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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 103 KB, 620x372, grothendieck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9060120 No.9060120 [Reply] [Original]

quote Michael Demazure
""I did not view him as I did other great mathematicians, who were made of the same fabric—better fabric, to be sure, as they were brighter, faster, harder workers,"

at first it seems like He is saying there were many better than Grothendieck but then says this

"Grothendieck always seemed essentially different; he was an 'alien.'"

"My first impression on seeing him lecture was that he had been transported from an advanced alien civilization in some distant solar system to visit ours in order to speed up our intellectual evolution,"

echoes Marvin Jay Greenberg, a professor emeritus of mathematics at the University of California at Santa Cruz.

>> No.9060124

Doesn't anyone think Grothendieck is like the complete opposite of Von Neumann in a way

both were geniuses, but different kinds

Von Neumann was a technical wizard, meaning he would be able to master the technicalities of math, can probably think of problems and equations faster than Grothendieck etc.

but Grothendieck had a greater view of the generalization of math, he saw the whole picture

>> No.9060125

dont know, im no mathematician.

>> No.9060151

Here's a plausible explanation: Grothendieck had enormously high verbal intelligence (hence the proclivity for abstraction) but his quantitative thinking was disproportionally low (although still much higher than the average brainlet). (One thing you should know about Grothendieck is that he wrote great prose. Most mathematicians cannot write anything to save their lives.)

I don't think he was just being modest when he said, about himself:
"I've had the chance...to meet quite a number of people, both among my "elders" and among young people in my general age group, who were much more brilliant, much more "gifted" than I was. I admired the facility with which they picked up, as if at play, new ideas, juggling them as if familiar with them from the cradle - while for myself I felt clumsy. even oafish, wandering painfully up a arduous track, like a dumb ox faced with an amorphous mountain of things that I had to learn ( so I was assured), things I felt incapable of understanding the essentials or following through to the end. Indeed, there was little about me that identified the kind of bright student who wins at prestigious competitions or assimilates, almost by sleight of hand, the most forbidding subjects."

>> No.9060171

id also say he had amazing abstract thinking

>> No.9060175

edit: interesting i didn't know verbal intellect is linked to abstraction

>> No.9060179

>you can have high verbal intelligence and abstraction but somehow you can have low quantitative thinking at the same time

You don't have high verbal intelligence.

>> No.9060183

It makes a lot of sense when you think about it. Words are themselves abstractions of concrete objects and phenomena. High verbal intelligence = being very good at manipulating abstractions.

>> No.9060189

Verbal and quantitative reasoning use different neurological systems. Look it up before you open your mouth like a moron.

>> No.9060194

Ashkenazi Jews tend to also have super high verbal iq

hence people like Grothendieck and Einstein

>> No.9060198


>> No.9060201

Oh so you believe that just because some unrigorous science said so huh?

>> No.9060203





>> No.9060214
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>> No.9060217

As opposed to what, pulling shit out of my ass?
Why are you on this board brainlet?

>> No.9060222
File: 427 KB, 1920x1080, super retard look at this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different words activate different parts of the brain, but it is due to specialization, and they are all necessarily verbal. Mathematicians might be activating more syntactical parts of the brain, but you can replicate that with any language. It is still verbal intelligence.

>> No.9060224


The whole insight of the IQ test, is that different types of intelligence are greatly correlated. Practically everyone who is good at math is also good at verbal intelligence stuff.

You should be highly skeptical of anyone who tries to say someone has high math or verbal skills, but a low value in the other. When you go out and objectively measure those two skills, they almost always come together.

>> No.9060226
File: 40 KB, 601x601, photo (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Please shut the fuck up.

>> No.9060228

Let's just say that you really don't know what you're talking about. Psychometric results also corroborate the distinction between quantitative (numerate+spatial) and verbal intelligence.

>> No.9060231

Here's something you don't know: the higher your IQ, the lower the correlations between the different factors.

>> No.9060235

I concur with (>>9060226)

Another good article to read: http://lesswrong.com/lw/lpf/the_truth_about_mathematical_ability/

>> No.9060237


I see you are also a fan.

>> No.9060240


i don't believe that's always the case

>> No.9060244

Indeed. It warms my heart there are other reasonable anons here.

