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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9035139 No.9035139 [Reply] [Original]

hey /sci/

how do i deal with the fact that im a brainlet?
im unable to construct rational thoughts, im unable to grasp certain things. im an allround failure, is there anything left in life for me to do, without seeing always better and smarter people outclassing me? it is already too late for me to delude myself and become a gardener or something and be happy with it. ive already seen what not brainletism is and now i cant like myself anymore.

>> No.9035141

Start drinking

>> No.9035142
File: 158 KB, 1000x963, 1426788635477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sign up for gibsmedats

>> No.9035147
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Get a brain transplant

>> No.9035193

are you being serious?
i need real solutions, at least something that could make me be able to be happy again.

look, a guy who is really intelligent, a philosopher has shown me my inability to think, hes been talking to me about his life for 2 years now, and ive never ever said anything thats even remotely useful.
i cant even follow his train of thought. and hekeeps showing me how my thoughts dont make sense and my logic is flawed.

i knoow how this sounds but there is really no way around it. i used to be happier when i thought that i was smart. now i know the gap between us is so arge taht i will never ever be close enought to him to consider myself smart.

>> No.9035201

Kill him

>> No.9035208

This >>9035201

If you eat his heart you will gain his powers.

>> No.9035210


i cant just abandon him, he means alot to me.
cant i just find peace with my stupidity in a way?
i cant just flee from him, and search for a new illusion to be happy in.

>> No.9035262

Yes, yes! And everyone else on the planet smarter than you. Then you will be the King of the World!!

>> No.9035271

Dude. You are no doubt smarter than millions of people and millions of others are smarter than you. It doesn't matter. Your life is brief, and following that you will be dead forever. Just do whatever it is that brings you pleasure, and forget about how smart/dumb you think you might be. Life is too short, m8.

>> No.9035273

Become a gardener and find a hobby.

>> No.9035312

You will be impressed how far you can get with really, really hard work.

Just don't give in.

>> No.9035330

Good advice. 151 IQ here, but lazy and lacking ambition.

>> No.9035428


Do you think i have a shot?
the problem is you need to work effectively,
and you need the know how, i work at mcdonalds im 22 years old and i have ADD
im a complete failure, and i have no evidence that i might be more than a mcdonalds employee my whole life.

still i feel that i have more in me
will hard work do the trick?

should i follow one of the sci guides?

>> No.9035452
File: 20 KB, 225x346, 41bZv-u2X7L._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's empirically proven that eating the gifted raises your IQ. Just be careful how you dispose of the bones

>> No.9035454


Not funny
i need actual help

>> No.9035461
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It very much is.
But more seriously, put the cards on the table. Tell him you really try to follow him and you wish you could do it better but it's an uphill struggle for you, even if you are very invested in his life and being around it. If he doesn't consider you worthy, it won't be you doing the abandoning, and if he does you guys can carry on more mindful of each other's limitations.

As far as living as a "brainlet," don't let it get to your head (pun intended.) Being at the center of the curve means half the world is still dumber than you, and at the very least you can take comfort in knowing the real brainlets out there don't actually know that they are so. It takes a minimum amount of spark to see that you're not actually, as most people describe themselves, "above average." And provided you actually have these limitations, just live your life accordingly and make the best of them. If you're actually interested in learning hard concepts, give them a stab even if it takes you years more than other people, you may not ever come to grasp abstract concepts like your friend but you're still not an ape. Time and patience can help. If you absolutely abhor those things, don't be ashamed about it. Most people here abhor sports or hunting or manual labor or socializing. We're all important pieces in the societal puzzle regardless of where we fall on the bell curve. Gear your life towards what you know you do like.

>> No.9035466


thank you :)
he already tried teaching me philosophy but his opinion is now that i should try to become an individual first. and he told me i should try reading the newspaper and watch shows that are geared towards politics and stuff to get a good idea of what i want to do.