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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 39 KB, 960x788, retards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9060983 No.9060983 [Reply] [Original]

Want to feels like ripping your eyes out?


>> No.9060984

Closed the window there.

>> No.9060990

The answer is 58. If you get anything else please brush up on your 3rd/4th grade math.

>> No.9060996


>> No.9060997

Read the replies, the consensus in the thread is 10, and there are two or three retards who are calling everybody else retards who come up with the answer, 58.

>> No.9060999

Paran theses 6
Exponent 36
Multiply/divide 36÷6 = 6
Add/subtract 6+4 = 10

Pemdas is a definition. By definition, it is 10. There is no other answer unless you don't use it.

>> No.9061002

>it is 10
It's 58 you fucking mongol. 2(3) can be rewritten as 2 * 3 if you don't understand that.

6^2 / 2(3) + 4 =
36 / 2 * 3 + 4 =
18 * 3 + 4 =
54 + 4 =

You don't belong on this board, or anywhere near civilization for that matter.

>> No.9061007

>Read the replies, the consensus in the thread is 10, and there are two or three retards who are calling everybody else retards who come up with the answer, 58.
Amusingly you are trying to be all smart by claiming that there is a single answer, but you're showing your horribly shallow understanding of mathematics by doing so.

Protip: order of operations is arbitrary. There's a reason that every math text starts with a discussion of what conventions they are using. This problem has no direction on conventions being used and is written in a way that's ambiguous, so, both answers satisfy it until the convention is defined.

>> No.9061008

Made my day or should i say night GMT+1

>> No.9061012

Parentheses part refers to simplifying only what is inside the parentheses, not operations between it and outside shit.

>> No.9061022

Wrong. 2 (3) = (3*2) by distribution
Since it is a parantheses, you do it first.

You should learn your math before you put other people down.

>> No.9061026

The entire point of having a standard order of operations is that they are adhered to when no other instruction is given. This eliminates ambiguity. The simple fact that many people do not know/understand this standard is disheartening.

>> No.9061028
File: 44 KB, 657x527, 1461003381419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the single dumbest post I've ever seen on /sci/. And I'm the one who makes flat earth threads.

>> No.9061033

>Since it is a parantheses, you do it first.
Do what first? 3? Ok, 3 is done, 2 is not in the parentheses. Evaluate the rest of the expression, and get 58.

>> No.9061036


That feel is calling

>> No.9061037

Multiplication of a bracket happens with the same priority as operations within the bracket actually

>> No.9061039

Retard, there literally is no standard.

>> No.9061040

>Multiplication of a bracket
Stopped reading here.

>> No.9061046

>3 is done
got a genuine chuckle out of me, anon.

>> No.9061051
File: 8 KB, 525x71, scren.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how you could come up with anything other than 58

>> No.9061053

Or, since you're quite obviously out of your depth, let me spell it out both accurately and precisely:

There are a lot of standards. None of them are universal.

>> No.9061054

nice try anon

>> No.9061062
File: 28 KB, 778x528, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nice try anon
Why are you trying to bait on /sci/? Go to /b/ kiddo.

>> No.9061064


36/2(3) +4

18(3) +4

54 +4


>> No.9061111

It's 10 you mong.

>> No.9061113

its not
6^2/2 is a coefficient of 3

then add 4

If I am wrong, prove it

>> No.9061115
File: 97 KB, 960x768, 1500232865707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me guess, your most frequented board is /pol/ and you believe in God.

>> No.9061130

TI83: 58
TI36xPro: 58
TI30xIIs: 58
Casio FX-115ES: 58
Casio HR100TM: 58
HP 40gs: 58


Its not 10 you mong.

>> No.9061133

The number 2 is not in the paranthese you stupid fucks therefore there is no reason to do anything with it until its role as a multiplier is called upon. The answer is 10 and you're either a retard or a troll if you think otherwise.

>> No.9061135

Your first sentence is correct, then you went retarded.

>> No.9061144

its 58 and anyone who says differently does not know the definition of the division sign as opposed to the fraction sign

>> No.9061145

I am aware of how the number 58 is reached and that's a bullshit way to approach the situation. You can't restructure the entire equation on the fly just to make it fit your meme agenda. You do each component one at a time in the order prescribed. It's that simple.

