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9094740 No.9094740 [Reply] [Original]

How many of you were told you were talented/intelligent when you were young?

Now that you are older, do you still think you are talented?

>> No.9094748

when we're young we live in a fantasy world so no

>> No.9094756

I had middle school and high school teachers always tell me I was particularly bright and a cut above. I honestly just think I was a victim of the movement where awkward weirdos were told they were smart as a self esteem boost or something. Looking back many high school teachers did kind of seem like brainlets that barely made it through their teaching degree though. It didn't help that I was completely surrounded by brainlet students as well. I started college with an inflated sense of self worth and while there were plenty of brainlets in uni there were also many people who blew me away with how much smarter than are me.

I don't know what to think as an adult in grad school. I guess I'm ever so slightly above average but I'm definitely extremely insecure about my intellectual faculties. There was definitely some fuckery going in the public school system of nyc where kids who were able to string together a sentence were treated like geniuses by the teachers. "Self esteem" movement? Idk whatever it is it is bad.

>> No.9094772

Yeah I was told that I was smart. I think I'm probably alright. Literally came on my own face the other day, but I'm pretty good with electrodynamics so you know there's that.

>> No.9094780
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I don't mean to sound arrogant, but yes I do think I am.

I was told by all my teachers growing up, but now I'm college I really don't think I'm living up to my potential. I lack motivation and will. I've felt depressed and lonely for so long that it caught up to me my second year of college that now I'm so apathetic. I get told by teachers here that I have potential but I don't know why I waste my time. I don't feel I have any smart friends and often feel ostracized because they don't care to talk about scientific topics.

>> No.9094782

i was, and i thought i was hot shit
i still think i'm hot shit, but i have to work a lot harder to maintain that delusion

>> No.9094784
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>wanted to go in STEM but didn't because I can't into abstract math
>if I dare express my regret of not doing it in front of my family I get my ears raped about being the smartest person that ever lived and that I could totally do it if I wanted to

>> No.9094786

I'm a physics major.

And don't get me wrong, science isn't all people should talk about. Nor will it always be the topic of discussion but god, I just want to have intelligent conversations with people.

>> No.9094788

just don't do it, bud.
you're not a child anymore

>> No.9094789
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God I feel lonely.

>> No.9094792

what efforts have you made to make friends?

>> No.9094794

>Literally came on my own face the other day, but I'm pretty good with electrodynamics
Me desu

>> No.9094795

I have made some efforts but for the past few months everyone I meet including me is rather busy. We all have research and work. So I've been busy too.

I met this girl for a month who was into computer science and we talked about that ( she was interested in biological computers ) but she spends so much time with her boyfriend and our class is over.

And the other group is my family but they didn't finish middle school... so everything I say goes over their head. Or they don't care.

>> No.9094796

go to a bar or join a club or something. i presume you have a hobby.

i go to this pub 2 days a week trying to meet people and make friends. i'm new in town and moderately anti-social, but i made a commitment with myself that i'd make an effort to make friends

>> No.9094799

>i go to this pub 2 days a week trying to meet people and make friends.
I'd recommend against trying to fit in with the normie pub happy hour and Friday night drinking crowd if you're on the spectrum. It ended in disaster for me.

>> No.9094801

Hey, I'll have you know some of us still live in a fantasy world.

>> No.9094802

thursday and saturday. they're the "free drinks for grad students" nights
there are a lot of clubs nearby, and this place isn't one of them. i'm hoping the normies all segregate themselves

>it ended in disaster for me
want to atlk about it?

>> No.9094805

Well I'm finally 21 so I guess going to a bar would be a good place. I'll try that.

I'm part of a small astronomy club (a group of 4 including me) and we're going to the eclipse but other than that no other clubs open yet.

I play piano and guitar as a hobby. And I'm rare occasions if I have time go hiking like once a month. Maybe I'm just shit at socializing.

Even then, I kinda still feel depressed. But I'll keep trying, maybe my last year will be good

>> No.9094807

>want to atlk about it?
Let's just say after I became a regular among the regulars they started bullying me in that horrible snarky way and I didn't realize right off the bat because of my asperger's. They also abused my generosity because I was always willing to treat people to drinks. The women were especially vicious. I felt like that retard the neighborhood group of kids keeps around as a punching bag

Your mileage may vary but keep in mind i have literal asperger's. I drink alone now polishing a bottle of vodka on the weekends while I play Minecraft.

>> No.9094812

>were (you told) you were talented/intelligent when you were young?

