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9078038 No.9078038 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever failed a class in college?

If so, what class was it and why?

>tfw failed diffeq over the summer

>> No.9078051

Diffeqs, that class was really easy when I was first learning it
(Really good prof) but has become significantly harder to relearn after forgetting it.

>> No.9078057

I don't think it's possible to fail a college class unless you weren't trying at all.

>> No.9078061

I have dreams on a weekly basis that I'm failing both algebra and Chinese.

I never took either class in university and in fact made the deans list every session I was there. I have no idea what's causing these dreams.

>> No.9078070

I'm gonna get blasted, but Gen Chem 1

The professor had a policy where you could miss all tests, quizzes, and midterms, and instead have the final be close to 85% of your grade. There was also no homework in lecture, so I basically coasted through the semester. I didn't go to a single lecture past the 2nd week.

The day of the final came and I started studying the day of. I realized I was completely and utterly fucked. I knew absolutely nothing, not even acid-base equilibrium or redox reactions.
Got a C on the final but got almost a 0% in homework and the remaining 15%.
I ended up with a D.

It's the dumbest fucking thing I've done throughout my whole college career.

>> No.9078073

Sorry meant close to 0% in lab reports, which were included in the 15%, along with some in-class assignments

>> No.9078074

I failed topics in applied mathematics because I suffered from psychosis and spent a month in the hospital. Break-ups suck..

>> No.9078075

Obligatory attendance courses fucked me up.

>> No.9078143

Why are you even on this board? This is a place for smart people.

>> No.9078153

D in diff eq

And a D in some psychology class unrelated to my major

>> No.9078154


Failed all my programming classes because I am a brainlet

>> No.9078155

I got a D in Microbiology Lecture, A in the lab.

I didnt care. Its part of my minor so I just took a different lab class the next semester.

All the quizzes were online, twice a week.
>missed one
>marks next one on calendar
>day before
>alright im going to wake up and do it first thing

>> No.9078157


That is what happens when you depend on roasties. If you cannot survive the blow from a break up then you should not get a personal roastie. I have a gf and to prepare myself I do a mental exercise: I imagine that just today she broke up with me and I try to honestly see how I would react if that case. Every day I conclude that if she broke up with me then I would be fine. But the rule is this: If it ever feels like it would make me sad then I have to break up with her immediately. If you break up with her before she breaks up with you then you transfer the blow to her.

>> No.9078159

organic chem 1
like 70% of the students

>> No.9078162

depends on the professor at my school. I feel like my school has a fair bit of grade inflation but there's that occasional professor with a 20% pass rate

>> No.9078201

Would you rather have a W

or a D?

Taking physics 2 and im fucked, might just withdraw from the class so i dont fuckup my gpa. theres still a final exam and I failed both regular ones.

>> No.9078204

Depends. If it's your first W take it if you know you're not going to pass. Too many Ws can be a red flag though.
Also talk to your advisor, they know better than anyone here about your school and situation

>> No.9078376

If you don't mind my asking, which college did you attend where they would allow a policy like this?

>> No.9078391

W counts as an F at my college. It's a pretty fucked up policy, and I'm not sure if other schools treat them in the same manner.

I would talk to your advisor. You could mess up your schedule if you drop it and you could always retake it if needed.

>> No.9078403

Only dumb people do lab work.

I switched to Maths and now I have a 3.8. It feels much easier.

>> No.9078486

I flunked out of a mathematics/commerce dual degree due to severe depression

>> No.9078497
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Lol, I remember some guy posting a fucking Wojak and asking if he should take diff eq's over the summer

Please tell me that /sci/ got you to shit on your own GPA.

>> No.9078530

have fun not getting into top 10s for grad school

>> No.9078542

Have fun getting Bs when you're deep in upper div, because you will encounter professors who actually refuse to give As. Happens all the time here at Berkeley. You better be using RateMyProfessor.

>> No.9078551

>tfw admitted to michigan and uiuc

>the "professors actually refuse to give A's" meme

>> No.9078555

ive failed like 5 classes.

i honestly should have never been allowed to graduate but I didnt realize that they just wanted your shekels and didnt give a shit if you knew anything.

