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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9037917 No.9037917 [Reply] [Original]

Maryam Mirzakhani, the first woman to receive the prestigious Fields Medal for mathematics, has died in the US.

The 40-year-old had breast cancer, which had spread to her bones.

Nicknamed the "Nobel Prize for Mathematics", the Fields Medal is only awarded every four years to between two and four mathematicians under 40.

It was given to Prof Mirzakhani, an Iranian, in 2014, for her work on complex geometry and dynamical systems.


>> No.9037921

Pretty sad that's not a fake

>> No.9037923

Life is so unfair. So many brainlets get to live until they're 90, consuming a shitton of resources while this woman only got 40.

>> No.9037925


>> No.9037927

>her work on complex geometry and dynamical systems
It seems like she studied Killing vectors as well

>> No.9037928

Good riddance. Fucking affirmative action recipient. You can bet they're going to lionise this bitch like there's no tomorrow now.

>> No.9037931

She was very humble too.

"Na ocasião, foi reconhecida por “suas contribuições notáveis para a dinâmica e geometria das superfícies de Riemann e seus espaços modulares." Ao receber o e-mail informando sobre a Fields, achou que fora hackeada e disse “não ter feito nada realmente muito notável” para receber o prêmio."

>Ao receber o e-mail informando sobre a Fields, achou que fora hackeada e disse “não ter feito nada realmente muito notável” para receber o prêmio."

>when she received the e-mail about the fields medal, she thought she was hacked and said "I didn't really do anything notable" to receive this prize

>> No.9037932

careful you don't cut yourself on that edge

>> No.9037933


>> No.9037934
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>> No.9037935
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>Galois died at 20
>Able died at 26

>tfw I'm 20 and I've done nothing with my life

>> No.9037936

>le edgy meem
Kill yourselves. The bitch was a mediocrity. Only got the prize because she had a vagina.

>> No.9037938

>"I didn't really do anything notable"
At least she was aware of her own mediocrity. Props to her for that.

>> No.9037946
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So why do you find her work mediocre anon? To say something like that you must be familiar with her research output!

>> No.9037947

RIP qt3.14

>> No.9037954

It's the other way around, buddy. Why do you think her work is impressive? Surely you are not trying to appeal to authority by leaning on her Frields Medal. I am certain you are well acquainted with her ``research output''.

>> No.9037974


Having a prior of every institution being totally affirmative action (reminder: no black mathematician has ever won Fields), and no woman being able to win fields on merit (reminder: lovelace, hopper, germain) is fucking stupid.

Link me to any article saying her work is marginal, and I'll drop the good-faith principle which you should hold for something as respected as any scientific nobel. Onus is on you to if you claim a respected institution is broken.

>> No.9037976

What is it that God doesn't want us knowing about complex geometry? She must've been onto something

>> No.9037984

They should, she deserves it.


>> No.9037987

>Link me to any article saying her work is marginal
Nobody would dare writing such an article out of fear of ending their career.

>> No.9037992

she should have turned it down then

too bad a woman will never be based like Perelman

>> No.9037993

This. Fucking attentionwhoring skank.

>> No.9038003


There are conservative scientists, novelists, philosophers, psychologists and historians who critique identity politics in their fields and wider society. You're telling me there are no conservative mathematicians? No established 80 year old departmental chairs who have taken to saying what they feel? No tenured prof bitter at losing a grant to a woman? No culturally conservative academic in eastern europe who supports a traditionalist party? Not one person willing to write a decent forum post, letter to the editor or opinion page?

If you really can't find one person in a field of contrarians, nerds and the socially unskilled to rubbish her - unlike in all other fields, where liberalism is pretty frequently attacked by small factions - just admit you are a conspiracist moron who has priors that reflect reality poorly, and who views literally everything through a culture-war lens.

>> No.9038007

Nobody says she is bad, just mediocre. I don't see why people should be bashing her.

>> No.9038097

Sure smells like /r9k/ in here

>> No.9038102


Exactly - people in this thread are bashing her, despite no one from the diverse world of mathematics ever saying anything even slightly doing her down - no one even implying it was low achieving work for a medal. This thread is a ridiculous response to a tragic death, and emblematic of the significant % of the internet more interested in stupid MRA shite than actual discussion of anything like math.

>> No.9038107

Why are you posting this in spanish?

>> No.9038108
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Can't remember the last time I was so sure the link would be fake...


>> No.9038115

It's Portuguese, you goober.

>> No.9038118

Hello tumblr.
Fuck off.

>> No.9038121

> Nobel Prize for Mathematics

>> No.9038122
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R.I.P. Maryam Mirazahani, you made the best of what you could with the little time you were given.


9/10, you got me mad.

>> No.9038123

And this is /sci/ again how?

>> No.9038130


>/sci/-Science & """"Math""""

>> No.9038131

An arab lesbian autist died and we're meant to be sad OP?

>> No.9038134

Maths was only ever included to reduce /r9k/ and /co/ traffic in a place where they would be beaten down and humbled.

>> No.9038138

Though it is a pretty nice illustration of how affirmative action policies have an effect completely opposite of their intent. Rather than assume that a woman who won a prize did a good job because the prize was prestigious, he assumed her work was unworthy of prestige and that she only won the prize because of her gender.

>> No.9038146

Does that change the fact that this thread was created in the right board? Was your point to criticize the thread or to just shit on math to get some reactions from the idiots that will take your bait?

>> No.9038156

>actual math-fu qt3.14 dying at age 40
>not a tragic loss
This is so devastating because math is such a sausage party in the first place

>> No.9038162


That was going to happen regardless of affirmative action though simply because she's a woman.

Remember this was an Iranian women born in Iran. She wasn't born in a western society. Whether or not the trolls and haters realize this is another matter.

>> No.9038164

>anyone who doesn't reek of /r9k/ nonsense must be from tumblr

Probably a reasonable argument against affirmative action

>> No.9038167

iranians are aryans

>> No.9038171

so are indians, thanks cap

>> No.9038173
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>> No.9038342


>> No.9038363


>> No.9038388

1. Mathematicians don't give a shit about affirmative action

2. You cannot fake your way to the top in mathematics as the work is much more individualistic. It's not like in other sciences where you can fake your way to being the leader of a research group of geniuses and appropriate their work.

>> No.9038392 [DELETED] 
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-1 mudshit

good job cancer

>> No.9038393

Fuck off you SJW. So what if mathematics is dominated by men?