>Now that you are older, do you still think you are talented?
Of course, I'm a mad scientist fated to bring chaos and destruction

>> No.9094816

Yeah I was told that stuff.
Got A's in HS and didn't try.
I kinda started to ignore the blind praise; it seemed like someone was setting a low bar for me.

I guess I'm talented.
I know that self-evaluation is dependent on the skill of those around me.
I might just be a big fish in a small pond, unaware of the bigger fish in the ocean.

>> No.9094818

that's rough, but i don't have it that bad.
i'm also an aspie, but i'm more anti-social than socially inept.
i don't like spending time with people, unless i arbitrarily do.

buying people drinks doesn't seem like something i'd do for strangers, or for people who are nice to me

i'm sorry you had such a bad time

>> No.9094839

just work hard, m8

>> No.9094841

I don't ever recall someone calling me talented or intelligent before I was 17. I've always understood things relatively easily, could always make connections that made things make sense, etc. Pretty sure that my parents and teachers realised that and let me do my thing.
I'm also pretty sure that's why I have never had the motivational drive to do anything meaningful. I never had anyone pushing me to be better.

>> No.9094842



>> No.9094860

>do you still think you are talented?
But the effort required to exhibit the full scope of my talent is often not worth it.

>> No.9094869
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I'm in the same boat, I've met a few but god were they dull, only three people I've known were good at conversation and loved to talk science, one's dead, one's on the other side of the country and the third broke my heart. So now I'm surrounded by idiots, in fact i chose to surround myself with idiots. I figured I'd be a tutor and that way I would run into people who were actually interested in the topics we'd be discussing, but nope, mainly just people who try to get me to give them the answers to their homework one way or another.

>> No.9094871

yea basically this

>> No.9094877

I believe I'm talented, at least compared to others, I've seen a lot of really dumb people. I've been getting told how smart I am my whole life, I hate it honestly. I believe I'm intelligent, and have been told so by a lot of people, plenty of whom I admire, but it feels fake, it feels like one of those things you tell anyone now because it would be an insult otherwise, because god forbid someone's special baby isn't Einstein. Lying to people makes me sick, you don't have to call them dumb, but don't delude them, and now it's gotten to the point where I can't tell if someone is being sincere or not with their compliments, and I hate it.

>> No.9094892


>> No.9094917

In kindergarten i was showing interesting thoughts to the caretakers and they kinda told me im intelligent. Then first year in school got bullied so bad i wanted to kill myself. Till graduation every mathe teacher told me i could achieve more in maths if i was just more motivated. It became a thing where i would just sit there waiting for there "you smart do stuff" talk to be over so i could go and be able to keep being miserable at home. It became like a bad meme telling me im talented. Finished school went into psychology and intelligence research really throwed me off as the girl i was dating was supposed iq 130+ . Made me question what counts as intelligence and what taltend means. yada yada

conclusion: i might ve talent to be talented but years of neeting around because life is fucked up ,especially me, eats that possibility up like a pack of crackers

>> No.9094922

>So now I'm surrounded by idiots
oh you arrogant children

>> No.9094926

My aptitude test scores were the highest in the school in every subject, reading in particular the highest any of the teachers had ever seen. I was literally known as the "smart guy" my entire childhood. Problem is, growing up I lived with my mom, who's easily the laziest person I'd ever met, and a negligent drug addict. Coupling that never having to exert any effort to succeed has made me almost as lazy as her. About 2-ish years ago I got the highest score in my school on the ACT (33, honestly was disappointed in my math score of 29), and I've literally never studied nor prepared for any test in my life. Ended up graduating early just before I turned 17, with a 2.8 GPA made up of hundreds on tests and zeroes on actual work. I then proceeded to spend a year and a half doing literally nothing.

I'm mad at myself for never learning how to put in effort, more than anything. I got all kinds of fucked from my sheer laziness and it's already biting me in the ass before I even hit my first semester.

So yes, I was talented, and yes, I still am, but that doesn't mean shit since I'm also wasted potential incarnate.

>> No.9094931
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>inb4 "quit blogging faggot"

To whoever might tell me that: blame OP for asking me to blog, before I send one of my boys in boots after you (pic related)

>> No.9095368

The whole concept of 'talent' is a little shaky to me, I simply do not believe that people are built with a 'talent' for a particularly unnatural ability (such as CS) as knowledge cannot be passed down through genetics. IT's all learned.

But in answer to your question, I thought I was really smart. More comprehensive and enlightened than my peers. Now I'm an Uni I feel like i still am smart, but with knowledge of others' endeavours make me feel like I'm not up to my full potential. I definitely feel dumber than I did 5 years ago, but that's obviously bullshit. I was always average or above average.

