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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 32 KB, 400x450, Ross128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9040205 No.9040205 [Reply] [Original]

>Astrobiologists at Arecibo radio telescope issued an interesting statement about a 10-minute observation, in May, of the red dwarf star Ross 128. This is one of the nearest stars to Earth at only 10.89 light-years away. It seems the star apparently emitted “some very peculiar signals.”

They aren’t saying “aliens,” but the natural explanations have weaknesses. They’ll be observing the star again TODAY on Sunday, July 16, 2017.



>> No.9040208

ayy lmao

>> No.9040213

We keep finding things like this, but it is down-played all the time by the media and government organisations, if questioned.
Why do we keep letting them hide the truth?
Rebel now, we live in a noisy universe!

>> No.9040214

Please don't observe us, we don't bother you guys.

>> No.9040215

I really love alien conspiracy theorist's logic
>We're not sure what it is
>"You're saying we don't know what it is?"
>We have our theories but none of them are strong enough to confirm
>"Aliens is a theory. You're saying it could be aliens?"
>The odds are very slim...
>"Why are you denying it? It's aliens, isn't it? You're denying it, you're covering it up, that means it's true."

>> No.9040218

Eight telescopes from United States, Spain, Chile, and Puerto Rico are coordinating observations of Ross 128 today, acc. to Prof. Abel Méndez. We will get to the bottom of this.

>> No.9040220

>one day you may read an actual alien's post and not even notice

>> No.9040222

If I aim my dick at it will my brain receive a signal?

>> No.9040249

Your dick is too small for that

>> No.9040336
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Mathematics is the only true universal language.

>> No.9040359


>> No.9040371

It would be extremely painful

>> No.9040456

>Ross 128
>Observation Time: Jul 16, 21:45 AST | 16:58 LST | 1.25 hours (Sunday, July 17, 2017, 01:45 UTC)
>ICRS coord. (ep=J2000) : 11 47 44.3974 +00 48 16.395
>Telescopes: Arecibo, GBT, ATA


>> No.9040464

Its pretty much the whole premise of Ancient Aliens

>> No.9040471

ayy lmao

>> No.9040564
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signal in question

>> No.9040565


>> No.9040583


It's never Aliens, never.

Red dwarfs are very unstable with crazy bursts of energy. This must be just one of those bursts that looks slightly unusual.

>> No.9040608

>The odds are very slim...
I'm a casual, but Fermi Paradox claims that something called the Drake equation or whatever (I'm using wikipedia) says theres high probability

>> No.9040616

Red dwarfs are some of the lowest energy stars in the universe! Any lower energy and we'd start calling them Jebs instead.

>> No.9040621

i have a friend who uses this logic any time aliens come up in conversation, very obnoxious

>> No.9040627

It's not aliens and it'll never be aliens.

>> No.9040632


>> No.9040649

Yes. And yet, still no hard evidence of alien civilization. That's why they call it a "paradox."

>> No.9040657
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...maybe because... WE'RE the aliens!!!

>> No.9040666

might be ayys, might not be
lets wait and see

>> No.9040668

Depending on which values for the variables you use there's either one intelligent civilization in the whole universe or 100 billion in our galaxy alone, some values are fairly well known, imo there's probably 10000 civilizations around right now. Still leaves open the big question - why hasnt the galaxy been converted into dyson spheres and shells yet?

>> No.9040670

>one day you'll look up at the starry sky and see a twinkling star in the infinitesimal void and it'll be an alien trying to communicate with us, and you'll not even notice

>> No.9040680
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>tfw retarded faggots make everything look insane because they go overboard so hard
I just want to talk about how meeting aliens would affect the social and political landscape, the knowledge that we are not alone

>> No.9040687

If we meet aliens won't that make US the aliens?

>> No.9040692
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>tfw no one wants to talk about fun things, instead just about some dumb new rap album

>> No.9040693

>saying never
while the likelyhood is low, it's never at zero
that's the whole point of checking
>that signal doesn't look right
>looks fuckin weird
>lets get more telescopes on it for better reception
either we get ayys, or a little more knowledge on how stars work
both are beneficial in the long run

>> No.9040719
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>read The Dark Forest by Cixin Liu
>don't respond
>don't identify ourselves again EVER
>shut off all the lights on Earth and pretend nobody is home

SPOILER: seriously, fuck space. It's just a bunch of equally suspicious civilizations that'll shoot first and ask questions later

>> No.9040728

No one is saying that we shouldn't look into, it will be probably a very interesting discovery.

