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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9074823 No.9074823 [Reply] [Original]

Is IQ genetic?

>> No.9074834


>> No.9074840


>> No.9074841

Loaded question.

>> No.9074944

No. Your genes build all the rest of your body but not your brain.
Brains are inserted into babies shortly after they are born. The brain factory supplies the same model to everyone.

>> No.9074947

partially, you're environment (culture, family, education promotion, etc) has a big factor in intelligence too

>> No.9074948

No and yes. My parents and half my siblings are pretty dumb. Myself and the other half are quite smart.

>> No.9074954

>Argument based on personal experience

>> No.9074985

>recessive traits disprove genetics

>> No.9075066

How is this thread still going, every day for the past few years ? honestly the thread creator should be able to put a quiz/question on his thread blocking brainlets out, like some kind of integration problem.

>> No.9075071

You mean intelligence. Asking if IQ is genetic is like asking if someone's result on the mbti is genetic which is retarded and the answer is no. If you mean intelligence I'd say yeh you can be born with a good mind, but the behavioralist in me says upbringing has the upper hand as a deciding factor.

>> No.9075074

Does it matter ?

>> No.9075076

You doubt the influx of new people here. I used to think it was just basic shitposting, but it's transcended that level. It has to be a reddit >> /pol/ newfag every time. It's the only explanation.

>> No.9075175

Yes, stop making this fucking posts

>> No.9075204

The scientific consensus is that genetics play a role but IQ is best determined by environment.

>> No.9075223

Very much so. Close to 70%

>> No.9075373
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>be intelligence experimenter
>bring up humans and worms the same
>they do equally well in school

>> No.9075535
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>> No.9075562

How heritable IQ is has nothing to do with trying to claim difference races have different heritability for IQ.

>> No.9075603

No its an arbitrary metric for measuring intellegence relative to the population being sampled with the average set at 100.
If you are asking if intellegence is genetic the answer is mostly no. Intellegence is formed mostly in development by experience, most of its heritability is epigenetic.
Don't respond to this post you're too dumb to talk to me, leave the Internet entirely.

>> No.9075619

As there are multiple concepts of Intelligence, IQ is just one form of measurement. it's a scale to measure certain aspects of intelligence, was developed in western societies and might thus be biased to measure certain features you only learn if you grow up in a western society (there are intercultural studies for example on the differences in style of thinking between western and eastern societies. Westerners tend to analyze by fragmentation, as in "split the problem in a variety of minor problems, analyse the basic elements to understand the whole" while easterners tend to view problems in a more holistic way as in "see the problem and it's context to solve it"). This of course might explain some differences in the results of said scale, especially when it comes down to logic and problem solving.
So is intelligence determined by genes? Yes, mostly. But just being born with a lot of it does not mean you will be smart. it can be seen as a potential. Is it inherited? not so much. The dumbest parents can have the brightest kids and the opposite is possible as well. Also there is no difference between what you would probably call races (despite some differences in analytical style in collectivist vs. individualist societies). In fact, the differences within ethnicities are much larger than between, and many modern myths regarding the topic stem from biased tests used to prove that black americans are dumber than their white counterparts.

>> No.9075624
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>many modern myths regarding the topic stem from biased tests used to prove that black americans are dumber than their white counterparts
are you saying that the SAT math test is biased?

>> No.9075629

Tfw brainlet

>> No.9075630

Well, the origins of those examinations used biased tests (as we know now). Today's differences in scores can be explained as well. One huge factor is socoeconomic status, as well as Stereotype Threat (you may google this yourself).

>> No.9075636

These "scientists" are always eager to embarrass themselves over and over and over and over and over again.

>> No.9075690

>differences within ethnicities are much larger than between
honestly I expected better from /sci/

>> No.9075704

>Actual proof that nonhuman animals are limited in intellect by their genetic makeup
>Retards still think humans arent the same as well

>muh nurture
Bullshit, unless your base intellect is high enough you will always be a dumbass.

>> No.9075763

>muh socioeconomic factors
Organize SAT by race and wealth, you'll just be surprised, nigger

>> No.9075775

That would show that there is a clear economic impact. We are talking about socioeconomics, which is economics, plus many social/societal factors.

>> No.9075791
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>In fact, the differences within ethnicities are much larger than between
That's Bull shit. Just look around. Just like Dog Breeds. Each dog breed has its own distinctive characteristic appearance & gene markers.
2 Rottweilers will always look more alike than comparing a Rottweiler with a Poodle. Each breed has its distinct size, appearance & psychological characteristics such as aggressivity.
>Dogs Breeds are similar to Human races.
Each Ethnic group have its own distinct characteristics DNA/genres/genetic code, ancestry, culture, language, beliefs & ideology.

>> No.9075797

Partly genetics + environment

It's honestly like a lottery that makes life easier. But is it all genetics? My siblings while not stupid, are nowhere near as smart as me in mathematics, the sciences or technology.
I also lucked out on height (6'1-6'3) and blue eyes from my grandfather

>> No.9075804

>just look at it guys!!!
That's not how science is done.

>> No.9075821

Negroes are on average borderline retarded.

