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9064907 No.9064907 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys have any medical resources about the mental health of trannies post-transitioning?

>> No.9064912

yeah but the gays are still good to go right?

>> No.9064924

yeah, gays do not have medical cost to the military.

>> No.9064927
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>allowing people who are considerably more likely to kill themselves than regular soldiers to handle weaponry
>allowing these people to be in psychologicaly traumatizing situations, with guns
>allowing these people to join a historically macho and manly organization known to harrass its own members
>burdening the system and jeopardising lives because trannies refuse to admit they have a problem

>> No.9065007
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Here op



Honestly if they're worried about mental health then they should bar everyone under 22 years of age.




You can't have it both ways, if you're willing to accept people with yet to mature brains you can't then argue for barring others from serving for questionable state of mental health.

And if medical cost is such an issue then why are you focusing on trans instead of those with ptsd?



Also google search the "us military suicide rate 2016" pdf.

>> No.9065012

suicide risk drops, stress from social sources goes up

it's irresponsible not to treat trans people in the military. a lot of mtf trans people join the military because they think it will 'man them up' and get rid of their trans feelings. it never does, because that's not how it works. the endpoints are almost always suicide or transition, with a rare few who go on with their lives with a staggering degree of self-hate.

this ban doesn't stop trans people from joining the military, it stops visibly trans people from serving once they decide to transition. they're still going to join, because a lot of the trans people who join haven't decided to transition yet.

once someone does, at that point you've sunk a bunch of money into their training. you're going to throw that away? when the far, far cheaper and cost-effective option is to treat them? the cost of some counseling and hrt is invisible relative to the total defense budget, and you get to keep skilled individuals on staff and improve their mental health at the same time.

>> No.9065014

>19 year old people need constant medical treatments to be who they are without having a mental breakdown
Stupid comparison.

>> No.9065029


I'm sorry Anon are you talking about 19 year old transgenders or 19 year old privates in the army diagnosed with ptsd during their first tour in the middle east?

Your statement was so generalized that unfortunately you can get the two examples mixed up easily.

>> No.9065038

>I'm sorry Anon are you talking about 19 year old transgenders or 19 year old privates in the army diagnosed with ptsd during their first tour in the middle east?

Discharge people afflicted with PTSD.

>> No.9065050

woops you just discharged between 15% and 20% of the active combat personnel in one swoop

>> No.9065052


Which means what exactly? Did you not check the links I provided in the initial post, vets with ptsd still get money from the government to treat it.

Any attempt to drop that support will nuke the careers of any and all politicians. It is why military related spending is usually the least likely to get cut.

>> No.9065073


Isn't the issue you can't screen to see who can develop PTSD so anyone, trannies included, can get it? That is a cost, but you can't reduce it (until there is a way to predict and screen people).

With trannies, they are already are at elevated risk of suicide / mental illnesses relative to the general population. I can't remember where I read it, but even with surgury, the risk of suicide was basically the same post operation. The only way it was reduced was with hormone therapy to correct the brain chemistry to match the body.

>> No.9065075

>The only way it was reduced was with hormone therapy to correct the brain chemistry to match the body.
which is about fifty or sixty bucks a month, a drop in the bucket compared to the hundreds of thousands of dollars spent on them every year

a trivial cost that comes with tangible health improvements

>> No.9065096
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Wouldnt it be better to give the trannies PTSD so they are more likely to kill themselves?

>> No.9065128

>fierce house-to-house fighting in urban battle cuts off reliable supply of hormones
Oh fuck I better hope the tranny next to me doesn't blow his head off during his patrol or we're a goner.

>> No.9065130

PTSD is a side effect of the combat. Treating it is a military expense. What will transsexuals do when they're stuck in some MENA village and simply can't get hormone shots?

>> No.9065136

use a delivery method that isn't daily, like an injection or an implant

>> No.9065145

>hormone baggage destroyed during a tactical retreat
oh shit I hope the transgender brigade doesn't commit seppuku

we don't let diabetic soldiers serve because they're liabilities thanks to their need for dialysis treatments. why the fuck should we allow degenerate estrogen-injected man and roided women from serving given their high maintenance and risk of mental illness should logistics fail

>> No.9065168

nigga, the implants are good between 2-6 months depending on method

>> No.9065190
File: 10 KB, 235x214, tranniesoldier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still doesn't understand that meticulously planning everything for success is a recipe for failure in war
>implants malfunction or run out during combat
>pic related

>> No.9065213

>it never does
There's no way you could possibly know this. Anybody that was successful with would appear as a perfectly normal person in all regards and would probably never be willing to talk about it again.

This is a situation where only the failures are visible so you are making the illogical assumption that only the failures exist.

>> No.9065889

mentall ill people are banned from the military anon. How this loophole happened to allow trannies in happened beats me.

>> No.9065900

The LBGT community excerted pressure including threats and protests to force transgenderism to be removed from lists of mental disorders in acedemia, similar to how they got homosexuality delisted as a mental disorder

>> No.9065908

Except for AIDS medication.

>> No.9065916

PTSD is way over diagnosed in the military these days.

>> No.9065935

That's an expense that straight members pay as well. They also do not allow members to enlist if they are HIV positive, and a member that gets infected is no longer fit for overseas service.

>> No.9065949

Homosexuality has no health implications other than the ones caused by their sexual lifestyle (which can be prevented with safe sexual practices). Gender dysmorphia has very real statistical correlations with other mental health problems (including a 40% rate of attempting suicide), which can only be treated with therapy. Transitionary surgery takes a member out of active service for a year and provides no mental health benefits, and hormonal therapy causes several logistical problems. These are two very seperate issues.

>> No.9066062


>> No.9066084

>You can't have it both ways, if you're willing to accept people with yet to mature brains you can't then argue for barring others from serving for questionable state of mental health.
There's a difference between a maturing brain and a malfunctioning brain
>And if medical cost is such an issue then why are you focusing on trans instead of those with ptsd?
because the ptsd was lasting effect from being in the military. they are responsible for it because the service induced the condition in the first place. not the case with trannies

>> No.9066833

>Honestly if they're worried about mental health then they should bar everyone under 22 years of age.

Because we have a huge empire to run with an endless appetite for human flesh, and adolescent males are the only people with the requisite belief in their own innate superiority to others and invincibility to sign their lives away to Uncle Sam in the numbers necessary.

>> No.9066870

The rate of suicide in the transgender community is 40%, and the highest that I could find (including in the Google search you recommended) for the military community was 0.05%. Why are you even trying to compare these numbers? And wouldn't the correct logic be to take the most mentally fit, since suicide rates after service are already so high? Why would you willingly take an already unstable population into an occupation that already causes rates of suicide to double in a mentally healthy population?

>> No.9066879


>> No.9066928

I'm not an SJW but shouldn't we be stop paying for viagra and cialis as well?

>> No.9067014

Replace "transgender" in his tweets with "pure math majors" and it becomes funnier.

>> No.9067043

> maturing brains are mentally ill
You really might want to get better at arguing.

>> No.9067046

Depends, sildenafil is actually medication for conditions other than ED so it might be a misrepresenting comparison.

>> No.9067050

Homosexuals have several co-morbidities. Whilst i couldn't care less about gay people and what they get up to it is true that their removal from the DSM was down to lobbying and not medical consensus.