>> No.9061146

The parenthesis is multiplication. Division and multiplication is done from left to right.

Square the 6, divide by 2, multiply by 3 and then add 4. That's 6th grade PEMDAS. that gives you 58.

If you can't do that, why the fuck are you on this board?

>> No.9061147

>You can't restructure the entire equation on the fly
Writing 2(3) as 2 * 3 isn't restructuring anything, they are synonymous. I believe it is this misunderstanding that is leading to brainlets like yourself to being confused.

>> No.9061154

Parenthesis: do what is in the parenthesis
Exponent: take the number to the power of the exponential

do those from left to right


do those from left to right


do those from left to right

3(4) is multiplication, it is not inside the parenthesis.


>> No.9061157

>divide by 2, multiply by 3

1/10 for making me reply. Just please do us all a favor and kys

>> No.9061159

How do you not understand this? If I was your math teacher in high school I probably would have gotten fired for beating you.

>> No.9061161

You are legitimately mentally ill. I'm not even going to bother explaining to you because you clearly lack the wherewithal to perform basic algebra. Just leave this thread

>> No.9061167

>I'm not even going to bother explaining to you because I can not clearly express my logic or reasoning without knowing I will be wrong and scrutinized.


>> No.9061170

I've expressed my logic. Your response has made it obvious that you are too low leve of a thinker to handle something of this caliber so it's futile to get you to understand something you can't.

>> No.9061171

Who the fuck even uses ÷ anymore?

>> No.9061172

but he's right in essence. however he's wrong in another sense, that sense being the fact that there are two valid answers because the problem is written much too vague because writing a division symbol like that is literally retarded. anyone that does that should be shot on sight

>> No.9061176

Can you link your post where you step by step solve the problem so it equals 10? I want to see your post, but can't seem to decipher it through all the equals 58 posts.

>> No.9061177

>6th grade PEMDAS
>divide by 2
>multiple by 3
>divide by 2, multiply by 3
>divide, multiply
>d, m
>pedmas ??
pemdas gives you 10 dumbass

>> No.9061178

>it's vague
The word you're looking for is ambiguous, but either way, you are wrong. There is nothing ambiguous about the way it is written. that division symbol is synonymous with '/' and 2(3) is synonymous with 2 * 3.

>> No.9061182

There isn't 2 right answers.

see this. I don't have a calculator on hand that will give me 10

>> No.9061184

No because I am just trolling while low key believing my answer (10) is the practical correct answer and acknowledging that (58) is the tryhard but also correct answer. And I don't like tryhards.

>> No.9061185

exponents, multiply, divide the two numbers, add 4. that's what you would do if you were following pemdas, however it isn't necessarily any more right because that division symbol is just wrong. you don't divide like that unless you're an actual mongoloid. the notation is simply too vague

>> No.9061188

Ahh, I see where your misunderstanding is now.

Multiplication has the same precedence as Division and Addition has the same precedence as Subtraction, this is something you probably forgot about PEMDAS. If you need to think about it like this: PE(MD)(AS), it would help.


>> No.9061190

it doesn't

6^2 = 36

36/2 = 18

18 * 3 = 54

54 + 4 = 58

Done. If you want to tell me how that's wrong, step by step, then please do. PLEASE DO IT.

>> No.9061192

>doesn't disagree with me
hmm nice one retard

i never said there was 2 answer, i'm saying both are either valid or not valid because the problem is vague

if you think there's a universal order of operations you need to hang yourself effective immediately. PEMDAS gives you 10, but 58 works as well because that division sign is retarded. people are getting 58 because they're putting the 3 on top of the division sign rather than below

>> No.9061194

Why are you dividing before multiplying? Are you another one of these retards that doesn't understand the alphabet?

>> No.9061196

10 isn't a correct answer.

>> No.9061197

Woah, slow down there tardo. Of course I disagreed with you, for you are wrong.

>> No.9061199

See: >>9061188

He is dividing first because the division comes before the multiplication in the expression.

