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9103024 No.9103024 [Reply] [Original]

I study to distract myself from the existential nightmare of real life. That's how I study 10 hours a day.

>> No.9103030

Then you miss out on the new...

>> No.9103082
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I don't study 10 hours a day, but I study on "vacations" for the same reason

>> No.9103088

That sounds great, I can't focus on studies when I'm down, I just lay in bed all day. How do I learn to channel my energy into studying instead?

>> No.9103112

Not op, but you gotta just do it. Once you've started it's way easier to be consumed by what you're doing.

>> No.9103114

Yeah alright
but what are you studying?

>> No.9103117

This. Why live in the real world when you can get lost in a world of problems to solve solutions to implement. Plus people think you're a good person or whatever when really it's just how you deal (or not deal, rather) with real life. And you get paid so it's a viable lifestyle. (programmer here)

>> No.9103121

I learnt to make something I always put off into my refuge place, I tell myself, before I know it, I would have studied a year away to the next summer break. Good grades is a side benefit.

>> No.9103147
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I blast eurobeat at high volumes while I study.

>> No.9103156


>> No.9103182

I thought I was the only one.

After my girlfriend broke up with me I learnt to use studying as a tool to avoid the pain.

>> No.9103188

Wow are you me?

>> No.9103213

hard to be 87 IQ and depressed...

>> No.9103276

>the existential nightmare
I don't know what this is? It seems to differ person to person, and some people, like myself, never experience anything like it. What's the point of this post?

>> No.9103282

>tfw I also unironically do this
Quality taste anon

>> No.9103284

I envy you, in my case the pain discourages me to do anything

>> No.9103325

I recently discovered that this works. And then I read some philosophy or fiction and get anxious again.

>> No.9103343

>not constantly studying because your sperg curiosity demands it
I study life sciences so studying doesn't help my existential crisis very much

>> No.9103345

Not my personal existential crisis mind you.
I'm not some brainlet nihilist.
It's the existential crisis that comes with watching everything that brings joy to my life erode away into the anthropocene. A literal existential crisis.

>> No.9103348

It's how there's no point in doing anything ever, you assign meaning to what you do. What you do and think are always a result of past experiences and events. This can either be liberating or extremely depressing

>> No.9103356
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My fucking nigga

>> No.9103379

When I'm depressed I cant focus for shit.
I do all my studying on my "hyper" days, which are less and less recently...
I don't have many "normal" days anymore either.
Depressed is my new baseline.

Envy you guys...

>> No.9103406

>a tripfag is depressed
Thanks for bringing us good news. Please tell us when you are going to kill yourself so I can go shit on your grave.

>> No.9103408
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>> No.9103428

Sure thing.

>> No.9103432

Thank you. Do you prefer mexican food or chinese food?

>> No.9103439

Your choice.

>> No.9103443

You don't have the trip, faggot kys

>> No.9103458


This is stupid, we are ruining the OPs feels thread...

>> No.9103463

Don't worry, if OP is someone who has had experiences with tripfags and maybe even bad experiences with you then I am sure he will appreciate seeing you getting shat on.

He probably feels better now.

>> No.9103476

Did I do something to you?
I want to apologise.
Do you want to talk about it?

>> No.9103483

Well, you are a tripfag and you say a lot of dumb shit.
If you want to apologize you can take off the trip so that next time you say something retarded we can assume you are trolling.

>> No.9103489

Ok, this will be my last post with this trip.

Just want to say that it honestly hurts me to know tfw No Kurisu GF to do science with...

Also, anything stupid in specific I said that made you think "this idiot is retarded"?

>> No.9103496

Nothing I can remember off the top of my head but now that you mention it I remember you were born on that retarded thread about why scientists don't have gfs or something like that and people were saying the reason was because there are no girls as pure and smart and Kurisu. Anything that came out of that thread must be retarded.

I also remember a guy explaining why Kurisu is actually a slut so your gf a shit.

>> No.9103500


But I do hope you never have to know this feel.

Also, Kurisu is pure PURE.

>> No.9103511

You love a slut who has had many men inside her. Are you a cuck?

>> No.9103522

Post proof

Besides, its canon that she is a virgin.

>> No.9103525

I really don't know how tripfags don't know why people tell them to suck it but it's hilarious.

Also yes. After all my dreams were vanquished and my family and friends died and women are just diarrhea I have nothing to do but challenge myself. I really really hope some day to do something that has like a good degree of influence just so I'm famous enough that I can say stupid shit and have people make macros. I want to do something groundbreaking and then publicly say things like I have no idea what's going on or I fucking love drugs

>> No.9103527

She went to an american university ergo one night she got drunk and was gangraped by the football team, as usually happens in american universities.