>> No.9038396

This has nothing to do with /r9k/ so you're clearly from tumblr trying to find excuses.

>> No.9038398

Jesus you're all cunts and not even smart cunts

>> No.9038404

You clearly have no idea what you're talking about.
>Mathematicians don't give a shit about affirmative action
It's not just that they care, they're obsessed with it. Of all STEM fields, mathematics is the most left-leaning. It's full of white-knighting doormats who feel horrified by their own successes, starving for some wymyn mathematician.
>You cannot fake your way to the top in mathematics
Sadly, this is just wishful thinking. You can "collaborate" with other mathematicians, or you can get someone to ghost-write your shit. There's an abundance of of mathematicians that are starved to please women. See above.

>> No.9038409

>Mathematician dies
She was too pure for this world

>> No.9038413

She did more with her 40 years than probably every single person ITT will do in their life combined.

>> No.9038414

>1. Mathematicians don't give a shit about affirmative action
I've been on hiring/promotions committees where this didn't seem to be the case

>> No.9038421

It was true
Until I made this comment ;))

>> No.9038422


The problem is that sometimes funding is tied to this bullshit.

>> No.9038423

yet she's dead. was it worth it?

>> No.9038425

>no empathy
>no social awareness
>hate women
This place is autistic as fuck

>> No.9038426
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Is there any real reason the salty MGTOWs ITT think her Fields medal was just because she's a woman? There have been obvious affirmative action awards like Obama's Nobel Peace Prize but I doubt anyone ITT even understands her work

>> No.9038430

I'd rather live a short life with great achievements than a long life without them.

>> No.9038437

>win fields medal
>can't even solve cancer

>> No.9038441

In sorry for generalizing so hard but I'm damn sure they are as salty as they are because women won't fuck them. If they got laid regularly I'm sure they wouldn't show that kind of lack of empathy

>> No.9038450

This is 4chan. Everyone is a raging autist

>> No.9038466
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>The Work of Maryam Mirzakhani

>> No.9038467

Stop projecting.

>> No.9038468

Oh but she solved it. The cancer died too.

>> No.9038473

You're that desperate to scapegoat people pointing out an obvious thing?

>> No.9038476

>You're that desperate to scapegoat people pointing out an obvious thing?
I don't think you know what scapegoat means.

>> No.9038494

Go take some remedial English lessons, scapegoat was used perfectly there.

>> No.9038496

They don't know what projecting means either, apparently >>9038467
I just want to believe that this is /r9k/ and /pol/ spillover and not actual /sci/ lurkers acting like this.

>> No.9038502

>Go take some remedial English lessons, scapegoat was used perfectly there.
Scapegoating is unfairly blaming someone for something, feel free to point out what I blamed MGTOWs for in my post.

I'll wait.

>> No.9038505

no you didn't dumbass you're just acting like an insufferable know it all nerd

>> No.9038506

i'm sorry you have to hand out field medals so women will fuck you.

>> No.9038507

Damn you really are fucking stupid.

>> No.9038510

>what I blamed MGTOWs for
For all the shitting on Mirzakhani. Do you have amnesia or something?
Fucking retard.

>> No.9038514

>For all the shitting on Mirzakhani. Do you have amnesia or something?
May I recommend you a book on reading comprehension?

>> No.9038516

Even your mentality is wrong, thinking that you have to do favors so that women will fuck you. I bet you're the kind of chump who buys womens drinks or does their homework. I don't do shit for them, I just have this thing autists don't know about called empathy.

>> No.9038517

It is obvious that English is your second language. Please do not be alarmed, just keep practising.

>> No.9038518

Except the Field Institute is pushing really hard on this diversity bullshit. If you think that decision wasn't in anyway influenced by that you're an obnoxious asshole, sorry to tell you :(

>> No.9038519

My reading comprehension is fine. If you wrote something you didn't mean, the problem is on your end. Practise your English. You'll get there eventually.

>> No.9038520

And it's obvious you don't know what a scapegoat is, but keep pretending you're smart and well learned.

>> No.9038522

not even a subtle turnaround. you pretty much did a tap dance in front of me and said ''no u''.

>> No.9038526

It is someone or something you put the blame for whatever perceived ills on, regardless of their guilt or innocence.

Seriously fuck off you ESL moron.

>> No.9038529

>Except the Field Institute is pushing really hard on this diversity bullshit.
You have no idea what you're talking about. The Fields institute is a research center in Canada, and have no hand in deciding who gets Fields medals, which is the done by International Mathematical Union.

>> No.9038531

That's not a scapegoat

>> No.9038534
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>My reading comprehension is fine. If you wrote something you didn't mean, the problem is on your end. Practise your English. You'll get there eventually.
Here you go, this one has good reviews on Amazon.

>> No.9038535

I mean that is indeed a scapegoat, but it doesn't apply to what that other dude was saying. There was no wrongdoing to begin with so you cannot talk of a scapegoat.

>> No.9038537

>manchildren seething about a mathematicians achievements because she's a woman isn't related to /r9k/
Be serious, you were an inch away from calling her a Stacy

>> No.9038538

Ah, this feels good. This is the kind of thing that makes me believe that maybe there is actually a god out there, and that he is a mathematician.

God, who designed women as mere dick-pleasurers has seen how women have gotten out of control. So much that now a mere dick-pleasurer was awarded the fields madel, the highest prize in mathematics. So god decided to make things right, kill her and send her straight to hell where she and other rogue dick-pleasurers belong.

Let this be a lesson for rogue women.

>> No.9038539

I still remember that thread when /sci/ found out she had won for solving triple integrals

>> No.9038545


LOL epic troll bro!!!!!!

>> No.9038549

Of course it does. He's assuming the flak the bitch gets is coming from MGTOWs. Just like the other retards blaming /pol/ or /r9k/.

>> No.9038557

>perfect score at the IMO
>Harvard PhD under Curtis McMullen
>CIM research fellow
>Princeton professor
>pretty damn good work on Riemann surfaces
>proved long standing conjecture on Teichmüller space
>got laid (an achievement on its own on 4chan)
>survived by a qt daughter

Yeah, she's done more than all the MGTOW on this website will do on their liftetimes.

>> No.9038562

Nah, the real epic troll is the person who decided to give that bitch a prize in the first place. She is as mediocre as they come, and that is not surprising as women tend to be in the middle of intelligence while men tend to be on the extremes. So yeah, she could be a mathematician, but she could never excel simply because of biological constraints.