>> No.9078560

>goes to ucsd
>pulls this stunt
I am lmaoing at your life
I also go to UCSD and when I see the dozens of cocky freshman like you I can't help but laugh. What the fuck did you expect? That your brain would just fill with chemistry information de novo?

I hope you aren't premed

>> No.9078561

>>the "professors actually refuse to give A's" meme
where did you go for undergrad

this is pretty common

>> No.9078567


What's ur major?

>> No.9078576

Electrical Engineering

>> No.9078579


EE/Math dual

>> No.9078580

It's always fun to see "smart but lazy" kids get BTFO, especially when they talk about how easy college will be after their AP classes.

>> No.9078586


Russian, because the teacher was horrible and I lost interest really fast.

Fencing, because I am a klutz.

>> No.9078587

I failed 5 and out of a college. Doing fine now though, just cost 1.5 years

>> No.9078593

I have never passed an art class in my entire life.

>> No.9078617

I failed english 101 and a US history class but it was because I was being lazy and didn't take it seriously. Now I have my head on straight and have a 3.2 gpa in computer engineering major.

>> No.9078641

I failed two degrees and yet I am here restarting all over. Working in a start up and having two scholarships.

>> No.9078643

My friend is a vet and she told me that everyone in her class that has 50 people failed and only one passed with a B. He has tenured so he can't get fired.

>> No.9078644

I failed freshman calc.
Came back next semester and made a B.
Amazing what happens when you actually study.

>> No.9078648

I failed 4/5 courses one semester because I was being a retard and just didn't go to class at all for the last 2 months.
I've never gotten anything less than mid-80s on a course I actually showed up for.

>> No.9078653

I start Mech Eng in 3 weeks, can you guys give tips on how to get a 3.8+ GPA?

>> No.9078656

receive 4 A's for every 1 B you make. Make no C's, D's, or F's.

>> No.9078659

Transfer to MIT, where grading is out of 5.0. A 3.8 there is then like a 2.8 anywhere else.

>> No.9078661
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The last class I failed was middle school study hall, which I did for the lulz.
Lowest grade I received in high school was a C in a fitness class. Lowest grade I received in uni was a C in an art appreciation class.
Anything less than an A feels like failing desu, what's the point in taking a class if you don't master it?

>> No.9078665

How long should I study per hour in lecture?

>> No.9078666

What the fuck? I didn't type desu, damn autocorrect.

>> No.9078667

failed intro to phil when I was doing dual credit courses in highschool at a community college. Circle jerk teacher made it all about her politics so I stopped going.

>> No.9078668

dude how the fuck would i know. I dont know you, how quickly your grasp material, anything. Study until you can teach the material to someone.

>> No.9078671

Uh, this has happened to me before. I swear to god I didn't type desu and yet when I re-read my post there it was. Gave me paranoia and I reset my comp.

>> No.9078672


Depends what classes ur taking and if you're a brainlet. I'd say about 40 hrs / week

>> No.9078673

I fucked up in high school so I got shite everything 2.97 GPA mostly honors classes 3.2 weighted. 25 ACT, 27 math 26 science shite English and reading. 1170 SAT, 600 math 570 English.
A kid in my stats class got a 35 ACT, 1500 SAT, 4.0 all I.B. classes and got rejected at MIT

>> No.9078675

40 seems like too much considering I've never studied in my life, I'll just test the waters till I find something comfortable.

>> No.9078677

2-3 hours per unit per week.. so 6 unit course u should work at home up to 18 hours per week. Thats a good general rule depending on difficulty of the material.

>> No.9078678

"to be honest" as an acronym is filtered to desu.

>> No.9078797


>GPA meme

That 4.0 would be a 92/100 here at most.

