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9030095 No.9030095 [Reply] [Original]

What does /sci/ think of this study? It would explain a lot of things

>> No.9030108


Well it sure explains the Japanese

>Most Neanderthal
>Most autistic

>> No.9030117

Yeah that's what I'm thinking lmao

>> No.9030121

>Recent genetic research have demonstrated that Neanderthals contributed at least 1-4% to the non-African genome. Aspie Quiz have demonstrated in a large survey in the US population that Afroamericans have only 1/6 of the autism incidence of non-African groups.

>> No.9030129

So if I have autism should I be proud?

>> No.9030138

Varg says yes

>> No.9030144

Other neurological conditions possibly linked too
>ADD/ADHD, OCD, Social phobia, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Bipolar, Schizophrenia, Tourettes and Dyspraxia

>> No.9030150

I have Asperger's and I'm not Japanese, or Asian!
I'm Gaelic-Norman and Cornish-Saxon, racists!
Explain my autism?!

>> No.9030155

Europeans have Neanderthal DNA too..Also what the fuck is a Cornish-Saxon? A hybrid of Native Briton and Anglo-Saxon?

>> No.9030163
File: 45 KB, 220x199, 1477694392671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a question that has been bothering me a lot.
How do I know if I am ASD master race, or just an idiotic, annoying manchild? I mean, I have pretty much every symptom of the ASD, from being extremely imaginative and annoying as a kid to spinning coins and being clumsy as shit. But I don't know if I am on the ASD or if I'm just extremely stupid and pathetic.
I have Mediterranean blood from many parts, mostly Iberia and South Italy, but maybe a little North African/Arab as well.

>> No.9030166

more like Neandertautismhals

>> No.9030170

I mean, I don't know if I'm on the ASD or if I'm just very pathetic and stupid, and am believing I'm on the ASD to pat myself in the back and say it's not my fault, which is even more pathetic, or something like that.

>> No.9030178

Uh no, the japanese didn't use to be like this. Japan used to be a society full of alphas because of their honor system that made men strive to be as manly as possible and women to be actual women who take care of the house and look pretty to secure a nice Samurai with financial stability. Unlike today.

What actually fucked the japanese were the nuclear bombs. The radiation literally caused cancer, which manifested into anime. That is why we say: never nuke a country once or twice. If you already nuked them once, you better keep nuking until they are extinct or else you get Eromanga-sensei

>> No.9030182

My father was (he's dead now) Cornish, his family have lived in Cornwall since before records were kept and they have a quintessential 'Native Cornish' surname.
The Cornish are also a recognised ethnic group and are genetically distant when compared to other British peoples, they retain much of their Celtic genetics as neither Rome, nor the Saxons pushed down into Cornish that much.
So, I use the term 'Cornish' as a term for 'Cornish Celt', though I'm not sure which tribe(s) my ancestors belonged to.

There's probably some French and Iberian mixed into the Cornish.
I hope no Moorish.

>> No.9030188

This article is fucking terrible. Pure speculation and zero methodology.

>> No.9030192

Could very well be the case. I'm not overly familiar with autistic traits, but I know clumsiness is a dyspraxic trait. I think in many cases it's more complicated than just having one neurological condition. I have both mild ADD and dyspraxia, which leads to this conclusion.

>> No.9030193

Just like your paternity. :^)
Was it 'daddy'?
Was it the mailman?
Was it the binman?
No one really knows, anon, no one really knows. *pat*

>> No.9030198

Being alpha isn't synonymous with being neurotypical but okay.

>> No.9030203

I think "study" was the wrong word to use. Hypothesis is probably more accurate.

>> No.9030206
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>mfw this meme is so true
My dad thinks he's Anglo Saxon, but looks so phenotypically Native Briton it's hilarious

>> No.9030209

An alpha is a normie with higher than average looks. Normies are by definition neuro-typical. Therefore, alphas are neuro typical.

>> No.9030212

He probably isn't a Saxon then.
Albion for the Britons!
Get gone Germanic scum!

>> No.9030215

My mother is Anglo-Norman though, so I'm a mutt if we're going to purity spiral.

>> No.9030218
File: 13 KB, 500x259, 1460172270705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I probably have a fuckton of conditions too. Depression, ADHD and HFA being the most notables. Always had them. Plus all the other physical, financial, family problems, and life in general. This life sucks big time and I was really unlucky to be born, I really hope that when I die I can go to Heaven or get a second chance at life with better starting stats because I'm so fucking tired of this ride. But I know it won't happen and this ride never ends.