The fields medal's prestige was tainted by having such an average person receive it, so I'm glad she is gone and we can forget about this.

>> No.9038569

hahaha savage bro

>> No.9038573

I know you scapegoat to deal with your cognitive dissonance but the truth is that Maryam is getting shat on by your fellow /sci/entists.
None of those listed achievements entitle her to a Fields medal by the way.

>> No.9038574

i'm sorry that stacy didn't fuck you sweetie, but directing your anger toward successful women is not the way to go

>> No.9038575
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>> No.9038577

How would you know? You're not even qualified to talk about the applications of her work.

>> No.9038578
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>Nah, the real epic troll is the person who decided to give that bitch a prize in the first place. She is as mediocre as they come, and that is not surprising as women tend to be in the middle of intelligence while men tend to be on the extremes. So yeah, she could be a mathematician, but she could never excel simply because of biological constraints.
>The fields medal's prestige was tainted by having such an average person receive it, so I'm glad she is gone and we can forget about this.
I always thought /pol/ was the prime offender of having moved onto /sci/, but it seems it was truly the MGTOWs from /r9k/ all along

>> No.9038579

>>perfect score at the IMO
Affirmative action

>>Harvard PhD under Curtis McMullen
Yeah, and I know someone who did their PhD under a fields medalist and had their thesis be complete garbage. The thesis I am talking about is even a meme out here so I bet you know what I mean. So yeah, so much for PhDs indicating talent.

>>CIM research fellow
Affirmative action

>>Princeton professor
Affirmative action

>pretty damn good work on Riemann surfaces
I agree, but "pretty damn good" is not enough for a fields medal. She did well. Every year thousands of mathematicians do well. But the whole point of the fields medal is to reward the most influential mathematicians and she was far from that. I mean, none of us knew who this bitch was before she got the prize and this site is pretty much mathematician hollywood gossip.org

>>proved long standing conjecture on Teichmüller space

Yeah, that's pretty good. Not fields medal material though.

>>got laid (an achievement on its own on 4chan)
Affirmative action, and everyone can do this anyways. Getting laid does not mean you should get a Fields medal.

>>survived by a qt daughter

Top kek your criteria for handing out fields medals is retarded. I guess we should just mass produce fields medal and just mail them to every person who manages to tie their shoes and publish one mathematical paper.

>> No.9038581

Qualified to talk about her work? He's not even qualified to speak English, still using scapegoat in the wrong context.

>> No.9038583
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>>>perfect score at the IMO
>Affirmative action

>> No.9038584

>i'm sorry that stacy didn't fuck you sweetie, but directing your anger toward successful women is not the way to go

Uhm, I am actually directing my anger towards unsuccesful women. If I met a woman who was good at math first I would check if she wasn't doing testosterone shots and if she wasn't then I would applaud and cheer her own for surpassing her biological limitations.

However, to this day, no such women exists. In mathematics "greatness" has a meaning to me and for everyone. She was not great. She was good.

>> No.9038587

I am perfectly qualified. Stop assuming.

>> No.9038588

Qualified for sucking Chad's cock that's what you are

>> No.9038589

You get to put your name in your IMO test. Are you seriously going to believe a grader saw that and did not immediately think "Oh shit I better give her a perfect score or else I would be a sexist sheit"

>> No.9038590

>perfect score
>affirmative action


>> No.9038591

>getting laid as a woman
>an achievement
I think a woman would have to go out of her way to not get laid

>perfect IMO score
>getting laid

>affirmative action

Anyway, I'm pretty sure his post was to show she is a shitload better than all the incels ITT saying she's shit, no reference to whether those achievements deserve a fields medal was made

>> No.9038594

You can huff and puff all you want ESLtard. You are scapegoating.

>> No.9038595


>> No.9038597

>You're that desperate to scapegoat people pointing out an obvious thing?

If scapegoat was used correctly here then "people pointing out an obvious thing" would be referring to MGTOWs (since *they* are being scapegoated, not the people itt) and to their general views being something obvious that they point out. This is obviously non-pertinent and "people pointing out an obvious thing" obviously refers to people itt pointing out the "obvious" fact that she got FM due to affirmative action. But in that case "scapegoat" doesn't fit, since classifying a group of people as a certain group is not "scapegoating" them. That's shoehorning or strawmanning maybe? What is it called when the classification is non-true and disparaging. False association? Definitely not scapegoating though.

>> No.9038598

>>>perfect score at the IMO
>affirmative action
Oh I get it. You're completely out of touch with reality. You should have just let us know from the beginning but thanks anyways.

>> No.9038599

you realize that this was in the mid 90s where sjw cuckery didn't exist to this extend

>> No.9038600
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>You can huff and puff all you want ESLtard. You are scapegoating.
It seems sixth grade reading comprehension might be still too advanced for you

>> No.9038601

>social justice warrios did not exist in the 90's
Oh I get it. You're completely out of touch with reality. You should have just let us know from the beginning but thanks anyways.

>> No.9038602

Yes, you are right. I wasn't talking specifically about her Fields medal work because I simply don't know enough to say it was worthy or not. But if he's going to insult not just a successful woman but the whole institution as well he better provide any proofs to his claims, but he's not even able to mention who should've won instead.

>> No.9038603

>this much mental gymnastics to shoehorn muh misandry into everything
IMOs are graded on the maths only fucktard. At best she could have been given benefit or the doubt when it came to a proof or some working, but this wouldn't allow for a perfect score you absolute idiot

Did I just get baited?

>> No.9038604

>>sjw cuckery didn't exist to this extend
actual quote

>social justice warrios did not exist in the 90's
your bullshit

>> No.9038606

Stop posting you idiot. You're clueless.

>> No.9038608

>but he's not even able to mention who should've won instead.

Perhaps no one. If they awarded a woman then clearly there weren't enough good papers that year and so they just filled in the missing spots with diversity.

This would be a better option because I really think we should preserve the prestige of the medal. If we can't come up with 4 mathematicians deserving of the prize, then lets just hand out 3. That is better than just picking any rando with a vagina.

>> No.9038609

>the field institute
Back to pol already you fucking breitcuck

>> No.9038610

And you're a MGTOW incel

>> No.9038612
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>If they awarded a woman then clearly there weren't enough good papers that year
>implying Fields medals are for work done that year
You know the Fields medal is only every 4 years right?

>> No.9038613

/pol/tard BTFO!

