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9047562 No.9047562 [Reply] [Original]

Who won?

>> No.9047568
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Germans clearly won physics (unusual monopoly in quantum). Brits won biology and maybe chemistry. Americans, or at least American institutions, kind of wiped the floor with both though.

>> No.9047571

Jewish scientists.


>> No.9047576

Ok lol yeah clearly when I was talking about Germans, Brits, and Americans, I was referring to Jewish Germans, Brits, and Americans lol

>> No.9047579

Sorry, but German chemists did absolutely everything in organic chemistry, Brits didn't do shit.

>> No.9047585

>3. United Kingdom
>4. Germany

>> No.9047586

yeah I was iffy with the chemist bit given how much of it overlaps with physics and bio, and it's foolish to deny the Brits their domination in bio (which again included a lot of chem). But I agree, German chemists kicked ass

>> No.9047587

>US is more German identifying than British identifying.
So there is a 'German majority'.
Also it is well known that a large portion of 4chan users are from the US.
So asking them for an objective opinion is pointless.
They have a pro-German bias.

>> No.9047589

the US is way bigger than the UK in bio

>> No.9047590

And the bias continues.
Making these threads is pointless.
The US bias is ridiculous.

>> No.9047594
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self /thread faggots wrong as usual. If you think China has contributed more to science (which is clearly what the question implies) because sheer number of studies performed you're fuckin retarded. Also, they're not even top 5 in cited documents, which is what you'd look more at if trying to gauge influence.

fuck you goin on about

like I said US wipes the floor in pretty much every area of science. The top 50 research institutions are almost all US.

REEE about bias all you like, it's pretty fuckin obvious with this one

>> No.9047599

To clarify, post 1950 is one fat US monopoly. 1900-1950 is German. Prior to that UK, with a lot from France and Germany. Most of which is Jewish.

>> No.9047608

This is precisely what I mean, more blind us bias.
Guess what, you guys didn't invent or discover everything.
You can pretend all you want, history tells something different.

>> No.9047613

In the long term the UK obviously.
They won both WWs which led to a drastic decline in science in Germany.

Just look after what happened after WW2, anyone competent just left Germany.

>> No.9047615

You literally didn't invent everything:

>> No.9047622
File: 42 KB, 499x499, merica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a single implication that US invented or discovered everything.
>abundantly clear that US domination did not precede 1950, giving credit to Germany, UK, and France
Stay mad and butthurt anon. Despite your pathetic attempts to shove your head up your ass, you live in an American world right now, exemplified by the state of science and technology in the last 50 years.

>> No.9047630

Near monopoly in research universities

Near monopoly in software, IT, internet,

>> No.9047631

If anything we live in a Chinese world by that standard then, if it is based on manufacture and 'control'.
Including your computer.

>> No.9047633

I refuse to believe you're this stupid.

>> No.9047634

Nice filled with European and Asian brains.

>> No.9047635

Do you not know what American is faggot? It's filled with Europeans and Asians CHRIST you guys are fuckin sad AF

>> No.9047643

Industry doesn't prove scientific merit, so duly disregarded.
White Americans are ethnically European mostly from Britain and Germany.
As for research universities, a lot of British and Eastern Asian people move from their countries to the US for research and better economic future.

>> No.9047648

>Industry doesn't prove scientific merit, so duly disregarded.
that's why I threw the list of top research universities faggot, which absolutely suggests scientific merit and which has been absolutely US dominated for the last 50 years.

>White Americans are ethnically European mostly from Britain and Germany.
Do you see a single mention of white Americans in this thread? I said American/ American institutions.. Hot Christ it's like I'm talking to cement.

>a lot of British and Eastern Asian people move from their countries to the US for research and better economic future.
You are literally proving my point, are you by chance retarded?

>> No.9047650

Nah, Germans won both physics and chemistry.
The French won the only contest that matter though: mathematics.

>> No.9047652

Jews only started to become prominent in the sciences in the 20th century.

>> No.9047654

>Progress is American because of funding.
Whoa, that's shitty.
Okay, have your shallow pyrrhic victory.

>> No.9047658
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the list showing dominance in software, IT, and internet industries was to counter the ridiculous claim that it is mere bias to suggest that the US monopolized technology (invention). No shit this doesn't apply pre1950, which I clearly noted.

Yeah I agree, like I said I was iffy since a lot of British bio in the 1800s included chemistry. But the French and Germans definitely contributed a shit ton, and very much Germans later on.

you're an idiot thru and thru, there's no other way to explain such degree of ignorance

>> No.9047661

You just admitted to not only braindrain, but that funding is the only thing giving you dominance as German and British scientists are just as intelligent as White Americans, being from the same stock, similar culture and similar philosophical school of thought.

>> No.9047677

You have no idea what America is apparently, since you keep pulling the White card and that German and British schools of thought are mutually exclusive to American enterprises. I both credited German and British feats while noting American dominance. You don't seem to understand this duality because you have a simplistic understanding of what America is.

