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9055094 No.9055094 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true overdose (with pills) only ruins your liver and kidneys but doesn't kill you?

>> No.9055097
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>> No.9055098

overdose kills you by killing your liver and kidneys, you have to eat more pills

>> No.9055106

but how much is too much?
does every overdose kill your liver?

>> No.9055108

depends on the pills
If you take 8 grams of tylenol, you would have a very slow painful death.

take like 5 boxes of benadryl. one box will put you in intense delirium, but you want to go way past that so you dont end up functional enough to be running around outside naked asking invisible people for cigarettes, so crush up all five boxes worth and swallow with a copious amount of water. best done on an empty stomach

"Acute poisoning can be fatal, leading to cardiovascular collapse and death in 2–18 hours"

>> No.9055109

if you want a 50% chance this is the way to go

>> No.9055115


wait, you can do it with paracetamol? that's good news bro

>> No.9055118

the immigrants too much for you anon?

also cant you get "paracetamol" with codeine over the counter there? do a bunch of that instead

you might get reaaaally itchy but itching will feel SO GOOD you wont even think about dying till its too late

>> No.9055119

so basically just double it for a def.effect

>> No.9055124


>> No.9055126

serbia has no such things. paracetamol but codeine nope

>> No.9055135


Serbia follows EU drug laws

>> No.9055136

Serbia is not in EU yet
but if it has codeine i'll make sure to check it out

>> No.9055148

Anon just remember that eating an entire bottle of pills will put you through intense agony and give you plenty of time to reflect on the rashness of your choice while also being an irreversible march to death via liver and kidney failure.

You can choose a different path, don't mistake temporary problems for something requiring a permanent solution!

>> No.9055154

that's why i'm considering few options like sliting wrists etc

>> No.9055184

liver failure from paracetamol is really shitty though, you will suffer for a couple of days in the hospital and its irreversible so you will be quite sober while dying in agony

pills are the pussy way out anyway

>> No.9055191

what if u slit ur brachial artery?

>> No.9055263


>> No.9055278
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also once your liver fails that hard you will fail to process drugs correctly so medical staff probably wont give you opiates
And ironically tylenol is the best pain relief they can give to patients with end-stage liver disease


I think op is just taking a shit. Serbia is riddled with drugs. Xanax is OTC, im pretty sure codeine is too, and its SECOND to the us in opiate abuse. There would be no problem finding drugs that could kill you ""nicely"".

>> No.9055347

u can only get 2mg lorazepam otc

>> No.9055349

fuck off

>> No.9055359

shit i meant valium - diazepam - bensedin

>> No.9055365

bensedin maybe 2mg because u can get lorazepam but for diazepam you need a prescription. idgi the logic

>> No.9055380

>serbs get benzos otc
thats pretty nice

>brachial artery
doesn't exist but go for the carotid my man, although hanging yourself would still stop blood flow without the downside of being painful

>> No.9055385

i'm not really the rope type of person. i'd feel bad for the people who'd have to put me down. i'm 8 kilos overweight

>> No.9055391

rediscover the purpose of your ancestors and go massacre some bosnians then, make yourself useful

>> No.9055394 [DELETED] 

there are no muslims left in serbia. if u know what i mean.

>> No.9055396

dont actually kill yourself my dude. do opiates or meth they both will give you a reason to live on addiction potential alone(and you might have "fun" while slowly kys too).

dunno about opiates in ur area though, krokodil is spooky

>> No.9055402

isnt it the same to die as u plan/ commit suicide or to waste ur life on drugs. it's useless both ways

>> No.9055406

there are no muslims left in bosnia. if u know what i mean

>> No.9055414

Also a slow, messy way to die, and far from guaranteed to succeed.

Personally if I decided to off myself, it'd be hanging (jump though to try and break your neck) or jump off a bridge that's plenty high to kill you.

Guns are also a v easy way if available.

>> No.9055417

life is useless but you can still feel good and have fun

forgive the existential nihilism but the heat death/end of universe makes everything pointless.
Why die now if you're going to die later anyway? Why not spend the time in limbo getting high?

>> No.9055419

So you'd rather slit your wrists and have someone find you in a massive pool of blood, or in a bathtub full of it?

