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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9039115 No.9039115 [Reply] [Original]

What does your stack look like? Is it working well? Here's mine that I am introducing:

>rhodiola rosea
>bacopa monnieri

>> No.9039117

>red Congolese
>red Bull

>> No.9039127

I took noopept, phenylpiracetam and some choline.

Didn't do shit and I don't recommend nootrpics to anybody.

Just sleep well, eat healthy and your brain will thank you.

>> No.9039128


>> No.9039183

When will lazy loser brainlets learn? What a joke you and anyone else that takes this junk is.

>> No.9039317

>he's never microdosed lsd

>> No.9039329

krill oil
b vitamins
fear of death without accomplishment

>> No.9039404
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>caffeine intermittently
>daily nicotine
That is it, 99 percentile of my age group 25-29. The younger age group is even dumber.

>> No.9039409
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>fear of death without accomplishment
This hurts

>> No.9039573

L-Theanine is the patrician choice, alpha waves are the best state for learning.

>> No.9039789

from what i've read l-theanine is mostly placebo with relatively minor effects to something like phenibut i could be wrong

>> No.9039802

2C-E microdosing. What adderall tries to be.

>> No.9039815

Modafinil is pretty much the only thing worth doing that I have tried. I imagine amphetamines are good too but I've never tried them.

Lately though I've been experimenting with heavy metal detox and heavy B vitamin supplementation. Seeing really good results.

>> No.9039826

Yeah no shit theanine is going to have a minor effect compared to a recreational drug with withdrawals as hardcore as benzo withdrawal. Minor effects are what you want for long term nootropics.

Why 2C-E? The dose response curve is so steep it has barely any effect even at slightly-below trip dosages, let alone microdoses

>> No.9040758

it doesn't matter whether you are stacking minor or major effective nootropics, either way once your stack gets large enough it will become hard to identify which particular nootropic is causing any possible side effects

>> No.9040773

>st johns wort (does this count?)

>> No.9042028

should i take nootropics if i'm naturally smart and high iq? i feel like it might just slow me down

>> No.9042195

my stack is just one:

>> No.9042533

>fear of death without accomplishment
the most potent nootropic indeed

>> No.9043201

>fear of death without having sex

>> No.9043293
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Increase dendrite growth with elevated sphingolipids levels!

>> No.9043898

I'm fairly fucked up and feel like I have brain damage most of the time, so my focus is more around functionality of certain subsystems and relative to certain tasks, at, certain times. Not global overall function. My average state is erratic and one of decadence, I have abandoned avenues where I can scarcely tell signal from noise.

I consume a lot of cacao for windows of time, but not too much for too long. Phenibut occasionally, for its L-type VGCC blocking activity. Kava sometimes. Guarana seed power as well. Stinging nettle. Yerba mate. Certain essential oils, like cinnamon bark, sweet orange peel, and oregano, contains compounds that are neurologically beneficial.

Have considered magnolia bark.

>> No.9043986

>Caffeine/L-theanine synergy
>alternate daily between pramiracetam, phenylpiracetam and aniracetam
>adrafinil when studying/taking exams
>gotta try phenylethylamine+hordenine synergy as soon as i receive them on the mail

Amphetamines (and to a greater extend, meth) have too many side effects to be taken daily.

>> No.9043993

how about a source, anon

dexedrine, cigarettes and emptiness in my heart

>> No.9044048

this, but fish oil instead of krill and lotsa' coffee

>> No.9045173

mercury is not a nootropic

>> No.9045174


>> No.9045175

my stack looks like this:

amphetamine when i need a kick

everything else will give you maybe 0.5-1.0% boost. don't fucking kid yourself, eating some plant root is not going to make you a genius

>> No.9045181

Phenylpiracetam is neuroprotective and feels like aderall lite. Also there are these research peptides that increase BDNF/CNTF levels and neuroplasticity. Also modafinil, lsd/psilocybin microdosing, ect. There are plenty of things that help.

>> No.9045240

Altough most nootropics are nowhere near the ''Limitless movie'' tier, they give a pretty decent boost, especially when they have a synergetic effect. Hell, even placebo can give a boost that is more than 1%

>> No.9045416

[citation needed]

>> No.9045718

bai bai hair

>> No.9045740

Enter Methamphetamine
>increase BNDF

wtf i love drugs now

>> No.9045741
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supra t
and i still wonder who came up with that trend

>> No.9045755

Do you guys only larp or do you actually have some scientific medical knowledge?

I feel pains in the cerebellum and have spots of blood come out when I scratch the scalp too hard.
I have a garbage memory that doesn't let me focus or retain words for more than 2 days.
How do I fix this? How do I become good again at association and memorization?

