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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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9073589 No.9073589 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9073597

Aubrey + Pizza = ∞/10

>> No.9073603
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>> No.9073630
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Sometimes I sit awake on long hot nights, while sweating myself to sleep, and I think about what he looks like without that beard. I imagine it is the only thing that is keeping him immortal and underneath it is pure bone, no skin left.

>> No.9073637

I can't wait for all the memes when he finally kicks the bucket.

>> No.9073654

I think there is a photo of him without beard in the Documentary "The Immortalists".

>> No.9073661
File: 28 KB, 480x360, Aubrey pasta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9073662

I heard they used CGI for that.

>> No.9073763

Never going to happen. Just more flying cars. Humans aren't smart, competent or non-psycho enough to actually create widespread immortality, even though it's not even fucking hard.

>> No.9073780

Wishing for an immortal George Soros, immortal Putin ...etc while normal plebs keep dying of preventable diseases.

Can you imagine how horrible the world would be if that shit happened?

>> No.9073800

Literally Elysium with lower technology.

>> No.9073842

Dictators are almost never dying of old age. Also long lived dictators would be a much smaller problem of 100.000 people dying per day with the last part of their lives in ill health due to aging. (100.000 per day is 2/3 of all world deaths, and I doubt making dictators live longer could ever be the primary cause of death in the world).

>> No.9073848

This is wrong. The real dictators like the wealthy hands directing society (the Koch brothers, Bill Gates, etc.) are basically untouchable. Aubrey de Grey is babby tier when it comes to understanding how human society works.

>> No.9073853

Are you saying flying cars wouldn't be awesome? The ability to drive as the raven flies would massively lighten the load on road infrastructure and traffic congestion.

It's not just a shiny bauble.

>> No.9073858

Top kek communist get out

>> No.9073860

>Are you saying flying cars wouldn't be awesome?
I'm saying 1: we already have them; they're fucking called planes and 2: they will never be widespread because most people can't even fucking drive. I can only imagine the chaos if every pleb was in the fucking air too.

>Say the obvious truth
>Everyone gets mad
Eugenics now.

>> No.9073870
File: 42 KB, 660x364, effect of senolytics on mice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check Unity Biotechnology bringing senolytics in human clinical trials (look at their effect on mice, they remove senescent cells, one of Aubrey's damages) in a year or the new company Juvenescence founded by Jim Mellon: https://endpts.com/british-billionaire-jim-mellon-and-high-profile-partners-roll-the-dice-on-an-anti-aging-upstart/?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Wednesday%20%20July%2026%202017&utm_content=Wednesday%20%20July%2026%202017%20CID_8bda3a0aeb7a0ac0517ce072a4cf9dbe&utm_source=ENDPOINTS%20emails&utm_term=British%20billionaire%20Jim%20Mellon%20and%20high-profile%20partners%20roll%20the%20dice%20on%20an%20anti-aging%20upstart

>> No.9073872

Also check this: http://www.leafscience.org/sens-where-are-we-now/

And >>9073848 therapies will not be only for the rich, as technology price always dropped. Rich people wouldn't have any motivation of impeding the spreading of the therapies too, since living, for example, today as a normal person is better than living in 1800 as a very rich one.

>> No.9073875

Removing senescent cells won't make you live longer. Not much anyway. It will only extend healthspan, not lifespan. You die because you LOSE CELLS to critical system-wide failure. You need to REPLACE cells.

So like how we have viral cures for cancer, but only the rich can affor- oh wait fuck.

>> No.9073878

lol, not sure if this is troll bait, or if you're just embarrassingly ignorant of the field. It's literally already happening.

>> No.9073880

Oh, so someone has dramatically extended the lifespan of a human? Wow, I didn't realize.

>> No.9073885

That's because they are in their early stage. Price dropping is a thing in medicine too.

Also these therapies would pay for themselves in due time. The positive economical benefits for a healthy and productive society would make it so that any country that does not eventually give these therapies out for free would be handicaped in comparison to their competitors. For one, most of the governments medical expenses are spent on the last years of life of the elderly. Dealing with these issues before the pathologies accumulate would save the government resources. But maybe more importantly, a population that is healthy accross the board would be so much more beneficial to the economy, especially considering that less of the population would need to take care of the elderly and could focus more of their time in creating value.

