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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9089625 No.9089625[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You lied to me, /sci/. You told me the differences between human races were all socially constructed and not rooted in biology. You told me the science was settled.

Well guess what. I went to /pol/ and I tried to lecture them using the knowledge you taught me. They showed me all the increasing evidence to the contrary. They blew me the fuck out and laughed me out of town. I can never show my face over there again.

What am I going to do now? How are you going to take responsibility, you fucking brainlets?

>> No.9089641

>/pol/ posing as /sci/ false-flagging as /pol/ posing as /sci/

kono baito

>> No.9089649
File: 920 KB, 956x1360, 1489113484934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations! You're the lucky winner! For creating the 1000th /pol/ racebait thread on /sci/ this week, you get this illustration of a woman's armpit. Keep up the fantastic work.

>> No.9089791

>evolution is real
>evolution doesn't occur in humans
>Ashkenazi gene
t. /sci/

>> No.9089834

>You lied to me /sci/
No one lied to you. /sci/ is 99.9% math majors, physicists, and engineers. No one here knows about genetics or even advocates for any position when it comes to genetics.

Every time you see a thread about race, sexuality or gender it is entirely made of Soros' shills combatting the Koch brother's shills. No real human being gives two fucks about race, we are too busy handling our own lives and posting anime girls. That said, from your tone I suppose you are a Soros shill so I invite all the Koch shills to come here and fuck you up and then I invite more Soros shills to fuck the Koch shills up so that all you faggots can stay busy in this thread.

>> No.9090319

/sci/ is better at real sciences like math and physics
/pol/ is better at social sciences like chem and bio
>can never show my face over there again
When you make a comment just type something different into the 'name' field then no one will know who you are.

>> No.9091244

Incas were superior to europeans though.

>> No.9091251

t. spic

>> No.9091253
File: 83 KB, 905x624, pol is satire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9091254

>You told me the differences between human races were all socially constructed and not rooted in biology. You told me the science was settled.
In the dozens of retarded threads you've made here, not a single person has said this. We just told you to fuck off because we don't care,

>> No.9091390


>> No.9091416


>> No.9091420

>I went to /pol/
Stopped reading here.

>> No.9091435

Fucking Christ. Soon enough /pol/ is going to poison every single board on this website.
The infection is pretty new here but it's terminal. I'd give this board about a year until it's completely infested with race realism (see scientific racism), homophobic and transphobic threads and anyone posting actual scientific evidence which doesn't confirm the biases of /pol/ will be called a cuck, receive death threats and have their threads shitposted out of existence.
It was nice knowing you, /sci/.

>> No.9091463

It was satire at one point, but that's obviously spiraled out of control. It's still a troll board (see Shia being put on suicide watch) but there are a sizable portion of people who now actually believe western civilization is under attack because they can't talk to girls

Problem is where the fuck else are we supposed to go? Plebbit?

>> No.9091480
