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File: 185 KB, 1500x928, That_one_game_that_has_noggers_vs_cumskin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9040538 No.9040538 [Reply] [Original]

Does /sci/ enjoy a good game of chess?

>> No.9040541

Chess is a brainlet hobby. The only high IQ hobby is recreational mathematics.

>> No.9040549

My favorite opening (as whites)

e4 e5
f4 exf4

>> No.9040551

it's a perfect representation of current race issues desu

>> No.9040558

1v1 me nerds

>> No.9040567

you mean king's gambit?

>> No.9040569

Kings Gambit is not that. I said d4 for a reason.

>> No.9040575


>> No.9040589



>> No.9040600



>> No.9040601
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I try to enjoy it but I'm always playing against Queen's gambit shitheels who almost never accept the Albin countergambit

>> No.9040603
File: 97 KB, 750x493, shogi-750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shogi? Anyone?

>> No.9040609

You sound mad bro.

>> No.9040639
File: 15 KB, 225x225, 1478119253684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but i'm just trying to have fun anon

>> No.9040642



>> No.9040675

This one is quite good for a laugh.

I'm 4-0-0. Isn't there anyone on /sci/ that can play?

>> No.9040677

Woops, meant https://lichess.org/Xo3gvwvy is quite good for a laugh.

>> No.9040705


>> No.9040707

Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.9040712

Yes but I suck at it, I never put any serious thought or study on it, just like any other board game.

>> No.9040717

I understand how you feel.

>> No.9040738


2 wins 0 losses, let's make it 3-0-0

>> No.9040741

>playing games for fun
Brainlet detected

>> No.9040764


>> No.9040802

Does /sci/ like Scrabble? That's a pretty fun game.

>> No.9040946
File: 86 KB, 620x768, 1488154828704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>studying chess to advance beyond 1350 elo
Unless you're trying to win professional tournaments there's no reason to do this. You should try to be better than perhaps 55% of the population at chess, so that your chance of winning is marginally better than winning a coin toss. Why? For the explicit purpose of winning bets in bars.
And that's why I'm forever 1400

>> No.9040953

I used to play tournaments, but I can't stand playing chess online for some autistic reason, so I'll probably never play again as I'm autistic and don't make friends or leave the house.

>> No.9040960

i'm a nub and i just always go for halloween gambit because it's memey

any competent player kills it instantly

>> No.9040969

>halloween gambit
mein neger

>> No.9040972

must be some real raging bars you attend you mediocre faggot

>> No.9040993

Well, if I was good enough to win every game nobody would play me for drinks. And I don't have the strength of character to become a chess god and successfully hide my power level. So mediocrity it is.

>> No.9041058

I love shogi anon, its the superior chess.

>> No.9041117


>> No.9041140


>> No.9041147

Pretty much any different version of chess is an improvement

>choosing being social and having fun over being so good no one casual will play you but not good enough to beat actual pros

>> No.9041159


>> No.9041161

Chess is hard. Training/quick games will tire you more than studying traditional academics.

>> No.9041170


>> No.9041185

I usualy play very defensive,so much in fact most of my games end in a draw.

>> No.9041199

fuck i didn't realize time was about to run out

>> No.9041211

that's a terrible opening. Lichess rates it -0.9 in favor of black.

>> No.9041218


>> No.9041246

it's the most anime of all openings, how could i resist?
i rarely ever get to play 4 knights games and i basically throw every one them with nxe5
>tfw no gf that partakes in fun 4 knights games with you

>> No.9041247

Did you won?

>> No.9041282


>> No.9041533


so your goal is to be better than most of the people who don't know how to play chess

>> No.9041630

How can I get better at shorter gaymes?
I have studied opening theories, know a bit about strategy and if i play long games, sometimes I make a really thought out checkmate with some big sacrifices.
I have basically played chess for about two months, but pretty excessive. I have only played online games, in the beginning mostly 15min and 30min, now only 5 minute games.

I cant really just move a piece and be sure, that everything is protected. I have to actively check every single piece, and with a short time control I cant do that, so im stuck at around 1300 with Blitz-Chess.

Please help, it really hurts losing everytime because of some silly bullshit.

>> No.9041654

People who can handle complex structures are doing that on purpose, hoping to overwhelm their opponent by giving them more than they can handle. On the other hand, being willing to exchange pieces down to simpler board arrangements can get you into trouble too

>> No.9041658

Really enjoyed black's playstyle. Hyperaggressive throws people off.

>> No.9041661

>as whites
Privileged cis scum.

>> No.9041698
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>> No.9041717

Check out this Damiano Gambit I just played


>> No.9041728



>> No.9041790

i don't know how to play and there's not point in learning it since i have zero(0) friends to play with

>> No.9041882

You can play online


>> No.9041887

All you need to learn is the 4 move checkmate and you'll look like a god to your peers

>> No.9041888

>look at the games played here
>games are full of brainlet blunders

>> No.9041915

>implying people who are actually good at chess go on /sci/
they've got games to study

>> No.9041952

that actually rarely works even against people who don't play chess for me

backranking always gets people though.

>> No.9042045


Can anyone stop me?


>> No.9042147


if anyone wants to play

>> No.9042276

I want to play but I'm shit at chess.

>> No.9042277

tfw no one plays me ever

>> No.9042303

Just figured out how to make a game.

please join

>> No.9042392

https://lichess.org/SSvXWFGi please /sci/

>> No.9042403
File: 22 KB, 400x430, 9781568810324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who here go?

>> No.9042410

I don't know how to play.

>> No.9042411
File: 78 KB, 1024x576, heetlar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite opening as whites.

>> No.9042415

You in a game yet?

>> No.9042417

make a game I'll rek u

>> No.9042441


>> No.9042491

>18 minutes
too long; didn't watch

>> No.9042886


5min game

>> No.9042889

Isn't chess just memorising a fuck ton of possible moves and countering them with a fuck ton of possible counters? Chess has been pretty much figured out, we need a new game.

>> No.9042891

You want to play an Chinese game I'm certain you know nothing about that has been around for more than 2500 years and think you can play by watching a 2 minute video? Lmao

>> No.9042894

Sorry the game has been done to shit i have no interest in it.

>> No.9042966

xiang qi forever. simpler than international chess, faster, more playful, and yet not trivial.