>> No.9073888


There is already a 20 year gap in lifespan between the rich and the poor in the US. That's already big enough to influence politics because it allows rich dynasties to accumulate more wealth.

People don't even have health insurance, today, and you're trying to convince me that they would have access to the technologies to be immortal. You are delusional.

No thanks. I'd rather we don't end up in a dystopian horror story.

>> No.9073892
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>Everything gets cheaper over tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime!
Oh, so I should be able to pick up a new car and a house with a single, average income for like a fucking nickel, right? Oh everything is more expensive now than it was in the 50s? Wow, but muh progress doe!

>> No.9073893

When a new cancer drug is developed, we don't typically advocate against people having access to it until everybody else does. Following that logic, we should also cease to perform kidney transplants. New technologies tend to be bulky and expensive when they first appear but continual develpment leads them to become better and cheaper shortly after. Supply increases and prices decrease while there is an increasing demand, and you can be sure that the demand for the therapies that keep aging under medical control will be prevalent.

>> No.9073895

That's a healthspan gap, not a lifespan gap. The rich have no greater maximum lifespan than the poor. No human can ever have good enough nutrition or regular healthcare or money to live to 150.

>> No.9073898

>Price dropping is a thing in medicine too.

Costs of medical care exploded. Where the fuck are you seeing the prices dropping? I want to move to that place.

Stop parroting Econ 101 textbooks.

>> No.9073901

So would you prefer not to develop new cancer therapies or Alzheimer's ones because they could be only for the rich? Because this is what you are saying.

>> No.9073904


Valar Morgulis.

>> No.9073906

Ending aging doesn't mean immortality, no one is saying we'll be able to eliminate death. Aging is only responsible for 2/3 of all deaths.

>> No.9073942

Stem cell tissue rejuvenation experiments have gained traction recently. There were papers on mice muscle tissue and hypothalamic tissue that extended lifespan. The efficiency needs to be refined, but stem cells are definitely the way to go to increase lifespan it seems.

>> No.9073945

Housing is inflated by artificial scarcity (cars too), really not comparable to flat screen TVs and other mass produced goods.

>> No.9073972

No. This will require FULL BODY, COMPREHENSIVE stem cell replacement just to SLOW aging. Not even reverse it. We have no such technologies and NOBODY is even talking about beginning to work on them.

You mean like technology? Oh wow how about that. Do you honestly think technology or medicine is scarce? Or hard to produce? You're not paying for products. You're paying for producers and their desire to get money.

>> No.9073980

Oh boy, you're the autist that made that thread a couple weeks ago where you said that life extension would NEVER be a thing and that caloric restriction is bs, right?

Anyway, "FULL BODY, COMPREHENSIVE" stem cell replacement can only become a thing if multiple PARTIAL BODY, NON-COMPREHENSIVE stem cell therapies are developed and proven to work in MICE. Yes, MICE. The reason such technologies haven't begun to be researched is because nobody wants to waste money if the individual therapies have not been designed, not to mention the lack of a comprehensive unifying theory of ageing and its causes.

Stop being a fucking autist and WAIT.

>> No.9073986

>caloric restriction is bs
CR is bs. Do you think it isn't?

>Anyway, "FULL BODY, COMPREHENSIVE" stem cell replacement can only become a thing if multiple PARTIAL BODY, NON-COMPREHENSIVE stem cell therapies are developed and proven to work in MICE.
WRONG. God you people are so fucking stupid. You're never going to do this.

>> No.9074005

>Do you think it isn't?
As a matter of fact I agree with you, a fact which I am ashamed of.

I don't know what your brain damage is, but literally EVERYTHING will be accomplished at some point in the future, so saying never is just plain retarded. Actually, even saying it's not going to happen within our lifetimes is debatable. Individual stem cell research on mice is published literally every day. Clinical trials are what delay the transition from mice to humans.

These are the facts, either accept them or an hero, I don't care which as long as you stop acting like such an obnoxious retarded fucking mongoloid.

>> No.9074006

>As a matter of fact I agree with you, a fact which I am ashamed of.
This makes you an idiot. Not even going to read the rest of your post. It's starting to dawn on me how very much time I spend on retards. I need to stop that.

>> No.9074007

Aubrey's Maintenance Approach reverses aging, doesn't slow it.