>> No.9038614

And yet you're clueless about the validity of her work, because you're a dumb nerd who's too salty because stacy won't fuck him to do any meaningful work

>> No.9038616

As much as I can't stand /pol/ spillover, I'm pretty sure this is /r9k/

>> No.9038618

Okay, perhaps my phrasing was incorrect. I know the fields medal is for lifetime achievement but the point still stands.

It is clear they did not find 4 mathematicians deserving of the prize, so they just filled in with the first vagina they found when googling "mathematicians with vaginas".

Heck, I am surprised they were lucky and got a woman who actually publishes research because as they clearly did not read any of it I wouldn't be surprised if out of nowhere a fucking middle school math teacher who puts "mathematician" under their linked in profile had been chosen.

They had luck on their side, but their morals were off. You simply do not just hand out fields medals like that.

>> No.9038621
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>fields medal is for lifetime achievement
What did he mean by this?

This is some serious r9k spillover today

>> No.9038622

>And yet you're clueless about the validity of her work, because you're a dumb nerd who's too salty because stacy won't fuck him to do any meaningful work

I may be clueless but I am arguing a pretty strong point. If her work had been influential then I would have heard of her either by directly reading her, or by having her mentioned by my peers. In contrast, I know the other 3 medalists (one of them personally. A conference I attended when I was a grad student way back then).

But she? The first time I heard of her was when the winners were announced. She is literally WHO? Literally fucking WHO? The diversity pick is pretty clear, man.

>> No.9038623


Anon stop letting your feelings get in the way of rational judgement

>> No.9038626

>classifying a group of people as a certain group is not "scapegoating" them
Yes it is, when It comes with the implication that only a member of that group could do such a thing.

>> No.9038628


>> No.9038631

>The Fields Medal is awarded every four years on the occasion of the International Congress of Mathematicians to recognize outstanding mathematical achievement for existing work and for the promise of future achievement.

I am not surprised tumblr fags don't really know how the fields medal works. That quote is right out of the IMU's page.

Oh wait, you don't even know what the IMU is right? TOP KEK

>> No.9038632

>the gorilla is defending affirmative action
That's to be expected. You're a recipient of it yourself.

>> No.9038634
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Where's the word lifetime there?

>> No.9038637

Then how come she's the first diversity pick ever? I would bet you a grand that next year won't have a woman medalist.

>> No.9038638

I put it in because it is accurate. The fields medal awards a succesful career, so why not call it lifetime achievement.

You are being ridiculously picky here, faggot. Back to tumblr.

>> No.9038639

>he's reduced to splitting hairs
How's you affirmative action phd going nigger?

>> No.9038641
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>Falling for this weak bait
I thought /sci/ was supposed to be smart?

>> No.9038642

>I would bet you a grand that next year won't have a woman medalist.

Where can we make this bet, I need some easy money.

>> No.9038644

>Then how come she's the first diversity pick ever?

First time some faggot feminist got a hold of the committee. Or perhaps it is just that this year's committee was 90% cuck so when someone nominated a woman they all thought "Oh shit well, I wouldn't want to be sexist or anything. I guess I'll vote for her".

And you know, I have nothing against her being nominated for the fields medal. Her work is clearly enough for someone to nominate her and put her in the pool. But that is why there a nomination and then a selection process. To remove the mediocre people like her from the final names. But somehow this year mediocrity was accepted for the fields medal.

I wonder why! It couldn't be because one of this year's nominees had a vagina. No way!

>> No.9038645
File: 108 KB, 640x640, questionmar3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would people give a 27 year old a lifetime achievement awards?

Why would a lifetime achievement award have an upper age limit?

>> No.9038646

Dunno, you tell me

>> No.9038647
File: 771 KB, 2448x3264, Lloyd-pics-2-28-17-629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How's you affirmative action phd going nigger?
Hasn't even started yet my friend.

>> No.9038648

Maybe you had no experts in the field she worked in at or near your uni. Maybe she wasn't able to travel to conferences (near you) which lowered the popularity of her work. There are lots of explanations which aren't
>vagina = free fields medal

That's a dumb bet to go for, there are less women in maths

>> No.9038650

You are reading too much into it. Lifetime achievement is not as in "They died, but now we want to award their life's achievement". It is more like "In all the time they have been doing this, their work has been greatly influential and powerful so we want to award their entire careers".

The fact that you are now just nitpicking my wording is pretty retarded, but a nice admission of defeat so I take you will now go back to tumblr right?

>> No.9038652

I like this post. Thank you anon.

>> No.9038656

That's not an obstacle for affirmative action. On the contrary, it is the impetus behind it.

>> No.9038657

>You're telling me there are no conservative mathematicians?
Extremely few. Math is the most left-leaning STEM field. The more you know.

>> No.9038661

This made me suspect there was some affirmative action involved.

>> No.9038665

Have any source on that? From what I know, it's really mostly apolitical with some lefty-classical liberal tendencies.

>> No.9038671

Not him, but lifetime achievement is *lifetime*, as in the most achievement during their entire career. It generally necessarily goes to the oldest possible people, since it's all about net achievements

He's not nitpicking, you were just sorely fucking wrong and now you're in damage control mode.

If you mean the less women point, then obviously it's not an obstacle, but it still means statistically there will be more ultradeserving men than there are barely deserving women (aa picks), simply because there are e more men

>> No.9038672
File: 170 KB, 1920x1080, boss-skeptical-stern-ss-1920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This made me suspect there was some affirmative action involved.
Did you say the same thing when Perelman said
>I'm not a hero of mathematics. I'm not even that successful

>> No.9038674

We already established that "scapegoat" wasn't referring to MGTOW, it was referring to people itt (since these are the "people pointing out an obvious thing"). Calling a group of people MGTOWs for performing some action may be scapegoating MGTOW, but it's not scapegoating the group performing the action. They are just a group selected by a predicate P="shits on women itt", and that other guy claimed that such people itt are necessarily MGTOW. This isn't scapegoating since this isn't about pinpointing the blame on MGTOW it's about disparaging a group of people itt by association with another, established group with a certain reputation.

>> No.9038675


Thanks friend, nice to hear after I went for dinner and came back to see all this shit posted since.

I think I might have to finally stop visiting this website. Since the election sent /pol/ mainstream, the mindless anti-women shit on every board has just got out of control. I'm sick and tired of teaching morons the same thing everywhere I turn.