>> No.9078814

lel I've failed like 7 classes. Actually, I've failed a few multiple times, so maybe it's not technically 7, but I've failed a class at least 7 times, maybe more actually. I failed one class 3 times, and had to write to the provost to petition him to let me retake it a 4th time.
Started out making 60+ grand a year out of uni, was never asked about my gpa, and got a job offer from every interview I've taken part in.
It's difficult for me to learn about or care about shit that I find boring, like programming or math. I aced all the grad level courses I took during undergrad though.
I just hope it doesn't come bite me in the ass when I go back to school for a masters in a few years.

>> No.9078907
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Literally failed the last class of my college semester.

It was a stupid class i took in the summer. Gave into a life time of self doubt and ideation of self-sabatoge brought on by crippling anxiety. Took it again and aced it. Going for my masters and going to therapy. Not going to let that happen again.

>> No.9079130

Failed intro to programming.

The only course I've ever received an F in. I've gotten a few D's here and there, but an F...goddamn I still think about it from time to time.

>> No.9079135

Failed Cal III. Missed final and wasn't allowed to make it up.

Even making on A+ on the repeat likely won't save me now.

>> No.9079236

The closest I came to failing a class was some bullshit nonwestern religions class. Most of our grade came from one paper on a meditation exercise we did one day. We were supposed to see shit like spirit animals giving us gifts or something. I didn't see shit, so I just made up things to write about in the paper. Got a D on it, because apparently my description of it wasn't verbose enough. A lot of people did the same thing but failed it.

>> No.9079265

Yeah, due to depression.

My GPA is trash.

>> No.9079286

can confirm
i didn't do the homework for my numerical analysis course, I only showed up to half of the classes, and i just made up some bullshit on the final, and I got a C

>> No.9079290

how many hours a week did you study and do homework?

>> No.9079306
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>tfw I now study energy policy

>> No.9079319

hi you only took 74 gpa hours and are bragging about 4? degree here at SLU is 121 for chemistry

also I withdrew failed differential equations because I was addictedto world of warcraft (still am) and had no time to memorize the seperable, e^x and series bullshit

>> No.9079329

...you got - something - out of failing it

>> No.9079384

>I didn't see shit, so I just made up things to write about in the paper. Got a D on it, because apparently my description of it wasn't verbose enough.
Holy shit.
Tell me that's not STEMS.

>> No.9079386
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Crybaby detected.

>> No.9079414

Data analysis becouse its not math nor physics

Physics 101 becouse the teacher didnt like my way to do things i.e high school way

>> No.9079416

No. I was a good student. Closest was probably pchem cause i almost missed a test.

>> No.9079418

That is a very specific hell.

>> No.9079420

I'm 30, guys. Should I just give up on school and work on the fields?

>> No.9079424

I m in my 4th year, I've attended less than 20 lectures and lesa than 10 labs since I started...

I'm usually too depressed to even stand up, but on the good days I get shit done.

That's how I've kept my place.

>> No.9079425

I failed optics

>> No.9079426

I'm 27, and was about to do the same...

>> No.9079437

guys you are like guaranteed to live to like 80+ at this point if you don't have any preexisting conditions

you got so much time left just study what you're interested in and see what happens

>> No.9079451

Argentina, Engineering, Free uni.

>Math I
First uni class. Before that I was consistently failing all math classes since I was 15. Not really a surprise I guess
>Stability II
I had a brain fart and defined that 1 meter was 10 centimenters. There wasn't a single conceptual mistake in the excersice but that didn't matter - Stability I and II are "0 or 100" classes - one strike, you are out.
>General Chemistry
it was split in two because it was the most bloated class in the whole career. I waited two years before doing the final out of lazyness and honest to god loathing of the sheer amount of study I had to do. When I actually tried to do I got violently ass raped despite two weeks studying because they changed professors. First time I actually cried over uni stuff
>Calculus I
I almost "promoted" (instant pass without a final) bt I was too lazy. Fast forward two years I had to re do the class because they changed proffessors and turned it into a "filter" class where you get the hardest excersices of the book, so I got raped in the final twice. I promoted it last month.
>Materials for Engineering I - Twice
A pseudo meme class that's basically "steel and aluminium melting: the class. Since I was doign two classes at the same day I couldn't study for both exams and the class was so low priority I just dropped out of both.
>Logical Processes
Literal meme class where you learn a literally who coding program to solve logic problems with 0 theory or understanding of what you are actually doing. I passed the class but it turns out i didn't because one of my group members forgot to write down my name in the obligatory group excersice. I'm gonna try to fight my way into doing the final but I don't have the contact info of anyone who I worked with there so it's probably a lost cause

Next week I'll either pass or fail Calculus II and Physics I. Two finals, one next to the other.

