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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9067305 No.9067305 [Reply] [Original]

I made the same thread on /adv/ and /r9k/ but I was told to make one here as well.
Will "nofap" help me produce more testosterone or not?
I only care about testosterone for one thing - I want my hair to grow quicker. I have read different opinions:

>nofapping does help you produce more testosterone
>nofapping helps only if you nofap for 7 days, fap, and repeat
>nofapping does absolutely nothing to your test level
>nofapping rises test level, but only for a short time, and then makes it go down

So which version is the true? I would also like to see some proofs/sources of your guys' claims.

>> No.9067307

>Will "nofap" help me produce more testosterone
but it might give you prostate cancer

>> No.9067313

your body is trying to tell you to transition

>> No.9067315

I guess this is what "science" looks like nowadays huh?

>> No.9067316

100% more science-tific than helping you figure out a fapping regimen

>> No.9067341

who nofap until C92

>> No.9067492

>can't go 12 hours without masturbating
u wot m8

>> No.9067612

Don't listen to this psuedo-science idiot>>9067307

no fap will help you stabilize your Test and since the body needs to release the Test at some level, the side effects could be getting more hairy and being energetic and a little angry

in other words you'll become a man, I guess this is not a bad thing for you

>> No.9067626

Forgot to mention I have multiple PhD's in poopyposting on 4chan, I am more than qualified for you to take my response at anonymous text value.

>> No.9067631


>> No.9067638

If masturbation has effects on blood testosterone concentrations, they're so subtle that there is ample "evidence" for both more and less testosterone after masturbation abstinence. The end-result is that, though the no-fap people may not like it, "no-fap" is mostly placebo.

>> No.9067642

all the no-fap studies were falsified, turns out. There is no evidence supporting anything about refraining from masturbation, although not watching porn will probably give you a healthier sexual life.

>> No.9067684
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>"no-fap" is mostly placebo.
Day 51 here.
No masturbation and no edging.
Deeper voice on streaks.
More I don't give a fuck attitude and steadier mood.
More interested in women.

>> No.9067704

>There is no evidence supporting anything about refraining from masturbation
Who gives a fuck?
Medical science is not real science.
If you let dubious research influence your life you're a brainlet.

>> No.9067720
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I did four months of nofap, broke down for a few weeks, and then went six more.

I didn't feel any more alpha or aggressive. On the contrary, after a few months I had no attraction to women left, and was remarkably passive and repressed compared to earlier. On the bright side one less distraction made me more successful in school

It really is placebo

>> No.9067742

>medical science is not real science

>> No.9067781

Got thing that you gave it a try for so much time.
I want to go on for much more that these almost two months.

>> No.9067953

Only thing what increases your testosterone production is exercise and certain foods. You will not see any kind of difference wether you fap or not. Without vigorous exercise and healthy lifestyle you are still going to be the same fat spineless loser.

Go read scientific papers. There are tons of valuable data from sports research and coaching.

But wait... you are only interested about in wanking your little willy. Fucking underage.

>> No.9067997
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No fap raises your test level with some peaks as well. Basically, when you fap, you decide to turn off the brain part that judges if something is true or false, the dmPFC, which can be activated to correlate with dominant behavior, which itself correlates with testotestone:


Whether you are skeptical or not about something, you can never put yourself in a third position different from agreeing with it or disagreeing with it. However to delay the formal , responsible, decision and create a cognitive third state you can deactivate the dmPFC with masturbation, drugs like lsd, cannabis

To understand this irrational state, think of the people who dislike solving trolley problems like this one

>> No.9067998

t. drunk man

>> No.9068008

Top kek.