As for braindrain, the reason everyone goes to America for science and tech is because America dominates science and tech. The funding reflects this 50 year long monopoly, wtf are you getting at?

>> No.9047680

So, I should be happy of American bias because of a shared culture?
Mhm, fine.

>> No.9047681

Oh and french eventually won out on philosophy too, which germans had a long stronghold on, but I doubt most here are literate enough to appreciate that.

I didn't know about the math though, that's interesting.

>> No.9047682

yeah I'm done lol this is just silly

>> No.9047685

You do know the British pioneered analytic philosophy, right?

>> No.9047687

I'm happy for our collective culture.
Isn't that what you wanted?

>> No.9047691

>Oh and french eventually won out on philosophy too

>> No.9047696

That they did, but I'm a sucker for philosophy of mind and being, which French just killed it in early to mid 1900s. You are right though, it's silly of me not to credit that. German, British, and French all deserve top marks in philosophy, which is the one major discipline which America is sorely lacking in. Also, though the French may have founded modern mathematics, Americans very much dominated there as well in the last few decades.

yeah yeah I take it back lol I just felt their contributions were more relevant to psych, cog sci, and metaphysics but yeah I overstepped there.

Maybe I misunderstood you. It's not that there now exists this collective culture within which there is an American bias. America itself collected cultures in a very unique and ridiculously successful way.

>> No.9047698

Newton, Dirac, Faraday, Maxwell>Einstein, Heisenberg

>> No.9047705

Not sure I agree. Brits do take the classical prize, absolutely, but modern physics (relativity and quantum) is far too German not to give them credit for, It's a whole lot more than Einstein and Heisenberg, come now.

But yeah, can't give Brits enough credit for classical mechanics.

>> No.9047709

Why have the Germans, French; British and their amalgamation, the United States been so successful in comparison to so many other countries?

>> No.9047711

I'm not sure I understand the question, sorry

>> No.9047715

Why haven't other countries didcoverd and invented as much?

>> No.9047716


>> No.9047724

I'm sure this is ridiculously contested, and I can only offer my uber amateur opinion. What I'm trying to get across that isn't at all contested is that it is indeed the case.

But yeah imo it has to do with "American" not being an ethnicity but a single minded collective melting pot, backed by its super world power status post WWII in contrast to a raped, ethnically divided Europe.

>> No.9047726

*it is indeed the case that it monopolized discovery and invention. My opinion as to why may very well not be the case.

>> No.9047761

First of all, French scientists were the most successful overall. To argue otherwise is clearly an exercise in bad faith and cherrypicking.

Second, it makes no sense to compare Americans and Germans/Brits since the former are the direct descendants of the latter. They are one and the same.

Third, Fuck you

>> No.9048061

>Americans are Germans/Brits
>Americans are Germans
>Suddenly American Nazis make sense

>> No.9048284


Holy shit I didn't know China was so important in science.

>> No.9048311
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>> No.9048317

I guess the waves went:
>1st British
And then were displaced by:
>2nd German

>> No.9048361

yep, because the Nobel prize was created and reptilian jews are attracted to money and comfiness

>> No.9048437

transistors are in like every fucking thing now a days, bow down euroscum

>> No.9048479
File: 23 KB, 1346x122, suck_my_dick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>William Eccles
>Born 23 August 1875
>Barrow-in-Furness, England
>Crystal diode oscillator
>Julius Edgar Lilienfeld
>Born April 18, 1882
>Lemberg, Galicia, Austro-Hungarian Empire
>Field-effect transistor
Joint 3rd:
>John Bardeen
>Born May 23, 1908
>Madison, Wisconsin, U.S.
>Walter Houser Brattain
>Born February 10, 1902
>Xiamen, Fujian, Qing Dynasty (U.S. parents and nationality)
>William Shockley
>Born February 13, 1910
>Greater London, England,
United Kingdom
>At Bell Labs
>Point-contact transistor
So, let's add these up:
>U.K.: 2 (single and joint)
>U.S.: 2 (joint)
>Ukraine: 1
Eat it, buddy.
>Europe total: 3 (2 single, 1 joint)

>> No.9048492

Yeah, no one did..

>> No.9048493
File: 32 KB, 400x382, Edward Witten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9047568 >>9047622 >>9048317

Ashkenazi Jews

>> No.9048498

Not even China. :^)

>> No.9048506

I'd say go by amount of citations:
>1st: United States
>2nd: United Kingdom
>3rd: Germany
>4th: Japan
>5th: France
As that means those papers were of quality and it seems to make more sense, as a large country, with a large population, like China, could easily just churn out a bunch of crap.

>> No.9050034

You blind or just desperate for (You)'s?

>> No.9050035

>they're not even top 5 in cited documents, which is what you'd look more at if trying to gauge influence.
Lurk more

>> No.9050039

Almost all prominent Jews in the last few decades are American faggot. Does no one here understand what it means to be American?

>> No.9050044

The question is flat because it does not take into consideration that german higher education is completely free of tuition. Which means there is a clear limitation on governmental investments.

They prefer to have equality, rather then academic excellence when it comes to that