>> No.9045797

Alright what's with the "Creatine is now a nootropic" meme? Can someone give me some articles or papers to read up on it?

>> No.9045888

20MG Mixed Amphetamine Salts Daily

Tried Nopept, piracetam with no noticeable effects.

Adrafinil works but I find my mixed salts to be so much superior that I would never take Adrafinil again.

>> No.9046026
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so where do you guys buy your stuff

>> No.9046457
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You idiots. Nootropics close your third eye and calcify your pineal gland. Stop taking them.

>> No.9046528

>being that much of a brainlet you have to take special drugs
Tea and/or coffee
Good food

>> No.9046563

Have fun being drooling parkinsons cases with full diapers 30 years from now

>thinking you can overclock your brain with no consequences

>> No.9046569

That is the basics. These drugs are either to enhance performance, slow down degeneration and/or make up for when any of those is not on point.

Yeah...addictive as shit though. I think it makes more sense to take meth ocassionallyand use other stuff most of the time, like phenylpiracetam and PPAP hcl

>> No.9046576

I take them precisely to avoid that. Centrophenoxine and selegiline come to mind.

>> No.9046725

adderal lite? How does that even work when adderal itself is pretty light one effects.

I don't see any sense in boostin myself if I don't feel my heart explode any minute.

>> No.9046737

Amphetamine Sulphate.

Adderall gets you too high.

2-FMA and all the other RCs also don't stack up.


>> No.9046738

This is generally correct. Dopamine is ironically fairly toxic if it remains in the synapse, even with high and relatively targeted anti-oxidant intake. Whether it's free radicals from breakdown via MAO, autoxidation via fenton reaction, or formation of reactive quinones, reuptake is a thing for reasons beyond recycling and synthesis efficiency.

It took me a while to feel quite right after venturing a bit of the way into amphetamine psychosis.

>> No.9047051

So maybe someone here can help me but i've been trying to quit meth but have convinced myself after reading a few papers that much brain damage occurs during withdraw. My current process to taper fails every single time, with one low dose causing bad feelings and repetitive escalating doses.
So i realize i cannot taper if i am to stop. My next best idea is to supplement during withdraw with anti-oxidants, and whatever else i can get my hands on to attenuate possible withdraw related damage.

Based on the few things i have read and my primitive understanding of the brain, the supplements i have chosen are;
Melatonin (with l-theanine in it)
Magnesium (nmda agonist)
Calcitriol (Vitamin D)
Here are a few excerpts from papers that convince me meth damage occurs during withdraw.

>protracted withdrawal from METH exposure (7 days) was associated with a marked (approximately 400%) increase in NMDA-induced neurotoxicity in CA1 region pyramidal cells

>In mice on methamphetamine, they saw no signs of changes in the hippocampal activity or in their observed behavior.
>The animals experiencing withdrawal showed changes in their ability to remember things and had a decrease in neuronal activity. They saw these effects in mice two weeks after withdrawal began — the equivalent of a year in humans.

> BDNF levels were significantly and constantly lower in the METH abusers during early withdrawal than those of the healthy controls. This indicates that METH abusers might have severe BDNF dysfunction and an impaired neuroprotective function after repetitive METH misuse.

Any help/info is welcome.

>> No.9047336

phosphate is actually way better if you ever get the chance to try it

>> No.9047351

>coconut oil(makes you psychic)
>whey protein concentrate(make you bro smart)

>> No.9047423
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>> No.9047493

Any source for 1P-LSD? I think microdosing it works wonders and a trip every few months definitely helps to push through life plateaus.

>> No.9047499

I always went through chemical story, but they're having some issues. Trying to find another vendor currently.

>> No.9047504

Anyone tried Selegiline (Deprenyl) and/or know where I can buy it?

>> No.9047505

Take what you mentioned, DIHEXA (look up the proper ROA), peptides like P21 and replace the meth with PPAP.

Also the standard vitamin, b complex, antioxidants and fish oil supplementation.

Similar story here. I used to get mine from royal alchemist. I was considering labsense (waiting for acc confirmation) or bash designer labs (kinda sketchy).

It is nice. My grandma uses it, so I would get some for me too. Although apparently both omigapil and PPAP are apparently better that selegiline.

>> No.9047508

100ug of LSD maybe once a week.

>> No.9047686


>not need of external chemicals because I'm not a brainlet.

>> No.9047692

Intermittent fasting (one meal a day around 6-7pm) and ~20-25 oz. black coffee at 5:30 am on an empty stomach.

>> No.9047701

This. This guy knows his stuff.