>> No.9038679

>itt nobody explains why she doesn't deserve a medal

The brainlets and their feelings are trolling us hard it's time to nuke this place

>> No.9038680

>when It comes with the implication that only a member of that group could do such a thing
Also, read what you're quoting: in "is not 'scapegoating' them" "them" referse to the former group, not the latter.

>> No.9038681

Ew what the fuck
That doesnt even look even seasoned or cooked , did they fucking boil it?

Of course he did, anon is a highly consistent individual. Fucking ruskies are always getting affirmative action, it's American guilt for making the USSR pop

>> No.9038682

>He's not nitpicking, you were just sorely fucking wrong and now you're in damage control mode.

>My wording was wrong and therefore my argument is invalid.

I already conceded like 10 times that my wording was incorrect, which is why I corrected it by just literally quoting the IMU. Yet your insistance of this making argument invalid makes you sound like a fucking retard.

>> No.9038684

I don't like it because you are using the strength of the matrix of social control as evidence of the weakness of the dissent channel.

>> No.9038685


Looks like muscular work to me.

>> No.9038693

Well, I'm not saying he isn't a great mathematician, but it's clear that the groundbreaking work on Ricci flow wasn't of his workings, but proving the actual conjecture was more "shinny". Perelman actually boycotted the institute, it wasn't just humility.

>> No.9038694

Is it just me or is /sci/ a much less slow board these days?

>> No.9038696

All you said was "my phrasing wrong, I know the award is for lifetime achievement". You're the one who said it was for lifetime achievement and you haven't conceded that that claim was incorrect

The fact you're wrong about th lifetime achievement isn't related to any other arguments, it just goes to show you're a mindless moron who screams affirmative action whenever a woman does something and that you don't know anything about the fields medal and your opinion is invalid in every possible way. That's it.

>> No.9038697

Few people can discuss actual math and science beyond calculus and mechanics, but these threads are for every retard.

>> No.9038700


However much made-up sociology-blog buzzwords you use, no one complaining about something actually is evidence that that thing does not exist.

>> No.9038701

>The fact you're wrong about th

The fact that you are wrong about how to write "the" isn't related to any other arguments. It just goes to show you are a mindless moron who screams "not affirmative action" whenever a woman does something and that you don't know anything about the fields medal and your opinion is invalid in every possible way. That's it.

Two can play the same game. If you nitpick my writing so will I nitpick yours, and we will never move on. You are literally retarded.

>> No.9038707

Looks no more impressive than the papers of half my faculty. Why did she get a Fields medal while my advisor didn't?

>> No.9038713
File: 596 KB, 1500x1143, laughing wombs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If her work had been influential then I would have heard of her either by directly reading her, or by having her mentioned by my peers. In contrast, I know the other 3 medalists (one of them personally. A conference I attended when I was a grad student way back then).
>But she? The first time I heard of her was when the winners were announced. She is literally WHO? Literally fucking WHO? The diversity pick is pretty clear, man.

>some brainlet on /sci/ thinks him not knowing of someone means they don't deserve their award

>> No.9038715

>No names
>No institutions
>Blanket statement "looks no more impressive" which is not an argument

Get the fuck off this board you animal

>> No.9038716

>the groundbreaking work on Ricci flow wasn't of his workings, but proving the actual conjecture was more "shinny"
In the comments here https://mathoverflow.net/a/48775/99283 Tao both Hamilton's and Perelman's 'breakthrough' ideas and in both cases he points both existence of precedent thought in similar direction and ingenuity of the approach. Based on Tao's view (I'm unfortunately unqualified to form my own) of these ideas I think it's unfair to refer to one "part" as groundbreaking and the other as just shiny, do you disagree?

>> No.9038717

>failing this hard in understanding context
You literally made a claim that you're now back pedalling on.
I'm phone posting and made a mistake which I haven't made in earlier posts, so the fact you'd think this was an actual mistake derived from something other than a typo is retarded, as is your false equivalence

>> No.9038718


/pol/ has a board colonization chatroom involving a fuckload of people, so I'm not surprised. /sci/ is one of their main targets.

>> No.9038719

>Why did she get a Fields medal while my advisor didn't?
What has your advisor done?

>> No.9038723

>Tao both
Tao describes both
>he points both
he points out both

wtf when I type 'both' it is swallowing words for some reason

>> No.9038724

>dying of a disease with 99% survival rate


>> No.9038726

>please doxx yourself anonymous
How about you kill yourselves instead?

>> No.9038731

Are you your advisor's only student?

>> No.9038732

Why don't you make a case for any one mathematician who deserves a Fields medal more than she did?

>> No.9038734

Stop trying to get me to doxx myself SJW.

>> No.9038736

Make a case for any one mathematician who deserves a Fields medal more than she did

>> No.9038746

As expected

The next time you pretend to be a math student could you just Google some random dude from uw Madison's math department? It easily allows for people to fall for your bullshit

>> No.9038751

This guy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Green_(mathematician)

>> No.9038753

>Make a case

>> No.9038755

I'm not seeing you making a case for the vagina.

>> No.9038760

Not an argument and don't try to circumnavigate >>9038753

>> No.9038761
File: 69 KB, 576x325, skeptical-baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not seeing you making a case for the vagina.
This is the best he could come up with

>> No.9038780

>implying you have any reason to believe a mathematician you're completely unfamiliar with the work of deserves the field medal, except for not having a vagina
Looks like affirmative action is a two way street

We /horseshoe/ now

>> No.9038782

>>implying you have any reason to believe a mathematician you're completely unfamiliar with the work of deserves the field medal
No, you were the one who did this when you linked Ben Green.

>> No.9038785

learn to read

>> No.9038792

>learn to read
You linked Ben Green, a mathematician you're completely unfamiliar with the work of, claiming they deserved the fields medal.

>> No.9038794

Ah I see what you mean now, shouldn't post while eating

>> No.9038802

There's nothing to circumnavigate. Maryam is a mediocre mathematician. Find some mathematician under 40 in 2014, and give him the medal. He would be at least as deserving as the vagina.
Don't samefag.

>> No.9038803

>Find some mathematician under 40 in 2014, and give him the medal. He would be at least as deserving as the vagina.
Like who? And for what reason?

>> No.9038806

Christ you're retarded...

>> No.9038809

She's qt af

>> No.9038810

Like Ben Green. For his work in combinatorics and number theory.

>> No.9038814

>For his work in combinatorics and number theory.