>> No.9075872

What I'm more interested in is, how much relation does a measured IQ value have with how intelligent someone appears in their everyday behavior?

>> No.9075901
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Don't be a breedist.

>> No.9075917


>> No.9075999

Its the biggest but not sole factor.

>> No.9076020

Yes it does.

>> No.9076025
File: 54 KB, 600x358, actually_happened.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone knows Africa is noted for its brilliant scientist, engineers, and philosophers.....

>> No.9076035

Only by people on 4chan.

>> No.9076039

Oh my gosh, that is so gross. I thought the person was just biting a ring but it's actually his lips. I didn't even know it was possible to do that with lips.

>> No.9076223

Probably not much desu

>> No.9076334

what did he mean by this?

>> No.9076402

For me it's even worse: everybody is dumb except me

>> No.9076421

Are intelligent people more likely to think that IQ is genetic? If so, is the likelihood of thinking that IQ is genetic genetic?

>> No.9076427

>Intelligent people are less likely to shorten their lifespan by things they can easily control like the amount they eat and whether they smoke
Really makes me think

>> No.9076439

So what you're saying is that African intelligence has more to do with hunting wildlife and foraging for hay while non-African intelligence has more to do with everything else?

>> No.9076454

Unfortunately, very little. The majority of people who are made of high quality subsystems, are as one whole system, similar to degenerate trash you'll find anywhere else. Educated hackjobs.

>> No.9076497

Einstein smoke a lot.

>> No.9076529
File: 92 KB, 1000x550, ratsofshahdaula.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know how the FUCK they do that to their lips? This sort of stuff interests me a lot, the human body can develop in very interesting ways. Pic related, humans with microcephaly due to wearing an iron ring around their heads during their development.

>> No.9076535

Finally. It's about time this board gets back to hard science and proven facts.

>> No.9076826

Citation needed.

>> No.9076853

>wearing an iron ring around their heads during their development.
For what purpose?

>> No.9076879

Partly, but environment and culture matter more

>> No.9076941

It's literally the same thing as gauge earrings, except it's a lip ring.

>> No.9076962

boy have I got the thread for them

>> No.9077306

Yes but not totally. I think that 50-80 percent is inherited. The remaining percentage is influenced by nutrition, proper stimulation, upbringing etc. So if you're a Brainlet, you can place a little blame on upbringing but for the most part you're just a retard.

>> No.9077323

The scientific consensus does not even approach this summary.

>> No.9077326

It's not his lips. It's her lips. Thats a girl mate.

>> No.9077351

Dog breeds are a lot more distinct than ethnicity.
Culture, language, beliefs and aren't inseparable from ethnicity and aren't tied to your genes

>> No.9077354

>no IQ is not genetic
>you could raise someone with downs syndrome or a gorilla or a cat or a cockroach to be as intelligent as Paul Dirac as long as you raised them the same way he was raised
>hurrr durr I'm a fucking retard

>> No.9077708
File: 71 KB, 426x597, koko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can raise a gorilla to talk like human.

>> No.9079374

One gorilla has been raised by a specialist and with 45 years of training has achieved proficiency with sign language equivalent to a 4 year old human child.

>> No.9079482

No shit it is. What are you going to do about it? Make sure your kids are clear on it, acknowledge its implications when you see them play out, and carry on with your life.

>> No.9079509
File: 21 KB, 768x505, ccf_20170201_reeves_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One gorilla has been raised by a specialist and with 45 years of training has achieved proficiency with sign language equivalent to a 4 year old human child.
Black american children has been raised by American education and Blacks score about 100 points lower on SAT math test.

>You can raise a gorilla to talk like human.
Blacks speak a Broken English known as Ebonics, in a very Broken grammar & Nonstandard pronunciation.

>> No.9079518

>Black american children has been raised by American education
>American education

found the problem

what do I win

>> No.9079866

Nothing because there's 100 point differences in UK education system, Canadian, Japanese, wherever there are blacks.
This is one thing that can't be blamed on America.

>> No.9079908

this is a myth. they have microcephaly because 60% of paki marriages are close relative incest.

>> No.9079920
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>> No.9079928
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black problems do not stem from their IQ

>> No.9079938
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but yea, they are most likely the dullest on average - with an optimal avg of 85-90 (same as aboriginals, but those are mostly irrelevant in today's world)
two reasons why /pol/turds focus so much on them and not on others you could name, where things are less clear

>> No.9079950
File: 884 KB, 1692x4137, Rosenberg_1048people_993markers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>races are like breeds guys xddd
Entirely false.
Make up your mind.
Either race matters or it doesn't matter.

Because when you ask a computer to organize populations into races you get pic related.

K=5 displays best discontinuity between populations AND it matches continental populations(as well as loosely matches earlier ideas about race when people used skulls).

It's insane the walls people build inside their heads to separate contradicting beliefs.
>Race matters
>Never mind computers clustering MENA with Europe

This is to prove to you that you guys need to abandon race, or move to the 'race is a social construct' wagon, because no good will come of 'race' - for your movement that is.

>> No.9081513

There are no blacks in Japan school system.