>> No.9095369
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I was told I was smart, funny and good looking. They were right.

>> No.9095370

yes by most everyone i know for my entire life
yes, its the only explanation as to why im smarter than everyone else
the funny thing is they thought i would be successful

>> No.9095376

That is bizarre. I was under the impression that the norm for high school is that work is generally valued higher than test/ quiz scores. Forget graduating early, I don't think you could graduate at all without doing work at most American high schools.

>> No.9095377


Talent is real, and very easy to explain. Talent is just being born with a brain better able to perform certain tasks than average.

>You can visualize and remember proportions easily?
You'll be good at drawing, with a higher genetic limit to what you can achieve with knowledge, as with body building

>You can remember entire songs, note for note in your head and mix up existing ones for new compositions all in your head?

You'll be great at music, and making music. And with given knowledge, you'll be able to surpass and stay above without without that genetic gift.
It's really simple, you can teach 2+2=4. But you cannot teach people to make that calculation faster than their genetic limit allows for.

>> No.9095378

I was told I was really smart but one teacher yelled at me and got really angry because he said I had a lot of potential and I was just wasting it because I don't care and years later I realize he was completely right. Ofcourse, I didn't care at the time so I wrote him and his words off. I still think I have a lot of potential and if I could get my shit together and be productive I could go far. Depression and anxiety are a bitch though but I feel a lot better lately so I'm trying to get back into just everything.

>> No.9095400

whats bizarre to me is how he received a 29 on the math without doing any work, he must have payed attention in class

>> No.9095403

>was told I was really smart but one teacher yelled at me and got really angry because he said I had a lot of potential and I was just wasting it because I don't care and years later I realize he was completely right.
just one? if my teachers and principles didnt know i had potential they would have given up on me early and i would have dropped out for sure

>> No.9095415

>Talent is real, and very easy to explain. Talent is just being born with a brain better able to perform certain tasks than average.

Define 'better'. Do you mean memory?

>You can visualize and remember proportions easily. You'll be good at drawing, with a higher genetic limit to what you can achieve with knowledge,

That can be explained from being around shapes or visualising landscapes through story telling since childhood. A person without any knowledge of geometry would be much worse off visualising geometric shapes than someone who has since birth, same as with imagination.

>as with body building

Physical genetics is true of course, we're talking about talent through knowledge.

>You can remember entire songs, note for note in your head and mix up existing ones for new compositions all in your head? You'll be great at music, and making music. And with given knowledge, you'll be able to surpass and stay above without without that genetic gift.

You're talking about memory. Memory =/= intelligence. Also, music is learned. The comprehension that virtuosos exhibit in music composition is due to the comprehension that certain notes sound good when played with others - its not like they possess some unknown knowledge...

>It's really simple, you can teach 2+2=4. But you cannot teach people to make that calculation faster than their genetic limit allows for.

Mathematics is not an inbuilt human trait, at all. If you speak around a toddler or child, the child will pick the language will learn it without you forcing them to. Mathematics doesn't, that's why division and integers, loci etc is so foreign to the majority of people.

>> No.9095416

my man, remember when that normie talked about sports and you didn't even care?

its the same thing. Sadly, people rarely shares the same interests.

>> No.9095434

It's a long story but after that was when I entered HS and I was rarely even there before I dropped out so it's not like I did any tests or turned in any work. I spent more time in the lunchroom talking with my friends than in the classroom so not much time to show my "potential" to teachers. When I dropped out and got my GED the "teachers" there were all over me and ignored the "dumb" kids which I actually thought was pretty fucked up but they acted like I was their pet and praised my old test scores etc. Ofcourse, after I acquired the GED I just started isolating and never leaving the house so they were probably better off spending their time on the other students anyway.

>> No.9095448

Also not every teacher gives a fuck. There are plenty of kids with potential that don't have teachers kissing their asses for whatever reason and plenty of kids with potential do indeed drop out. One does not automatically equal the other.

>> No.9095452

yes, mainly by my parents and either maths or science teachers. high performance in those subjects with little effort led me to fall for the smart and lazy meme

compared to primary/high/6thform schoolmates, yes
at uni im definitely above average, but not particularly talented, I was lucky enough to spot this early on

>> No.9095472


Things are not so finite with people, there's a lot more variables than just ''learn this and git gud'. Not even acounting for the genetics that aid ambition, hard work or the ones that aid creativity. Different parts of the brain process different things, how good they work will set a limit for what you can do in life, in any area or specific hobby.