>> No.9038816

Not an argument, you're pretty good at this! You also failed to answer the question! Nice!

>> No.9038832

Like Ciprian Manolesco for solving the Triangulation Conjecture. Nothing Mirzakhani did was even a quarter as impressive as this.

>> No.9038842

Lmao so much butthurt over a fields medalist. Stop embarrassing yourselves retards

>> No.9038846

Manolescu turns 40 late 2018, he might still get the prize
Not giving her FM in 2014 would mean her never getting it and I'm yet to see a *mathematician* arguing that she didn't deserve Fields at all

>> No.9038848
File: 248 KB, 1000x700, Scholze_Close.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's the most obvious of next year's medalists?

>> No.9038849

your picrelated

>> No.9038851

Manolescu is only one year younger than Mirzakhani.
>I'm yet to see a *mathematician* arguing that she didn't deserve Fields at all
Not publicly using their own names, you mean. I am not the first nor the only to mention that Ciprian should have been awarded the Fields in 2014, not Maryam.

>> No.9038853

He'll get pushed aside for some vagina.

>> No.9038855

>Manolescu is only one year younger than Mirzakhani.
So? Even if she were alive she would've been ineligible for 2018 while he still is.

>> No.9038860

She didn't deserve it in the first place is what my point is.

>> No.9038862

Especially since he still has a shot again in 2022. Just give it to some mediocre vagina in her 30s instead.

>> No.9038869

She's actually decomposing rn

>> No.9038876

>She didn't deserve it in the first place is what my point is.
Then you worded your point in a really weird way
>Manolescu is only one year younger than Mirzakhani.
is irrevelant
>Ciprian should have been awarded the Fields in 2014, not Maryam.
only *implies* that you have an *opinion* she didn't deserve Fields at all
and there is still no proof that her work is mediocre and undeserving of Fields. This is a point a mathematician could've easily made anonymously btw as long as they proved they are knowledgeable in her fields of contribution and performed an analysis of the impact they had or had not. Bar such analysis all of the bullshit "a whole bunch of mathematicians agree with me, they are just too scared of sjws taking their grants away" "arguments" are completely worthless.

>> No.9038888

ok, now i know you're trolling

>> No.9038894


one of the few clever responses ITT

>> No.9038901

The fact that a fucktard like you is his graduate student is at least a decent clue

>> No.9038962

Fernando Coda is my bet.

>> No.9038995


Motl has a pretty positive article about her and that guy hates political correctness with a passion and not afraid of anyone. Leads me to believe the Fields Medal was not given due to affirmative action in this case.

>> No.9038999

lmao /sci/ still falls for shitty bait like this and claims to be intelligent

>> No.9039004

>Fucking affirmative action recipient
Yeah, if it weren't for her you'd 100% have a Fields medal by now!

>> No.9039029

Did you actually read the article? Motl is biased because he knew her husband personally (and indirectly her too).

>> No.9039040

Agree. Mr Motl wouldn't hesitate to call it out.

>> No.9039075

Why is bone cancer so lethal?

>> No.9039091

cancer starting in the bones is uncommon, it usually spreads there from somewhere else
bone cancer is "your chemo didn't work" cancer

>> No.9039103
File: 35 KB, 490x290, back-to-pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found the /pol/itard

>> No.9039105

if she was so smart, then why is she dead from cancer

>> No.9039114
File: 214 KB, 1698x824, fields-medal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nicknamed the "Nobel Prize for Mathematics"
I hate this ignorant comparison.
Alfred Nobel did not value Mathematics, so his
name should not even be mentioned in the
same sentence as that of John Fields; and the
Fields monetary award is a meagre pittance
compared to that of the Nobel.

>> No.9039146

This thread is already shit but I'm letting you guys know that arab girls are pretty shit at math. I'm talking to a Saudi qt right now who is fucking awful. I don't help her at all either

>> No.9039147

Any people say something bad is obviously X group.

I am sad about dead Maryam great women,Mathematician,teach,irani and mother.

>> No.9039149

Yes,he is amazing

>> No.9039150

because Perelman is worth like 50,000 Mirzakhanis - one is an average mathematician, contributing a bit but no more than most, the other is an irrefutable genius who has a great character. He didn't just refuse his Field's Medal, he refused the 1 million dollars of the Millennium Prize Problem too, despite contributing more than Mirzakhani did or would, even if she lived for 200 years.

>> No.9039156

He accepted the FM

>> No.9039157

>affirmative action
wtf are you talking about us arabs and iranians are considered white here in murrica so we dont get any shit

>> No.9039186

>Why do you think her work is impressive?
because they have a fucking fields medal you absolute moron.

>> No.9039197

Hollow earth.

>> No.9039199

Where do you think you are?

>> No.9039207

>All these retards spouting affirmative action

She was born and raised in Iran, she literally only went to the west to get a fucking PhD.

How much of a small dick wagecuck brainlet do you have to be to get THIS ass blasted that a woman from the middle east accomplished more than you ever will in your life?

Seriously I almost wish we had a eugenics program just so we could weed out fucktards.

Fuck me I'm mad.

>> No.9039215

Relax man, you are taking the bait.

>> No.9039243
File: 184 KB, 800x740, Maryam Mirzakhani.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that I have anything good to say about abstract math, but the cartoon gets props.

>> No.9039249

She won IMO twice, once with a perfect score you dumb fucks. What were you doing in high school other than jerking off to drawings of Gauss and Galois?

>> No.9039252

Has anyone seen my circular logic?

>> No.9039361

>read the facebook comments on this article
>fucktons of salafist shit comments

It's 2017 and arabs still try to pass off iranians achievements as their own to impress westerners, good lord

>> No.9039420

another mudslime dead. good riddance

>> No.9039424

My waifu ;_;

>> No.9039429

...nicknamed by mathematicians, or journalists?

>> No.9039432


>> No.9039438

arabs and other middle easterners are sometimes considered white but indians are for sure not considered white in america

>> No.9039444

everyone hates iranians here, at least in new york.

i saw some jew burning iranian flag on the street one time.

>> No.9039445

I'm sure she was the most deserving possible candidate

>> No.9039451
File: 5 KB, 150x150, fedoraMRA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Virgin Neckbeard autist misogyny.

>> No.9039498

Everyone calls the damn thing the Novel Prize of Mathematics, even mathematicians.

9/10 bait you got me a mad

>> No.9039502


>> No.9039522

I guess the notion of affirmative action does exacerbate divisiveness... oh boy we're in for a wild ride.