>> No.9079477

I got a D in Gen Physics 1 because it was first semester freshman year, I had no idea how to manage myself, my roomates were drunk alcoholic partying soccer team members, and the class was at 7:30 AM.

>> No.9079521

I failed my mechatronics systems and controls class for my ME degree. To be fair, my professor was bullshit, and I had a much better one a second time around.

>> No.9079537

One time I got an A- because I was thinking about fucking my girlfriend the whole time during the final.

>> No.9079550

Oh fuck, there is a physics teacher at my college that fails most of his students or half. He only teacher cal 1 physics for life science majors and cal 1 physics. Every semester he has students complaining about him to the counselors. Nothing ever happens

>> No.9079554

>only teaches

>> No.9079560

Yeah that sounds pretty heathly kek

>> No.9079615

>bragging about 4
I don't have a 4, but even if i did, i wouldn't brag because it's really fucking easy to get one

i feel bad for you brainlet/grindlets who are constantly rationalizing why they wont' do basic, simple work that's literally designed for them to get A's in

>> No.9079616

I got an A+ while reminiscing about fucking your girlfriend, brainlet

>> No.9079622

>7:30 am
what kind of trash school do you go to?
most workplaces don't even expect you to show up until 8 or 9

>> No.9079635

My only F is from telecom. Fucking analog noise.

>> No.9079672


It was Stony Brook, although I graduated a few years back

>> No.9079701
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>go to shitty city school but intentionally take professors with terrible pass rates because they are more likely to actually teach something
Rate my endeavors

>> No.9079704

If your brain and or eyes get tired after 2 pages of reading the maths and you find you have no desire to up the number 2 and you don't breeze through the material because you are a genius which it doesn't seem you are think about a different field

>> No.9079714
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Discrete III. I missed one day of class (the last day) the whole term due to second degree burns on my face. On that day the instructor changed the date of the final exam, and so when I showed up to the exam that was in the class schedule (dripping orange goo everywhere), I was the only one there. When I went to administration to ask them what was up, they told me my instructor was currently out of the country. He never responded to my e-mails. It was completely against the rules, but I was the only one that cared. Naturally, I got an F for missing the final. I certainly would have at least gotten a B otherwise. This is pretty much when I got fed up with university and started working. I take some comfort in that I certainly make more money now than that Russian asshole ever did. Actually, he's probably dead now, which is unfortunate since he can't feel pain any longer.

>> No.9079791

>japanese 4
>get in motorcycle accident, cant make it to the final
>auto F if you miss final
>email professor that i got in a motorcycle accident and if he can pass me
>grade changed to A since I took him for every single class
was p nice to be quite honest with you

>> No.9079792

I failed or close to failed basically every class in highschool.
Funny how things change

>> No.9079807

You must took passing professors. There are professors that will only give a certain amount of pass grades. There are professors who will give an F on principle if you suck.

>> No.9079815

>ameriblubbers get tens of thousands of dollars in debts to "study" this

>> No.9079840

I think I've failed Calc 1 like 8 times no joke. My parents kept sending me to school and I just never went to class

>> No.9079880

For better or worse I havent.

>> No.9079925

>121 for chemistry
wtf I needed 131 to graduate with an engr degree.

>> No.9079953

>failed statics because I forgot to drop the class
>failed intro to programming (C) because I'm dumb af
Two F's at Cal Poly resulted in academic dismissal at the time, so I transferred to a worse school to study biology instead. Now I'm a NEET.

