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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9099253 No.9099253 [Reply] [Original]

how do you motivate yourself to study math or science when it's so fucking boring

>> No.9099255

Why would you study something that bores you?

>> No.9099256

I have a year left in my current degree (Psych)
Minor in mathematics

I want to switch fully into math.
Is it worth? Or should I just finish my current degree and apply to a masters program in math?

>> No.9099257

mandatory for highschool and beyond

>> No.9099261
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math is fucking gay, i will never understand STEM autists

>> No.9099460
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>he says on a STEM board

>> No.9099478

How do you motivate yourself to do anything when everything is so fucking boring?

How did you motivate yourself to read or write when those tasks are boring?

What makes something boring?

>> No.9099489

Because it isn't boring. There are boring parts, but on the whole stem is pretty rad.
Maybe find something you actually like

t. PhD chemist

>> No.9099497
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>tfw just discover that all the physics can be described with circle properties.
>tfw the circle is a limit to infinity
>tfw ancient people know this already

>> No.9099498

If science is boring to you maybe you should study something else.

>> No.9099500

Picky eaters starve.

>> No.9100387

Because its the language the universe is built with so as your world, its fascinating as it can explain so many things and it's truth is so deeply printed into us, it work so well in our reality, its so elegant sometimes that you might even think maths and physics could really be some "godly thing " .

And also because it helps you to understand yourself and the way things really work, hence how to not be a worse human than you already are and how you to help the world and people.

When you know your brain is just a home for chemical reactions, you understand you are not a very smart being..yet and not so willing free... Then you realize we are just animals tied to our desires and primitive reflexes that have evolved into what we call a 'personnality', acting in a social group in order to feed our needs to not be alone and compare to others to stay a normal fuck... while you are just a big ant.

Knowing is necessary to an ant, first to know its an ant, but we are way more complicated than ants.

Knowledge was there before and after all of our lives, its the ruler of the game we play, if you want to transcend a bit of what you are, you should try some.

>> No.9100420


honestly i've never understood how someone could think math or science is boring. You realize, these two things can be used to explain our entire existence? these two things explain literally everything that exists and how it works

so maybe you're just boring and stupid

>> No.9100442

>durrr circles duurrr

>> No.9100451

Maybe you are just trying to study them in a wrong way.
In my case, I'm good at math but bored me after a few exercises because they were all like "solve this integral", "prove this shit", "use a formula to solve this", but then I started studying in a different way, i.e., instead of solving exercises, I found problems that interested me and then I learned what I needed to solve it, be it integral, derivations, limits...

>> No.9100481
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Mathematicians view set theory as fundamental. Anything can be considered an object, even a space or a process, and wherever there are objects, there is a set to contain them. This something may be a relation, a space, an algebraic system, but it is also a set; its relational, spatial, or algebraic structure simply makes it a structured set. So mathematicians view sets, broadly including null, singleton, finite, and infinite sets, as fundamental objects basic to meaningful descriptions of reality. It follows that reality itself should be a set. In fact, the largest set of all. But every set, even the largest one, has a powerset which contains it, and that which contains it muct be larger, a contradiction. The obvious solution: define an extension of set theory incorporating two senses of containment which work together in such a way that the largest set can be defined as containing its powerset in the other. Thus it topologically includes itself in the act of descriptively including itself in the act of topologically including itself and so on, in the course of which it obviously becomes more than just a set.

>> No.9100492

Where do you find these problems?

>> No.9100496

Since I'm a compsci student, I found several in my classes. Chaos theory, fractals, optimization problems, digital signal processing...

>> No.9100514

This approach appeals to me but like >>9100492 I just have no idea where to find these so-called interesting problems.