To assume everyone can perform at the same level, given knowledge and time doesn't make any sense. Otherwise we would see nuclear physicists with down syndrome.

>> No.9095478

Now that I'm 28 I can feel my intelligence declining slightly when it comes to technical subjects, but I feel I have become more intelligent with non-technical subjects. Anyway, I'm about to finish my PhD in engineering and I feel that I've basically shot my wad on getting thru school and now I just want a comfy research job where I don't have to work too hard except for when I feel like it

>> No.9095484



>> No.9095519

I honestly think its just down to what people enjoy doing as what they've learned since childhood has influenced what they're good at as adults. If a baby is put in a room with nothing to learn it won't even have a sense of self... just a kernel of hardware like breathing, drinking, fucking... every thing else is kind of like freeware, which is learned.

>> No.9095535

Had kinda the reverse. When I was younger I went to special ed classes and that sort of shit, everyone thought I was dumb and treated me like it. Finished high school alright managed to even take AP classes and do good on SAT but no one told me I was smart until I was already in upper division. Now lots of really nice, really smart people tell me it. I am good at working with no one else's support or belief but it helps a lot on hard days to know someone else thinks I can do it.

Just remember, you can do it. You are smart.

>> No.9095550

too smart to be a dumbfuck, not smart enough to play with the cool kids. story of my life.

>> No.9095565

i wish i would have got a GED
i would be better off getting into college with one of the highest GED scores in my state than with a 2.1 GPA

>> No.9095569
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>mfw too smart to play with cool kids

>> No.9095587

Pretty much this, it such compliments feel so cheap they feel like an insult. The only oppinion I really value is of a close friend of mine, the others I just smile and nod.

>> No.9095631

constantly. for some reason i learned how to speak and read at a ridiculously early age. everyone thought i was some sort of ashkenazi prodigy because of this.

nowadays, i don't know if i'd make it in research. in college right now and shit just takes work now. like it seems that sophomore-junior year is the proverbial wall where i have to actually study and tryhard to do well. even if i get A's in my classes I don't know if i deserve it because I don't fully understand the material, I just know how to take tests.

>> No.9095650

Are you literally me? I feel the exact same way.

>> No.9095744

impostor syndrome is pretty common i guess. i cope with it by trying to believe everyone plateaus around this level and most people just hide it, but i'll never know.
i've met people in well paying industry jobs that could not for the life of them remember basic shit from undergrad. even my professors had some pretty surprising gaps in knowledge.

>> No.9095752

>even my professors had some pretty surprising gaps in knowledge.
its impossible not to

>> No.9095915

I don't even know how to respond anymore, i don't want to return the compliment because half the time I don't believe it, and the other half they're smart enough to see through everyone else's bullshit and might think I'm doing the same.

>> No.9095956

I cope with it by just reading a lot of material. I probably have about 5-6 textbooks just dealing with axiomatizations of the number systems.

>> No.9095974
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Most people I meet tell me I have an intelligent demeanor. Like "House" or "Sherlock"

What they don't know is I'm just pretending

>girlfriends internet down
>restart router
>make sarcastic comment
>"wow anon youre so smart"

>> No.9095979

I was generally disliked for being smart or was told I wasn't smart. Seemed like if I ever let the cat out of the bag I got hated for it but if I didn't people assumed I wasn't smart. I'm probably just gonna kill myself soon. Idk what planet anyone else is on but round here intelligence is despised

>> No.9095985

Its too late. You went through puberty thinking you were special, and now it's permanently wired in your brain that you deserve a specific type of attention and respect.

Not even peoples fault. It's your fault

>> No.9096004

Yeah, many times. The fact that I was surrounded by borderline retards in school didn't help either. That was more than a decade ago though and I basically failed at everything since then so no, I don't think I'm talented.

>> No.9096018

public education is such a fucking shitshow in north america that they toss out "youre so smart anon" like candy because the overwhelming majority of students are essentially livestock in terms of intelligence and behaviour patterns. Its not even their fault as well because the curriculum never challenges them, i didnt realize this until about grade 10 when i was sitting in my AP linear algebra class and the teacher is trying to teach quadratics but doesnt do any concept or theory and just starts spitting out lines and then says k do the excerices and then had a nap in his car. The fucked up part being my HS was fairly highly ranked in one of the better schoolboards in the country

>> No.9096040

They are. Kentucky has an early-grad program that lets you test out of school, and I was the first in the district to do it. There were some classes where I genuinely didn't know much, and when that happened I did at least some work until I got it down, usually just a few assignments. Overall grades in classes were weighted differently on the teacher's discretion, so I lucked out on some too.
I did pay attention in class, and I learned a lot of it on my own in middle school because I like math. On practice tests I usually got a 33 on math, hence my disappointment in the 29.

