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9105141 No.9105141 [Reply] [Original]

Really makes you think...

>> No.9105144

no problem for vegans

>> No.9105310

can confirm, not an issue for me.

>> No.9105324

I'm a genelet with lactose intolerance. Not an issue for me either.

>> No.9105326
File: 200 KB, 568x379, 130425_EX_CHERNOBYL.jpg.CROP.original-original[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the computer you use to shitpost spreads radiation
>thousands of people are dead from chernobyl due to radiation
Really makes you think...

>> No.9105339
File: 23 KB, 320x160, g-JaGhnrTj-XT19DIxGp8Rgw5DvIDTzyF7Asz-3s7ro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Female Hormones in Cow Milk are turning 4Chan Pepe Frogs Gay. Source: Alex Jones.

>> No.9105650
File: 13 KB, 500x290, 235385_00122b89d1e73f86213497aea337dcedbbeede11[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Milk is not meant for humans to drink bro, it's for baby cows

>> No.9105654

Milk has always been disgusting to me.

>> No.9105659

I really wish people wouldn't disingenuously create images like this. I almost think it's a false flag to fan the flames of tribalism, and thus maintain control via divide and conquer. Applied crowd psychology runs the world, and half the time you can practically tell when people's opinions were created by specifically phraseology generated in some thinktank.

I mean yes, the average source of dairy, and to en extent dairy in general, is trash. But there are more accurate and meaningful ways of framing that you're drinking the byproduct of something that might as well be called half dead.

>> No.9105675

how is that wrong?

>> No.9105703

Its not Hormones
Its a Chem in a pesticide used on corn

>> No.9105711
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>how is that wrong?

>> No.9105720

You mean atrazine.
Hormone exposure also plays a role, whether from phytoestrogens, milk, birth control pills in public water, etc.

>> No.9105739

>Other drugs
I need to get me some milk.

>> No.9105743

that's not an argument you dumb retard. It isn't necessarily an argument against drinking milk but it is true. cow milk is for calfs.

>> No.9105753
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>cow milk is for calfs bro, humans can't drink it, gives you cancer and sheit

>> No.9105757

Cow milk is for calves...

Realistically the only food that's "for" humans in the same way cow's milk is for calves is human milk.

Our digestive systems are built to process things not "for" us.

>> No.9105768
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>Our digestive systems are built to process things not "for" us.

>> No.9105778

>Our digestive systems are built to process things not "for" us.
Not really.

>> No.9105779
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straw man, retard.

>> No.9105788

they sort of do in that most things wont instantly kill you just because your body isnt really designed for it. you can eat a nail and maybe live for example. but obbiously if you consistently eat shit you shouldn't (like cow's milk) it will likely take it's toll.

>> No.9105796
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>if you consistently eat shit you shouldn't (like cow's milk) it will likely take it's toll bro

>> No.9105803

Yeah really, samefags. Our digestive system is made to consume plants. Plants don't grow because they want humans to succeed. They're just there and we eat them because we can. Plants are betas and we can abuse them.

>> No.9105818


What about fish?
They're pretty betas and we eat them because we can catch them.

>> No.9105829


>> No.9105847

how dumb are you people? he's 100% correct.

>> No.9105881

are you be 12

>> No.9106871

nigger detected

>> No.9106897

>Our digestive system is made to consume plants
Nope. Humans can't digest cellulose and our stomach acid levels are much higher than other great apes so we can eat meat. I think you meant to say that our digestive system was made to consume some plants and most meats, as we are omnivores.

>> No.9106904
File: 22 KB, 500x500, mineral330-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hydrogen dioxide
>Other dissolved solids

such dangerous

>> No.9106933

yes really, it's why you have a liver

in fact, humans are some of the most badass things alive at eating things they really shouldn't

>> No.9106937

Caucasoid genes are pretty great desufamalam.

>> No.9106968

Vegan bitches btfo

>> No.9107037

>eating chemicals

>> No.9108459

hydrogen dioxide
someone gonna die son

>> No.9108530


>> No.9109954

>Somantic Cells = pus
>perchlorate = Rocket Fuel
>"Aluminium!!! thats a Metal XDXDXDDXD I dont want to eat a metal!!!"
>"""""""""""""""""Other Drugs""""""""""""""

Nice meme anon. You might be onto something with pesticides, antibiotics, and hormones, but you would probably have to drink a ridiculous amount for it to matter [citation needed, I don't give enough of a shit to check]

>> No.9109964

Are you arguing that Our digestive systems are only built to process human milk?

Are you arguing the even more retarded point that cow meat is "for us" and cow milk is "not for us"

I legitimately can't tell what you are trying to say

>> No.9110004

We spent literally hundreds of generations breeding cows to produce milk and meat. They absolutely fucking ARE "for us", just like the plants we breed are "for us".