>> No.9080064

I failed diffeq too. Thought I could get away with just fucking around as always but no

>> No.9080071

Virgin detected

>> No.9080093

>t. brainlet
i did the same thing in my differential geometry course. got a B, and did better than half of everyone else (who went to class). guess Gauss-Bonnet was too much for em

>> No.9080098

This, I was at UCLA and the problem was similar.
Once our professor for "Topics in Analysis" (we uses Stein and Shakarchi's Real Analysis text, which covers graduate-level topics) told us "only 25% of you can get As, which is about 8 of you." The tension among the international Chinese students (who comprised 90% of the class) was palpable.

>> No.9080100

Yes, actually.

I managed to fail an incredibly easy course in probability, due to being stressed out and not being able to think clearly at all. A week or so later I retook the test and absolutely aced it, getting the highest grade. Turns out having your mental on point helps out when doing mathematics.

>> No.9080109

>7 am koch
i'm sorry for your loss

>> No.9080113

I have been having a recurring dream where I forgot to go to French class all semester and show up on the last day to take an oral exam as a last ditch effort to pass.

I have never taken french, is the weird thing.

>> No.9080155

I withdrew from US history II
The prof had a policy of giving 0's to "plagiarized" work. His definition of plagiarized meaning using anything as a source that wasn't exactly from the $200 textbook lmao
Took it again next semester and got a B+

>> No.9080168

The closes I ever came to failing was in mechatronics. The asshole professor didn't know shit about the electronics part of mechatronics, didn't give out any homework, didn't use a proper fucking reference and gave out photocopied bits and pieces instead, and made up ridiculously difficult exam problems.

>> No.9080192


I was a chem major but I never had a class with Koch. It was this guy doing gen phys


>> No.9080207

Yes, around 10 or 11.

I'm struggling with Real Analysis right now, who knows, I might get another F.

>> No.9080229

Discrete Mathematics because the fuckers calendarized all my tests for each course in the same week.

>> No.9080246

Because Engineering is harder despite /sci/'s fixation with thinking engies are stoothpid. You basically have to take every damn STEM class there is to be more or less a jack of all trades type in that area.

>> No.9080262

I failed algebra I once. It's a remedial course obviously but I had a 6th grade education at best going into it and the teacher was dog shit. Later on, I studied math from the literal bottom up and am now where I should have been in my math knowledge 10 years ago. Better late than never?

>> No.9080341

F in gollege algebra :DDDDDDD

>> No.9080367

I failed 6 exams during my bachelor's. But I'm at a German university; that's not some kind of american "top 10 kindergarten" like harvard. Here, you have to actually learn something to get a 4.0 GPA. We don't have multiple choice bullshit.

>> No.9080373

That's honestly better than if they just passed you. Half of my calculus class is failing because they have no algebra skills. If you build a good foundation you'll be better than most.

>> No.9080376

>the mental gymnastics eurafags have to perform
Inb4 lol amerifat
Im european and we all know theres no comparison between american and european unis aside from eth, cambridge, oxford
Kys you brainlet. Are you even in ku munich? (best of the shittiest)

>> No.9080386

>tfw never failed a class
You have to be a lazy fuck to fail, is not even about intelligence, just attend to class do and read what they tell you and thats it.

>> No.9080440

in the UK at least, our courses go much deeper and teach US graduate content at undergrad (oxbridge especially), but are not as broad in scope

>> No.9080446
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epic, simply epic

>> No.9080698

>just attend to class
How much time do you think I have?

>> No.9080817
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>failed statics because I forgot to drop the class
I-I know that feel.

>> No.9080822

Maths is incredibly easy to cram for.

t. Chem Major

>> No.9080832
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Work in these fields

>> No.9080853

Literally got like a 30% in fucking comp sci 117 because i literally never went to lecture or did any of the homework or went to the labs

got like a 40% on the final

mom was going through serious health issues

>> No.9081174


>> No.9081185

What do you mean half of your class if failing calculus? Please explain. How can somebody get up to cal 1 and fail? Is the teacher too hard?

>> No.9081432

How the hell?