>> No.9060246


> I dont believe its always the case that every case has low variance

Why do people who dont understand stats even talk.


Stay wrong fags


Thanks buddy, I didnt know that.

>> No.9060247

Do you even know what correlation means, dumb-ass? Just because there is something that mediates between all the different aspects of intelligence that does not mean that they covary identically.

>> No.9060249


>Just because there is something that mediates between all the different aspects of intelligence that does not mean that they covary identically.

So what?

>> No.9060253

>does not mean that they covary identically
Yes, it does, kek what a fucking retard

>> No.9060262

So being lopsided on one aspect of intelligence or another is not at all unexpected. Especially when you consider this >>9060231

>> No.9060265

Not true, intelligence is convergent. Non-intelligence is divergent.

>> No.9060270

>hurr durr
PSA: this is a pity reply.
find better bait next time

>> No.9060271


>> No.9060280

I was being charitable, and assuming you had some statistical insight I didnt have, but now Im not so sure.

I mean maybe you are saying that everyone is good at math, but bad at language. Then I guess it would be "lopsided", but then its just a matter of scaling, not that there is a diversity of math and reading scores.

>> No.9060285

>maybe you are saying that everyone is good at math, but bad at language.
The fuck? On what planet would anything I said be construed as such? You're not being charitable. You're retarded.

>> No.9060288

Are you the guy on this pic? >>9060226

>> No.9060290


>> No.9060292

Calm down, gentleman.

>> No.9060296

>tfw Verbal IQ is literally 153
>Performance is 105
>great memory and arithmetic skills but shit at puzzles, chess, and every "smart person" thing ever
>forever a brainlet
s-still got that category theory am I right h-hehe

>> No.9060300
File: 85 KB, 440x615, You_3ace5c_2337479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck

>> No.9060303

What did your overall IQ come out to be

>> No.9060309
File: 89 KB, 800x534, b72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>verbal IQ 153

>> No.9060319

what did he mean by that.
about 135, don't ask me how it works.

>> No.9060325

Dude, your IQ is shit, this score is fake. Can't you see that? The fact that you are this gullible about it implies you probably has lower IQ than what would require you to understand how it works.

>> No.9060334

So Grothendieck is pretty much the guy who would be able to point himself in the right direction time and time again, but would require a relatively longer amount of time to polish his thoughts on a subject because he couldn't juggle too many moving parts at once.

>> No.9060340
File: 266 KB, 968x354, 1460276045247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>153 verbal IQ points
>135 IQ, Physics bach level
>can't do fucking shit

>> No.9060345


>> No.9060356

>don't ask me how it works
what do you think I meant by that?

yep, those are my scores. what's your point?

>> No.9060361

He's a butthurt shitposter. You'd best ignore him.

>> No.9060362

How are your arithmetic skills could if you have an average performance IQ? I have a profile just like you, above average performance iq but genius verbal iq. Right now I do combinatorics (order theory and algorithms) and I'm having a blast.
This is exactly how my research is, desu. It's so accurate it's scary.

>> No.9060365

How are your arithmetic skills could if you have an average performance IQ?

>> No.9060385

I don't know, but I'm pretty good at calculations. not a prodigy or anything, just better than most.
I'm also really good at some things (number theory, languages, computer sciences, group theory, philosophy) and absolute retarded dogshit at others (physics, chemistry, anything calculus)
It's a pain since I live in a country where the most prestigious thing one can be is an engineer.

>> No.9060389

You could make a decent engineer, not the best though. Obviously, your strengths play towards a more theoretical role. Ofc, don't take my advice for verbatim.

>> No.9060400

Calculus is different from the rest of math, it is not well taught, but I'm sure you can dominate it quite easily if you put in the extra amount of time. Can I make a guess? You haven't evaluated the proofs, you probably haven't seen the fundamental theorem of algebra and you hated complex numbers, correct? Physics undergrad here. Things are easier than people think.

>> No.9060403

You're an undergrad, you haven't seriously studied any of the things you claim to be good at.

>> No.9060432

Apparently he was the first person to realise that 57 is a prime.