Also I missed a single question on English. That sorta pissed me off too, since that meant a 35 and not a 36 on it

>> No.9096065
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>> No.9096072

When I was 12 I was accepted into a college's biochem program because I was doing too well at school. I chose not to drop out of school itself because it was so easy and I had nothing else to do all day. However, I really struggled with the physical requirements of lab work due to a total lack of fine motor control--I could not do some of the work safely, and I think the turning point in my life was when I quit the program instead of trying to fight through it.

When I feel like dying I look at my old notes. One day I'll make my young self proud.

>> No.9096081

What a retarded bingo card, several squares contradict each other.

>> No.9096084

? That's basically the opposite of what I said. I am actually really smart. Nobody else could touch me. But it hardly mattered because again everyone around here is flatout anti-intellectual. Anti-science devout Christian rednecks. But it could have been worse. I know a couple Jehovah witnesses whose families literally forbid them from higher education.

I'd say I'm most likely average as far as being gifted goes. Which is why it sucks that people had a stick up their ass about me. I can't help that I got perfect grades in an easy class you failed at and there's nothing I can do to ease your animosity

>> No.9096087

which ones?

>> No.9096096

literally me

every single square

>> No.9096099

>I'm not a genius and there's tons of stuff I'm not good at but there's also definetely some things I'm talented at

>> No.9096111

I'm talented, not genius tier but still smarter than most people.

>> No.9096130

I got told how talented I was since I was young, as im getting older now and im working with skilled collegues in labs I'd say im average in the set of above average people.

>> No.9096136

How can you have issues with authority but need constant validation? How can you fear not living up to potential but not try in school/work? How can you have risk taking behavior but quit anything that doesn't come easily? How can you be easily bored but read wikipedia articles in your free time? Why would you always make excuses when you have existential anxiety and nothing really matters anyways?

>> No.9096144

this desu

>thinking you're a gifted intellectual just because you weren't as retarded as your classmates: the post

>> No.9096147

More like self-centered arrogant entitled asshole who won't ever accomplish anything because he's insecure and scared of making an error so he just spends his time stroking his ego boner and rationalizing his complete failure of a life plus he'd rather do nothing and complain about shit but the good part is he's going to get what he deserves which is destroying every relationship he cares about and dying lonely without any accomplishment to show for and knowing that nobody will ever miss him afterwards bingo

>> No.9096154

irony: the post

>> No.9096158

He's right though. He's obviously projecting, but he's right.

>> No.9096161

Nah, I grew up in a poor family in the ghetto and most my life I was convinced I wasn't capable of anything, I got into a lot of fights and I was an absolute underdog in terms of academic ability, had a rough childhood and was mentally fucked.I pursued art and became a pretty good one because I wasn't good at anything and didn't start pursuing mathematics until my 20s. People now would call me talented and gifted but the truth is that it was all just work(hard sometimes, easy others) and my willingness to pursue it in earnest. I've met some talentfags along the way in both art and mathematics who's very identity is built on their own perceived genius would try to undermine me because my success highlights their failures. Don't be that faggot, and for those who feel like they aren't capable, just know that you can if you really want to. And if there are no examples than be the first.

>> No.9096181

>How can you have issues with authority but need constant validation?
it doesn't have to be validation from the authority,. you could think that the wagecuck meme is stupid and that school is broken, but you still want to be validated by some evidence that you're doing something right

>How can you fear not living up to potential but not try in school/work?
fear of failure is a weird thing. if you don't try your hardest you have a way out by saying "well if i did this i would have done better"
the bingo specifically refers to "not trying in work because you think it's pointless," though. if it's for that you kinda just justify not doing the work you care about because that's irrelevant to your potential

>How can you have risk taking behavior but quit anything that doesn't come easily?
risks =/= difficulty. you could take a risk for faster gratification because you don't want to do something the long way

>How can you be easily bored but read wikipedia articles in your free time?
you could still be bored while reading them. you might just not feel like doing anything else

>Why would you always make excuses when you have existential anxiety and nothing really matters anyways?
i fail to see the connection here. wouldn't "fuck it doesn't matter" be the excuse?
the "oh i didn't start strong i may as well take a break then start over" notion is something a lot of people can relate to.