>> No.9039556

All brainlets do this. Just look at /pol/ -- an entire board of mediocre brainlets "achieving" vicariously through the achievements of a few extraordinary white people.

>> No.9039567

>mfw "feminists" don't even know

>> No.9039751

Maybe should not have embraced an American diet

>> No.9039767

you're the one that raised the issue, so the burden of proof is on you

>> No.9039769

that's fairly bullshit
you can find people with degrees and jobs supporting any given position

>> No.9039809


>> No.9039835
File: 149 KB, 675x710, mancar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my favorite subject is math and I ain't no lefty

>> No.9039860
File: 35 KB, 671x382, 1491198716308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not him but why do so many people do this?

Do they not recognize their own mediocrity by comparison? Or is it that they are aware of their mediocrity and choose to ignore it whenever possible?

Why does the brainlet choose to insult a pauper when the brainlet has done nothing of note to distinguish himself from the pauper? Do they believe merely obeying the law makes them any better? Do they not realize that a dog if you trained enough will do the same thing?

I understand how the average person are inclined to commit fallacies related to associative characteristics. But to actively find pride in people of prestige to the point where you forget your own status seems foolish.

>> No.9039911

We're at a point where even a truly acclaimed mathematician with incredibly complex work on full public display is dismissed as a token out of hand. I hate tokenism and affirmative action but this is just sad. No woman or minority can ever be good enough for these people, any accomplishment they gain MUST be fake.

>> No.9039932
File: 552 B, 163x96, citation-needed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[citation needed}

>> No.9039943


Jesus christ m8s, this shit is nuts. I'm drowning in the jargon.

>> No.9039965

>lifetime achievment
>age limit is 40
Do you live in Zimbabwe ?

>> No.9039976

It's called being social. Humans are social animals. They form tribes. Tribes are considered organic units. An achievement by a member of the tribe is considered an achievement to the tribe too, since the tribe helped that individual survive and nurture their talents.

It's not vicarious anything. It's just a good feeling that your tribe is doing good. They don't assume credit for the achievements of others, they feel contented that the society they live in still works on some level, that the tribe is healthy.

Liberals do the same shit. All people are blind to their own biases.

>> No.9039990

You understand nothing. By your own reasoning it makes no sense for parents to be proud that their kids are doing well in school or whatever. You're socially inept and stupid to boot.

>> No.9039991



you have to be highly autistic to not understand why people are proud of their nationals succeeding

>> No.9040007

>why would you root for that football team, you're not the one playing
>why would you root for those soldiers, you're not the one fighting
to show that you're not a free-riding parasite.

Mathematicians being able to do math without worrying about other things is due to members in their tribe/society providing for those other things. Someone else grows the food you eat, someone else builds the house you live in, someone else maintains the electric grid you depend on to study and do math well into the night etc.
Read some Aristotle. Man does not live in a vacuum all by himself.

>hurr durr why are you proud of someone else's achievements
Maybe because I'm not a moron who lives in a bubble.

>> No.9040019

That's pretty sad.
What a grievous loss for the field.

>> No.9040031

Except that no one's is saying that you can't be proud of your people's achievements, it's when they are outright taking credit for it. Also
>Someone else grows the food you eat, someone else builds the house you live in, someone else maintains the electric grid you depend on to study and do math well into the night etc.

What if those "someone else's" weren't of the same race as the achiever? What if it was just some Paco working for 0.05 an hour? Or even better what about African slaves? Should they be able to take credit for the white mans inventions all because they picked some cotton in a field?

I get what you're saying but I don't think some stranger shitposting on 4chan could've contributed to someone's innovations as well as say a family member or friend who was actually part of the "tribe"

>> No.9040061

Mirzakhani was not arab though

>> No.9040076

They did achieve getting Trump elected though

>> No.9040080


And don't you ever, ever, ever forget it.


>> No.9040095


>Except that no one's is saying that you can't be proud of your people's achievements, it's when they are outright taking credit for it

Except that noone is outright taking credit for it. They are just proud of the achievements.

>What if those "someone else's" weren't of the same race as the achiever? What if it was just some Paco working for 0.05 an hour? Or even better what about African slaves? Should they be able to take credit for the white mans inventions all because they picked some cotton in a field?

They may deserve some amount of credit but less than the nationals of the achiever because on average their connection is more distant. Most credit goes to the achiever herself, then immediate family, teachers/coworkers, then the rest of the country, ethnicity, then the rest of the human race. The hierarchy is something like that. Not a hard concept to understand, unless you suffer from an acute seizure of autism.

>> No.9040132

>get nobel prize
those fucking thirsty math neckbeards doormat

>> No.9040148


>An achievement by a member of the tribe is considered an achievement to the tribe too, since the tribe helped that individual survive and nurture their talents

But in most cases the extraordinary individual being heralded are either not directly a member of said tribe or they're so far removed that any tribal relation is near superficial.

You have people being prideful of individuals who they would 9 times out of 10 never knew about in the first place if it wasn't for them becoming popular and recognized.

In nations with populations in the hundreds of millions it is very unlikely that you as an individual has intimately known and/or raised a extraordinary individual.


>By your own reasoning it makes no sense for parents to be proud that their kids are doing well in school or whatever.

The problem here is your statement has nothing to do with my argument in questioning the motivation of individual(s) who on average share very little with the extraordinary people in question and have more in common with the paupers.

There is nothing in my post that implies that parents can't take pride in their children. It makes sense for them to do that since their relationship with the extraordinary child is intimate (assuming of course they are not estranged).


>you have to be highly autistic to not understand why people are proud of their nationals succeeding

Pride in nationals is one thing as it is by proxy celebrating the "products" of a country. Something that you can viably prove through documentation that you contributed to even if it is very little via allowances such as taxes.

Pride by race, religion or culture is completely different as most people of said group have very little control in how the genome flows attribute distribution, nor do they control in who converts or adopts to a particular set of ideals.

>> No.9040164


>Pride by race, religion or culture is completely different as most people of said group have very little control in how the genome flows attribute distribution, nor do they control in who converts or adopts to a particular set of ideals.

The pride is not about "control" at all. I can surely be proud of my race even if I dont control it. Children are rightfully proud of their parents achievements despite they having precisely zero control over them. The thing required to justify pride is a shared similarity, a connection. Being in control of the achiever helps but is not required.