>> No.9060437

also, he admitted he failed a math exam in arithmetic. he probably would have done poorly on the standard GRE math section. I could see that hurting him getting into a modern day math PhD program.

>> No.9060462


Yes, one of the greatest mathematicians would have done poorly on the GRE. Its not like the GRE is made to measure exactly that.

The things brainlets tell themselves.

>> No.9060469
File: 422 KB, 500x255, no.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one will ever call you an alien sent down from heaven to advance our civilization
>in a nice way

>> No.9060483

GRE has a lot of high school math. The exact kind he probably failed at. You're probably thinking of the subject test. I mean the basic one

>> No.9060486


You are retarded.

>> No.9060492

He admitted he failed a math exam because he isn't good with arthimetic. That's what the standard GRE's math section includes. Stupid HS math. He would have probably done badly on that, since that the exact sort of material he failed at.

>> No.9060502

This is literally me 100%, holy shit. WTF I love Grothendieck now!

>> No.9060508

I disagree only because you can study for the GRE quant, that's what I did and I got a 166.

>> No.9060511

Alex could have studied for the arthemtic test he failed. He failed it anyways

>> No.9060515

I still disagree, his score would not be high but he should be at least able to make a 160+. They give you a calculator, I used that a lot.

>> No.9060521

He said he was fairly bad at arthimetic. He said he pretty much failed those kind of exams. I doubt he would have been as successful as you think. His teachers thought he didn't even have talent in math cause he failed at some basics and didn't show aptitude at the low level

>> No.9060597

Yep. Still have to put a name on said things though.
Like when you were a kid, some people would say they were better at geometry than at arithmetic, no one would go "lol pleb don't even know grothendieck lmao"

nah, I get complex numbers, it's actually one of the things I understand best.
but I graduated high school three years ago and I still don't know why the area under the curve of a continuous function equals the difference of the values of the antiderivative. I literally still don't know. I have read proofs and I understood why they worked, but I don't see why it's true.

>> No.9061281

God I hate stupid shits like you.

>> No.9061661

>I still don't know why the area under the curve of a continuous function equals the difference of the values of the antiderivative
How is that possible after three years ? You take the function F that maps x to the area under the curve of your function f between a fixed point a and x and you just need to prove that F is an antiderivative of f. But the curve of f between two close points x and x+h "looks like" a rectangle of base h and height f(x), and hence the rate of change of F between these two points is "roughly" f(x) (and the continuity of f gives you everything you need to make this handwaving into a rigorous argument).

>> No.9062188

why do people worship grothendieck

i see it all the time on /sci

>> No.9062217

Because people think he made revolutionary contribution to mathematics and was very smart

>> No.9062283
File: 84 KB, 480x300, 17800033_307944806291587_7910659860565084976_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grothendieck thread turns in IQ shitposting

>> No.9062295

>thread on /sci/ turns into IQ shitposting
who'd doubt

>> No.9062346

There were like 10 IQ posts tops in the whole thread, and they all happened yesterday. And the first sentence in the OP is literally "How smart was Grothendieck". Of course someone's gonna bring up IQ.
God anti IQ crybabies are the worst. Like it or not it's a gr8 predictor or math ability, get over it.

>> No.9062749
File: 711 KB, 2880x1850, JuneHuh_2880x1850-2880x1850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off underage

>> No.9062827

>implying June has a low IQ
>implying that even if he did, one single anecdote is enough to disprove the rest of the data

>> No.9062879

What book is on the table?

>> No.9062909
File: 682 KB, 540x540, 1496088550393.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Typical Autistic Genius. /sci/ denizens.

>Intellectually above average as child, diagnosed with disabilities as Autism, Asperger, OCD, ADHD.
>They thrive on intellectual challenges in their areas of interest and ability.

>Superior vocabulary, Advanced ideas and opinions, High levels of creativity and problem-solving ability, Extremely curious, imaginative, and inquisitive, Wide range of interests not related to school, Penetrating insight into complex issues, Specific talent or consuming interest area, Sophisticated sense of humor
>Poor social skills, High sensitivity to criticism, Lack of organizational and study skills, Discrepant verbal and performance skills, Poor performance in one or more academic areas, Difficulty with written expression, Stubborn, opinionated demeanor, High impulsivity