Where is it canon that she is a virgin?

>> No.9103538

Episode 18.

Kurisu and Okabe talk exactly about that.

>> No.9103744

Okabe probably already dicked her, try again.

>> No.9103750
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I thought I suddenly had a problem focusing or that I went retarded and my depression led me to procrastinate and feel guilty all the time.

This helped me get productive again:
1. find a sleep rhythm that works for you:
I always wanted to be the guy that gets up at 4 to start working early but I cannot do it. Even 8am is too early. I always scheduled my day around getting up at 8, when I got up at 11/12 I was already "late" which lead to stress and me procrastinating even more because I am mad that I could already have finished halve of it.
I know get up at 11am/12 and REALLY get my ass out of the bed. When I looked at the clock at 7/8am my brain told me it's too early go sleep a little bit more, even if I already slept 8 hours and then I'd have headaches and feel like shit after waking up which lead to being unproductive. When I look at the clock now my brain thinks it's time to get up and since I didn't plan on getting up earlier I am not "late" for anything and don't feel so stressed. I know this may sound incredible stupid to some but it helped me as I always felt guilty not getting up early.

2. Use a timer/ the pomodoro technique. At first I thought those techniques were memes but it really helped me as I know I only have to stay focused 25 minutes and then I can take a small break.

3. Turn off all distractions. Turn your phone on silent/lay it flat on the screen so you don't see the notifications. No need to reply asap, your pomodoro session will be over soon anyways.

At first I was studying with background noises but now I've switched to ear plugs. I always got distracted by cars passing by or people chattering on the side walk. The ear plugs were a game changer since I now get in the flow more easily and time passes faster as I'm truly focused. Noise is really stressful for me in general and I can't stand it and I don't know why I thought studying with noise would be better (maybe because some people here say else you're a brainlet )

>> No.9103767
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4.Plan what you're doing next. Don't waste your time jumping from one thing to another or trying to work at what to do next. You may feel overwhelmed because there are often SO MANY things to do but when you make a list on what you'll achieve this session you know exactly what has to be done and you can measure your success. It's really motivating when you've got the feeling you're not getting done anything when you have clear evidence of what you've already done.

5.Start by repeating something or do something you already know. At the moment I study for two exams and at the start of my learn sessions I do 2-3 excercises from the days before to get started (B-complement multiplication/division etc.). That way you don't tackle the hard stuff head on and avoid getting frustrated/overwhelmed and have a little introduction to the topic for your brain and solving something gives you motivation continuing.

I think I could write more but I don't even know if something will read this, hope this helps anyone. The most important thing IMO is knowing what you want to get done and just starting (even though that's the hard part).

>> No.9103816

you dumb fucks need closure
obviously if youre a bummed sand nigger
it means youre still mad at the usa for bombing your kids
cut the ties, and move on
life is finite you fucking pussies and make science better so one day you can be resurrected and thanked for all your hard work dumb fucking useless alleles

>> No.9103870
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Wrong race, but same idea. You want your White House burnt down again?

>> No.9103887

In my own stupid fantasy, I'm him.
Ergo I had romantic warm sex with Kurisu and it was both our first times.

Discovered check, and evidently mate.

>> No.9104007
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But if you study as much as you say, you should know now that the world is an incredible dream where everything is possible.

>> No.9104101

You can always just be Chad MD, and just dick pretty much any PhD qt. You don't need to be a loser """""scientist""""" like okabe.

>> No.9104104

Nope, that's precisely why it's depressing. I'm constantly thrown in gauntlets where I have to fight for my life if I ever want to stay successful and relevant, life's a never ending gauntlet at least that's for me.

>> No.9104107
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>I pretend to be okabe

>> No.9104174


>> No.9104253


>> No.9104281

I can be that retarded, and I have the exact same personality.

I don't pretend, I'm a real life version of him.

If I only had friends...

>> No.9104395

That's really sad m8.

>> No.9104426
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I'm not lying.

I haven't killed myself because I don't have what it takes...

That's why, like OP, I've been studying like crazy the last few years...

>> No.9104535

You can have friends and still be depressed. I have really great friends, all of which I know for at least 10 years, some for 21 years (I'm 21). This helps as in I try to force myself to do more when I get really depressed but I am still depressed.

>> No.9104540

I wonder what's the neuroscience behind depression.
Is it just low Serotonin?
I find it hard to believe, there must be a electrical and/or physiological reason

>> No.9104618

If you want a friend, you can have atleast one right now. I'm working on my thesis in university, studying medicine.
My email is kimmo.neva@yahoo.fi
And im from Europe.