>> No.9061200

>i never said there was 2 answer
>however he's wrong in another sense, that sense being the fact that there are two valid answers because the problem is written much too vague because writing a division symbol like that is literally retarded.

>i'm saying both are either valid or not valid because the problem is vague
meaningless bullshit

>> No.9061202

>if you think there's a universal order of operations you need to hang yourself effective immediately.
> PEMDAS gives you 10

You can't do PEMDAS but you type shit like a fucking retard. Why would anyone take you seriously? You don't even have a logical principal to follow.

>> No.9061211
File: 39 KB, 1413x374, dearlord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9061215

here dumbass >>9061211
read. you guys are arguing something that has been known to be vague for at least half a fucking century. the fucking wikipedia on order of operations literally concedes that there is no universal order of operations in a case like this because you can interpret the 3 either above or below the slash

fucking hell sci is more retarded than i remember

>> No.9061216

I can tell you are the same person who has posted 10 times because you keep misusing the term vague, you are incoherent. Also, that exception does not apply here.

>> No.9061219

PEMDAS does give you 10.

6^2 is exponents, 2(3) is multiplication honeybunny, and 36/6 is division!! wow look you're a big boy now!! you can do PEMDAS!!

>> No.9061221

why do you skip the division?

>> No.9061222

6^2 / 2(3) + 4 =
36 / 2(3) + 4 =
36 / 2 * 3 + 4 =
18 * 3 + 4 =
54 + 4 =

Try to point out where I am wrong, and post your work as I did. I'll help you fix your mistake.

>> No.9061223

It's 58. PEMDAS says it's 58, mt ti-84 says it's 58, matlab says it's 58, mathematica says it 58, maple says it 58. It's 58.

>> No.9061226

It's 10!!!!!
It's 58!!!!!!

Oh wait, it's definitively neither; you're all fucking retards. "Many academics consider the mnemonic PEMDAS as non-applicable with implied groupings that are ambiguous, such as 1/2x, where the lack of an explicit operator × between the 2 and the x implies a grouping of the 2 with the x."

>> No.9061235

There is no P component
exponent from left to right: 6^2 = 36
multiplication and division from left to right: 36/2 = 18, 18 * 3 = 54
addition and subtrition from left to right: 54 + 4 = 58

how are you this fucking stupid?

>> No.9061236

its not 10 or 58, then what is it?

>> No.9061237

In some of the academic literature, multiplication denoted by juxtaposition (also known as implied multiplication) is interpreted as having higher precedence than division, so that 1/2x equals 1/(2x), not (1/2)x. For example, the manuscript submission instructions for the Physical Review journals state that multiplication is of higher precedence than division with a slash,[9] and this is also the convention observed in prominent physics textbooks such as the Course of Theoretical Physics by Landau and Lifshitz and the Feynman Lectures on Physics.

THUS, we have:

6^2 / 2(3) + 4
36 / 2(3) + 4
36 / 6 + 4
6 + 4

There you go, fuckboy. As I've said, "many academics consider the mnemonic PEMDAS as non-applicable with implied groupings that are ambiguous, such as 1/2x, where the lack of an explicit operator × between the 2 and the x implies a grouping of the 2 with the x."

>> No.9061243

>In some of the academic literature
You realize this literally disproves what you are trying to say. This means in most academic literature this is not the case. We are operating under PEMDAS, not some odd, obscure methodology prescribed in "some academic literature". Consensus is king. This is why even Google's calculator shows the correct answer 58. I see you are angsty, but I hope you can learn something from this bud.

>> No.9061246

has sci gone down the shitter to the point of asking stupid questions as these

>> No.9061252

no, you do what is inside of the parenthesis first. What is outside of the parenthesis does not take precedence above multiplication or division. 2(3) = 2*3.

That is a fact that can not be argued.

>> No.9061253


>> No.9061258

Just report this and >>9060929

>> No.9061259

No, I used the word "vague" right, dumb ass. Ambiguous would've worked just as well. They're literally synonymous, off yourself.

>> No.9061262

The real point is there is no consensus as to whether or not applied multiplication takes priority over division.

But there is a consensus that it's best to remove the ambiguity by writing it as a fraction instead of using the ÷ sign. Thus you seldom see the ÷ sign in university level mathematics.