I agree on the fact that caloric restriction probably doesn't work so well in long lived animals like humans, as its effect is useful to make short lived animals live through famines during as much as 5 years, which is the lifespan of many little animals. Since when there is a famine they can't reproduce, a boost in their life duration at the cost of a slower development make them live through famines and reproduce after them. Since human lifespan's in the wild are usually already longer than famines, CR could be less effective. Although other things should be considered, as less sugars in the blood for example slow down the accumulation of protein crosslinks, one of the SENS damages of aging.

>> No.9074014

very convenient, retard

>> No.9074018

We have flying cars, we just call them helicopters.

>> No.9074024

Actually the main difference between Aubrey's approach and the "mess with metabolism approach" is that the first one reverses aging, it incredibly simpler and has less potential side effects, while the latter (CR included in it, with stuff as telomeres lengthening) could cause cascade side effects or simply don't work just because we don't know even what we don't know about how metabolism works, and how it produces the damages of aging. But we know what the damages of aging are, and we know they are only 7. So Aubrey's approach aims to repair the damages instead of messing with metabolism in order to avoid them happening.

>> No.9074031

Aubrey de Grey's recent TED in which he explains the strategy SENS is using in order to reverse aging.


>> No.9074047
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why does he look so weird

>> No.9074142

He a prophet

>> No.9074163

I really hope Aubrey's idea of repair damage works and these therapies are available before it's too late for me because I'm a brainlet and it takes me forever to learn stuff so I hope to get more time.

>> No.9074463

I have a pic, will post tomorrow if this thread stays alive

>> No.9074496
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Superior neonazi genes.

>> No.9074518

Of course it won't. He's focused on cleaning up litter around an ever-growing fucking landfill.

In other words: nothing.

Yeah and everyone has one. Because you know, we've had them long enough that they're cheap, of course.

I could take half a shit and it would be better at extending life than Aubrey de Grey. Aubrey's approach IS the "mess with metabolism" approach. Right now one of their biggest efforts is fucking with the mitochondrial genome. Metabolism isn't aging. Your Mitochondria lineage will literally live longer than you will. You can't solve aging by trying to fix something that already outlasts you. I'm REALLY starting to get the impression that de Grey DOES NOT WANT to extend human life, for some reason (probably donors). Who knows? Maybe they're actually working on it in private, and like with the space program, the snake oil is what the public gets. I mean Calico won't talk to anyone about what they're doing.

>Aubrey's Maintenance Approach reverses aging, doesn't slow it.
Aubrey doesn't HAVE a maintenance approach. If the dumb fucker did, he'd be working on a whole-body stem cell rejuvenation. The only thing we lack in that technology is preventing the stem cells from immediately activating upon re-introduction to the body. So just encapsulate them. I mean fuck, this isn't...what's something harder than rocket science, because that's not hard either?

Hey, Aubrey, you fucking dumbass, you can go ahead and steal that idea and make money off of it, you fucking loser. Since you can't be assed to do anything intelligent yourself.

>all this other shit
You're making the same retarded mistakes the """"gerontologists"""" are making. You're not studying the causes of aging. You're diddling around with minor bodily inconveniences. The body doesn't age because it "wears out" and gets too much gunk built up in the fuel lines. It's not a fucking car. Your body DIES because its cells FUCKING DIE.

>> No.9074711
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funfact: all of silicon valley is constantly on some kind of anti ageing regimen eating 100 pills aday like pacman

>> No.9074729

It's not working.

>> No.9074735
File: 90 KB, 604x840, Aubrey_de_Grey45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aubrey De Gray looks like complete shit. This is him at 45? He looks fucking 65

>> No.9074984
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Give it to me straight guys.

I'm 28 years old and in decent health.

What are the chances I'm going to achieve immortality in my lifetime?

>> No.9074991

>The only thing we lack in that technology is preventing the stem cells from immediately activating upon re-introduction to the body. So just encapsulate them.
Is it seriously that easy?
Are there companies/people working on this very thing?

Do you mean liposomal stem cells or something?

>> No.9075015

>Is it seriously that easy?
Who knows? Nobody's even trying. Nobody even has mentioned it because everyone's focusing on shit that's fucking stupid.

>> No.9075018

And who the fuck are you? What are your credentials?