>> No.9081818

Nobody cares about your autism funhaus, g*rm

>> No.9081857

redox reactions and acid-base equilibrium are covered in Gen Chem 2 though? Not Gen Chem 1

>> No.9081873
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I know a guy who:
>spent 2 years at a community college to complete his generals
>spent 5 years finishing most of a geography degree
>spent 2 years on a biology minor since he had to wait for the geography classes he failed to be offered again
>will spend at least another year since he failed the only class he needed to graduate last semester.
Almost ten years and he still doesn't have all the pieces for a B.Sc. in geography. You can petition the dean at my college to get a B.A. or B.Sc. in general studies.I wish he would just get the damn B.A. since the requirements for a B.Sc. (two semesters calculus, two semesters chemistry, two semesters physics) have kept him in school for a long time.

I feel like a dunce for finishing my B.Sc. in five years sometimes, at least I got two majors out of it though.

>> No.9081880

Double major in 5 years is pretty respectable.

>> No.9081898
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I wouldn't call it failing but I got an A- in some brainlet engineering design class that should've been an easy A

>> No.9081923

What? I thought acid base equilibrium and redox were covered in senior year of highschool?

>> No.9082667

Thanks man. I only feel shitty about it because I know a lot of people who finished in three years, and because I could have spent that extra year in grad school. At the end of the day, it's not a race.

>> No.9082720

I always barely pass "filler" courses that don't catch my attention (sociology, entrepreneurship, ethics, etc), also i failed material mechanics because i was hardcore trying to git gud at painting and spent day and night painting and reading books about it and straight up not showing up to classes

Also sometimes i get low grades on courses when i find something else that interests me more, got a B on Laplace transformations because i spent the whole semester researching and learning Fourier transformations

>> No.9082722

nigger you barely need to do anything in a math course to get mediocre grades.

>> No.9082748

somehow no. even the modules outside my main subject, where i debated going to the exam because i hadnt been to the classes, i just scraped a pass
im guessing they were probably quite lenient with the marking

>> No.9082910


He was fine, the problem was the course time

>> No.9083605

What level proficiency are you right now, subjectively?

>> No.9084722

In my university basically all courses are like this, no one forces you to keep up, but you'll regret it at the end of the semester if you don't

>> No.9084736

I made a D+ in gen chem 1. I was a pure math major, took it thinking it was Chen for idiots. It was basically a Chen course for those that just took AP Chem; not a Chem 101

>> No.9084738

St. Lawrence or St. Louis?

>> No.9086722


1. Single Vairable Calculus and Introductory Analysis.

Not proud of this one. The lecturer was pretty awful and the class average was really low but there was no excuse to fail it. I passed multivariable calculus and analysis the next semester though.

2. Set Theory and General Topology

This class was taught by the same lecturer and was just unnecessarily difficult to begin with and has like a 70% failure rate. Also, didn't study for it and planned to pass at repeats.

>> No.9086915
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>mfw the closest i ever got to failing was a 52 in discrete math
g-going to be retaking t-that one.

>> No.9086955

>a 52 isn't failing
Where is this?

>> No.9087187


>> No.9087442

why the fuck are you on this board

>> No.9087546

I got a D+ in jogging. While being one of like 6 people in the course who actually jogged. Still unsure how anything grade related in that class worked. Only 1 unit though so it didn't hurt my GPA much.

I also failed Calc II first time around in CC but I retook it and did fine so the original grade no longer counted. It was a good learning experience.

>> No.9087583

Took a W in pre-calculus, Calculus I, Intro to Electrical Engineering, and Physics I. Decided that Computer Engineering wasn't for me, so I switched my major to Business Administration with a emphasis in Finance. Struggling with Managerial Accounting II, Operations Management, and Fundamentals of Real Estate in this summer semester. I think this will be my first Ds/Fs in my college endeavor. I still haven't taken any of the Finance courses. I go to Cal Poly Pomona.

>> No.9087588
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Yes, I got an A- in finance 101, because there was a shitty question no one could answer, since it was't featured in ANY past exam papers, the professor's book, lecture notes or exercises. It's my only A- till now. What a dipshit. Totally ruined my grade point average.

