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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 208 KB, 1024x727, 56FAF969-3D31-44B7-857F-3B102AABB5EE-1158-000001E547C02D75.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9106100 No.9106100 [Reply] [Original]

Alright lets talk about the Fermi Paradox, and specifically, at what point in time, and what kind of challenge the Great Filter is?

For the uninitiated:


I'll start by going on record that the explanation that seems to make the most sense to me is that the Great Filter lies ahead of us in the form of an advanced predatory species, similar to the reapers in Mass Effect. It seems to be logical that the first civilization to reach a type 3 civilization wouldn't tolerate others coming close, and before ever becoming anything close to a threat, they are wiped from the face of the galaxy with no trace of their existence left?

Or you could be a memeing faggot and disregard the Great Filter theory, and believe the "Government" is keeping extraterrestrial communication from the public.

>> No.9106111

This universe is a game of Sburb; heat death is because the game has a time limit. We have reach type III within the time limit to claim our Ultimate Reward.

>> No.9106116

Lol, and what are we rewarded with?

>> No.9106553

creating our own pocket dimension so we escape the heat death completely and then start our own universe as a type IV civilization

>> No.9106629
File: 21 KB, 300x289, 1486019921615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>evolutionary leaps
>evolution is a linear device that progresses to an ideal

>> No.9106633

Have you considered that a type III civilization might be far more culturally advanced than us as well? We have no idea what their philosophy might look like. It's a big and unwarranted assumption that they'd want to eradicate other civilizations for the sake of it.

>> No.9106637
File: 240 KB, 320x320, 1500677148203.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They may at one point just live in a virtual world and stop care about the "real" one. I think it's stupid to assume that advanced civilisations are necessary interested in expansion

>> No.9106691
File: 197 KB, 396x882, fermi paradox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9106699
File: 728 KB, 2515x2515, rvLSskV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pic related, you have your answer.

>> No.9106701

How was that picture taken?

>> No.9106710


Funny how "scientists" believe in so many things they've never seen before isn't it anon?

>> No.9106717

>artists conception

>> No.9106718

I don't think that's really how philosophy works.

>> No.9106758
File: 111 KB, 640x434, reptilian-ambassador.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How was that picture taken?

We asked the Reptilian ambassador for it.
How else?

>> No.9106797

The star that powers your virtual world will die much before the heat death of the universe

>> No.9106805

Where are the radio broadcasts from the alien species that were around a million years ago?
They should have reached us from wherever they were in the galaxy.

>> No.9106848

The simplest explanation for the great filter would be natural disasters out of the control of intelligent beings before they achieve the necessary technology to survive them.

i.e. disease + low birth rate, super volcano, astroid hitting planet, excessive heat due to sun expansion/super nova.

All of these can easily cause species extinction and it's a matter of just inconvenient timing.

>> No.9107269

>what are red dwarfs
>what are white dwarfs
>what is hawking radiation
its almost as if you know fuck all about astronomy and cosmology

>> No.9107348
File: 159 KB, 1024x1024, Earth_formation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Great Filter
Consider that life on Earth happened just about as soon as it could have, right after it stopped being a fiery meteorite catcher. So, stuff like bacteria is easy.

Now consider that it took about 3 billion years for true multi-cellular life to develop. It only took about 1 billion to go from pond scum to space capable or only 25 million from first ape to modern human. This tells us the biggest hurdle is probably getting a bunch of cells to not only work as a single organism, but also swap DNA through reproduction as single organisms.

>> No.9107365

Why participate in a game that you will never see the conclusion of?

>> No.9107372

the signal becomes so faint that they are undetectable and they essentially are no different to random radio waves emitted by random things

>> No.9107380

The simplest explanation is economics. Building shit for space is hard and expensive, and there will always be things people would rather spend money on. So instead of making a focused effort to dump a few planet-years worth of wealth into a big ship that may or may not survive voyage interstellar and maybe safely deliver the descendants of its initial living cargo, people will just try to make their lives better in the here and now. It's just never worth it - no one alive will ever see a payoff.

After all, it took a dick measuring contest of a planet divided in two teams to jump one of the smallest hurdles, 50 years ago. It's all downhill from there.

>> No.9107383

our own history shows radio broadcasts are short lived. there was this tiny window where radio dominated our communications before being subsumed by more efficient means. not much chance we'd just so happen to have close enough radio users in the right time frame.

>> No.9107389

The fermi paradox isn't real.
The reason you aren't seeing interstellar civilizations is because SPACE IS BORING
The future is not spreading out among the stars but inwards as virtual gods.

>> No.9107390

The Great Filter is the global totalitarian government that will have no purpose other than cement and perpetuate itself on this planet and sustain the elites.

>> No.9107397

>be incredibly lucky
>immediately assume many others should be just as lucky
We are alone, everyone else died to natural disasters or more likely never existed.

>> No.9107436

I thought this was /sci/, not /x/