>> No.9075023

0% since lifetime implies a finite period of time

>> No.9075028

if I want to look into the anti-aging technique you are talking about

what should I google?

>> No.9075029

okay then what are the chances technology will advance to the point where I don't have to die if I don't want to

>> No.9075120

"How to start up a bio-tech company"

>> No.9075122

0% because there's no serious life extension movement at this point, and society is imploding so soon it won't even be on the table.

>> No.9075148

>society is imploding so soon

>> No.9075165


>> No.9075178

>real dictators
Putlercuck detected!

>> No.9075182

not an argument

tell me why you think society is imploding

>> No.9075226

Some companies (the majority in this list) and institutes working on reversing aging: Unity Biotechnology (human trials in some months), Oisin Biotechnologies, Juvenescence, SENS Research Foundation, CellAge, Ichor Therapeutics (human trials in some months), Salk Institute of Aging, Human Longevity INC, Biotime/AgeX, Organovo... there are others. I remember there is a company working on Yamanaka Factors but I can't remember its name.

>> No.9075228

Do you think they'll have aging solved before I die?
Was I born too late?
I'm 28

>> No.9075229

The maintenance approach rejuvenates. The mouse at the top of the image is rejuvenated thanks to senolytics. Not slowed down aging, but rejuvenation. Here the paper: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19485966 If you still argue you are a lost cause.

>> No.9075232

Scroll up in the discussion to see the rejuvenated mouse image

>> No.9075240

This doesn't demonstrate anything, as we still don't have anti-aging therapies, and he doesn't take any supplement. Regardless, his biological age is much younger than his chronological.

>> No.9075242

If you are 28 you have a pretty good chance. The people unsure are the ones in their 50s-60s.

>> No.9075279

>If you are 28 you have a pretty good chance.
What evidence do you base this on?

wow that seems pretty cool.
does it create stem cells and regrow damaged tissue etc?

>> No.9075282


You must have posted the wrong paper. This has nothing to do with senolytics.

Find the correct one. I'm interested.

>> No.9075288

WHOOPS, you are right! This is the one: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3468323/

>> No.9075295


>Clearance of p16Ink4a-positive senescent cells delays ageing-associated disorders

So it doesn't reverse aging, it only delays it.
So what?
You said it rejuvenates/reverses.

>> No.9075297

>What evidence do you base this on?
The fact that the first age reversing therapies are almost in human clinical trials (Company: Unity Biotechnology). Also everyone is very bullish about Yamanaka Factors (http://www.salk.edu/news-release/turning-back-time-salk-scientists-reverse-signs-aging/)), and George Church recently said we only need 5 more years in order to reverse aging in humans for the first time. Very big investments (the new Jim Mellons company for example: https://endpts.com/british-billionaire-jim-mellon-and-high-profile-partners-roll-the-dice-on-an-anti-aging-upstart/?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Wednesday%20%20July%2026%202017&utm_content=Wednesday%20%20July%2026%202017%20CID_8bda3a0aeb7a0ac0517ce072a4cf9dbe&utm_source=ENDPOINTS%20emails&utm_term=British%20billionaire%20Jim%20Mellon%20and%20high-profile%20partners%20roll%20the%20dice%20on%20an%20anti-aging%20upstart)) are finally here too. It seems basic anti-aging science is beginning to be finally profitable for companies. That's why Aubrey is saying that he wants to "put SENS out of business" by pushing the basic science far enough so as for profit companies come out for all the damages of aging. Check this: http://www.leafscience.org/sens-where-are-we-now/

>> No.9075298

>it only delays it.
At some level you only need to delay until more repairs can be made, which buys more time, etc etc.

Live long enough to live indefinitely.

I am 62 and I think it is too late for me.

>> No.9075302

>I am 62 and I think it is too late for me
Are you taking supplements/precautions/treatments?

>> No.9075304

It is written "delays" because it reverses it in a stage of the mouse's life, but then the treatment is not enough alone to extend the mouse's life indefinitely (so if you reapply the treatment multiple times you'll get diminishing returns and the mouse will eventually die, due to the other aging damages). To do such a thing it should be integrated by the treatments for the other 6 SENS's damages. And even with the other 6 therapies, you can't be sure that some other kind of damages will come out later. But by definition every therapy reverses the damage it tackles (so a part of aging). While "messing with metabolism" slows down damages, and do not reverse them.

