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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9101165 No.9101165 [Reply] [Original]

I just proved that Kurzweil is right with his theory that the brain is just a shitload of pattern recognizers organized in complex layers.

I was driving in my car the other day and actually thought there is a old lady on the sidewalk but when I came closer I realized it is just a dumpster which looks like that from a certain point of view. I realized that my brain detects and identifies objects purely by comparing what I see with things I previously saw somewhere else and that it can fail to do so in spectacular ways. I can't stop thinking about what our brain actually is since I had this experience, we arent special, we are no smarter than today's computer's, we just use the power way more efficiently.
The thing is that I was 100% sure that it was an old lady and it reminded me of the neuronal nets confusing negros with gorialls and things like that.
What do you think /sci/, is Kurzweil the Einstein of our time? Are we going to be cyborgs soon? I hope so.

>> No.9101193

>we homo sapien sapiens aren't special
>omg nasa found 3 cells on mars that we left there
>i hope we become cyborgs
Atheism. Everytime.

>> No.9101196
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nice contribution to the topic, retard.

>> No.9101212

>atheism being mocked even on /sci/ now
I want americans to leave.

>I just proved that Kurzweil is right with his theory that the brain is just a shitload of pattern recognizers organized in complex layers.
Yeah you/he is right about that, it happens to me loads of times. I really don't see what it all has to do with le singularity meme tho.

>> No.9101296

Humans are special op. You are special.
I remember nasa doing that too.

>> No.9101552

dualist faggots need to die

>> No.9101572

Sorry, but Dennet is a brainlet

>> No.9101576

That doesn't make dualism true lol.
Please solve the problem of interaction if you're so sure of yourself.

>> No.9101595

>I just proved that
Stopped reading there. No you didn't.

>> No.9101603
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ok Einstein, explain where I'm wrong. I'm listening.

>> No.9101607

I just told you I stopped reading at the first sentence. Are you retarded?

>> No.9101611

Are you talking about computers or brains?

>> No.9101614

no u

>> No.9101692

I was going to say the same. Indeed, that one was a really stupid comment.

>> No.9101716

This amount of same fagging to bump the stupidest thread in the catelog.

>> No.9101751

Com'on. It is true that he didn't actually prooved what he claimed. But his ideas were indeed interesting. Maybe the brain has more features than just that one. But your comment didn't add to the discussion.

Let the social scientists do the job of talking shit to each other.

I hereby define the four levels of tribal conflict. First level is the Primate Level where the components literally throw shit at each other. Second level is the Normie Level, where the members just talk shit to each other without coming any close to conveying logical ideas. Third level is the Peer Level, where the constituents, in order to attack each other, simply write a paper on the subject in discusion, in which they want to show superiority, and upload to arXiv for peer review. And finally the fourth level of tribal conflict is Clay Level. In this level when two participants get into an argument, the winner is the one that solves an open Clay problem for the sole purpose of showing dominance, after the argument. He then has not only the right, but also the obligation to be masturbated by the loosing part.

>> No.9101836

>we aren't special
By what standard? Or just typical self-hatred from a godless teenager with a mild personality disorder?

>> No.9101849

We aren't any more special than other animals. Just a little more complex. I am not an atheist and I validate his thoughts. You are just a burdened religious brat.

>> No.9101856

His main point is just in cognitive aspects. What an annoying proselitism. He wasn't even on the religious subject. You are biased and easily triggered to talk about your beliefs

>> No.9101864

>confusing negros with gorialls
I love how every board is pol tier now!

>> No.9101871

Sodomite detected

>> No.9101887

>i just proved
>tells some stupid anecdote
we were expecting maths, you fuck

>> No.9101905

>we were expecting maths, you fuck

what is your field of study? Tell us about a little.

>> No.9101942

>my brain detects and identifies objects
two words for that: "pattern recognition"
>we are no smarter than today's computer's
when a computer assembles a human, I'll agree

>> No.9101992
File: 25 KB, 600x598, received_1732967236731458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just using this one as an example, retard.

>> No.9102071

You didn't understand OP's point. Really dumb.

>> No.9102088
File: 54 KB, 209x203, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No anon, you are an immortal spirit inhabiting corrupted meat in the realm of the flesh and temptation.

>> No.9102091

>OP discovers the concept of gestalt
We as humans brings view things as concepts rather than the individual little parts in things.

>> No.9102658

Is that a tranny?

>> No.9102664
File: 397 KB, 1366x768, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>thinking its our uniquity that gives us value
>thinkingby finding patterns in ourselves rejects unquity
>not recognizing shared inevitable patterns in related categories
>not realizing the generals and from their emanation the particulars
>such a monic unidimensional existence predicated on singularity without allowing or even considering expansion from ultimate reduction
>not recognizing the unity of all things


>> No.9102666
File: 201 KB, 1920x1080, plok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like gnosticism

>> No.9102676

OP dont you think you think you might have been tricked because you were looking for that situation?

>> No.9102678

also called Confirmation Bias

>> No.9102681

would gestalt apply to this situation though?

>> No.9102823

No. I didn't think about it for at least a few months when it happened

>> No.9102938

Psychotic babbling. You need Jesus son.

>> No.9104111

What a shitty thread, /sci/ is all talk and no action.