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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9076009 No.9076009 [Reply] [Original]

Theoretically can I suffocate the bacteria on my teeth by holding water in my mouth for a long time?

>> No.9076052

The bacteria in your mouth are anaerobic, so no.
You can kill them by mouthbreathing like the retard you are, though.

>> No.9076059

I'm not OP but please do not make fun of mouthbreathing. I was born with many allergies and sometimes I have no other option but to breath from my mouth because either I do not have the medicine at the time, or I took it the pills take time to have full efect on my nose. I don't do it because I want to. You are being an asshole right now.

>> No.9076066

what do they breathe?
as far as i know there aren't many types of that, cyanobacteria and methanogens, ... ?

>> No.9076069

>I was born generically inferior and I can not survive on earth without drugs because my body overreacts to allergens
please don't have kids.

>> No.9076072

Yeah ableist scum, did you just assume my respiration style?

>> No.9076077

I don't have kids yet and I've personally never wanted kids but right now it is inevitable I will have kids because you know how women are.

Anyways, if you want to play the genetic inferiority game then I was born a child prodigy in mathematics and earned my PhD at the age you will probably get your bachelors so why don't you sit the fuck down faggot.

I'm not a SJW.

>> No.9076083

>claiming accolades on the inter-webs and thinking people will believe you.
you're new around here aren't you kid?

>> No.9076086

OP you should use a shotgun and shoot the bacteria to kill them

>> No.9076088
File: 526 KB, 800x587, 1466976632626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exile yourself, mouthbreather scum. Every time you drink coffee everyone in the building knows it. You stink.

>> No.9076093

I don't need you to believe me. I just want you to know that in the big picture, you are nothing but an insignificant ant compared to me. You are garbage and I am better than you.

>> No.9076097

why are you guys being sarcastic, i think it's a perfectly valid question
you don't have to constrict your thinking to the conditions i originally proposed
they use x? then cut off their access to x via holding some liquid in your mouth, it can be ethanol, oil, hypertonic saline solution...

>> No.9076103
File: 37 KB, 401x400, 4536155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im a big shot and you're a poo-poo head

>> No.9076104

I'll get my PhD and I'll never be a mouthbreather. Also you type like a midget. Do you have a dust allergy? Are you nasally because you're so close to the carpet?

>> No.9076114

>I'll get my PhD and I'll never be a mouthbreather.

That isn't really an asset. You do realize that the only people I inconvenience with my allergies are other people right? Sure, for me it is bad when I get my allergies but my mouth can breath perfectly fine so when I get into the rhythm I barely even notice it. It is only you, the observer, that gets triggered by it and I could not give less shits.

>> No.9076119
File: 75 KB, 500x327, shrug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I get into the rhythm I barely even notice it

the other girls at your office will definitely make fun of you behind your back though

just saying...

>> No.9076121
File: 32 KB, 237x304, 1498882142987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think not being an unlikable gremlin isn't an asset?

>> No.9076127

>Genetically inferior
>Due to a primarily epigenetic issue

Son, I've seen a lot of shit in my day, but yours, by far, is the foulest, most odiferous, most offending shit I've ever smelled. Please consult with your local plumber.

>> No.9076129


I would not ever fucking work with women. I consider women to be a distraction from work. Let female mathematicians do all they want, but just get them away from me.

And I do not worry if the women in my classes and around me mock me because I do not give two shits. First because I only answer to my superiors, who are men and men tend to be more professional than women and for how well they have treated me and how much they have helped advance my career I can see that they do not see an issue with my medical problems.

Second, I already have a girlfriend so I have not needed to worry about female approval for about 3 years.

>> No.9076139

>I hate other women
>I hate everyone in all my classes
>I don't care what anyone thinks about anything

that thing I said about you not having kids because of your bad genes... don't worry about it, your personality will be all the birth control youll ever need.

>> No.9076143

>/sci/ bullies some guy with allergies


>> No.9076149

Guy is an informal word used to describe humans of male gender. Thus a mouth breather cannot be said to be a guy, for these vermin are not human, they are subhumans, beasts, who should be exterminated.

>> No.9076150

>I hate other women

That is a straw man really. The point is that I am not delusional. If I see a moderately attractive female specimen I get a boner. I simply do not think I can be professional around women. I actually have an over active sex drive and by that I mean medically recorded.

When I see men who claim they can be professional around women I just fucking laugh because you always see them looking at their tits anyways. And I personally think that you should never cum where you work. Never fucking cum where you work.

>I hate everyone in all my classes
Again another strawman. I said that if women in my classes mock me, I do not care. They have never actually done it but of course there is always the possibility that they do it behind my backs after class but if that is the case I could not give two shits.

>I don't care what anyone thinks about anything

This is the final strawman that shows your true nature. I simply say that I do not care if people judge me for a characteristic I had no control over.

If you think I should actually feel ashamed for it then that just shows how insecure you are about your own issues. You clearly have not outgrown your teenage mentality that "Oh shit Stacey is looking at me oh fuck oh fuck!!!!".

Grow up kid.

>> No.9076184

Mouth bacteria are very resilient. If you allow plaque to build, they will form between your teeth and literally never go away. Do you fucking understand me? Once they colonize, they never die. All you can do is prevent further growth. Floss frequently and use mouth wash.

>> No.9076201

well dentists can mechanically remove them via drilling albeit not for long, they always come back despite how much I brush em ;_;
Also I thought mouth washes were debunked by Adam

>> No.9076508

Most useless post of the day, cool.

>> No.9076527

I thought Guy was an informal way of referring to somebody who wants to blow up the British parliament or somebody who you want to burn in effigy and then beat with sticks. That's why I just use it for everyone

>> No.9076538

Theoretically can I kill bacteria on my teeth by holding semen in my mouth for a long time?

Asking for a friend

>> No.9076558

Yes, but you need specific sperm depending on your bacteria.

If you have white bacteria then you need to get a black man's sperm because black man sperm is specialized for the penetration of the white female egg. Their sperm are actually triple the size of white sperm but the cost of this is that they are less smart so they cannot tell apart a white woman from a white bacteria so the moment a black sperm sees a white bacteria it will think it is the womb of a white woman it needs to colonize so it will go into the bacteria and destroy it by perforating it.

If you have black bacteria then you need to go to the south and get the semen of KKK members.

If you have asian bacteria then it is very important that you get nuclear sperm twice into your mouth. However this may backfire with your bacteria starting an anime industry.

>> No.9076569

fuk you i always breath through a snorkel incase of a flash flood.
ill be the one laughing after you drown in an inch of water

>> No.9076573

My mouth bacteria keep rubbing their pilus together and demanding shekels, what do I do?

>> No.9076609

A potent mouthwash of a pure blooded german's sperm may do the trick.

>> No.9076652

Dummy. Mouth breathing increases oral bacteria

>> No.9076704


>> No.9076724

You're lame as fuck, just stop posting

>> No.9076877
File: 125 KB, 640x365, Zeng_life-cycle-of-biofilm-image-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The plaque on your teeth is a biofilm OP. In terms of survivability, you are a complete bitch compared to bacteria.

>> No.9076945

You did not answer if you're a dwarf. I read your whole conversation and did not find out if you're after all a dwarf.

>> No.9077012

Cant handle all the fossil pollution and garbage in the air. So inferior to the diesel huffing masterrace

>> No.9077013

This board is so DUMB. I think id rather discuss anime at this point

>> No.9077189

2 points for Ana Kasparian.