Did you learn that from me posting that advice a couple of months ago on /sci/, or did you find it by yourself? Also you forgot the dark chocolate with the coffee so extra dopamine is injected into the receptors once the caffeine opens them up

>> No.9047710

In school I used to eat breakfast w/ coffee, stay on campus all day, and eat a big dinner when I got home.
More recently I figured I would try eliminating the breakfast meal, because I noticed that I would feel tired at work after eating anything more substantial than just a bagel or something (usually I would eat eggs and rice).
I feel much more energetic now, and never feel tired at work.

>> No.9047719

>fear of death without accomplishment
Well, back to work for me.

>> No.9047727

Meth induces apoptosis in healthy neuronal cells though.

>> No.9047729

Let me guess, you were REALLY crazy for uppers back in the day and decided to rail 90 mg of adderall one lonely night, and it was all downhill from there.

>> No.9047739

right, through various mechanisms.

the neurotoxicity of meth has been widely researched. the same can not be said for most of these "nootropics", which hardly have any studies about them, and even if they do its only to show one aspect of the drug.

to take these barely researched drugs is beyond retarded, more so than to do meth.

>> No.9047827

nothing because i dont need the fucking planets aligning to read a book

>> No.9047849
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>Repost from >>9047822 post from >>9047262 thread:
Depressants are Drugs that decrease Brain function & make you dumb & sleepy.
As Marijuana, Alcohol, Morphine & Heroine.
Because the intention is relieve stress & pain, inducing sleepiness.

By other hand.

Stimulants are Drugs that in small doses increase Brain function & makes you more awake & alert.
As Caffeine, Cocaine, Meth, LSD, Tobacco.
But too much of it can damage your brain.

Caffeine is one of few drugs that are well accepted all around the world.
Muslim nation forbidden Alcohol & most Drugs except Caffeine.

The famous Mathematicians such as Erdös, Tech people in Silicon Valley, & Nazists used small amounts of Meth to boost the Brain.

But caution, large amounts of any drugs (except perhaps Caffeine) can damage your brain, so keep the dosage low.

>> No.9047881

Erdos used amphetamines, not Meth, you fucking dim dim kek

>> No.9047886

METH= MethAmphetamines = A type of amphetamine.

>> No.9047893

>not 100 percentile
How does it feel being a brainlet even when taking performance enhancing substances?

>> No.9048255

What kind of amphetamine did he take if not meth?

>> No.9048413

10-20 mg of Benzedrine or Ritalin

>> No.9048475
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Can I take parkinsons medication as a substitute for ritalin/adderall for studying?

>> No.9049707

low dose marijuana is beneficial to brain function though

>> No.9049725

Specially if it is low on THC and high on CBD. Also to counter the temporary short term memory impairing effect you can take ibuprofen.

>> No.9049772

Tried Aniracetam and Oxiracetam for awhile
> Dosage of 900-1200mg
> Mild anxiolytic
> Mild / Moderate Stimulant (Equiv to a few cups of coffee, stimulation is different than caffeine)
> Mild inhibition decrease
> 3-6 hour 'active' time.
> For a time period, increase in creative and working memory (5-10% at most)
> Effects became less noticeable after several weeks, also noted bouts of forgetfulness / absentmindedness
I still use this once in awhile. It seems expensive for what it does, however.

> small increase in reasoning ability and a heightened desire to do 'the right thing' like work on HW, etc.

Combining them did nothing special

>> No.9049827

>cough syrup

Not sure if I'll be able to do college with this stack

>> No.9049880

Noice ms paint me me my dude!

>> No.9049912


No one in /sci/ synthesizes their own LSD.

Enjoy your trace metal contaminants, brainlets.

>> No.9050124

>No one in /sci/ synthesizes their own LSD.
why are you so sure about that im sure there are some chemists here

>> No.9050179

Most nootropics have been studied well since most of them are pretty old and well studied.
Most natural nootropics have been used for decades and even centuries ago in medicine.

>> No.9050272

Not in this thread, chemists tend to be a little paranoid of people altering their neurology while on the job. Nearly all of them use drugs when looking for inspiration, however.

Try hemp oil as a daily supplement.


I put vitamin D into my coffee, black.

Never have I felt awake from caffea in any form.

>> No.9050284

nobody synthesizes anything here, the closest you get is some doofus doing morning Glory seeds.

>> No.9050289

Adderall is amphetamine you turd rocket.

>> No.9050304
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That's meeee. I do the proper extraction with alcohol and dcm.

>> No.9050667

No? Are you on nootropics right now? Because they aren't helping.