>> No.9075305

okay cool
outside of the 6 SENS's damages are there other factors that cause aging?

>> No.9075309

>Oh everything is more expensive now than it was in the 50s?
Thanks to central banks mostly.

>> No.9075314

How does CRISPR play into all of this?

Would we be able to reset our dna back to the way it was when we were born?

>> No.9075315

There is debate about Genomic Instability as presented in The Hallmarks of Aging: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3836174/
But the damages (the SENS's 7 damages or the Hallmark's 9 damages) are complete for a normal human lifespan (and so the only things you have to reverse). It could be that some other damages will come out in a 150 year lifespan, but if you live to 150 years you'll probably see these new damages cured too.

>> No.9075317

CRISPR is useful where cuts into the DNA are needed... so for expressing the mitochondrial DNA in the nucleus, or for engineering the immune system to target cancer. I don't think it will be used to modify the human nuclear DNA though, because this is not necessary in order to cure the damages.

>> No.9075322

I hope this happens.
I just hope society doesn't collapse before this time.

>because this is not necessary in order to cure the damages.
Okay but wouldn't your dna mutate way too much over time even if they can prevent your dna from causing cancer? Wouldn't this heavily mutated dna cause other issues?

>> No.9075330

The reason people like Kurzweil are constantly saying 20 years away is to try to hype the field and generate public interest. No-one seeing this is going to live forever - we are in the last couple of generations to die.

>> No.9075332

>Okay but wouldn't your dna mutate way too much over time even if they can prevent your dna from causing cancer? Wouldn't this heavily mutated dna cause other issues?

Yes, absolutely it will. We don't know if it does in a normal human lifespan, or if it will in a elongated lifespan, but DNA damages, other than causing cancer, will for sure generate other problems in the long term. There are already some solutions for this problem being tested, like Yamanaka Factors, that are cell signals that restructure the DNA and the nucleus, effectively rejuvenating the cell. Normally what Yamanaka Factors do is converting a human cell in a pluripotent stem cell, but if you regulate the dose to be small enough they will just have the effect of rejuvenating the cell.

>> No.9075336

Kurzweil is totally not relevant here. Let's just forget about his blabbering.

>> No.9075343

interesting stuff

>Yamanaka Factors
what exactly is this? A supplement or something?
Can I buy it?

>> No.9075346

No, they are 4 factors, and they are not still tested in human clinical trials (the trials would cost 100+M dollars and last many years). They will not be supplements, but drugs with a very very noticeable effect if they work as expected.

>> No.9075352

We need public awareness because the clinical trials are super costly, and the government must finance them, or at least rich privates. SENS's project|21 to bring all the 7 damages in human clinical trials by 2021 ask for 50M for example (http://sensproject21.org). Human clinicals trials are so costly because thousands of people are involved and a lot of bureaucracy and post-trial analyses too.

>> No.9075355


Why aren't people researching this more?

>> No.9075359

The basic science is super underfunded too right now, although to finance it crowdfunding is an option (check lifespan.io for an example of crowdfunded anti-aging science based on the SENS approach).

>> No.9075362


Ok. A big reason I think people are too optimistic is that aging probably has thousands of contributing causes. Once we've solved one, more will crop up in that one's place, perhaps caused by it. There's such a high chance of unknown unknowns that I can't see this generation being anything but the test generation. We will help to nail down that oh, this stem cell drug causes mutation - oh, woops, we need a decent brain surgery procedure to deal with eventual over-connectivity - gosh, and it turns out that causes psychotic breaks within 10 years, who knew?

I'm no expert, but get a general sense that this is a much more complex problem than it's presented as, and there's going to be a lot of misunderstandings in the first few decades - and I don't really see biology as something which can be tinkered with endlessly, correcting the mistakes causes by your solutions last year 15 times.

We might get an extra couple decades, but we're not going to be the ones who live forever - that comes once we've ironed out the kinks.

>> No.9075364

That's why the maintenance approach exist: to avoid tinkering with biology, and just repair the few kind of damages we know. Aubrey's talks and his book are very illuminating on this.