>> No.9061265

No, you didn't use 'vague' right. You used it wrong several times, even after I corrected you. Leading me to the conclusion that you are, in fact, a mongol.


>> No.9061283

thats right. Its not the math that's the problem, its the wording.

typical math fags.

>> No.9061313

You just proved that I did use vague right, fucking retard. I've been saying from the beginning that the problem is VAGUE, IT'S LACKING DETAIL; THERE'S NOT ENOUGH INFORMATION. AND, THEREFORE, THE ANSWER CAN EITHER BE ONE OR THE OTHER; OR NEITHER. Whether or not you agree with that sentiment doesn't matter, what matters is I used vague right, and you're a brain-dead edgelord.

I like how you show me a link like I'm not going to fucking read it. The problem IS vague, in my opinion, and you can't tell me I'm using the word wrong; what you can tell me is that it's NOT vague, and give me reasons, but that doesn't mean I'm using the word wrong.

So fucking retarded.

>> No.9061316

No it does not, you did not read it.
This anon explained it well: >>9061262

>> No.9061326

No, ironically, your use of 'vague' is vague. You meant ambiguous.

>> No.9061332

>3 is done.

I can't stop crying.

>> No.9061344
File: 29 KB, 750x573, pastacide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't done much math since high school and am only now getting back into it. I had never been told that multiplication and division occur in the order that they are written and not the multiplication first. I feel lied to and want to punch my high school math teacher in her tits now.
Legitimately thanks. I learned something today.

>> No.9061352

Multiplication and division are really the same. So is addition and subtraction.

>> No.9061358

Don't trust anyone, understand it so you know why.

Division is the same thing as Multiplying by a number's reciprocal.

A / B = A * (1/B)

Seeing as though the same expression can be written with either multiplication or division operators, they need to have the same precedence. This is why mathematicians who created PEMDAS declared that multiplication and division must be evaluated from left to right, so there was a standard.

Similar with addition and subtraction, subtraction is just adding negatives.

A + B = A + (-B)

>> No.9061359
File: 1.64 MB, 352x217, 1428114875983.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Order of operations troll thread

>> No.9061363

I meant A - B = A + (-B)

>> No.9061369

Yeah that makes sense, the frustrating part is that the teacher I am mentioning literally never explained that. She just went down the PEMDAS acronym and had us do each one in turn. This also means that many of the questions she had us answer required the objectively wrong answer.
Once again, thanks for the lesson, this will definitely save my ass once I finish the Khan Academy pre-university mathematics courses before returning to Community College with my head on straight.

>> No.9061466

While I am aware that 2(3) is the equivalent of 2*3, I really feel that logically it should be the equivalent of (2*3) and whoever decided that it's the former rather than the latter is a fucking asshole.

>> No.9061471

No, you're just a dumbass.

>> No.9061632

>3 is done
Holy shit my sides

>> No.9061640

unironically leave this board

>> No.9061755

>whoever decided that the number stays outside the parentheses rather than magically appearing inside them is an asshole

>> No.9061869

[math] \displaystyle
6^2/2(3)+4 \\
36/2 \cdot 3+4 \\
18 \cdot 3+4 \\
54+4 \\

>> No.9061886

Retard, open up any math textbook and they have the exact same order of operations.

If you think order of operations is a subject of "depth," you are clearly making shit up. Stop.

>> No.9061893

doesn't look like 2 is inside the parenthesis there. Why are you processing it like it was (2 * 3) instead of how it is written?

>> No.9061920

M comes before D buddy

>> No.9061924

No it doesn't.

>> No.9061954

they're equal faggot

>> No.9062027


ok so then you admit there can be two answers

>> No.9062047

You are an idiot who doesnt know math beyond arithmetic. None of the orders are certain. Theyre based on axioms which you must bring up in all books.

>> No.9062056

The answer is 20.(6)

>> No.9062059

>Exponent 36
What. [math] 10^2 = 36 [/math]? On what planet?

>> No.9062061

I spent a few minutes trying to figure out what the leftmost symbol was supposed to be. That's got to be the worst-looking "6" I've ever seen.