>> No.9068022

You want to increase testosterone do HIIT and eat a punch of saturated fat. There is no evidence that not fapping increases testosterone and few studies that suggest not fapping may increase libido if you are literally fit the definition of a masturbation addict

>> No.9068025

>nofapping helps only if you nofap for 7 days, fap, and repeat
this one, except make it 2 weeks
mainly the significant benefit of nofap is abstinence from pornography

>> No.9068028

If I go two months w/o masturbating I start getting wet dreams again. Last time it happened I was 27, wtf is up with that

>> No.9068029
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why come people always recommending "no fap" but you never hear people talking about the benifits of "no sex"? It's biologically the same thing as far as your dick knows

>> No.9068043

No it's not, a vagina has lubrication and isn't as tight as your hand. There is more physical contact, fluid being exchange, etc. Get laid

>> No.9068046

By what mechanism does fapping "turn off" a large region of the brain?

If you believe sex does not turn it off, you will have to prove this mechanism does not occur during sex in order to be logically consistent.

>> No.9068047

Because nosex is anti-consumerism, makes you look like a loser who can't have sex

>> No.9068055

>"turn off"
It is called modulation, if you don't want to look into it then you can't say you haven't been offered an opportunity. You are basically asking me to solve intelligence since this is a bottomless request

>> No.9068084
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Science - research - verifiable results + musclehead speculation + internet rumors = BroScience

>> No.9068101

Body's response to a woman is certainly difference, oxytocin and shit. You cum more with a woman too as compared to your hand, brain knows the difference b/w hand and woman

>> No.9068117

>low IQ detected

>> No.9068132

Have you seen their education on statistics? They base so much on it and have no clue what they are doing...

>> No.9068135

there is no medical literature that supports the idea of nofap increasing testosterone other than that 7th day study but idk about that even. Nofap does increase the sensitivity and number of androgen receptors, but only the in brain, which basically means you won't actually achieve the effect you're trying for(hairier, more muscular, etc.). it'll you feel hornier, maybe increase dopamine levels as well, which is certainly not an undesirable effect. androgen levels. definitely not an expert though, and if IIRC it was only in a certain part of the brain.

if you want to increase testosterone levels use of an aromatase inhibitor is far more promising, here is some literature on the subject.


As assessed after 28 d of treatment, letrozole lowered E2 by 46% in the young men (P = 0.002) and 62% in the elderly men (P < 0.001). In both age groups, letrozole, but not placebo, significantly increased LH levels (339 and 323% in the young and the elderly, respectively) and T (146 and 99%, respectively) (P value of young vs. elderly was not significant). Under letrozole, peak LH response to GnRH was 152 and 52% increase from baseline in young and older men, respectively (P = 0.01).

>> No.9068143

Just take testosterone supplements, sounds easier than not fapping/fucking.

>> No.9068168

Nofap if you want, but why bother?

First of all, you can ejaculate while sleeping, I myself have seen it happen a couple of times.

And why would you want higher testosterone anyway? If you're on your 30's and your hair is starting to fall you're probably doomed anyway. And If you're underage b& and trying to grow a beard just be a bit patient and it'll grow eventually.

If you really needed higher testosterone levels, you'd do this >>9068143
Although in your case I'm positive any doctor would strongly advise against this.

If you wanted to do it because you want to improve your self control or some shit I'd say go for it, but as I've said before, your body will eventually find a way around it.

>> No.9068169

I'd like to add that if you are trying to impress a woman nothing beats the old "growing a pair" strategy.

>> No.9068180
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nofap is just propaganda from uneducated crooks that believe any sexual activity before marriage is bad

but I have to admit it's amazing how gullible and desperate people are when it comes to balding, which is completely normal for humans

>> No.9068231

well you haven't exactly helped to clear things up oh great brainlord.

>> No.9068393

>Virgin detected

>> No.9068399

100% this.
also >>9068168

>> No.9068435

ITT: short foxes

>> No.9068836
File: 125 KB, 735x735, gtfo-bitch-im-doing-science[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Watching porn is linked to reduced amounts of grey matter in the brain.

I have a theory that is based on this research. The reason why europeans advanced so quickly is because people would abstain from sex before marriage. This, combined with the general lack of porn and frowning on masturbation that took place in medieval Europe, made the men smarter. Their brains would think about things besides sex.