Of course, it's fun and exciting to think that they are aliens, but jump to seriously consider that an unexplained phenomenon is aliens is like saying "fucking magnets, how do they work?"

>> No.9040752
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>Ross 128 is a small star in the equatorial zodiac constellation of Virgo, the virgin

>> No.9040756
File: 106 KB, 460x239, 1477337355297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis
>don't respond to phone calls
>don't go outside ever again EVER
>shut off all the lights at our house and pretend nobody is home

SPOILER: seriously, fuck America. It's just a bunch of equally suspicious cucks that'll shoot first and ask questions later

>> No.9040765

No. The equation seems solid, but several of the variables are basically just guesses. The errors compound each other, so you can arrive anywhere between "we are alone" and "there's thousands of civilizations in our galaxy" after plug and chug.

>> No.9040766
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>this meme again
The very fucking second you send out one single radio broadcast, the cat is out of the bag, period.
You have been exposed and can never go back into hiding ever again, and anyone more advanced than you that would be capable of firing a RKM at your planet can do so if they so desired it.
Why would an alien species decide to kill off sentient life if they're more advanced than it
going off radio signals, if this 11 light year away species had the technology to detect us, they would have been watching us since we had fucking steam ships,
We would be of absolutely no threat to them whatsoever, and with technological advancement seeming to accelerate with time, would never become a threat
the mere fact that they're technologically advanced at all means they have a value for knowledge, and preserving that knowledge, since not having that trait would result in them staying as rock banging primitives forever, never contemplating writing things down, so killing off another species that could have knowledge to share and catalog would be completely asinine to everyone, and would not be considered by anyone of authority in the alien government or military

>> No.9040770

In other words, the equation is worthless.

>> No.9040776
File: 12 KB, 255x255, 1464816152301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's some low effort bait you got there frind
it's almost if you pointedly ignored the entire point just so you could get a (You) off someone

>> No.9040777

we are separated by physical and cultural distance. We could know 100% that they're benevolent, but we can't know if they know that we know this on the scales we are talking about. So they will be suspicious of our intentions because we may think them malicious. It makes more sense to strike first if a civilization knows it's been discovered

>> No.9040796
File: 12 KB, 179x200, 1496992123663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depending on distance, and probability
if a species is close enough that the missile would work and stop them from going space fairing, they're probably close enough that there would be plenty of other nearby races watching them do the act
if you are far away, that sublight projectile will take so fucking long to reach the target, that the intended victims would be halfway done a dyson swarm by the time you blow their planet up, and by then, they might have edited the orbital speed and tilt of their world, making the missile miss it completely, but allowing the victim to know exactly where the fuck it came from

by firing, either every single race that previously chose not to commit genocide, would immediate bomb the shit out of you because you just made yourself into a massive threat to everyone with your willingness to genocide those that had done you no ill, or your intended target survives and comes to claim some scalps for that attempted murder
thus, killing aliens as they are found just fucks you over, because everything you do is before a live audience, and they might not like the show if you're a faggot

>> No.9040803

Attenuation ensures nothing you send out will reach anyone with any bit of recognizably let alone with any actual data left. You'd need to turn the sun into a giant signal light were you could turn it "off" and "on" in the direction you want to send a signal via it's shadow. Nothing else will be powerful enough to reach anything of significance.

>> No.9040834
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every race is likely so freaked out by the prospect of a race of assholes, or a race of cool fuckers that thinks they're assholes, or a race of cool fuckers that knows they are dealing with other cool fuckers but don't know if those cool fuckers know for sure that THEY are also cool fuckers, that the chain of suspicion makes giving up your location too much of a risk

oh fuck, it's just prisoner's dilemma. That chink bastard!

>> No.9040843


What did the aliens mean by this?

