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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9033240 No.9033240 [Reply] [Original]

What is "yes?" Explain "yes" to me with a mathematical formula.

>> No.9033252


>> No.9033257

You, sir, are a genius

Now explain to me 1 in a physcial reality

>> No.9033262

take one orange and divide it by orange

>> No.9033265

Then I have two oranges. I can't just make one of them disappear.

>> No.9033271

Eat it. You now have one, and are not hungry anymore.

>> No.9033275

But that dosen't make the orange stop existing. Now it's just poop.

Is that what "yes" is? Poop?

>> No.9033279

maybe you can't

>> No.9033280

But the orange is no longer an orange, since it is now poop. This leaves the single orange, which represents 1.

>> No.9033281

If you know how, please, let us know. You'd be the first person in the history of time.

>> No.9033282

But the atoms of the orange still exist. They've just changed state.

If you buy a car, and one at a time, replace every part of the car, is it still the same car?

>> No.9033284

'Yes' is nothing but the phonemicization of an instinctual concept to all humans. It implies agreement and truth.

>> No.9033286

But science is much more advanced than human instinct, isn't it? So why can't it do something we can already inherently do?

>> No.9033504

The change of state implies that it is no longer in the same state of 'orange' though.
Let's tackle the Theseus' ship paradox from both angles.
1. The ship has not changed in structure, as the overall system has not been altered at all. Therefore it is the same ship.
2. The ship has become something else, as all of it is now different to the ship that it once was.
Personally, I prefer the second argument, as it deals with the inherent issues of modern takes of teleportation [deconstructed on one side (resulting in death), created in the same state on the other]. Each to their own though.

>> No.9033782

The Ship of Thesus is a book. It's art. It has nothing to do with science. Don't bring it up.

>> No.9033886

first time posting on /sci/, i think ill stick around here, seems you can easily get away with shitposting

>> No.9034252

Fuck off back to /tv/ /pol/ and Reddit

>> No.9034266

it's an abstract concept most accurately represented by your mother's agreement to let 5 nignogs gangbang her, resulting in your birth and eventually leading to your shitpost

>> No.9034272

It's very funny. The people around here are so smart they can't see how stupid they're acting.

After I'm done here I'm going to start on /lit/. Much harder place to farm (you)s.

???? How could five (5) different black men become my one (1) father? I can only have one (1) father, even if ten (10) black men fucked my mother only one (1) would actually concecive me.

Think before you post.

>> No.9034300

>???? How could five (5) different black men become my one (1) father?
Where in the post did he say all 5 men were your father?

>> No.9034304

You said it.

>> No.9035004

i'm from /x/ you can't stop me. I'M CRAAAAAZY, JOE.

>> No.9035082

Jokes one you I'm actually from /sp/

>> No.9035129

"yes" is an affirmative answer. Meaning it relies on and is a redundancy of a previous statement. Mathematically it's like stating 1=1, where the first 1 is a statement, and the second is an agreement. A mathematical analogy cannot be perfectly drawn, however, because the word "yes" is a short way to say "I affirm that." It refers to the speakers state of mind on a subject, his opinion, and those things are too nuanced and contain far too many variables to be described mathematically with any accuracy.

>> No.9035152

That isn't a formula

>> No.9035223

Am I the only one who thinks the ship of Theseus is the least interesting paradox?
Fuck off. The topic of discussion was literally the exact concept just applied to an orange

>> No.9035280

Why are you talking about oranges? I'm asking you to write a mathematical formula for "yes." Are you stupid? Why can't you?

>> No.9035300

You dont have to make any oranges disappear and you don't need two oranges. a/b represents how many a's you can fit in b, so orange/orange = 1 (you can fit 1 orange in an orange). I guess an easier way to explain this is that division is not a physical action, but instead a dimensionless value representing how many oranges there are in an orange.
nice bait btw and fuck you for making me type this stupid shit

>> No.9035307

What the fuck are you talking about? How does any of this relate to "yes?" You didn't even mention "yes."

>> No.9035308

> Now explain to me 1 in a physcial reality

>> No.9035310
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Jesus, /sci/. You people are fucking dumb.

The correct answers are "a word" and "I can't."

