 7 KB, 152x128, breakneck_physics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with his neck? Is it because of his phenotype?

>> No.9106773

In what?

>> No.9106783

Math obviously

>> No.9106784
File: 75 KB, 601x601, 1445706307063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ask prof for help
>he roasts me for the entire meeting, makes me feel like a retard

t-t-thanks professor

>> No.9106785

Visit at least a few times early in semester so they know your face. It makes it easier to make up a test or bargin for partial credit sometime later. Try and figure out whether they lean left or right politically so you can virtue signal to their pet bullshit.

>> No.9106788

I think he's talking about the lab accident that just happened

>> No.9106790


>> No.9106796

fuck you I already have anxiety issues

>> No.9106878
File: 577 KB, 2000x2312, University-of-Cambridge-Shield.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

four one-on-two scheduled supervisions a week

>> No.9106882

At least once a week. But 99% of the time it is the same professor so I don't know if that counts.

>> No.9106924

A lot, we joke around a lot.

>> No.9107014

yeah, no homo

>> No.9107018

She's a woman

>> No.9107021

who said you were a man?

>> No.9107022

Weekly in person. Daily on slack. Also a weekly meeting with our research group (3-5 guys)

>> No.9107027

D-do you fug?

>> No.9107033

>getting anxiety from 4chan posts

>> No.9107036
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No that would be strange

>> No.9107327

I used to ask my math professors what the bullshit we were learning physically represented but the answers were always trash or "I dunno." If you don't know what it is then maybe it shouldn't be taught.

>> No.9107349


>> No.9107392

Only two professors. One I do research under and the other is my advisor. They've both made me realize that professors really are just human and not some strange academia robots. Maybe I should more often.

>> No.9107415


the guy in the left is the retard who keeps forcing the phenotype meme.

>> No.9107421

Why would I talk to my professor in their offices other than homework. I'm not the professor's friend which is why students never address the professor by their first name.

>> No.9107430



And tutes don't count because you have to do tutes. We're talking about going out of your way to talk to your profs (and tutors aren't even professors anyways, so this entire reply is garbage)

>> No.9107468


>> No.9107479

I talk to them briefly before/after classes, the only downside is the people accusing you of kissing ass

>> No.9107482

Who cares anon if it's true? Maybe they might give you a higher grade if they like you enough.

>> No.9107509

At the very least once, usually twice to three times a week, it's quite helpful and fun.

>> No.9107516

If I were in high-school, I would tried to be close to my physics professor. However, of all a sudden, over since I made transition to college, I don't have an urge to connect with my teacher. I think anybody that would try to befriend their teacher is strange for doing so.

>> No.9107532

He is a brainlet, like most of us, doomed to reading what the PHENOTYPED individuals such a Witten have come up with. We can't compete

>> No.9107588

Like once a week now. With my old professor I'd see them like four times a week. Lab meeting, sub group meeting, personal meeting, and them checking in in the lab.
Give or take an additional meeting over beer.
Roast them back. Also don't forget to purposely disobey their instructions.
You want me to do thing? Haha, whoops I did other thing instead. Well in cases in which they are wrong.
Dude gross, that is like academic incest

>> No.9108734

>my fellow /sci/ssors
i like this

>> No.9108850
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I don't need to go see them for help, and I'm too anxious to socialize with them, so I never have any. I'd call them up like pic related if I could

>> No.9109316

Pretty often, but that's only because I want to screw my TA

>> No.9109445
File: 295 KB, 401x469, yotsuba kachik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you describe the angle of his neck as acute or obtuse? It works both ways.

>> No.9109448

Where are you from?

>> No.9109515

I think his phenotype and Witten's P H E N O T Y P E repel each other

>> No.9109624

If you don't talk to your prof's how do you get references for grad school you Fucking antisocial idiots

>> No.9110056

At the most maybe once a week with a few professors I have taken numerous courses with. Often times just quick back and forth chats after classes are enough to help nail down paper proposals and assignments.

>> No.9111428


shoe her your bepis

>> No.9111533

I like to go to cyber security stuff and one of my professors hooks me up. We've had some beers and he's cool I guess. I'm fairly incompetent with socially interacting so I'd rather not talk to anyone if I can help it.

>> No.9111591

brainlet detected

>> No.9111929
File: 742 KB, 954x1080, 1502672686768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips on getting on the good side of a professor? My classes start next week and I want to make a good impression without looking like a suck up/teacher's pet.

>> No.9112002


sit near the front and constantly make eye contact

>> No.9112682

Just make the conversation natural man, also make sure you are GENUINELY interested in the course the professor is offering. I have a few tips for you:

1. Study up on the topic before the course starts. You will most likely have some questions about things while studying, and assuming you're not a brainlet, this is the kind of question a professor likes to answer. So after the first lecture, go to him, and say "Hi, I've already done some studying on this topic, but I was wondering how..." Professors LOVE it if you are genuinely interested in the course. If you show this after the first lecture already, he will most likely keep recognizing you as >that guy who likes my course.

2. Get a good grade for his course. Devote time and attention to his course, draw out intuitive pictures of hard to grasp concepts, get a feeling for things, discuss stuff with your new friend the professor.

3. Send him an email after the course, thanking him, and asking what follow-up courses you should do, or whether he has any good recommendations for papers or books you can read to learn more about the topic at hand.

Don't fuck this up and you'll be giving each other nicknames and hanging out in their office laughing about the other professors in only a few months time.

>> No.9112749


neck buckling under the weight of the PHENOTYPE

>> No.9112852

>Roast them back.
That is a very disrespectful thing to do.