>> No.9068987
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>bruh alpha male just become an alpha male bruh
>donald trump as an example
>the guardian
>study on mice

And iiiiiinto the trash it gooooooes. Are nofap advocates really that kind of brotards?

>> No.9068997

no it wont
lift weights instead.

>> No.9069004
File: 2.94 MB, 1023x2258, nofap bullshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone who did 4 months NoFap, here's my opinions on some commonly listed benefits.
1) Cures ED - I don't have ED, so I can't really comment outside of mentioning that I seem to get more embarrassing erections when fapping regularly than when on NoFap.
2) Increases libido - True for roughly the first 2 weeks, but past that absolutely not. In my experience long term NoFap totally kills your libido. After 3 weeks you'll no longer give a shit about anything sexual other than when you're in bed and your mind starts to drift or when something is going out of its way to tempt you.
3) Clearer mind/increased self-control - Yes, but not for the reasons you might've expected. The only reason that your self-control will increase on NoFap is because NoFap kills your libido and having a dead libido means that you have one less distraction.
4) Increases sensitivity - YES. After a week or two off you can easily cum in under 2 minutes. So easily in fact that it's hard not to, which makes for some really shit wanks.
5) Increased testosterone - Impossible for me to measure properly without any medical equipment but with everything /fit/ has told me about test in mind (e.g. increasing testosterone increases libido), I'm going to say no to this one.
6) More cum - Yes, but the amount of cum you have seems to reach its maximum after as little as 1 week. That's hardly NoFap.
7) More confidence/motivation/better social skills/attitude - Nope, the only thing I can think of on this end are issues that you may have within a few hours of fapping, like not being worried about the fact that you might smell of cum or have some on your face or something. I suspect that you'll only get these benefits if you're the type that's doing NoFap to encourage you to go out and get laid, although I must admit that I'm very tempted to agree with that "The NoFap Hoax" screenshot's "WHAT BETTER EXPLAINS THIS SO-CALLED INTERNET PORN PROBLEM?" section*.

>> No.9069006

*Speaking of that screenshot, if I've not included that with this text then tell me and I'll fix that.
8) Wet dreams - Nope, not a single one. From what I've heard this may be related to age, at the time of writing this I was 20 years old.
9) Any other medical claims - I've got a list of /fit/ stuff to read on the subject. I'll get back to you when I've finished reading that.

As for downsides I've noticed while doing it, there's the following:
1) Your balls occasionally ache mildly and tend to stay extremely close to your dick even when the temperature isn't low.
2) If something goes wrong with your health while you're doing NoFap then by not ejaculating you've lost something that would've told a normal man to see a doctor. The best example I have of this is from my own experience. For a few days after I broke my 4 months NoFap, I had fucking blood in my cum.

So what's my opinion on whether or not you should do NoFap?
1) If you're worried about your health then NoFap is not for you, keeping an eye on your reproductive system could save your life.
2) If you're a MGTOW or in any other position where you think that avoiding women and their charms is wise, NoFap might be for you - it's harder to be influenced by that sort of stuff when your libido is at rock bottom.


>> No.9069008
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3) I'm increasingly suspecting that NoFap doesn't so much have benefits as that having an orgasm has detriments. It's well known that ejaculation makes a man feel tired and all of the chemical shit that cumming does to your brain is plenty to throw you off from say, being able to hold a conversation half an hour after you've jizzed. The only counterexample I have for this would be anyone who when not on NoFap gets so possessed by lust that they become incapable of doing anything other than attending to it, although in my opinion anyone in that position should seek help - they're probably not far off from their dick leading them to doing something they'll regret. Basically what I'm saying is that rather than doing NoFap, just be aware that masturbation isn't a good idea when you're not in a position to deal with the consequences.

