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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9059912 No.9059912 [Reply] [Original]

How many /sci/entists unironically got a theoretical degree rather than an applied/engineering degree?

Look at this cuck, "muhhh PhD in science"

What do we think his degree was in?

It's simple boys,

>get into a good university
>get internships or related work/experience every summer
>MAYBE a masters if you're industry requires it
>Graduate programme or just an entry level job
>Earn some ca$h

Then, if you're still feeling theoretical, go back and do a masters or PhD in something.

Hopefully I've saved some of you a lot of time and money

>> No.9060402

with my bachelors degree, i will have no real job opportunities.

>> No.9060436

OP lied, STEMlords died.

There are no jobs in STEM, including engineering.
>source: BSME

>> No.9060438


This should seriously be the approach that we push though. Try to actually do some practical shit in the real world before you decide to waste away your 20s in the ivory tower.

>> No.9060455

Well if we all just switch to engineering, there are in time going to be STEM jobs in theoretical fields

>> No.9060479
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I'm graduating at a Bachelors in Physics with high grades, gonna start in a Masters program getting paid to study science, than gonna repeat that with my PhD, which pays really well where I live!

Why can I do that and not be a poor sucker? Because I'm not in fucking murica

>> No.9060485
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What if I don't like engineering

I like biology. What the fuck can you do with biology that doesn't require a PHD. All you can do is be a field monkey or a lab tech monkey, both of which make shit money. And no, I don't want to be a doctor

I like my work, and with molecular biology there are opportunities in industry and academia so what's the problem with just getting the PHD out of the way

>> No.9060489

>OP really thinks general knowledge has no value

>> No.9060543

I have dropped CS because of /sci

>> No.9060551

>What if I don't like engineering
Nobody likes engineering. Do you know what you call an engineer that only works on stuff that he likes? A physicist.

>> No.9060580

What's wrong with that anyway

My dad is a professor of optics and physics at a fairly low ranked school and makes like 200k

>> No.9060636

Nothing wrong with being a physicist, just saying that engineering is for people who want to have a career exploring physics, but won't get a phd and want a good salary. The trade-off is that you only get to study the parts of physics that can be used to make money

>> No.9060652

nothing is wrong with that. But don't be my dad, who mastered out of his PhD program because he was offered a really good job 2 years into it. He really really regrets it, because he is not really a man of industry, but of exploration/science. Like he loves what he does and shit but the only reason he mastered out was because he wanted a family and that enabled him to start one 3 years earlier or so

>> No.9060665

news flash buddy, the dude in OP isnt either, in fact im willing to bet you two are from the same area

>> No.9060687
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I won't I'm >>9060485

So I need a phd no matter what for any position in industry or academia in genetics or molecular biology

Such is the life. And I'm fine with that. I don't care about money now and I don't want a family so 4 years is totally fine to have a phd by 28

>> No.9060704

You could do a MS and get an industry job, but yea, PhD obviously is best route to go.
better than me, ill be 31 when i graduate from my program

>> No.9060973

Ivory Towers are important for progression, pure pragmatism leads to stagnation.

>> No.9060981

I know a guy who got hired out of college with just a BA in biology by Anheuser Busch to take care of their yeast. Pay wasn't super awesome, but not terrible either.

>> No.9061058
File: 57 KB, 300x431, Bio Chem E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my uni there is BioChemical Enginering as specialization of Chem E which is pretty Comfy Desu.

BioChemE a pretty good degree who those wanna later:
1) get a job in industry straight out from college with just a BSc
2) get a Science PhD in Biology / Chemistry / Biochemistry / Biophysics
3) Get into Medical School (also Dentist, Veterinary, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Nutrition)
4) get a related Engineering Graduate Degree in Biomedical / Chemical / Environmental Engineering.

However Here in my Uni Biomedical is offered only in Graduate School.

So in my Uni for those who love Biology & Chemistry but wanna be very Employable there are no better course than Bio Chemical Engineering.


>> No.9061082
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You could still get a minor in CS. Or a double major in CS + another harder science / engineering degree.

Double Majors in CS & Math or CS & Neurology are very good for Research in Artificial Intelligence.

Physics+CS & Math+CS are ideal if you wanna keep in Academy, doing Computational Modeling, or work for Stephen Wolfram.

Engineering + CS are also more employable & more desirable by employees. Specially when combined with Electric Engineering (but also good with MechE, AeroE or NukeE)

CS + Economics is perfect if you wanna work in Banking, Hedge Funds, Business, Stock market.

CS is only really shitty if done alone.
With a Combo degree the CS Combo is Unbeatable & a Perfect Choice (Master Race?)

>> No.9061102
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>Undergrad in physics

>60k+ in debt

>Can't afford to take on any more for grad school



>> No.9061109
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This Hacker & Physics BSc is praised as God on /g/

Richard Stallmann

This guy did a Just a BSc in Physics (at Harvard), dropped out a PhD in Physics (at Harvard) & starting working for MIT CS Lab as a Hacker

He became Hacker, founded GNU & Free Software Foundation

He got an A in Harvard Math 55, the Hardest Undergraduate Course in the World (Just like Dark Souls)

>> No.9061110

go to career conferences, talk to people over the internt or wherever figure out what businesses want and skills they are always complaining about being unable to find, do this early to help guide your decisions

>> No.9061117
File: 24 KB, 349x349, elon musk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Business Magnate Elon Musk dropped out a Stanford PhD in Physics.

He made a fortune with just a BSc in Physics.

He started PayPall then Tesla, SpaceX & Boring.

>> No.9061123
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>>9061102 >>9060402 >>9059912 >>9061109 >>9061117 >>9061102

Bill Gates dropped out a BSc in Mathematics at Harvard. Then became a Software Engineer then the Richest man in the World.

Just as Richard Stallman, Bill gates also got a A in Harvard Math 55, the Hardest Undergraduate Course in the World (Just like Dark Souls)

>> No.9061129

>>9061109 >>9061117 >>9061123

These are Cherry picking though.