>> No.9075374


Well then, it just seems oddly unlikely to me that immortality can be achieved by making small tweaks. A car you do maintenance on still has to have basically all it's part swapped out by a hundred years. There are parts of the human body we don't even understand yet, and we are nowhere near being able to replace.

>> No.9075380

But parts of the body do replace themselves already! It's just that the system is more likely to malfunction with age.

>> No.9075384

>eventual over-connectivity
please explain what you mean by this?

>> No.9075385

Can't they do it countries where it's cheaper?

>> No.9075387

not him, but please elaborate.

>> No.9075390
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the sad fact is average life expectancy is FALLING in the US right now... quite disturbing but its true.

>> No.9075396

Damage repair is not small tweaks. And replacement means stem cell therapies, replacing cells gradually. Also check Organovo, the company 3D printing human tissues.

>> No.9075405

Yes, SENS made some studies in China for example

>> No.9075415


So in the spirit of steelmanning and diversity of views, what's the best argument you've found against the SENS approach / immortality being in the near future?

>> No.9075461

Probably when people say SENS's damages are not complete. This will be true in a longer human lifespan, but probably these new damages will be cured faster than aging arriving again, since when the therapies will already exist the anti-aging industry will have billions of dollars to pour on new research.

>> No.9075502

At least as it is currently, curing one cause of aging tends to cure a few others. It's possible that this will cut down some of those 'next level contributing cause'

And note that with the few decades we gain in lifespan from the first therapies, we increase our chances to live to see the next ones. All you need to do to achieve immortality is increase average lifespan by one year per year.

>> No.9075511

Only biological immortality though

>> No.9075516

no shit

>> No.9075552

>achieve biological immortality
>get stabbed by a drug addict over 20 bucks

>> No.9075567

The average chance of dying in a given year for people alive today is more or less 1/1000, so I expect defeating aging will lead to at least 1000 years of healthy lifespan for many.

>> No.9075594

Let's send some meme magik for Aubrey

>> No.9075597

That depends highly on where you live and what kind of lifestyle. If you live in an area with a lot of car crashes, robberies, industrial accidents and disease and poisonous animals, then you are in the risk. But if you life at some farm in Scandinavia, then you are pretty much safe as long as you avoid cancer and aging related disease.

>> No.9075600

The body is able to heal itself. Bodybuilding, for example, works by damaging the muscles through exercise and then the body rebuilds the muscles by replacing the damaged tissue with new and stronger tissue.

>> No.9075649

>I expect defeating aging will lead to at least 1000 years of healthy lifespan for many

No! Around 115 is upper limit with no artificial means applied.

>> No.9075652

Defeating aging IS an artificial mean I guess

>> No.9075670

So many deathists...


>> No.9075725

/sci/ must wake up and act

>> No.9075769
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>> No.9075813

Supposing that the techniques for increasing longevity are applied to him before the general populace because of his position and assuming he has one of the longest beards for his age (and doesn't cut it ever again) it is possible that he will have the longest beard for the rest of eternity.

>> No.9075820

Waahhh because president is raycist and mean

>> No.9075827

Ahah, he mentioned the fact that his beard stopped growing after two years or so.

>> No.9075836

to be fair it's always the /pol/acks that keep going on about how WW3 is near or race wars that are imminent and all that shit, so I'd say that's hardly accurate to assume he's a liberal

>> No.9075862

Are you trying to say non-whites look good, its them who want to abolish the white standards of beauty. AHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHHAHAHAHA

>> No.9075864

... reversing aging is not artificial in your mind?

>> No.9075906


>> No.9076043
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"hurr durr flying cars still does't exist so everything that sounds sy-fy to me is bullshit"
ok watch dis:

>> No.9076046

It's not my fault if you're poor and can't buy one btw

>> No.9076190

just posting to see what time it is

>> No.9076204

You mean extend your lifespan. You will never be immortal because you can still be hit by a car.

I'm 29 and I think our chances to extend lifespan are pretty slim in our lifetime. Young kids now or kids just born may have a better chance. I feel we were born too early to be able to advantage of life extension. It sucks.

Lack of funding, time it takes for clinical trials and it will be too expensive when it first comes out. I don't see how we can make it in our lifetime.

I could be wrong, would be nice if I was. I'm a pemssist, so I don't have much hope.