I'd say that it's best to just treat fapping as any other hobby, learn what it does to you and interact with it based on that. As for NoFap, I'd say that you should only do it if you've got some reason to fear your own libido, otherwise your approach to NoFap should be more along the lines of "fuck - I've not fapped in a week" rather than "I'm not going to fap for 30 days".

As for those medical claims I mentioned, there's pic related and the following list:
Neuroscience of Internet Pornography Addiction: A Review and Update: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4600144/

Neural Correlates of Sexual Cue Reactivity in Individuals with and without Compulsive Sexual Behaviours: http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0102419#pone-0102419-g001

Brain Structure and Functional Connectivity Associated With Pornography Consumption
(Decreased grey matter with increase in porn usage) :http://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapsychiatry/fullarticle/1874574


>> No.9069009

Pornography's Impact on Sexual Satisfaction

Neurobiological Basis of Hypersexuality (Taken together, the evidence seems to imply that alterations in the frontal lobe, amygdala, hippocampus, hypothalamus, septum, and brain regions that process reward play a prominent role in the emergence of hypersexuality):

Compulsivity Across the Pathological Misuse of Drug and Non-Drug Rewards:

Watching pornographic pictures on the Internet: role of sexual arousal ratings and psychological-psychiatric symptoms for using Internet sex sites excessively:
Mood changes after watching pornography on the Internet are linked to tendencies towards Internet-pornography-viewing disorder:
Pornographic picture processing interferes with working memory performance:

Trading Later Rewards for Current Pleasure: Pornography Consumption and Delay Discounting: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26305628
Adolescents’ Exposure to Sexually Explicit Internet Material and Sexual Satisfaction: A Longitudinal Study: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1468-2958.2009.01343.x/abstract
Pharmacological and physiological aspects of sexual exhaustion in male rats: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12914589#
Masturbationand Pornography Use Among Coupled Heterosexual Men With Decreased Sexual Desire: How Many Roles ofMasturbation?
Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity: The Journal of Treatment & Prevention:


>> No.9069012

Is Internet Pornography Causing Sexual Dysfunctions? A Review with Clinical Reports:
Individual Differences in Nucleus Accumbens Activity to Food and Sexual Images Predict Weight Gain and Sexual Behavior: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3377379/



And that's the lot.

>> No.9069243

Nofap is broscience pseudointellectual trash. Literally no tests to back any of the retarded claims have been made. Fapping to various zany porn might desensitize you, but the act of witholding masturbation does nothing to rise your "test".

>> No.9069269

No fap thread on this board? I see the average iq here dropped 20 points with the influx of /pol and b.

>> No.9069278

if you really want to raise your testo level, just order some from a shady only site, which really is no problem thanks to /fit/-mania right now; but, why do you want your hair to grow faster (mor growing speed results in what?), it will maybe give you more body hair and a better beard, but you highly risk losing your top hair (which is gone once its gone), so better patchy beard (which you can hide by regular shaving) than going bald. thats a big turn off for women (which is your after all motivation???)

>> No.9069297

Three weeks nofapping here. Only difference is that I get horny a bit quicker. I think I'll last until the 7th of August just so I can say I spent a month not jerking it.

>> No.9069319

It will prevent you from tricking your mind into thinking that things that aren't there are there. That is the main benefit.

Just remember that time and space are different things and when people are fucking the back and forth motion is not the same as some sort of vibration

>> No.9069348
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I am someone who injects testosterone. It certainly has an effect on your mood, confidence, ambition and focus. It's great, because now I can fap all I want, and I do fap a lot.

My morning wood could probably be used to stab a vampire's heart, or pussy.

>> No.9070133

Life is generally better without watching porn, think about it. Watching others have sex has a subordinate flavor to it and has been ingrained in our brains since the dawn of man. So the more you actually have sex then watch it, the better you will feel. That is simple.

As far as boosting your own test levels, it's also simple: get lots of sunlight, do some exercise or move around more, eat highly nutritious food, and get amazing sleep. Your test levels are relative to how healthy you are which is relative to your biorhythms.