>> No.9055422

I have a package Penicillin V pills here. How many do I have to take to kill myself?

>> No.9055432 [DELETED] 

basically yes
my self harm already leaked on r9k few days ago and blood isnt really shocking to people so i think i'd be fine irl too

>> No.9055435

basically yes
my self harm pics already leaked on r9k few days ago and blood isnt really shocking to people so i think i'd be fine irl too

>> No.9055449

What do you get out of self-care?

It just seems like a cry for help, same as people who attempt suicide but don't actually commit it (massively distorted towards woman btw, men usually don't fuck it up). It's not hard to kill yourself if you really wanted to, pills are one of the worst options unless you have some really strong stuff.

>> No.9055451


Ironic haha, also slitting your wrists is another common way woman try and fail as they don't cut near deep enough, or are found before they bleed out (it takes a while)

>> No.9055455

yeah but calling people out on it really doesnt help at all and is kinda sadistic

>> No.9055460

that's why i'd cut into brachial vein or cubital veins

>> No.9055467

Well the point is, if it is a cry for help you do want things to change, you haven't resigned yourself to ending your life yet.

There are anonymous phone line that specialise in dealing with suicidal people, I've no experience with them, and can understand how it may be intimidating to talk to a stranger on the phone about your most personal problems.

So if you want to talk about something/anything now's a good opportunity, I'll be about for an hour or two assuming the thread isn't pruned (likely I imagine).

They say the meaning of life is whatever is preventing you from killing yourself at any given moment, so what's your meaning of life right now?

>> No.9055483

Well me(the guy you're responding to) isnt OP, but i struggle with the same problem. Ever since i was 8 or so when i had the first thoughts.

I guess what has been keeping me alive is the awareness that my life has always changed. for the worse, for the better, whatever in whatever ratio, it has always changed. So it will change in the future, thats whats keeping me alive. 25 now, and it has gotten alot harder but i am still alive for the same reasons

>> No.9055486
File: 25 KB, 267x181, CNsj6jjUcAAK7QP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come to a chat, i made a room

>> No.9055508
File: 87 KB, 500x571, suicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea where this is from

>> No.9055519

useful picture. thank u so much!

>> No.9055520

Are you trying to make me feel bad about posting it?

>> No.9055524

dont feel bad anon. i've been suicidal before u. u did nothing wrong

>> No.9055525

1 1 1 2 9999 9999 9999

Now tell me how useful the median metric is. Fucking useless bullshit.

>> No.9055541

I wonder how OD by benzos feel. I imagine it must be like slowly ascending to heaven.

>> No.9055547

you coma and not really dieo

>> No.9055548

i did it once. i slept for hours and woke up with a hangover
i want to do it better this time

>> No.9055561

Setting fire to self master race.

>> No.9055580

>Duration: 57 mins
>Agony: 95

>> No.9055588

why would you want to turn into a chicken nugget when u die
do it in a more clean manner

>> No.9055593

>not wanting to be that madman who literally burnt himself

>> No.9055595

Samurai were fucking pussies for taking the easy way out with sudoku.

>> No.9055656

Did you feel regret?

>> No.9055661

I've went on, if you are still here...

Not sure how tinychat works desu

>> No.9055703

Wait. This seems like b.s there is no way CO poisoning has any pain what's so ever, especially not more than ODing. Most people just pass out permanently without even realizing this is more so if you are alseep while it happens
>51% success rate(less than fire)
>Agony: 86
Not by much.
No seriously Anon don't do it....unless you're that shitposting summer fag from /pol/ that has been running rampant lately. Then maybe consider it...
No jk just try to find a better life for yourself. You're worth it, Anon. You just need to try harder. Don't give up. There is someone out there who loves you, and even if they are dead/gone they would have wanted you to live on. Don't let it end so soon without giving it your all.

>> No.9056221

What pills? What dose?

>> No.9056318
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>that's why i'm considering few options like sliting wrists etc

Have you considered ODing on logs slidding down your throat?

>> No.9056595

not at all, i probably should

>> No.9056596

benzos, antihypertensives, hypnotics

>> No.9057228

fuck off mot. just do it for the fucks sake. this has been like 84904329048903284th threads of yours