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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9068171 No.9068171 [Reply] [Original]

Comp Sci, Software Engineering or Physics? I'm leaning towards physics because I fell for the astronomy meme but at the end of the day I just want to afford food when I graduate.

>> No.9068182
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>afford food when I graduate

>> No.9068216

Be your own boss. Become skillful and talented in your field then find something you can do and are good at that other people want. Find a nitch, something that isn't too specific but enough to call yourself a specialist at it. People will be more likely to buy your product/service that way. Profit off of these methods. Also subscribe to entrepreneur magazine.

>> No.9068230

I did an undergrad in Physics and Math, then did my Masters in Aerospace Engineering. Food is on the table.

>> No.9068234
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you people who make these college major threads WISH life was so simple.

these threads are such an eye-roller..

>> No.9068250

I'm looking for some good colleges that I can take astronomy in, any pointers?

>> No.9068255

Math + CS degree.

>> No.9068294

CS = guranteed job but you will probably hate your life as every work day of your life will consist of fixing pajeets bugs because of his convoluted enterprise object oriented java design patterns

>> No.9068330

Astronomy is a meme?

Somebody please explain before I fuck up again

>> No.9068338



or if you want to be rich

Math + Finance w/ CS minor.

>> No.9068343

Better hope uncle don closes down the H1B visa program or your future is looking more and more bare by the day.

>> No.9068360

Por que no los tres?