>> No.9096218

If you think everyone else except you is stupid, you are probably stupid yourself since you are unable to realize that other people might not have the same goals as you and that from their viewpoint their actions might be just as valid as yours

>> No.9096233


People often tell me that I'm "smart" or "impressive," but it just gives me anxiety because it doesn't feel like I've done merits the praise. What does this mean?

>> No.9096234

Actually, this accurately describes all the talent fags I've had to deal with in my struggle to not be a nigger.

>> No.9096235

kek, story time

>> No.9096237

I'm curious about what type of person would post this. Like nothing in that bingo implies at all that the gifted kid burnout is actually gifted so it's clearly for someone who legit has basically no real gift and was so enamoured by their own reflection they believed their mere presence would alert everyone in the vicinity that they need to give him fame and fortune. It's mocking someone who would naturally be mocked. So how is it that it got someone so riled up? Do you know someone irl who fits this bill? Are you mad because they're dumb and nothing could convince them? Or are they in fact smarter than you and just don't care and nothing you do could ever compare to what they could do? I had a friend in high school who hated me because I was smarter than him but didn't try. But I only didn't try because I thought I was too poor for college. I never intended to be a gifted stoner. I wanted to be le valedictorian and whatnot

>> No.9096241
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My family is pretty blue collar, but my pediatrician and the teachers I had early on all said I was a very bright boy.

Because of their urging, my Mom had me take an IQ test to get into the gifted program. I scored very high (my mom will never tell me because she doesn't want me to be arrogant). I placed into the gifted program and did exceedingly well.

The school wanted me to skip a grade because of my IQ score and how well I was doing in school, but my parents did not want that. The school insisted and eventually my parents relented.

I continued to do very well in school, but then middle school came and it was a pretty bad school where I was the only white kid. I got in fights frequently and only never really ended up getting expelled because I usually scored perfect on the state end-of-the-year exams.

Luckily, I won a scholarship to a great private preparatory high school. My life kind of fell a part after my sophomore year of high school.

I had some cousins who passed away, leading to my mom and dad separating and my dad relapsing into an alcoholic. I had to quit sports and begin working to provide for the family. I often only got 4 hours. I had good friends in high school but never got to hang out with them because how constantly busy I was.

I remember coming back from school one day my junior year when I found my mom preparing to hang herself from a noose. I managed to stop her and then she broke down how she felt like she failed as a mother and how it makes her so sad to see me lost the spark I had as a kid for life and my studies.

I told her that I love her and that everything will get better. I ended up going to a top 5 uni which she was very proud of.

I came back this Summer after a year away and she told me how proud of me she was and how I have that spark in my eyes that I used to have as a child. I don't know if I'm there yet, but I think I'm getting closer there everyday. We're all going to make it anons.

>> No.9096246

I apologize for the blog post that came this to be, but I never really ever told anyone about this except my guidance counselor that my parents are (not legally) separated.

>> No.9096252

Not that guy but I tried that and I'm not even on the spectrum. It doesn't go good. I'm pretty sure some people think I'm a heroin junkie and a pedophile. Everyone has an assortment of archetypes in their mind and they gotta fit you somewhere. If you don't go to the bar every night wtf do you do? Surely not studying lol

>> No.9096254
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That made my heart all warm and fuzzy. I had a similar experience with my own mom. Thanks man.

>> No.9096282

Having witnessed relatives like that be huge failures and human trash, but also recognizing some of those tendencies in yourself and worrying about turning out like that and/or hating some parts of yourself that resemble those relatives you hate.

I was also the stereotypical didn't do shit in high school because it didn't matter to me and still passed without issues despite math teachers telling me I should put work and not waste my potential and friends commenting why the fuck I'm not taking anything seriously blablabla.

Now that I'm studying something that I love and want to make a career out of I'm still struggling each day to put the required work in, and despite people telling me I look calm and relaxed I'm actually 95% pressure/stress/anxiety inside.

Seriously considering getting an appointment to probably get on SSRI's or whatever I need to be more academically functional.

>> No.9096293

Why can't I do anything but sit here, /sci/?
It would be easy to get up and get started. I have the connections, I have the know-how, and I have the tools necessary to succeed.

So why don't I just do it?

>> No.9096304


>> No.9096322

Grow up emotionally you beta sounding retards

>> No.9097711

Because tomorrow you could get up easily and do what you want to do. And tomorrow is not today.


>> No.9097757


>> No.9097924

In academia, there are disproportionately more impostors than there are qualified people suffering from impostor syndrome.

Impostor syndrome is used as a meme to make the impostors feel good about themselves.