>> No.9040876

>"ooga booga where the white space worms at"

>> No.9040913
File: 95 KB, 1209x1304, 3201a48f6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your post reminds me of this.
>inb4 >>>/lit/

>> No.9040926

I always wondered if this pasta was some anon or a short story by an established author

>> No.9040936

if they're an anon, they're probably better than most established authors
I've never read a book that was even half as enrapturing as the average greentext story

>> No.9040950

I just wish there was less noise. The crap you have to wade through to find a decent one, sheesh!

>> No.9040956

The media in fact tend to over-play it, because "muh aliums" sells papers.

The follow-up story, when scientists figure out what happened, and it wasn't aliums, is generally on page 12 of section D.

>> No.9040959
File: 21 KB, 385x336, garnett1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was uncalled for...

>> No.9040970

>Figuring probabilities based on one data point.

Do YOU speak mathematics?

Also, I'm not sure it's even a "universal" language on your one data point. When they go contact lost tribes in South America or somewhere, they don't start off trying to flash mathematical formulae at each other...

>> No.9040974

(Laughs scientifically)

>> No.9040979

The Fake Equation is almost all unknown variables.

In the absence of data, it's just guessing.

>No matter how thin you slice it, baloney is still baloney.

>> No.9040991

They are small and cool, and emit relatively little energy on a steady basis -- but they do tend to bust ut with a bing and a bang and a boom intermittently.

This is compounded by the fact that they are low-mass, so any planet close enough to be warmed by them into Goldilocks conditions is also going to be close to the fireworks.

>> No.9040995


>> No.9041000

>implying an advanced civilisation would fail to account for survivors
It doesn't make sense since they've already seen those guys reach the space.

>> No.9041020

The equation is not totally worthless -- or at least, it may not be worthless forever. We've begun to understand what the "real universe" value of a few of the variables are, and they are comfortingly large, for those who hope for aliums.

There are still several key variables where we have no freaking idea what the value will turn out to be. If any one f them is very low, we're likely to be, for all practical purposes,alone -- detectable life would be so rare that there would likely be none near enough to us in space and time for us to ever find them. If they all are big enough, we may find them, unless they make efforts not to be found or our assumptions about what to look for are way off.

>> No.9041023
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>so any planet close enough to be warmed by them into Goldilocks conditions is also going to be close to the fireworks
and tidally locked

it's like "check, please!" amirite guys?

>> No.9041031

If the gift travelled at less than light speed, why didn't the ayylmaos just send a light message to us saying they'd made a mistake and explaining how to escape the gift

>> No.9041483

Would go against their own version of prime directive

>> No.9041541

That was already violated when they sent a weapon to destroy them.

>> No.9041659

Maybe the green text is their message to us...

>Aliums greentext.

>> No.9041660

Does anyone know the age estimates for the star Ross 128?

>> No.9041748

Considering that red dwarfs can burn for trillions of years that's quite hard to say without more intel. Could be among the oldest stars in our galaxy.

>> No.9041765

Vid on the matter:


>> No.9041839

Maybe they realized their mistake too late/the RKM was going to fast to be overtaken by a message?

Maybe there wasn't any chance of escape or salvation according to the aliums predictions?

>> No.9041886

Apparently the signal occured in such a way that would make it unlikely to have been caused by a satellite, the satelite would have to have been moving very slowly. If it was caused by a satelite it would have to be in a "high earth orbit" most of the satelites that could cause a signal like this are in low earth orbit.

>> No.9042041
File: 21 KB, 300x300, 452234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is a creepy sounding song called ross 128 from 2014..
look at the album name...

>> No.9042046


>> No.9042074

How can life exist on a sun?

>> No.9042122

did they confirm it yet
I already see evidence

>> No.9042221


>> No.9042396

unless they were at out doorstep, not much desu senpai

>> No.9042566

According to the story, they realised their mistake as soon as the gift was sent off

That's pretty meta, I can dig that

>> No.9043064

Well, it's traveling at 1/4th ("2/8th" - wtf man?), of the speed of light, and accelerating to "nearly" the speed of light, so there is no way to "escape" it, and no way to stop it, really. The best you could do is warn them it's coming and say "Oops, our bad." - gonna wipe out the inner solar system pretty much no matter what. Depending on how "near" "nearly the speed of light" is and how quickly it reaches that speed, the warning may arrive a matter of months before impact - or minutes.