>> No.9062065

Where the fuck are you people getting a [math] 6^2 [/math] from? That's clearly [math] 10^2 [/math].

>> No.9062074

nope, there's only one answer. You're doing it wrong if you get the wrong answer or two answers.

>> No.9062076

no it is obviously 1-0^2

>> No.9062978

How can you conclude this? M and D are equal precedence, meaning you evaluate whichever is on the left first.

>> No.9062999

great troll OP, 10/10

>> No.9063017

Great fucking analysis.

>> No.9063021

The division sign needs to be eliminated forever

>> No.9063029

It clearly says Lo^2, which you can tell is shorthand for log(2)

>> No.9063125

Those twos and the six look absolutely disgusting.

>> No.9063351


>> No.9063369

Saw this on facebook already. People who think PEMDAS is a hard rule don't understand math at all and have certainly not had to solve very many equations other than in an introductory course in highschool. It's elementally easy to solve an equation like this where it is a little ambiguous. Decompose it.

6^2 / 2 * (3) + 4
6^2 * 1/2 * 3 + 4


Literal brainlets don't even realize division and multiplication are the same fucking thing and therefore done left to right. Next they'll be telling you 2+2-3+5= -4

>> No.9063389

source: Mathpapa

>> No.9063409

source = WolframAlpha

>> No.9063434

wtf is Lo^2

>> No.9063436

You're all wrong because that first number is clearly a 10 not a 6

>> No.9063449



2(3) = (2*3) = 6

so as you want to write it you'd have:

6^2 * 1/(2*3) + 4

or 6^2 * 1/6 + 4

it is 10

>> No.9063469

Two bits of information are missing from the statement. PEMDAS is ambiguous because it only implies one bit.

>> No.9063474

Post above yours is funnier.

>> No.9063516

>2(3) = (2*3) = 6

I'm not even trying to be mean here, but are you legitimately retarded?

>> No.9063548

>hurr durr basic algebra is magic

For the retards out there:
Wanna know why? Because
Hence 2(3) can be rewritten as

Both options can be considered valid, since the order of operations is an accepted method and this method checks out mathematically. Come back when you understand what parentheses mean.

>> No.9063579


Are you? Nothing wrong with that part of his post.

>> No.9063617

You're right, it's the next step he does. He moves the 2 into the parentheses. What the fuck is he even doing.

>> No.9063810

He highlighted the wrong sentence. Read the second paragraph, implied multiplication i.e. 2(3) is sometimes intended to take precedence over division, such as 1/2x meaning 1 / ( 2 * x ) instead of (1 / 2) * x.

>> No.9063821

>2*(3) = (2*3)

You do realize that moving around parentheses changes the expression, right buddy?

>> No.9063823

ITT: Trolls trolling trolls

>> No.9063834

im seeing 3.6, which is no where close to anyone else in the thread

>> No.9064645

First fucking correct answer in this whole thread

>> No.9064779
File: 72 KB, 800x508, 14579691831031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

58, otherwise you're a mong.

>> No.9065060

Hey man. That was a funny thing you said. Keep it up.

>> No.9065120

How do you distribute a multiplicand of a monomial?

Even if you did, the parenthesis disappears, so you get 2*3. I've never seen a distributive law where a*(b+c) is equal to (a*b+a*c), but not a*b+a*c.

>> No.9065133
File: 7 KB, 394x56, polish-notation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polish notation master race

>> No.9065155
File: 308 KB, 492x419, autistic pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sci/, /r9k/ & 4chan as a whole are Autistic.

However the /sci/'s IQ is much higher than the /r9k/'s IQ

>> No.9065180
File: 2.57 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually you're all wrong

>> No.9065193


The reason why Parens in PEDMAS go first is because they are chosen completely arbitrarily by the user specifying which things need to be evaluated in which order.

When there aren't explicit parens given that usually indicates that the answer to the operation is arbitrary and doesn't actually matter all that much.

Really the only authorial intent that can be read into the above is the 2(3) since parens are the only arbitrary intent that can be applied outside of the axioms.

>> No.9065238

Multiplication doesn't distribute over itself. Go back to whichever engineering forum you came from.