>> No.9098060

wtf is this shit?
Im like, 3 of these

>> No.9098794

Everyone in class at the end of compulsory schooling (ends at 15/16 over here) got a poem.
Mine was that "We think something great will come from you/You will make something/be great/important."
Not in English obviously.
It hit me pretty hard and every time I think about it
>T. 21 year old neet
At least I'm trying to get driver's license.
And past 9 months I've started writing down ideas and notes; both musical and factual/philosophical. Musical just for fun, anyone should try it, making a 2 min piano thingy that sounds catchy, is pretty satisfying. (not that I can play piano)

>> No.9098805

never infact I've been called an autist and a mentally retarded, when i was young i always nearly failed classes. but now im getting straight A's

>> No.9098948

Praising kids all the time is the worst you can do. I mean, you have to raise the minimum skills of everyone and praising THEM instead of what they do just tell them that they have done enough. Of course, whatever they do have to be done right. You can tell them when they have been bad, but never tell them they're idiots or useless because that really affects their development.

In my case, my mom always told me that I was brilliant while my dad was always saying how dumb I was while beating me, he used to beat my mom too.

I grew up kinda insecure and hated to be with many people, so when some others praised me I never considered their opinions because it wasn't my dad's.

Even nowadays, I'm 23 yrs old and at the uni, my dad has never praised me, I'm just average.

My only concern now is to finish university, I don't care about being the most brilliant guy but I will get the best opportunities I can.

>> No.9099074

but luck was a huge factor in my potential. Had to roll many dice, some were massive inhibitors to my development early on. Sometimes so deeply deconstructed the rebound was akin to a traffic jam. Time mends, and I'm still gettin back up for the n'th time.
My failures man...I can only hope they've prevented mistakes on the main stage.

Still tryin, and another opportunity has presented itself. Will take the next 4 years just to attempt this next endeavor. Wish me lu...

>> No.9099089

drank too many holes into my brain

>> No.9099108

t. humanity

>> No.9099112

nice senpai, similar didgeridoos too, but I wouldn't've made it without a sharp wit. surviving has it's own benefit.

>> No.9099188

In terms of wasting your time, you could try doing homework away from any kind of digital distractions. I used to stay up to 3 am every day (with an 8 am class), unable to accomplish anything. Now I pick an isolated room with no computer, phone, or music (I used to think that music helped me study- it doesn't!), and I'm perfectly able to get everything done by around 7 pm.

>> No.9099195
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>How many of you were told you were talented/intelligent when you were young?

>Now that you are older, do you still think you are talented?

>> No.9099201

but cute.

>> No.9099602

I've done it multiple times.

>> No.9099614

>tested as genius when I was young
>put in an afternoon class with other smart kids
>they still seem like brainlets to me
>get bullied in my normie classes for being too intelligent
>eventually move cities due to parents getting nicer jobs
>decide to hide power level from now on
>skate by with easy As all throughout
>never tell anyone
>lie about grades when they ask
>never have intellectually stimulating conversations with anyone
>go to bretty gud college
>easily ace everything again
>don't really meet many people
>people I meet still seem dumb to me
>get bretty gud but unspectacular job
I kind of regret wasting it all, but I don't know how to change at this point.

>> No.9099649

>Dad always joked "yep once you're done with high school we'll be visiting you on the east coast for the Ivy Leagues!
>Yep you'll be making the big bucks

I make the big bucks but I never went to Ivy Leagues. I also feel way stupider than I've ever felt.

>> No.9099683

I was told throughout my life that i was stupid, and now that i'm older i still believe that i'm supid but i have found out that the majority of people are even more retarded than me

I don't know where the fuck you guys are from where everyone is told they are talented, but i still grew up in a western nation (netherlands) and kids got called out on their dumb shit all the time

>> No.9099709

Same. Mostly by therapists or close friends. I never believed any of those normies. I had a big enough ego already I didn't need all that noise to weigh down my head.

>> No.9099713

You hid your genius to avoid bullying from the lesser scrubs? Not a good Idea dude, I hope you aced your SAT at least.

>> No.9099717

if you have time you can pick up hobbies and shit
if you have money you could go back to skool for something

>> No.9099784

I also was constantly told I was intelligent by brainlet teachers, and also feel that I am a brainlet myself the main difference is that whenever I was told I was smart as a kid it never made me feel smart, I always just felt that I was being patronized because it was always for saying or asking something that seemed obvious or common knowledge followed being told I destined for greatness because of it, like I would mention something related to politics that I had read in the paper that morning in a civics class and be met with the response "WOW YOU SHOULD BE A LAWYER", it just felt like they were fucking with me but it never stopped.
Getting older and realizing I was a moron wasn't a rude awakening just a confirmation of what I always believed.