Still, bit of a plot hole. Coulda mention some aliums tried to warn them, which might explain the number of survivors in the outer colonies, without changing the outcome of the story.

As HFY science fails go, however, it's pretty minor.

>> No.9043151

Could they watch our TV shows from Ross 128?

>> No.9043171

Probs not. You need a very strong and focused signal to get it out 11 light years. If they did it would be 2006 TV. Dexster would just be airing so good for them.

>> No.9043173

>11 ly
Well they should've had access to all the best Star Treks if they had pointed their telescopes our way in time and those signals can travel well enough unimpeded. But then again there's probably nothing there and if they are they'd have to be more advanced than us to be monitoring and processing a significant portion of their skies. Assuming all those things then yes.

>> No.9043194

You can't even pick up our TV shows from Jupiter. That was one of the major science fails in Contact - inverse square is a bitch.

>> No.9043273
File: 137 KB, 736x1118, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess this pic is incorrect then..

>> No.9043291

Yes, though it's certainly a fun thought.

Only the active SETI broadcasts can be detected from outside the solar system, and they are directed, so only by those solar systems they are directed towards, and most of those have a very limited reach as well (in addition to being all under 50 years old).

Similarly, we aren't going to pick up any broadcasts from any alien civilizations unless they are deliberately aimed at us. (And it seems unlikely that one would try aiming such messages out to planets in this sparsely populated rim of the galaxy - better to try your luck somewhere you could cover a reasonable number of opportunities.)

At best, very nearby neighbors might notice a planet in the habitable zone with some tell-tale chemical markers in its light bands indicating the possible presence industry, though they'd have to have quite a bit better observational capacity than us.

Really, there could be a civilization with the same radio output as our planet in this same solar system, and we could still easily miss it.

>> No.9043338

Maybe it's silicon based.


>> No.9043342

>Single female lawyer,
>Working for her clients!
>Wearing sexy mini-skirts and being self-reliant!

>> No.9043347

>And it seems unlikely that one would try aiming such messages out to planets in this sparsely populated rim of the galaxy

Time would be a bigger factor than density of the area of the galaxy -- if you live near us, we're one of the ones you'll try because you want an answer before you go extinct.

>> No.9043351

>Really, there could be a civilization with the same radio output as our planet in this same solar system, and we could still easily miss it.

This seems unlikely -- we can detect signals from one of our probes among the outer planets, but we'd miss an entire civilization's worth of radio noise.

>> No.9043374

>Could they watch our TV shows from Ross 128?
>Probs not. You need a very strong and focused signal to get it out 11 light years.

the thing is we've been doing exactly that by beaming very focused signals in the 6ghz and 14ghz bands for a while. We beam signals to the geosynchronous satellites for cable, dish, direct TV etc... '
so much of space that is in the "equitorial" region has been hit by these beams. Keep in mind that because of the rotation of the Earth these beams would sweep the heavens and appear very brief to a distant observer.

>> No.9043439

Those are directed beams of very specific frequencies, that, even though directed, would be impossible to find without knowing exactly what you were looking for.

Granted, the fact that we've done close flybys of nearly every rocky celestial body, and landed on a few, does reduce the odds of missing such a thing considerably - but searching for radio broadcasts alone, ya'd find nadda.

>> No.9043506

Suffice to say, communication companies don't pump the kind of power and modulation into those beams that you need to beat the law of inverse square at 11 light years out at those frequencies. One doesn't "accidentally" call ET.

>> No.9043522

you fleshblags ready for your wives to get GREYED?

>> No.9043535

>There isn't some billionaire who has a hardon for sending midget porn across the quadrant.

>> No.9044096
File: 530 KB, 500x270, cookiewait.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>UPDATE 2017/07/17:
>We successfully observed Ross 128 last night from the Arecibo Observatory. It was raining during the observations but this has a minimal effect on the C-band. SETI Berkeley with the Green Bank Telescope and SETI Institute's ATA joined our observations. We need to get all the data from the other partner observatories to put all things together for a conclusion. Probably by the end of this week.