>> No.9087607

>Took a W in pre-calculus, Calculus I, Intro to Electrical Engineering, and Physics I. Decided that Computer Engineering wasn't for me

>> No.9087944

Coastline Community College District?

>> No.9088007

>what is, being a brainlet?

>> No.9088114

A 50 is basically a B in Sweden. Living the dream.

>> No.9088131

Almost failed Stats for scientists engineers. Not difficult stuff, but the chinese prof was a big "learn by rote" person and would just give us overly inflated problem sets. It wasn't new concepts just doing the same problem 20 times over with a slight difference before moving on to the next 20 of the same thing. I got fed up with it and stopped doing the problem sets half way through the course. I did well on my final which got me a solid C.

>> No.9088227


Actually took Pre-Calculus and Calculus I at a CC. Didn't do well, so I dropped it and took the W. I retook them and passed them later on. I actually took the entire Math series at a CC. I took Physics I and Intro to Electrical Engineering in CPP. I didn't understand the material no matter how much I tried and how many hours per week I studied. I couldn't even get pass the first question in Intro to EE. Business classes are difficult for me (nowhere near as difficult as Engineering), but I at least can understand what the book and lecturer is telling me. I didn't understand anything when it came to Engineering.

>> No.9088367

Theoretical Physics, I retook it though and got an A

>> No.9089083

36 act, 1560 sat, 5 on 9 AP exams 4 on 1, tons of community service and leadership experience, good writing and excellent interview, 3 college math classes before applying, white cis gay male, rejected from mit.
Dont worry about your little friend there!

>> No.9089369

Why did you want to get into MIT?

>> No.9089869


Where i study, the passing grade starts at 60%

>> No.9089926

>bragging about standardized test scores
>on 4chan
Kill yourself

>> No.9090080

>what is, being a brainlet?
Failing a class, evidently

>> No.9090090

I've never failed a class before but a shitty TA literally cheated me out of an A.

The class was curved so that only the top three students could receive an A. At the end of the year the top scores were:

1. 92.3% (me)
2. 89.5%
3. 89.1%
4. 87.8%

And that bitch gave spots 2-4 (the three people below me) 5% of extra credit because they were "barely below an A," bumping them above me and making me lose my A. And what a coincidence that the four were already good friends. I'm not usually a grade grubber but that's pure bullshit.

Anyway I told the prof and the dean and they're "looking into it" but I doubt anything will come out of it.

>> No.9090112

Your digits are repeating "90" (A)

>> No.9090136

I got a D in my probability models class last semester. It was entirely my fault because I skipped literally 80%+ of the lectures, but the professor was such shit that I just couldn't bring myself to attend at 8:00am (I commute an hour to class), especially when I aced the first exam. I'm not even sure how I got such a low score. It wouldn't surprise me if she somehow

>> No.9090137

^^^if she somehow fucked up

>> No.9090140

litterally failed 4 classes this semester, and 2 the previous one. Didn't attend, didn't try. gf left me in october, have given up on thinking ever since.

>> No.9090161

That's some bullshit. Good luck. TAs are the enemy.

>> No.9090283

My school uses the same software and it's the worst piece of shit in history

>> No.9090393

Holy fuck that's infuriating. I know it's easy to give advice over the internet that's too extreme but you should honestly go to the TA's office hours and ask him about that face to face.

>> No.9090425

Failed class because I had to pick 4 courses per semester to qualify for loan and I really couldn't give less shit about most of them

>> No.9090449


i failed my first semester at a decent canadian school because i literally stopped showing up to class after mid terms and didn't study at all before finals

>> No.9090481

Lol at the dick measuring contest y'all are having with how easy it was to pass whatever classes. I'm 18, a junior triple majoring in astrophysics physics and computational mathematics. Never failed a course but I would never imply some class was "easy"? The fuck? Passed partial differential equations with flying colors, same with ODE, discrete, calculus, differential geometry, all my physics courses etc. Don't be a cuck.