>> No.9099788

Slightly above average but have a lot of determination so I am doing better in school than I thought I would so far.

>> No.9099812

I feel extremely dumb. I've been called smart/intelligent many times even among peers. Yet I can't shake this feeling of being incompetent the majority of the time. I've seen many people fail where I easily passed and I always feel guilty for it. The bitter praise, underlined by the jealousy that can be felt in their tone, their facial manners and general body language, says that I must be immune to any hardships. I'm not. I want to be able to share my thoughts without them laughing it off. I want to share my interests in depth and discuss things. I want to improve and have others to improve with. I'm starting college this September, so all of these sentiments are sure to change when I find like-minded people.

>> No.9099835
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For me it was kinda the opposite

during childhood and teenage years:
>horrible behaviour
>parents used to tell me that I should marry a rich girl since I'm a loser
>teachers used to joke about how much of a shitty student I was

But when I entered adulthood I decided to study to not be a loser and discovered that I'm really good with math

>study in one of the best universities in my country
>very good student, professors respect me
>other students always ask me when they want to know about advanced stuff
>papers are making impact

anyone else here who never was a prodigy but is doing well?

>> No.9099840


fuck jealous people, they're losers, every intelligent or rich person always need to be ultra-humble all the fucking time or those faggots will hate you. "Hurr durr being humble is so good", not it isn't, being humble to not trigger losers is crap. In a sane world people who do well would be praised and not hated.

>> No.9099856

Very little, I may get good test results for some reason, but other than that I'm pretty much an idiot and everyone knows that. I keep trying to justify everything I do, am always tired and lack motivation to do anything, it's always been that way.

>> No.9099867

you're probably a smart guy with low self-esteem, try improving your motivation

>> No.9099869

I definitely wasn't stupid when I was growing up. My grades were good.

But then I didn't know what I wanted to do after college and I took too long to get started on my career, so it didn't really make a difference. I'm 29 and my salary is in the ~$68k range, which isn't awful, but I have to assume I'd be better off if I had a plan going into college, and I definitely didn't.

>> No.9099875


>I'm 29 and my salary is in the ~$68k range

you're probably doing better than most of this board.

>> No.9099889


Yeah, I feel like I'm doing all right, overall. But I still feel like I really screwed up after college. I consider my current job to be the first "real" job I ever had, and I've had it for only about two years. My mid-20s were pretty wasteful.

And if I lose my current job, which I was lucky to get, I'm probably fucked because I'm terrible at interviews. I'm bad at selling myself to potential employers in addition to being socially awkward as fuck.

>> No.9099900
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I didn't win?

>> No.9099916


>Does not read Wikipedia articles during free time

such a normie

>> No.9100751

I literally did no work in many classes at my "prestigious" private high school and graduated with a 3.2. Got a 2170 on the SAT and wrote a good essay and got into a good college. If you're smart enough and you pay attention in class you can easily coast through just about any high school in this country.

>> No.9100767

Now that i'm older im intelligent enough to have looked at the research which suggests talent does not exist

>> No.9100793

I'm sorry. I've cut cold many relationships where I thought I was getting the short hand of the stick. I think there's a degree of genuiness that will play you off as a victim for most people. It has little to do with asperger and such.

>> No.9100832

This is a known thing. Males mature slowly and a lot don't really show promise until their 20s.

A good example is the neuroscientist Cajal. No-one thought much of him but he revolutionalized the field.

>> No.9100874

ITT: People shamelessly sucking themselves off about how smart they are.

>> No.9100917

It's good to do once in a while. You know, instead of fhe crippling self-doubt and anxiety about the future.

>> No.9101073

It does, but at the same time all those defense mechanisms can fuck you when you get out of dodge.

I know other people like this who grew up in similar situations and got out of dodge who also have this problem.

Its like a permanent shitstain on your psyche that makes it difficult to connect with people, you still assume the worst out of everyone.

Sharp wit is just paranoia in a different context

>> No.9101155

...fair enough i guess

>> No.9101632
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when I was young everybody always acted like I was really special because how smart I was and acted like I was for sure going to be a big success and some kind of supergenius when I got older, and I took an IQ test when I was in 3rd grade, they never told me what it was but it was supposedly really high, so I think everybody's expectations lowered my motivation to try considerably to where my gifts and my talents where practically wasted on years of vidya and other bullshit that isn't productive

>> No.9101877

>I really don't think I'm living up to my potential
This is true for the overwhelming majority of people, regardless of their actual limits