>> No.9044118

I agree. Aliens will be xtreme austist shitposters, not idiot ham radio qsl dweebs. They will post qt alien wifus. U wait

>> No.9044127

That, and porn

>> No.9044128

>Wait a week for our announcement that it's fucking nothing

Who else here /baitedbreath/

>> No.9044135
File: 93 KB, 800x800, Absence-of-evidence-is-not-evidence-of-absence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder for those of you unfamiliar with the scientific method.

>> No.9044141

Mendez should hype this shit and set up a Patreon account for max research gains.

>> No.9044147

If he finds something of interest, Id be down to chuck a buck to record alien porn.

>> No.9044176

Let X = some proposition
Let E = evidence of X

Let us define evidence to mean that P(X|E) > P(X)

P(~X|~E) = P(~X) P(~E|~X) / P(~E)

Since evidence cannot exist for something which does not exist P(~E|~X) = 1

P(~X|~E) = P(~X) / P(~E)

If evidence is not impossible then P(~E) < 1

P(~X|~E) = P(~X) / P(~E) > P(~X)

P(~X|~E) > P(~X)

Thus absence of evidence is evidence of absence

>> No.9044177

>When they go contact lost tribes in South America or somewhere, they don't start off trying to flash mathematical formulae at each other...

should have said, "math is the universal language of advanced intelligent life." monkeys in the jungle not included.

>> No.9044179

>Also, I'm not sure it's even a "universal" language on your one data point. When they go contact lost tribes in South America or somewhere, they don't start off trying to flash mathematical formulae at each other...
>hurr we can't talk to dogs with math, therefore it's not universal

>> No.9044198

>Let us define evidence to mean that P(X|E) > P(X)
what did he mean by this?

>> No.9044204

I meant that evidence of X increases the probability of X being true. Not very hard to understand if you know anything about probability.

>> No.9044285

/pol/tardedness aside, you my have missed the point.

We've had to learn each other's languages multiple times throughout history. Sharing a math equation or two seldom comes into it. It's more of a "point to an object, say word" and "do action, say word" sort of thing. You start from concrete, work up to abstract

>> No.9044504

>be Disney
>want to monopolize so bad
>buy time on transmitter
>"hey, what do you guys do for entertainment? here's something called Star Wars tm we hope you like it"
>many years pass
>eventually sign an exclusive contract with Glorp group on Ross for mutual trading of entertainment
>both sides build a dedicated radio facility for this purpose, sending encrypted streams of media at all hours
>Glorp headquarters has huge ass mickey mouse ears on top
>Disney headquarters has a giant flaming swastika due to extremely unfortunate symbology on Ross
>hipsters drop human music entirely

>> No.9044521
File: 113 KB, 1191x670, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a picture of the aliens trying to communicate with us

>> No.9044689

Alien transmission isn't impossible if their radio signal sources are sufficiently primitive - ie, spark gap transmitters. In fact, given the wide band, non-polarized signal, I think that's the only kind of artificial transmitter it could be.

>> No.9044901


Probably some type of coronal activity that hasn't been recorded before.

>> No.9044928

the Shivans came from Ross 128.....

>> No.9044983


It'd be quite ironic if an aggressive species was on its way -- we'd have zero hope, even if their tech was similar to our, but their biology allowed for longer lifespans or an insect like hive (so long voyages were possible).

All the useless gibs/socialist policies and useless jobs that just make money and don't produce anything for our defense, would kill us.

>> No.9045145


>Human music

>> No.9045272

>we'd have zero hope
if we set up a system to destroy the Earth before they came and broadcast the fact that we would do this unless they altered their path, we might have a shot

>> No.9045362


I doubt we'd be able to mess up Earth greater than what say, Mars is; there's probably enough fissile material on the planet to cause an extinction level event, but that's about it.

Our best course would be mass production of and interplanetary missile spam (Falcon Heavy and other larger rockets being the main body), as if we treated the incoming hostile as any other threat on its way.

The problem being is that it's a 50/50 if any incoming is a threat or not if it's intelligence. By the time we could probably tell, it'd be too late to launch.

Hence, we fucked up by not having at least out to Mars locked down space, and further for identification purposes of intelligence on its way.

