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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9100641 No.9100641 [Reply] [Original]

Evolutionarily speaking, what is the evolutionary advantage of men? Will genetic engineering make men obsolete? What use will women have for ugly, dirty, hairy, horny, possessive, sex-crazed XY humans after genetic engineering allows them to produce 10/10 supermodel offspring with 200 IQ?

Why haven't vibrators, which can outperform any man, replaced men for womens' sexual needs already?

>> No.9100643

>what is the evolutionary advantage of men?
One sex not being burdened by pregnancy is pretty advantageous, they can protect those who are pregnant.

>> No.9100644
File: 10 KB, 211x238, OPsmokingCrack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the absolute state of /sci/

>> No.9100647

Life is a contest between making artificial semen and making artifical eggs and womb

Whatever side win gets too enslave the other.

Luckly for men we just made lab wombs.

>> No.9100649

What do women need protection against if there are no men, give men commit the vast majority of violent crime, even when non-white men are eliminated?

>> No.9100652

You have to go back >>>/r9k/

>> No.9100654

fucking nature you fucktard. ever heard of a predator?

>> No.9100660

Women are the dominant sex. They literally control the world with their wet holes. The gun, which women are more than capable of firing, is protection against animals. The gun never would have been invented if men didn't want to control vast swaths of land or make money, which attracts wet holes.

>> No.9100667

How often do you actually defend your girlfriend from Kodiak bears?

>> No.9100675

Ya'll ever heard of evolutionary psychology?

>> No.9100682

look OP, you can't expect to post feet like that without me asking for a source.
Please give the source.

Anyway, your question is upside down. What's the purpose of women if not to please men? Look at those fucking feet. That woman could have hooves like a negress, but she has delicate perfect feet basically just purpose-sculpted for giving footjobs. The evidence is right there.

>> No.9100692

Shariah law would suggest that women in the past were objects that were owned by men. In cultures that had a bride price, the payment would be sent to the bride's parents, literally making the marriage a transaction.

>> No.9100709

>artificial wombs
What universe is OP in? Women are about to become obsolete.

>> No.9100753

Women need men for protection/financial stability.
Me need women not to feel lonely/to enhance masturbation.

Men have muscles and brain.
Women have their sex holes.

Artificial wombs and sexbots are currently being developed.You should be able to connect the dots now.

>> No.9100764

None. Once men are gone the world can finally have a few centuries of peace.

>> No.9100918

Men have already created artificial wombs.
It's the inferior woman that will become obsolete.

>> No.9100921

Donnie would just be giving Kimmy un the silent treatment right now

>> No.9100924

Women cannot outsmart men though, so it's not really realistic to believe they will ever have the upper hand.

Men will always been one step ahead.

For everyone female genius, there are 20 male geniuses.

>> No.9100931

Once it is all women and no men, what is to stop the same evolutionary arms race from taking place resulting in a bunch of butch dykes pushing everybody around (or some equivalent self-serving asshole-ish strategy)?

>> No.9100934

No Ovaries.
Can hunt 24/7.
Can repair machines when faulty under duress and heavy loads.

>> No.9100937

Here is the funny thing though. As soon as you take the precision DNA knife to your molecules the offspring becomes it's own branch thus exhiling you from the majority of Genes. While this might not be 100 percent true for aesthetic augmentation it is when you start altering brain chemistry which by the way is so much more complex than changing hair from blonde to illumanescent blue. Play God, recieve the rod.

In laymams terms.
You play with the character creator long enough and suddenly what you had originally made becomes no more.


>> No.9100951

But what if I want to remove genetic weaknesses and abnormalities in my cloned offspring (regardless of the gender)?

>> No.9100958

Define genetic weakness?
To alter any part of your main brain could lead to a child that is never similar to you at all... however aesthetics like webbed toes and such would be trivial.

>> No.9100961

>Define genetic weakness

Not just physical but Mental disorders like bipolar, schizophrenia, etc. I don't want my babby having none of those.

>> No.9101216

Why do men always fall for attention whore BS? And BTW OP a vibrator doesn't have a tongue, nor can it raise your kids, or give you support, how fucking idiotic can you get?

>> No.9101340

those fucking feet holy shit

>> No.9101345
File: 161 KB, 747x1120, 1491982108188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you eliminate men, you eliminate the phenotype.

>> No.9102485

A footjob from her would literally complete my life

>> No.9102497

War is an economic irrationality that would vanish if the market was sufficiently deregulated. Has nothing to do with men.

>> No.9102556

>if the market was sufficiently deregulated

oh boy here we go

>> No.9102564

>engineer 200iq supermodels
>they're so smart they engineer 400iq ultramodels
>rinse and repeat
>initial humans are now seen as dumb, ugly pests to exterminated

>> No.9102984

Ya'll ever heard of the word "you", Tex?

>> No.9103084

Source OP

>> No.9103110

>what is the evolutionary advantage of men?

>> No.9103673

>deregulate market
>war is now an incentive as it allows easy access to world monopoly
>but muh free market

Free market except for when you start having a significant impact on society is the only tenable solution

>> No.9105137

honestly this is the average sort of girl i wish i had been having one night stands with in college

nothing really noteworthy about her but it would be a good night of feeling like you're normal. i'd almost rather bang her than someone objectively prettier because at that point you're like "ok you're banging me but you're out of my league, what's your angle"

with this girl you're like "ok shes just horny like me, we're both average. cool"

anyway whats this thread about?

>> No.9105153
File: 7 KB, 220x220, cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh i bet you think this triggers me.

But its just a bunch of bias.

>> No.9105465

Artificial womb are more easy than transplant artificial organs, using rigth MtF and gays to gives average men power of womb.

>> No.9105481
File: 27 KB, 363x310, 1320529223886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to >>>/ lgbt/

>> No.9105484

Children raised by a dad as well as a mom are more likely to be successful. Men and women have evolved different traits to be complementary parents.

Also, losing one sex of humans would mean a major motivation in life would suddenly disappear. People could become rude, fat and lazy without the motivation to be a good mating partner.

>> No.9105954

>nothing really noteworthy
hint: below her ankles

>> No.9105972

because women are not self sustainable

>> No.9105976

Look if you're gay, you can just go to >>>/lgbt/ with all the other engineers

>> No.9106108

hello sweden

>> No.9106126
File: 28 KB, 900x583, a-fishing-hook-baited-with-an-earthworm-joel-sartore[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