>> No.9090535

to be honest

>> No.9090538

wait... disregard that

>> No.9090788

lived in japan for 3 months alone and got along fine

>> No.9090795

the classic meme is that people dont fail calculus in calc1. calc1 calculus is actually really easy.

people fail the algebra involved in calc1, or they fail the trig involved in calc1. the ACTUAL calculus used in calc1 is very basic, simple diff eq., simple derivatives, etc.
biggest killers are related rates and trig, both of which are very algebra heavy

>> No.9091377

Calculus based physics

I was too dumb to comprehend it. Physics is on another level. I think its probably the hardest major out there. I'll be failing automata theory pretty soon as well.

>> No.9091388

Newfag phone poster.

Message sent from my Samsung Galaxy

>> No.9091401

failed chem. they assumed ap knowledge and wasn't really an intro class despite its name

>> No.9091436

hated chem

>> No.9091474

failed bio

>> No.9091590

Physics without calculus is non-existant. You are learning memes.

>> No.9091627

memes lead to dreams

>> No.9091823

I know this. I had to say it because when I tell people I failed university physics they say lmao anon I got an A when they really took high school physics again in college

>> No.9091829

How easy is it to fail thermodynamics?

>> No.9091868

If it's a chemistry course it's should not be too hard, if it's a physics or engineering course it can be harder. If you're not a brainlet you should pass but it wasn't my best grade

>> No.9091887

Failed trigonometry.
Would always do well at the start of the semester but would flunk the cumulative final and end up failing the entire course.
college is a waste of time anyway

>> No.9091948
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I took an """intro""" to biotechnology class my first quarter freshman year. Butchered the midterm and final but did the homework and extra credit shit so I was able to walk away with a D.

Chemistry too. The way the homework was graded was retarded. If you got at least 8/10 on all but one of the assignments, you get a 100% for the homework portion of your grade. Otherwise, you get 0%.

I got 2 assignments in late (one of them by like 10 minutes) so 15% of my grade immediately went down the drain. That coupled with my abhorrent test grades fucked my shit up.

>> No.9092045

>One of them by like 10 minutes
Why didn't you ask the professor to cut you some slack? In my experience, professors are understanding if you have an excuse.

>> No.9092051

Failed my entire last term. Stopped going to lectures and eventually flunked out everything, had to move back home to my parents. Been NEET since December, it's pretty shit

>> No.9092053

what was your psychosis like

>> No.9092090

Nearly failed developmental algebra. Not even kidding.

I went to university for the first time at 27 years old, I hadn't done any math in a decade and forgot everything. I tested into that class and they went so fast with everything and didnt explain enough to keep up. It was about getting through the class as fast as possible.

>> No.9092236

Not in college but I failed AP Biology in high school. It was boring as shit, zoned out 15 minutes into the lecture and never read my textbook. Didn't even try the AP test because I knew I learnt nothing.

>> No.9092334
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>I just remember I signed up for summer classes

>> No.9092337
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This, I'll bring my A for you anon

>> No.9092367

Failed compiler design. I got an A in both prereqs (systems 1 and data structures 2) and understood most of the material, but I had no familiarity with the language we were working with, and couldn't get the final project to run. It was 60% of our grade, and a non-working program received no credit, so I failed.

>> No.9092382

I've failed shit loads of times and very randomly.

I failed Calc II three times but passed Calc III and Diff. Eq on the first shot and with good grades. English and Communications I've probably failed five or six times which is probably because I find them boring as piss and never bother to write the papers/speeches. I'm just kinda all over the place with what I pass and what I fail.

>> No.9093400

He's not smart, he just thought he was. In reality he's an entitled little dumbfuck. What I like seeing is students who may not do so well on tests or with really complex theories, but who go to lab and can just instinctively get everything done, troubleshoot problems, and follow a procedure while simultaneously modifying it to make better. There are people like this, and they are truly so much more useful to the world than 'scientists' who think they're 'too good for experimentation.' Lab is what chemistry is asshole. How do you think the information in the books you didn't read or the lectures you didn't attend was compiled. You should not be STEM. Go to psychology.

>> No.9093457
