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9072980 No.9072980 [Reply] [Original]

How long can the human body go without sleep

I haven't slept in months

I literally spend every night rolling in bed

How am I not dead

>> No.9072990
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You'd possibly already be dead. I don't think you are telling the truth. At what point do you not just buy some sleeping medication or stop stressing about the petty crap going on in your head that keeps you awake?

>> No.9072998

I swear I have not slept. I don't need to sleep to function anymore, I can't get comfortable enough to just close my eyes and nod off

>> No.9073003

You probably have episodes of micro-sleep where you pass out but don't remember losing consciousness. Its very common with severe sleep deprivation.

I used to have a friend who would stay awake for days with amphetamines and he would occasionally have lapses where he would go AFK on chat apps and then come back some 30 minutes later and he wouldn't remember passing out. There is a point where nature takes over and overrides all mechanisms keeping you awake so that you can get critical REM sleep otherwise you will die.

>> No.9073010

Microsleep lasts seconds tho.

>> No.9073014

The hallucinations from sleep deprivation make you think you're not sleeping.

>> No.9073015
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Yea, but what is your definition of function? Do you work? Did you mess up your circadian rhythm? What was going on in your life before you decided that you can't sleep anymore?

>> No.9073025

What would happen if you died from lack of sleep? What would cause your brain to shut down exactly?

>> No.9073031

I used to be able to sleep in the afternoons because of my shitty schizo meds that I don't need, I don't take those anymore I take a shot now, my idea of functioning is walking around the house all day with nothing to do because I can't find work, idk what rymthm is, I think I'm just gonna spend every night watching tv or on 4chan or something. Sitting in the dark gets boring after the 4 month

>> No.9073033
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Your brain is unable to rest any of it's neurotransmitters and eventually stops working, aka you die. Sleep deprivation leads to a host of other problems as well, but basically you aren't letting your body recover and you work it to death.

>> No.9073035

gotchu senpai.
>The disease has four stages:[4]
>The person has increasing insomnia, resulting in panic attacks, paranoia, and phobias. This stage lasts for about four months.
>Hallucinations and panic attacks become noticeable, continuing for about five months.
>Complete inability to sleep is followed by rapid loss of weight. This lasts for about three months.
>Dementia, during which the patient becomes unresponsive or mute over the course of six months. This is the final progression of the disease, after which death follows.

not a good way to go, thankfully it's extremely rare

>> No.9073038


You would have died long ago. You sleep, it's just that you don't notice it and probably have a crappy sleep quality.

>> No.9073042
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Okay, there's your problem. You fucked up your circadian rhythm by staying up all night too much. I doubt the meds are helping whatever is going on with you. I am not going to argue with you if you are actually schizo or not, but if you don't need the meds, then why take them? Basically, you need to sort yourself out bud, sounds like you are giving yourself more problems than what reality gave you. Start a routine and stick with it, and then add more to it, until you start functioning normally again.

>> No.9073043

Holy fuck. That's deserving of a meecy kill.

>> No.9073046

I check my phone a lot I do not sleep, I'm like a vampire, I don't need sleep anymore I never feel really tired, just dazed from lack of sleep

>> No.9073051

My mom says if I don't take them I can't live with my family anymor and have to be homeless I really hate her and wish she was dead, how do I fix my rythym

>> No.9073052

you do sleep, you just dont notice it. >>9073035
is what happens with a lack of a complete sleep cycle

>> No.9073059
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How old are you? You fix your rhythm by heading to bed before the sun comes back up and probably try meditating while laying in bed til you fall asleep. Play some meditation music on your phone instead of checking social media every 5 minutes. Sort yourself out and start doing research on these things yourself so that you empower yourself with knowledge rather than growing up to become a parasite of your family. You won't have a full life until you learn how to make it on your own.

>> No.9073069

I'm 23, in always up when the sun comes up, I've never been able to sleep during the day

I can't force myself to fall asleep, I've yet to find a comfortable position, my back no, sides, not happening, forget my stomach, I can't find a position that doesn't suck

I've been looking for a job longer than I've been an insomniac, I'll never support myself probably

Not because I'm lazy, I'm more than willing to work, no one wants to hire though

>> No.9073079
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>I'm 23, in always up when the sun comes up, I've never been able to sleep during the day
>I can't force myself to fall asleep, I've yet to find a comfortable position, my back no, sides, not happening, forget my stomach, I can't find a position that doesn't suck

Like I said, you will eventually get bored and sluggish with whatever you try to keep yourself up all night with, so when that happens, trying to lay in bed before the sun comes up, turn off all distractions and try to clear your mind until you fall into a natural sleep. Meditation takes practice, but can do you good if you stress out all the time to the point of not sleeping.

>I've been looking for a job longer than I've been an insomniac, I'll never support myself probably

>Not because I'm lazy, I'm more than willing to work, no one wants to hire though

I'm going to call you out on your bullshit again. Have you even held a job for longer than 3 months before? Getting into the workforce sucks dick, but you have to aim low, work at a shitty food place or retail until you hit a year or two mark, and then try to find something more fulfilling. No one wants to hire someone with experience, or someone who can't show durability.

I am giving you this advice, because I know what's it like.

>> No.9073081

> No one wants to hire someone with experience

no experience*