>> No.9050696
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>I feel pains in the cerebellum

>> No.9050722

>why are you so sure about that im sure there are some chemists here
yes, there are people here who can *technically* create LSD, but look up an extraction process, the amount of time, equipment, and precursors needed make it fairly impossible unless you run a chemistry lab and can write off shit. Not to mention the risk is insane, but the payoff is also insane.

LSA through morning glory seeds is much easier.

>> No.9050727

That's because you did not take a nootropic. Metamphetamines are the only substances that actually boost your intellectual output.

>> No.9050732
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This. So happy this is legal in the states.

>> No.9050737

that shit doesnt do anything... 100% placebo

>> No.9050746

>100% placebo
maybe if you're DEAD

>> No.9050749
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>claiming you aren't a brainlet
>not stimulating your prostate before studying

It's one of the few scientifically proven ways to enhance intelligence.

>> No.9050762

no really, why would they sell it over the counter if it did anything.
>Levomethamphetamine crosses the blood-brain-barrier and acts as a TAAR1 agonist,[3] functioning as a selective norepinephrine releasing agent (with few or no effects on the release of dopamine), so it affects the central nervous system, although its effects are qualitatively distinct relative to those of dextromethamphetamine.[4] It does not possess the potential for euphoria or addiction that dextromethamphetamine possesses.[4][5][6] Among its physiological effects are the vasoconstriction that makes it useful for nasal decongestion.[7] The elimination half-life of levomethamphetamine is between 13.3 and 15 hours, whereas dextromethamphetamine has a half-life of about 10.5 hours.[8]

>> No.9050771

yeah i've read the article kiddo. its like that to sway minds like yours away from fear mongering that meth is on the shelves.

It is weaker and has more side effects, just like levoamphetamine. Now read about TAAR1 agonists, thanks. Alternatively eat a few inhalers and report back.

>> No.9050780

whatever you say man, enjoy your placebo.

>> No.9050782

i dont do it lol

>> No.9050783

why not?

>> No.9050791

saving my brain so i can spread the word of christianity

>> No.9050799

I think you need to damage your brain in order to do that.

>> No.9050813

Clearly only a man influenced by the devil would say such a thing.


>> No.9050825

yea only someone irrational would believe in fairy tales

>> No.9050831

Fairy tales would be a good name for your autobiography

>> No.9050838

i laughed, good one. But seriously, go be controlled more. Careful not to upset skydaddy

>> No.9051794

edging is the best nootropic of all and it's free

>> No.9051828

I got an njoy pure wand, and it was stolen a week later. Barely got a chance to figure it out.

>> No.9051861

whats the cheapest way to consume nicotine? I loved vaping but it got a bit too expensive with all the atomizers and coils and juice.

It was literally the best thing to have in the morning.

>> No.9051876

nicorette is pretty cheap, with coupons. about 25 cents a piece, 4 mg a piece, i chew half pieces. Used it to quit smoking and kind of never quit the gum...

>> No.9051883

what I dont get about the gum is, do you spit? because swallowing the nicotine would fuck with my stomach

>> No.9051888

no, you chew it and park it between your gum and lip when it's soft. I used to think people could notice the bulge but you really cant, it's tiny. from there it buzzes you hard, gives a slight tingle in your mouth. When i was quitting cigarettes that buzz would stop that anxiety you feel from needing to smoke. It just wipes it away really. It also lasts for 30 min to an hour, depending on how often you move it around.

a friend of mine used to get stomach pains from gum, but it seemed pretty rare. you dont really swallow nicotine unless you are constantly chewing it and swallowing your spit.

ive looked up research into adverse health consequences from it and cannot find too much on it, nicotine itself doesnt seem too bad, and the gum delivery system really takes away most of the negatives. But i am still very solidly hooked on nicotine. but dont cough anymore

>> No.9051900

Im planning on getting some phenibut, I know its not a nootropic per se but Im afraid it wont have any effect on me since Ive tried a lot of nootropics before with no noticeable effects (piracetam, phenylpiracetam, aniracetam,noopept).

Anyone who´s tried phenibut care to share their insights?

>> No.9051917

The only one I take regularly is tianeptine sodium, ~12.5mg whenever I need to do something and feel too depressed to do it.

Ones that have a positive effect for me are oxiracetam, caffeine + theanine, and coluracetam, particularly the oxiracetam.

I've also tried IDRA-21, which doesn't do much for me cognitively, but does make me a bit more sensitive to depth.

>> No.9051937

what's with nootropic people?? you're taking mostly untested chemicals made in some lab in china that alters brain function for NO benefit

almost every description of nootropics is bullshit. just read up modafinil reports and see people saying it's like "railing cocaine" or whatever. modafinil can't even be distinguished fm placebo in my experience, and i had pharm modafinil

people taking racetams are insane

>> No.9051942

It's fun! They are over-sensationalised in many respects, but my experience in testing them have been positive, over all.