>> No.9076207

>not a car

>not flying just a concept

>> No.9076268

Well are you surprised?
> Look at the laws that let lethal shit be pumped into foods.
> Look at the falling standards of health care at all levels.
> Look at the media gushing over trivial shit

I was so sad when I saw the number of our sister company US employees who work long hours, go home, order take out, watch TV then go to sleep.

When you look at the quality of life in the US its tragic, even shitty Europoor countries have far greater access to far better stands of living.

I honestly hope one day the US will just solve its internal issues, and become the great nation they think they are.
> Also, I honestly do blame the Jews, unironically.

>> No.9076310

But we can influence the outcome. We must act in order to make the therapies arrive in our lifetime and succeed. We must make this by raising public awareness, as funding is the bottleneck.

>> No.9076326
File: 792 KB, 974x1146, The_memeification_begun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The memeification begun

>> No.9076338

Sub r*ddit

>> No.9076377

It IS a car, and it FUCKING FLIES:

>> No.9076394
File: 46 KB, 600x350, DFtxEnPXcAAfPdL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just banning high fructose corn syrup and oxycontin would do SO much more for peoples health but yea we need these silicon valley memeshit

>> No.9076520
File: 1.39 MB, 820x1190, AubreydeGrey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here ya go lads, Aubrey de Grey without his beard

>> No.9076613

Blessed image

>> No.9076696

I don't know how many know this yet. You can donate to Sens Foundation through Amazon Smile. "AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible products to the charitable organization of your choice."

Make sure you shop through this link. https://smile.amazon.com/

>> No.9076709

What if we could achieve immortality, but you had to do it by resetting your body to child state like that jellyfish.

Would you?

>> No.9077425


Why are many people not transhumanists?

>> No.9077430

Is this real?

>> No.9077432
File: 1.01 MB, 1500x1123, gotemba-golf-course-17th-hole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm 29 and I think our chances to extend lifespan are pretty slim in our lifetime

>I feel we were born too early to be able to advantage of life extension.
Keep in mind, with every advance in technology we'll live another 20 years or so, thus increasing our chances of achieving life extension.

>time it takes for clinical trials
That's why I think a lot of this stuff should be available for people that want to risk their lives doing it.
Sign a contract or something.

What's the best way to raise public awareness.

Also are you guys libertarians?
You're basically a traitor to the life extension community if you are not at least a moderate libertarian.
We need a free market with a deflationary currency so the price of capital comes down so it's cheap and easy to do research like this and have it available for consumers.
Having a mostly free market but having the government fund basic research is probably the best idea.

>> No.9077433

Considering that the only other option is death, it'd be silly not to take that chance.

>> No.9077434


Everything about this is cancer except Aubrey.

>> No.9077438

that picture is dumb

these robots should be working on the 42nd floor of a large scale vertical farm

>> No.9077444

I wonder if Im able to duke it out with partial life extension. Its already used with mice so how long can things really take?

>> No.9077445
File: 1.28 MB, 1097x2706, 1493114179042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need an Elon Musk for healthcare and transhumanism.

We also need to free the healthcare market so the price comes down and the quality/research goes up.
Pic related.

>> No.9077447

Start taking c60/olive oil mixture.

It doubled lifespan in rats.

I'm 28, You are a lucky bastard.
At least I grew up in the 90s and got that superior 90s culture.

>> No.9077452
File: 16 KB, 220x275, Janet_Yellen_official_Federal_Reserve_portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that this fucking cunt and the organization she works for is the main reason we aren't living in a highly technologically advanced society with lower working hours and high living standards.

>> No.9077456
File: 65 KB, 600x400, Quote-Aubrey-de-Grey-1-aging.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9077469

Ultra rare image of Aubrey de Grey, save it to become immediately rich and indefinitely healthy

>> No.9077477
File: 99 KB, 847x515, pikachu_study.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9077502

more memes like this

>> No.9077510

How does this fucking guy only have 35k followers?


why is humanity so fucking lost?
WHY are we so fucking stupid?

>> No.9077521

>How does this fucking guy only have 35k followers?

Let's put a remedy to it

>> No.9077577

>Let's put a remedy to it
what remedy?