>> No.9045479


I'm a local and am sorry to inform you that most of their findings in the last 5 years are nothing but crap. They're desperate to be relevant for funding purposes. I'm surprised that place even runs in the state it's in atm.

>> No.9045645

If aliens are responsible, would it mean the signal was sent in 2006?

>> No.9045656

Plasma based life :OOO

>> No.9045666

What are the odds that the first alien origin message we receive is an advertisement?

>> No.9046152

What happens when rule 34 becomes real?

>> No.9046723

You're a big guy

>> No.9046730


>> No.9046741

That's stupid. let's say the aliens got a fucking crazy religion like Islam that telle them to eradicate every form of life they can encounter to assure them paradise or some other shit, they will fuck us up, that's for sure.

>> No.9046805

apparently /pol/ is chimping out because it's in virgo like the space pepe and has convinced them the world is ending any day now.

>> No.9046821
File: 90 KB, 302x312, 1490171338010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit it's true
>Ross 128 is a small star in the equatorial zodiac constellation of Virgo, the virgin.

>> No.9046921

Link to the thread? Love seeing pol flip its shit in space nonsense.

>> No.9046933

For reception you'd need to have a conductive dick equal to 1/4th the desired frequency, since it is radio waves that goes from 10cm to 10m, in addition your testicles would have to act as an inductor to get the harmonics right.

In short, you don't have the right equipment.

>> No.9046939

Drake equation is based on literally nothing and most metal rich stars are suspected to have planets.

The majority of planets that have been observed in transit tend to be gas giants that orbit every few days.

>> No.9046944

>lol aliens are murderous and paranoid
In general you don't attack someone you don't understand because they might retaliate. Once you do understand if they can or can't retaliate you don't attack because you either don't need to or shouldn't.

Being a psycho murderer is the worst possible strategy. Even being a cuck is more successful.

>> No.9046949

greater than 50%, seeing as how our transmissions are mostly advertisements.

>> No.9046971

>"2/8th" - wtf man?
maybe their mathematics is base-8

>> No.9046978

>assuming no misinterpretation of data

>> No.9046985

>Since evidence cannot exist for something which does not exist
What about evidence with probabilities attached, something like DNA testing or fingerprints with room for false positives?

>> No.9046986

>tech similar to ours
If their tech was similar to ours, they would need to figure out how to avoid thousands of nuclear missiles sent in the general direction of their fleet.

>> No.9046988


>> No.9047313

>they would need to figure out how to avoid thousands of nuclear missiles

Where are those thousands of missiles?

ICBMs just don't have enough delta-v to pose much of a threat to an inbound generation vessel that would be able to beat them out in the energy game.

Purpose built space missiles would work, but again, where are those?

We could probably build a couple of interceptors in a year, but they'd no doubt be shot down.

We're fucked

>> No.9047569

Maybe it turns out, with the right materials, FTL is easy... And it makes all sorts of other technology easy... So all their other technology, will be shit:

>> No.9047602

In addition to that if they are sufficiently intelligent they can do simple psyops and claim they come in peace. Most cuckolds will willingly bite even if there's something off about the bait since the idea of submitting to benevolent noble savages is a great turn on for them.

>> No.9047730

t. garrblax

>> No.9047740
File: 49 KB, 497x500, ora1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never be abducted by a sexy female alien deviant who wants to fuck a cavemen
Why even etc.

>> No.9047795
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>> No.9047898

When dealing with sending electronic communications to advanced civilsations in space mathematics would no longer be an abstraction. Mathematical truths are meant to be self evident and transcend language and also denote intelligence so it is a quick method of establishing a common ground, but of course you are right in the long run we would need some linguistic translations, assuming they even use language to communicate and not some kind of internal luminesence dislpay or chemical based language.

>> No.9048048
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From: @ProfAbelMendez
We are waiting for all results to reach a conclusion on the nature of the signals from #Ross128 later this week. Spoilers: not aliens.

>> No.9048110

So.. Wtf caused the signal, Will we ever know?

>> No.9048478

They are analyzing now. Will know soon but lead sci is saying it is not hot blue alien waifus.