>> No.9065266

TI says it's 58. You can argue all you want about it being arbitrary, but don't expect anything you have to work with to accommodate you.

>> No.9065295

/sci/ = autistic genius
/r9k/ = autistic retarded
reddit = normies

>> No.9065330

And Feynman's lectures disagree with you. As well with a massive shit ton of other sources. Why? Because this order of operations is vague and it's not universal. Many texts follow implied multiplication and therefore you'd do that chunk on the right first.

Brainlets are just too dense to accept the fact that the problem is insufficiently notated

>> No.9065395

the division symbol is unambiguous with respect to representing division instead of a potential fraction. You've arrived at the wrong answer by assuming the wrong thing.

>> No.9065410

/r/math is unironically better for real math discussion than here and you know it

>> No.9065417

>Feynman's lectures disagree with you
They disagree with most modern computational practice.
>Brainlets are just too dense to accept the fact that the problem is insufficiently notated
Or neckbeards on the internet refuse to be told they're wrong about anything. One or the other.

>> No.9066474

Error: Ambigious notation.

>> No.9066949

where? The division symbol unambiguously indicates division rather than fractions. It might be ambiguous if someone has used / instead, but they didn't.

>> No.9066970

Who writes equations like that?

Also that is the single worst 6 I have ever seen

>> No.9066990

No, the use of the division symbol is heavily discouraged and only used by complete amateurs of the field.

>> No.9066991
File: 1.99 MB, 320x240, roll eyes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Containment board for the brainlet rejects of society can't do math
See picture

10/10 lol, would lol again

>> No.9067428
File: 4 KB, 125x119, 1451008548122s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A*b*c = a*c*b
A*b/c= a/c*b
2(3) = 2*3

This should clear things up for you brainlets.

>> No.9067598

>it takes a professional to not use an unambiguous symbol in an easy simplification problem.
Ah so you prefer it were made harder because it was so easy to begin with. Still doesn't change that there is only one answer though.

>> No.9068192


Also PEMDAS is not international standard and is a crutch for american students, there still isn't one answer. The correct answer is to point out the bad notation.

>> No.9068202

and you also go left to right. i understand now. can confidently see that it isnt ten

>> No.9068263

[math]\color{green}{> Ever\ using\ the\ \div\ symbol}[/math]

OP, why do you keep spamming this meme in /sci/?

>> No.9068296
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>> No.9068317

answer is 3.6.

>> No.9068322

[math]6^2 ÷ 2(3) +4[/math]
[math]30 ÷ 2(3) +4[/math]
[math]16(3) +4[/math]
[math]48 +4[/math]
This really isn't that hard, /sci/.

>> No.9068323
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>> No.9068946

> 6^2 = 30 ?

>> No.9068958

all operations are equal importance

>> No.9069141

Let's go step by step
6^2 =
6*6 =
What are you doing on this board if you can't do math?

>> No.9069252

You're correct
Don't let these abject baboons tell you different

>> No.9069255

Protip- he cant

>> No.9069279

This must be hair
Does it look like he moved the 2 inside the parentheses? He evaluated the parentheses
(3) = 3

>> No.9069291

This proves nothing butbypure correct

>> No.9069294

well no, he evaluated 2(3) before the rest of the problem, which is wrong. Yes (3) = 3. Thus the quantity 6 squared divided by the quantity 2 multiplied by the quantity 3 plus the quantity 4 is simplified to 58.

>> No.9069302


>> No.9069484

but, anon, there is no equal sign

>> No.9069517

There doesn't need to be in simplification problems.

>> No.9069614
File: 77 KB, 680x1020, IMG_9540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you btfo someone on /sci/ - science and math with a link to mathisfun.com
>a site for literal children
>science and math

>> No.9069627

Made me chuckle

>> No.9069634

>there can be some ambiguity in the case of the slash symbol ("/")

>> No.9071605

They don't have exactly the same meaning, if they did there would be no reason to have two of the same signs.
The answer is clearly 10 because it's a parenthesis not a asterisk.

>> No.9071619

>they're putting the 3 on top of the division sign
Exactly, if they want to put the 3 on top it should be written as:
3 (6^2 / 2) + 4
The (3) shouldn't come after then assumed to be atop the division sign.

