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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9105936 No.9105936 [Reply] [Original]

Studying tips

1. Masturbate while studying so your brain associates studying with pleasure, having premature ejaculation helps.

2. Use a separate browser when studying on the computer so you don't get distracted by your history/bookmarks.

3. Use the Pomodoro technique when studying, to stop procrastinating. 25 minutes of uninterrupted studying, followed by a 5 minute break. Once you complete 3-4 sessions, you can take a longer break. Whenever you get distracted during each 25 minute session, reset the timer and do 3 pushups. I usually get distracted once per minute so I end up doing 75 pushups per 25 minute session and one 25 minute session can take up to 100 minutes for me.

4. Print out all your notes so you don't get distracted by your computer

5. Write down your study materials until you can remember everything by memory

6. When doing questions, change up the numbers so you can pretend that you're testing yourself rather than doing the same questions over and over again.

Share your tips with one another.

>> No.9105939


>> No.9105946

unironically amphetamines because of place preference

>> No.9105950

>not taking a vacation all year and studying all subjects 1 month before all tests


>> No.9105963

I occasionally masturbate while reading or working on something intensive. I don't know how it intertwines with state as a whole, and subsequent results, but it does seem to help fluidity of thought. Generally I'm high on cacao / guarana seeds at the time, or in an otherwise altered state. Though not universally.

I do not consider myself an overly sexual person, but I would say masturbation and self pleasure in general is often misframed. It should be taken and treated just as such, sessions of self pleasure and a degree of self connection. It is not important whether it is put into a discrete unit of time, or interleaved.

>> No.9105966

wtf? why is /sci/ full of druggies? what's the point of that PHD if you end up going to jail

>> No.9106020

You won't go to jail if you're not a brainlet faggot, you just have to order them on internet

>> No.9106030

You dont go to jail if you aren't an idiot. Really, it's not hard. The police are idiotic and the only way to get caught is by sheer stupidity or someone sets you up, aka you are an idiot for associating with them.

>> No.9106032

wtf I hate /sci/ now

>> No.9106680
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>3 pushups
>75 max per session


>> No.9106704

Why does this sound like some old secret chinese study guide?
>knowledge + pleasure
>more knowledge then pleasure
>too much pleasure = no success
> disciplinary action must be taken

>> No.9106712

I concentrate better at the library than home.

But that makes 1. a bit difficult...

>> No.9106736

Hey you could meet a freaky chick also into that

You could also get a restraining order

>> No.9106896
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Do "it" for her.

>> No.9106900

>1. Masturbate while studying so your brain associates studying with pleasure, having premature ejaculation helps.
Can confirm it doesn't help

>> No.9106910

Bad idea. You can't condition yourself like that, especially if you know that you are conditioning yourself. That is not how the brain works. You will only end up associating studying with masturbation and will want to masturbate every time you study. Perhaps if you had a scientist you did not know about who sent a prostitute to your room every time you studied then you would start associating pleasure with studies.

I guess this is good but if you can be this easily distracted then it would be better to look for the root cause and attack that instead of working around it.

Studying patterns are retarded. If you are literally having to think about timing your studies and then remembering when to do push ups and when to stop and having a second timer for your break time then you already fucked up. You are thinking about so much shit instead of just studying. Just fucking study.

Waste of time and money. Again, if you are so easily distracted by screens then you should look for the root cause.

Waste of time and energy. Instead of writing shit down over and over just fucking study.

Another special study rule to keep track off. Stop tacking on so much bullshit on your study patterns. Just fucking study.

Here is the one and only tip:

1. Get into a major you actually like so that you do not have to force yourself to study and put all these retarded rules on yourself like having study timers, break timers and special break timers with special schedules for push ups and cock sucking or whatever the fuck OP said.

And a second optional tip:
2. Be born smart

>> No.9106925

Amphetamine is literally proven to cause delusion that you are performing/learning/whatever fantastically when in reality it's only a minor increase or even decrease.

>> No.9106930


1.Spend 30 minutes reading/messy notetaking.
2.Spend 15 minutes editing/reorganizing/paraphrasing/making notes more accessible/readable/
3.Spend 30 minutes filling in gaps in notes that you took from one book with another source whether it is a books/articles/whatever.
4.Spend 30 minutes doing any exercises related to your field of study for the purpose of maintaining what you know, or if there are no exercises then recite the material.
5.And finally 15 minutes of doing any exercises for the purpose of learning to tackle harder challenges/growing or if there are no exercises then explain what you have learned to someone.

These 30/15/30/30/15 are roughly ratios of time so if you need to tackle more learning material increase the time you spend in each category accordingly.

>> No.9106934

Studying tip:
Study while wearing girl clothes to get in touch with your feminine side. It's proven by /g/ to make you better at computer science, and will also make you better at your scientific field of choice.

>> No.9106939


>> No.9108266

>just fucking X
you're cool and tough

>> No.9108299

This is for performance. We're talking about studying. One can definitely study longer and with more focus while on amphetamines.

>> No.9108306

or you could just pick a subject you like and never feel like you're fighting something

>> No.9108315

>Masturbate while studying so your brain associates studying with pleasure, having premature ejaculation helps.
The Vedic ascetics abstained from masturbation, because it makes people weak and lazy. Biologically speaking, after ejaculation, there is no drive to win a Nobel prize, Fields Medal, write an amazing paper, or study hard to win over prospective reproductive partners.

>> No.9108330
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>1. Masturbate while studying so your brain associates studying with pleasure, having premature ejaculation helps.

>> No.9108345

>why is /sci/ full of druggies?
who do you think are the ones posting the conscience threads?

>> No.9108718

>Get into a major you actually like so that you do not have to force yourself to study
you obviously have not reached a truly high level of proficiency in anything
when you get past the "honeymoon" phase of a new hobby or skill, discipline will be necessary

>> No.9108750

im not really in the mood to explain it, but i am refering to the ability of amphetamine to speed up and strengthen conditioning

If you take amphetamine and go study, every time, it will become easier to do off the drug.

It's basically like when people say "masturbate when u study so you associate pleasure with study" except it's real, and amphetamine kicks it into high gear.

>> No.9108880

To say honestly, when I fell for vidya and chans memes, I stopped read even very interesting books. Discipline is needed, you guessed right.

>> No.9108918

>Get into a major you actually like so that you do not have to force yourself to study
It's what Brainlets majoring in Easy & unemployable shit like History of Art tell to themselves.

>> No.9108920

works for undergrad. can't do that in graduate school senpai

>> No.9108922
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Do it for Kurisu.
>As an "experiment"