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9104385 No.9104385 [Reply] [Original]

How far are we from commercial CRISPR gene-editing?

I know the medical and therapeutic benefits are being pushed into practicality as we speak, but (1) how long until we get cosmetic and commercial changes?

Also, beyond asking /sci/ for the practicality, (2) I'm curious to ask what each of you would like to change. If you could enhance any THREE things about your genome, what would they be?

Obviously large changes like gender would be impossible, since that requires replacing a whole chromosome, not a few genes. And certainly things like height, which become fixed by adulthood would be futile to change as an adult.

But what about intelligence? Imagine a near-future where the average IQ of the African continent was raised from the 70-80 range, to that of Albert Einstein.

And then imagine a future where the average IQ of advanced nations like Italy (102) and South Korea (106) are even further advanced.

Imagine not only eradicating heritable disease.... but engineering athleticism, longevity, and wellness?

The cost of healthcare would plummet, and general productivity and wellness would go up.

I am a reasonably wealthy and young engineer (early 20s). If this technology ever becomes available in my lifetime, I would like to raise my memory and intellectual abilities, thereby achieving better cognitive wellness, and I would be willing (and capable) to pay near a million dollars for it.

>> No.9104394
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(OP here again)

PS, please don't let this thread degenerate into a debate about IQ, heritable intelligence, or differences across populations.

1. IQ (g-score) is the single strongest statistical measure to come out of the social sciences, and correlates with academic and financial success. The various s-scores are not sufficient substitutes for the classical IQ / analytic reasoning test (YET).

2. Intelligence is determined mostly by genetics, and is heritable. Intelligence is more heritable than whether you are left-handed or right-handed.

3. Yes, average IQ distributions vary nation-to-nation, and race-to-race.


Please, and thank you. Love you all very much, hope you're having a wonderful day. Can't wait to read your posts.

>> No.9104400
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I don't know but that shit better be practical soon
>enhance my dick size
>enhance my dick size
>enhance my dick size

>> No.9104404

It'll probably become practical within 50-100 years or so, excluding any social stigma, or political red tape, also:

>increase my intelligence
>live past 100
>change my eyes from blue to green (my gran's eyes were green, and I loved her)

>> No.9104408
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I think your dick size is mostly determined by prenatal testosterone, sorry my dude.
Better luck with the next reincarnation...

>> No.9104418
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It'll likely cost near a million dollars by the time it gets practical, so yeah... you better be rich, or get btfo'd
>increase reaction time, for my martial arts
>max my IQ
>reduced aging, but NOT longevity

There's no point living past 100, if you're gonna be a frail skeleton >>9104404

>> No.9104421

>please don't let this thread be about IQ
>here are a while load of un sourced claims about IQ that you're not allowed to refute

Yeah great thread OP well done.

>> No.9104422

I would make it so I no longer have to poop. I think pooping is disgusting. Humans of the future won't have to poop and will look down upon us who have to poop more than we look down on Indians who shit on the streets and eat their own crap.

>> No.9104423
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"here are a while load of un sourced"
bitter brainlet can't even type lol

>> No.9104425
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>tfw I'm Indian
>tfw my country is actually disgusting, and its not a meme
I need to move to Canada

>> No.9104434
File: 7 KB, 229x220, 20638154_10154849334339103_4420647728685951958_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feasible in the next century, but expensive
>I want darker skin, like my father (full african), it would look better on my face shape
>Raise my IQ, even though it's already high
>Remove predisposition to Alzheimer's
I inherited one copy of the APOE ε4 mutation from my mother, predisposing me to the disease. I live healthy, but my odds are still increased.

>> No.9104435

Get well soon, anon

>> No.9104440

Vape nicotine, look it up, Higher chance of cardiovascular problems but better neuro health

>> No.9104444
File: 13 KB, 400x390, 1496390890979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funnily enough, it might actually be easier to edit an adult human's genome than a zygote. We recently discovered that human zygotes have a protective mechanism that counteracts the attempts to use CRISPR Cas9. I'm more skeptical of this technology, and I doubt we'll achieve this Gattaca wet-dream for a few centuries. It's a pipe-dream that we won't live to see.