>> No.9071628

I get the trolls saying it is 10, but if you unironically believe it is anything other than 58 you deserve to be euthanised on the spot.

>> No.9071629

You didn't read at all did you

Literally brain-dead

>> No.9071644

The 3 is "on top" of the division sign as long as you divide first rather than multiply. Turn that division sign into a slash; on top would go 6^2 and on bottom would go 2, but 3 is ambiguous here as many sources will use implicit multiplication in which case that entity on the right is 6, and many won't, in which case 3 is multiplied by 18

Read the wiki page on order of operations to see plenty of sources (like feynamns lectures on physics) that use implicit multiplication, and many that don't. This problem is altogether notstionslly vague

>> No.9071719

this is why humans will never go to mars

>> No.9071758

It really fucks me off when people use that division sign instead of using a fraction for division. You never use it past primary school!

>> No.9072092

>Polish notation (the prefix case)

(1°) + x / ^ 6 2 2 3 4 = 58
(2°) + / ^ 6 2 x 2 3 4 = 10

What does the pic means OP?

>> No.9072110

There's no ambiguity. The division symbol is not used to represent fractions. There are none here.

>> No.9072250

the only answer is 10. there is no ambiguity. those robots are fucking tardz.

>> No.9072269

>some arithmetic book is the authority on the order of operations
why do people believe this?
do school children just believe everything they see in a book?

>> No.9072435
File: 899 KB, 600x600, 1489305982327.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



[math]\frac{6^2}{2} *(3+4)[/math]

>> No.9072470
File: 23 KB, 1698x184, hmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no ambiguity
>pic related
hmm makes u think

>> No.9072510

It was mostly 58, but only by a hair.

>> No.9072528


If you entered them in that way, then you're not resolving the formula as written. The whole dispute is this. Does 2(3) resolve at step P with parentheses, or at step MD with multiplication and division?

By changing the formula you entered to 2*3, you encumbered your test with your preferred solution.

I'm a college professor and while I'm not a pure mathematician I do use math every day and teach a math-heavy course. And this one threw me for a loop. I would never write it this way in the first place due to its ambiguity. It seems like the 58 people make a good argument but don't understand (or pretend they don't understand) the argument for 10.

Mainly, what it comes down to is a notational problem. A(B) = A*B = AxB = A•B ... right up until it doesn't and you find out that cross products and scalar multiplication aren't quite the same thing depending on what you're multiplying.

What I'm saying is that this is a nontrivial question about how to apply a notational rule in an intentionally ambiguous situation. My guess is that it's 58, but the guys arguing 10 are making a point.

>> No.9072536


Thanks for posting this. So the most common practice is 58 but there are journals where 10 is the correct answer due to subtle differences in precedence conventions. That's in line with my intuition.

>> No.9072541


Depends on the journal. Journals and subfields have persnickety house rules like this all the time. Editing a paper that you targeted at one and are resubmitting to another is sometimes a nightmare due to crap like this.

>> No.9072557


And yet different journals use different conventions precisely because the point CAN be argued.

>> No.9072558

A better question, what is [math]\sin 2\cdot\frac{\pi}{2}[/math]

>> No.9072562

What is (3) supposed to mean?

>> No.9072583


It's a good lesson to learn, especially if you do any programming or use a mathematics package. But in the real world if you come across a case like this, the right answer is to ask for clarification, because someone who is this sloppy will likely also be sloppy about their adherence to precedence rules.

>> No.9072585
File: 99 KB, 530x580, let_me_tell_you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a standard for a÷b×c, and there is a standard for b(c) being underneath a fraction bar. However, there is no standard for a÷b(c).

The standard order of operations fails to address whether the b(c) is to be interpreted as b×c or (bc), and it also doesn't address whether or not ÷ acts as a fraction bar, which parenthesizes whatever is beyond it, which, in turn, would also make b(c) equivalent to (bc). There's a standard, but this problem shows that the standard isn't comprehensive enough to cover all cases.

>> No.9072586


It's 62.

>> No.9072601



>> No.9072622

thank you now can we /thread finally