Also, your genetics can determine how well modafinil works for you, and for some people, it flat out does almost nothing. (I am one of those people).

>> No.9051960


kys all of you niggers who think that glorifying brain damage and lack of insight are good. You only feel smarter because the necrotic effect of your drugs produced the impression of being smarter, not that you're noticeably more intelligent or '''''creative'''''. Shrooms and LSD are neurotoxic, and no, the dose won't change anything, you're deluding yourself


>> No.9052049

weak troll

>> No.9052118

are you me

>> No.9052150

Noopept , most racetam's, choline (sometimes as eggs). Vitamin B6:B12 >would only recommend Noopept, phenylpiracetam, and oxiracetam. Most Nortropics are hit or miss for people.

>> No.9052152

Plenty of vendors in the US.

>> No.9052154


Shit is amazing

>> No.9052155

Just do tobacco-free nicotine my bro. Vaping is great. Just don't be an ass and vape constantly everywhere.

>> No.9052207

>even placebo can give a boost that is more than 1%
Ah, so you don't understand what "placebo effect" means. I'm sure your other claims about nootropics will be perfectly sound and rigorous, though.

>> No.9052474

Do you think the placebo effect isn't beneficial? The definition of placebo is something that's beneficial irrespective of drug effects. It's not, as I suspect you think, something that has no benefit.

>> No.9052518

Just bought a 6 month supply of Selegiline from India, I am hoping it is half as good as Dexamphetamne, with less ups and downs.

>> No.9052522


>No different from placebo

That entirely depends on the person, to me modafinil is one of the best cognitive enhacement drugs I have ever tried, but you have to take into account I am almost never on my natural capacity, always below it, either thanks to depression or anxiety.

>> No.9053439

>The definition of placebo is something that's beneficial irrespective of drug effects
what the

>> No.9053544


You guys are retarded. There is a drug called amphetamine and there is a drug called methamphetamine. They are slightly different but overall very similar.

>> No.9053583

Must be all the nootropics, he's beyond mere human, don't confuse it with retardation.

>> No.9053944

I use NAC- also knows as N-Acetyl-Cysteine, the most potent anti-oxidant known to man, helps with everything from memory to hangovers

>> No.9055659

that's a rather expensive stack to keep up especially the alpha gpc

>> No.9056926

placebo is a real effect dum dum

>> No.9057115

Methylphenidate is the only thing whose positive effects I could observe. Don't have acces to amphetamines.

>> No.9057831

Lion's Mane liquid extract
Milk Thistle
B Complex (food state)
Liposomal Ascorbic Acid
Liposomal R ALA

Trying to grown my atrophied brain back and clear some heart blockages causing pain. Wish me luck!

>> No.9057940

DIHEXA, noopept and P21 are the best for that. Specially DIHEXA.

>> No.9057961

sounds interesting.. have a link to purchase?


>> No.9057966


This is true, I did a mega dose of 2c-e which apparently should have killed me 4 times over (barely affected me), and it felt like I was doing spiritual astrophysics and solving all the secrets to the universe on a quantum level. It's not surprising people take it as a nootropic in light doses.

>> No.9057975

Ceretropic used to have it. Not sure if that is the case now. Look around forums like bluelight and reddit for sources.

>> No.9057985

honestly hard to think of using stuff with these disclaimers.. obviously they sell these to be consumed but they have this cover-your-ass bs which you have to wonder about purity.. are these guys just Russian mobsters making shit in their commiebloc bathroom or what?

>> No.9058027

And? What that poster said was retarded.

>> No.9058049

Most send you analysis results, but you could also test it somewhere else. They are still accountable if it is not what they say it is since it is for research purposes.

>> No.9058281

Cacao is sometimes helpful. It has many times brought me back from week after week of what might as well be death.

Alters the function and communication of various subsystems, which relative to certain tasks and a certain mindset, nets out to a great improvement in cognition. Continued consumption rapidly moves in the other direction however, and induces a state of mental myopia and hyperfixation. Taking also the means to recognize this. Something to be aware of.

>> No.9058638

> Coffee (black)
> 7,5 mg of Dexamphetamine tablets 3 - 4 times a day

I also vape weed a few times a week (purely recreational), and I do acid every once in a few months.

My first experience with dex was almost 'limitless' like and it still is, it makes my brain work so much more organised.


>> No.9058963


Weed is an anti-nootropic, though lsd is probably a nootropic. Dex causes long term brain damage