None of OP's three points on intelligence are controversial, they're all commonly understood to be the case. I don't think he was trying to silence dissent about IQ, I think he just wants the focus to remain on the topic.

>> No.9104445


I'll be destroying the means soon so it's not in the offing, OP. The means of destroying the means are already in place.

>> No.9104447
File: 10 KB, 321x339, 1499481413375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not just chew nicotine gum, or take a nicotine patch? I do it during tests, and last I checked gum chewing doesn't fuck with your lungs.

>> No.9104449

We don't want subhumans here

>> No.9104453

last I studied this vaping was like 1/1000th as bad as smoking. Mostly high regulation for tax purposes but all the actual scientific studies came back with nothing when you vaped with proper equipment and liquid.

>> No.9104456

Not saying it's 100% healthy, but when I checked, again not going to dive back into the studies right now, vaping nicotine was basically safe aside from nicotine itself. Smoking it is where most of the lungs shit came from.

From that it was a hit to cardiovascular health but a help to brain health. See: Smokers having less brain problems.

When I was diving into the subject there was also stuff about looking for similar drugs or basing a drug off nicotine to improve neruo health as well.

>> No.9104458
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Okay..... but 1/1000th as bad as smoking, is still worse than just chewing gum, a patch, or a pill.

Plus 108 pieces of nicotine gum, is like.... 25$. I doubt you'd get as much bang for your buck vaping.

...also, to answer OP
>denser muscles
>better metabolism
>undo my type 1 diabetes

>> No.9104472

You're completely wrong about virtually everything in your post. Vaping is far less expensive, easy to control dosage, and higher dosage is easier.

>> No.9104477


>> No.9104543
File: 856 KB, 998x1330, designer_genes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Gene-editing is literally the technique singularity we all waited.

You can rewrite the genetic code with no limits. You can insert genes or only one base. You can delete harmful gene and replace it by a good one. You can repair a damaged sequence (bye bye cancer). You can add sequences (hello infinite telomeres). You can change the very structure of your body (you want a baby with 3 arms ? no problem).

It's pretty easy, pretty cheap.

You know how Einstein and his bros changed the vision of our universe. Gene editing is a door to an infinite universe of possibilities.

Pic related.

>> No.9104564

Disease Resistance
Lizard/Star Fish Regen abillity
(Coupled with a bacta tank this could make you immortal)
Symmetrical Body With two hearts.

>> No.9104585


> 4444


>> No.9104670

>change my eyes from blue to green You can already do that.

>> No.9104737
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>> No.9104848

CRISPR is far from being able to be put in practice. All the chinese experiments on embryos have resulted in mosaics. Also, deleting a gene's phentotype by non-homologous end joining is quite frequent, but replacing it with a functional one by homology directed repair is super hard.

>> No.9104926
File: 146 KB, 640x425, blaue-chrysantheme_big.5634989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so whats the weirdest coolest cispr story you guys have heard?

>> No.9104932

1) Cure my muscular dystrophy
2) IQ
3) bigger cums

>> No.9105229

More like 5 million years

>> No.9106138

How long nicotine's effects last?

>> No.9106421

It gave me AIDS, 4/10, would not recommend

>> No.9106733

Very far.

>> No.9106951

lol, but serious, 2/3/4 hours....can anyone clarify this to me? i am a fcking brainlet with ADD inattentive type that already tried every single shit without sucess, nicotine is my last shot...

>> No.9107520

aren't they already researching ways to use CRISPR to cure some forms of cancer?

BTW, how costly would be to have your own biology lab at home, to learn microbiology and do stuff from like seeing cells and shit? what about playing with dna/rna?

>> No.9107522


>> No.9108113

crispr is a meme, the proteome is the method of inheritance