Also, I would say that as a member of a shared culture, race or a religion you do have a certain small amount of control over the whole. If by nothing else then being a part of it.

>> No.9040189

oh, it sucks, if I ever get cancer I'm going full on radiation, chemotherapy, surgery and immunotherapy and if it reaches my bones I'm reaching for the helium

>> No.9040221


>The pride is not about "control" at all. I can surely be proud of my race even if I dont control it.

But then you are being prideful of a chaotic system. One that you were randomly distributed to a population with no control over. Prideful of people who you are statistically unlikely to be intimate with or aware of them being even alive.

>The thing required to justify pride is a shared similarity, a connection. Being in control of the achiever helps but is not required

And how much similarity/connection are we allowed here? It seems that a lot of retroactive pride is being conjured up. Pride in people, in civilizations who you (we) were never a part of. Pride in people who you (we) never were aware existed on the planet. Pride in certain inventions and discoveries that you (we) have very little passing knowledge of.

Wheres the limit? And if there is no limit then why do we deny others of ""our"" people's achievements? How do you (we) logically present an argument for a limit in who can be prideful of what when the predicate for said pride is founded on sheer randomness? After all you (we) ourselves cannot choose how and where we are born.

>> No.9040225

>I ain't no lefty
>I ain't, I ain't, I ain't
Yes, you are.

>> No.9040265
File: 907 KB, 2598x1228, 1495324475190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lost poltards here seem to have confused this actual intellectual Mirzakhani for pic related. Pic related is a worthy target of derision.

RIP to this Persian mathematician.

>> No.9040268

>it's when they are outright taking credit for it.
Which happens virtually never.

>> No.9040270






>> No.9040326

>no one is outright taking credit for it
>he's never been on /pol/
It's all "we (the white race) did this, we did that so we're better than X people (even though most of the achievements of my race were in the past and were completely unaffected by me) ". It's nowhere near as modest and accurate as "I'm just proud of them bro"

The average connection is irrelevant when we're talking about individuals.


>> No.9040352

>reduced to arguing semantics
Piss off already.

>> No.9040367

It's not really trivial semantics, they are distinct and distinguishable claims but ok

>> No.9040433

One look at her face.
She was special.

>> No.9040459

Yeah, she had a vagina. And that made her special enough to receive a free fields medal in the name of diversity

>> No.9040469


>> No.9040497


>But then you are being prideful of a chaotic system.

Nothing bad with that, when it is a chaotic system I am part of then being proud of its accomplishments is natural (and I would say, evolutionary adaptive, too).

>Wheres the limit?

There really is no limit, it is OK to be prideful of any group you are a member of, up to and including entire human race. Maybe if we discover aliens then being prideful of their achievements would be quite strange as in that case there really is no connection. But nothing less than that would qualify.

>> No.9040505

I have sad feels, should not be so early and she thought of so much related to my work it's a incalculable loss.

>> No.9040580

Do poltards realize they're just embarrassing themselves

>> No.9041180

Funny thing is, they don't even have the baby tier math skills to be able to poke fun at the embarrassment >>9040265 refers to, let alone Fields medal level work.

>> No.9041219
File: 31 KB, 615x456, 1489290568222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you realize that this was in the mid 90s where sjw cuckery didn't exist to this extend

this has to be bait right? Were you born in the 2000's or something?

The 90's was the launching point for sjw cuckary. All of the ideological vomit of the 60's and 70's were digested in the 80's and released upon the world in 90's in the form of a never ending stream of diarrhea.

Everyone with a brain half a shred of integrity knows this.

>> No.9041240

As something of a /pol/itician myself, I offer apologies for the dregs of our board that somehow washed up here. Piper is the legit SJW clown in math we should be after, but these innumerate plebs don't know the difference.

>> No.9042059

I know this post is old as fuck, but:
>lovelace, germain
Were they alive, they would have been well over forty at the time that the first Fields medal was awarded.
Wasn't a mathematician.

Mediocre mathematicians don't prove Thurston conjectures, senpai.

>> No.9042083

So this is the ...power... of STEM education....

>> No.9042246

He is talking about the relevance of the pride. A brainlet could never produce such great prodigy (unless given some rare exception of luck, genetics, and environment)

>> No.9042249

They were good at getting coaxed by Russians into shitposting in a particular manner. They were going to shitpost regardless.

>> No.9042796

RIP persian math qt

>> No.9042823

>It's the other way around, buddy.
No, it's not. You made the claim about her mediocrity, so the burden is on you. The fact that you are trying to evade this question suggests that you might not know much about her work.

>> No.9042827

Or perhaps, your god, just like the thousands of other gods you don't believe in, also does not exist, and she just got cancer. Did you consider that possibility?

>> No.9042848

maybe the timepressure made her focus more on her work

>> No.9042943
File: 14 KB, 266x400, perelman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally what the shit is that

>> No.9043073

>all these retards defending a clear affirmative action pick for the Fields Medal

>here is no such a definite support for Mirzakhani. After looking at the list of the committee members, it seems that a specific support wasn’t needed. Everybody knew and accepted that one of the winners will be a woman, no matter how good she is, either absolutely or relatively to the other winners or other workers in her area. And only few cared about who will be this woman.

Jacob Lurie should have won the Fields medal in 2014, not this mediocre woman.

>> No.9043121
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>> No.9043129

Jacob Lurie is a better mathematician than Maryam would have ever been. Deal with it.

>> No.9043133



>> No.9043145
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>> No.9043167


>> No.9043258
File: 106 KB, 480x529, 1498819535164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw too much of a brainlet to understand what she did

>> No.9043385
File: 2 KB, 125x93, 324233323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so let me get this straight, no one has read her paper here, not the autistic /r9k virgins and neitehr the autistic mathfags.
and yet everyone feels that it's totally ok to judge her paper as mediocre or non-mediocre.
really makes me think.

>> No.9043796

In a nutshell, Piper was admitted to Princeton grad school in mathematics, with nothing more than a degree in French, and was given her PhD after a doctoral thesis full of baby tier calc and bizarre confused interjections. She idled at Princeton forever, before presenting her masterwork on "funky sums". All because she's an angry "intersectional feminist" black SJW harpy: http://www.theliberatedmathematician.com/cv/

Piper blew apart the myth that STEM was somehow safe from SJW manipulation, and makes a Princeton math PhD worthless.

>> No.9043818

I honestly doubt there is anyone here who can even understand that shit, much like the work of our great inter-univeral geometer friend Mochizuki.