>> No.9048543


>> No.9048592


>> No.9048803
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>> No.9049988

Of course there are aliens. Trump is building a wall to keep them out. I say we embrace the aliens, and let them do all the under the table work they want.

>> No.9050203


And if AYYs have FTL, we're beyond fucked.

>> No.9050207

>Spoilers: not aliens

It's not like they'd know if it was aliens or not.

So, I'm guessing coronal from Ross 128 or terrestrial. The former being more likely based on the various speeds of the signals.

>> No.9050271

>tfw everything we possess knowledge-wise is inherently wrong

>> No.9050422

They are saying it is from ROS and not in our system.
As for not aliens
>signal is looks more natural than previous recordings
>OR has no markers of a deliberate signal
>OR the Government got to them!

>> No.9051195

Ya should really read the link.

>> No.9053264


>Not Aliens, probs geo-sync sats.

>> No.9053297


But it was said that this wasn't a radio frequaency they used and there are no geo-synchronous says that 'we' know about

I smell cover up of either Aliums or us spy satellites.

>> No.9053309

>We discussed our results with many other radio astronomers, but came up with no definitive answers.
fuck off shill

>> No.9053310


Also the diagonal features of the signal are exactly what is expected in dispersion from the distance of ten light years, unless they can explain why a satellite signal would look like that they have to admit this is at least an extrasolar signal....

This is getting fisher by the minute. I't a shame Arecibo is supposedly the only radio telescope that can det ct this signal.

>> No.9053325

good lord that dude's voice is comfy as fuck

>> No.9053840

>Distance 11.03 ly
>the distance of this star from Earth is 10.89 light-years
>This orbit will bring the star closer to the Solar System in the future. The nearest approach will occur in about 71,000 years, when it will come within 6.233 ly
So it takes 71K years for it to travel enough to become 4.8 ly closer to earth?
It's hopeless, we aren't going anywhere we're doomed to this rock.

>> No.9054041


With current tech, we could probably get there in 100/200 years if we really wanted to.

There's nothing there, though.

>> No.9054044

>us spy satellites

That, or a foreign advanced one that isn't meant to be there by international law.

>> No.9054047
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>>9040205 >>9040208 >>9040471
>ayy lmao
ayy lmao

>> No.9054072

Sorry I didn't mean getting specifically to Ross 128, I meant Ross 128 is like the 12th closes star and it would take that long to get even that far so humans aren't going to venture out into space unless FTL is discovered, even generational ships wouldn't be enough.

>> No.9054331


You're right in that it's too long and too far for people unless really needed, and by that time, it's probably too late, as it'll require a lot of cooperation and time to build self-sustaining generation ships.

On the other hand, Earth IS perfect for us, and there probably won't be an event that'll torch this place. There's no place like the place you evolved on.

>> No.9054357


>tfw no carbon-based gf
Silicon-based is disgusting, fuck this gay planet

>> No.9054369
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>there probably won't be an event that'll torch this place
But a lot of people on 4chins are hoping for something like a GRB.

>> No.9054372

silicon is 1000x more prevalent in earths crust than carbon and we are still carbon based

I just do not see this silicon thing working out anywhere for anyone

>> No.9054373


Possible, but unlikely.

It's not something you'd plan for.

Now, comets and asteroids, yes, as well as stations around outer planets looking for such. We can't see them all from Earth. In addition to on the call interceptor missiles ready to go.

>> No.9054379

OOps responded to the wrong person

>> No.9054419
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>Ross 128 is a small star in the equatorial zodiac constellation of Virgo, the virgin
are these related?

>> No.9054513


Could a swarm of EMPs launched towards the ayy fleet cripple them and leave them stranded in space?

>> No.9054530

Nah. Anything built to deal with space environs would be radiation hardened.

>> No.9055375
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so you're saying aliens will all have cameltoes?

>> No.9055384


>> No.9055388

>Since evidence cannot exist for something which does not exist
wouldn't that imply P(X|E) is always 1?

>> No.9056362

>I't a shame Arecibo is supposedly the only radio telescope that can det ct this signal.

I thought the Chinese just finished building an even bigger radio telescope?
>observes at wavelengths of 10 cm to 4.3 m

What's Arecibo?
>observes up to 3cm

Well shit, there is a bit of difference.