>> No.9077588


>> No.9077594

le mems to make him more popular

>> No.9077663

You need a clickbait news in CNN or WP

>> No.9077679

Futurism and IFLS accept contributor articles... we could seize this occasion. Also I think IFLS is hiring a health writer: http://www.iflscience.com/careers/

>> No.9077683

Probably many other news sources accept contributor articles too

>> No.9077723


It's pretty impossible to buy c60 as an individual.



>> No.9077726
File: 763 KB, 2149x3071, How_to_advocate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>What's the best way to raise public awareness.

Check these out:



>> No.9077742

>It's pretty impossible to buy c60 as an individual.
lmao in 2012 I bought like 5 vials and i felt great on it
but it stopped working

when I was on it, i could climb up the stairs and it felt like nothing holy shit
I rode my bike and it was like I was superman, I didn't feel any lactic acid buildup, I just kept riding as fast as I could

are you a pussy?
just go buy it right now idiot

>> No.9077769

so whats c60? i want it. i need it!

>> No.9077787

He looks about the right age. Skin seems right, and a decent amount of gray is expected.

>> No.9077795

google it and look up the longecity thread faget

>> No.9077797

The federal reserve is a cancer to the entire economy and thus life extension.

>> No.9077830
File: 570 KB, 1400x1916, fallout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quick rundown?

>> No.9077874


shit dobuled mice lifespan

turned my physical energy into superman status for like 2 hours
i literally did not get tired

I stopped taking it because I have lyme disease or some shit with impaired absorbtion and the shit stopped working

It should be encapsulated in a liposome for best effectiveness honestly.
There should be companies doing this.

>> No.9077881


If someone claims a supplement which aims to grant long-term benefits immediately gave them HIGHER ENERGY LEVELS MAN, I begin to think that supplement is bunk.

You guys are worse than vegans, there is no evidence that c60 does anything to physical fitness - you are placebo'd through the roof.

>> No.9078016
File: 642 KB, 1140x814, George_Church_on_Panel_05-20_b-1140x814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

George Church is a great guy in this field too. He says trials for gene therapies to reverse aging in dogs are gonna happen in 5 years, and then human trials will follow :


>> No.9078515

it literally did
I could keep riding my bike for a long time and my legs never got tired, it was crazy

just look into it already

there's a whole forum on people on longecity researching it

>> No.9078549
File: 411 KB, 820x1190, aybry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confirmed IDF, immortality is a jewish hoax

>> No.9078762
File: 137 KB, 1019x748, 50 shades of aubrey de grey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an meme

>> No.9078855
File: 89 KB, 465x930, 50 shades of de Grey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9079243


>> No.9079247

I keep forgetting how old he is

He looks like some dude from a death metal band

>> No.9079783


>> No.9079836
File: 82 KB, 442x929, 50 shades supreme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9079912

>Tweaking metabolism to slow down aging: Aubrey sleeping like a kiddo
>Rejuvenating the body by repairing the damages of aging: Aubrey w o k e

>> No.9079939


>> No.9079965

>scientists say we may live to be 150 years old
>those are rookie numbers, you got to pump those numbers up

>> No.9079978
File: 13 KB, 480x360, hqdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>end of 2017/ beginning of 2018

>first head transplant operation
>first exaflop computer ready in china

your face when the singularity and cyborg bodies happen at the same time

>> No.9080069

Technology shock followed by death

>> No.9080150
File: 71 KB, 900x900, we must defeat aging.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We must defeat aging

>> No.9080756
File: 1.31 MB, 1266x636, aubrey_de_GREYYYYYYY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9080841
File: 943 KB, 986x826, Hold_my_beer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9080888
File: 52 KB, 750x500, beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9081833

What is the meaning of this facebook page?

>> No.9082097

It's mostly transhumanism... I think the name is for ironic purposes.

>> No.9082670
File: 106 KB, 960x730, Woke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9083159
File: 154 KB, 995x949, boi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9084426
File: 541 KB, 648x909, meme (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9085667
File: 154 KB, 512x381, aubrey vs scotsman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9086773
File: 52 KB, 944x747, me vs anion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9087427

The bottom one is the cured one ? why does it have a hunchback ?

>> No.9088807

The top one is cured

>> No.9088808
File: 110 KB, 960x730, woke2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9089902
File: 76 KB, 1023x500, you should not pass to pathologic diseases of aging.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9091148
File: 22 KB, 1108x400, Pregnant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]