You're lucky your professors go easy on you. I'd kick all of you off campus for this.

>> No.9035311

> I can't
> calls others dumb

>> No.9035313

Well, if you can do it, go right ahead. Prove me wrong. Can you?

>> No.9035321

"Yes" is defined as the answer to the question "Is OP gay?"

Alternatively, there is the jews' definition (Merriam webster): "a function word to express assent or agreement."

>> No.9035325

That's not what I asked for. I asked for a mathematical equation. You can't. Stop acting like you can do everything, dipshit.

>> No.9035327


>> No.9035331

So just one (1)? But that's not what "yes" is. "Yes" is affirmative. "Yes" is good. "Yes" is an answer. When has anyone used "yes" to describe one (1)?

If you keep acting like a child I'll keep treating you like one.

>> No.9035333

1∧1 is "true" aka "yes" you faggot

>> No.9035335

A restricted question is a
function from the set of allowable answers to
the set of implications of answers given. A finite
question is a restricted question with a finite set of
allowable answers. In this theory, yes is assumed
to refer to the most default answer(s), determined by
a total ordering of defaultness on the set of implications,
not necessarily requiring a bijection. Note that quesitons
in English where the negative is assumed to be the most
default must be adapted for this meaning. This is not
an issue for sentences that have already been adapted.
In brief, yes is defined:
[eqn]\operatorname{impl}: A \rightarrow I[/eqn]
\forall a\in A:~~\operatorname{impl}(yes) \preccurlyeq
Where [math]x\preccurlyeq y[/math] means x is more default than y.

>> No.9035338

I meant [math]x \preccurlyeq y[/math]
means y is at most as default as x.

>> No.9035337

One (1) is a number. It's not even a word. They don't even being to relate to each other.

Don't call me a faggot when I'm right.

>> No.9035339

Nope. Wrong. Sorry. Try again.

>> No.9035340

Upside down A= regular A but just the opposite right?

>> No.9035341

Still wrong. I already posted the answer

>> No.9035344

u a genious dude if this is legit

>> No.9035349

what the fuck are you talking about? you asked for a mathematical representation of "yes" you faggot

1∧1 ≡ yes (true)

shitty bait by the way

>> No.9035352

It's not. He's an idiot. You're an idiot if you think he's right

>> No.9035353

Yes is a word. How can you even begin to define a word with a number?

You can't. Stop pretending you can. The only thing I hate more than a moron is a moron who thinks he's a genius.

>> No.9035355

woah bro u callin ME an idiot?

I'll have you know I graduated top of my class on the debate team, math team, and physics team. I've got 500 completed homework assignments. To me you're nothing but another problem to be solved. Come at bro, hit me with your best shot, I'm practically perfect.

>> No.9035358

Congrats, you and me are the only smart ones in this thread.

>> No.9035359

thanks bro

i just got back from the library. Shit was SO cash.

>> No.9035374

lol yeah make sure you pick up a book bout philosphy not math, makes it way easy to fuck with these nerds

>> No.9035380

It truly does. Where do they get off thinking because they did good in school and I didn't that they're so much better than me.... I'm proper hurt inside m8

>> No.9035382

If you can make a smart man look stupid he won't be smart anymore.


>> No.9035384
File: 161 KB, 1280x1107, 1365546922312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah... thanks pal

>> No.9035397

presence of something

>> No.9035400
File: 2.12 MB, 320x240, 1488241564425.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've already done it to you. I don't care about anything but your (you)s.

>> No.9035401

But what is "something?"

>> No.9035414

Atoms of things are constantly changing. When you drink water you're drinking Hitler.

>> No.9035869

Look on the bright side. When I eat a sandwich I'm eating Emma Watson's pussy.

>> No.9036064

Not nothing

>> No.9036317

Then was IS nothing?

>> No.9037548

>Explain "yes" to me with a mathematical formula.


>> No.9037589


>> No.9037597

>Why are you talking about oranges?
I know this is bait, but

>> No.9038062

>Knows it's bait
>Still replies


>> No.9038768
File: 155 KB, 1076x1840, Screenshot_20170715-155150~01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, he also linked me back to something I already posted in order to prove me wrong. The guy's a moron