>> No.9030220

Me too, I'm >>9030150.
The result of northward and then southward migration by Sassenachs.
Fucking Germanics, am I right? ;)

>> No.9030222

Hang in there lad. Get a gf, find meaning in someone else.

>> No.9030224
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>tfw multiple tribes coming together is what made Britain great
wtf I love diversity now!

>> No.9030227

We'd have working fusion and FTL travel if we'd remained pure Celt, I swear!

>> No.9030234

Well being English feels confusing enough as an identity already without anymore immigrants added into the mix

>> No.9030237

We are mongrels, an amalgamation of varying Germanics, Britons and Iberians/Basques.
At least we're European.

>> No.9030245
File: 55 KB, 339x325, autistic neanderthal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if skull volume is related to IQ then maybe the neanderthals were smarter than us also can we clone a neanderthal

>> No.9030250

You don't need to, apparently, according to Varg, we are domesticated neanderthals.

>> No.9030307
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Varg should debate Bill Nye

>> No.9030334

You'd only be fucking even more sheep than now.

>> No.9030342

That's a bullshit plot if I've ever seen one.

>> No.9030505

Not to mention it hasn't been proofread. Spelling and grammar mistakes everywhere.

>> No.9030510

Apparently Varg is a channer. Who knew.


>> No.9030533

I dunno, having read some Japanese history they're pretty autistic.

>> No.9030582


Rates of autism are essentially identical across the races, including black Africans with no Neanderthal admixture.

>> No.9030649

I thought it was the Finns who were the most neanderthal. Autistic nonetheless.

>> No.9030888


>> No.9032129

They had much larger eyes which helped them see in a more dim environment. So more brain capacity had to be used for the eyes to function properly, so they had less capacity for reasoning.

>> No.9032139

Dyslexia is actually linked to Nanderehlats.

>> No.9032993

>two data clouds
>regression lines
>no Pearson's PMCC

>> No.9033193

I know this guy from reddit, he is an aspie himself. I admire his devotion as well as his theory but he seems a bit too eager to prove he has neanderthal genes
He was a bit sloppy with his link between Morton's toe and Neanderthal

I hope his stuff will get tested

>> No.9033289

You can get tested. Europeans and Asians have about 1-4%.

>> No.9033294

I mean that his hypothesis of autism and neanderthals being linked gets through the test

>> No.9033589


that sounds even more autistic

>> No.9033689

What if I'm black and have autism? What does that mean?

>> No.9033785
File: 95 KB, 1440x900, Asperger_vs_normal_brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When Both Ancient Neanderthals & Modern Autistics had Larger Brain than Average Modern Humans (Normies).

This makes you think.

Sources Below:

Male Average Brain Volume:
1550 cm3 (94.6 cu in) among Neanderthals
1260 cm3 (76.9 cu in) in Modern Humans

Children with autism tend to have larger brains than children without autism.
Larger brains are the result of accelerated brain growth.
The brains of the 2-year-olds with autism were up to 10% larger than the other 2-year-olds.

>> No.9033819

Are you 100% African? Not Afro American/Caribbean

>> No.9033843

Most neanderthals were more masculine than male humans due to having higher test levels and would bully you into suicide for fun. The meme that neanderthals were autist or spergs is a meme what happened here is that the original mutation for spergs and autist began in neanderthals and slip into humans after the species mixing.

>> No.9034403

Would explain why I cannot process what I hear well in my brain.

>> No.9034417

Ive heard adhd is actually the far non severe end of the autism spectrum. Makes sense i think, i was a super awkward kid and my teachers suspected asperger but i never got diagnosed. I grew out of most of my spergy shit but in high school i got diagnosed w adhd

>> No.9034542

>supercharged visual processing.
Is this why autists are so drawn to visually stimulating imageboards?

>> No.9034618

So your a weeb, dumbass, and don't know history too well?

>> No.9034722

being autistic back then was probably a desirable trait

>> No.9034744

what the hell

>> No.9034747

But what about EQ?

>> No.9034759

pretty much junk science
more likely related to application of your intelligence, or motivation than an entity similar to IQ

>> No.9034764
File: 17 KB, 243x207, images (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9033785 >>9034403 >>9034542
>supercharged visual processing.
>Would explain why I cannot process what I hear well in my brain.
>Is this why autists are so drawn to visually stimulating imageboards?

Yes. That explains a lot.
Everything is clear now.

>> No.9034778

Pretty sure a lot of autists have higher reasoning ability compared to the average person though

Myself included

>> No.9034791


what fucked Japan over was their Miracle Economy popping and them never properly recovering from it.

>> No.9035156

[Citation needed]

>> No.9035531

Who's to say Neanderthals didn't?

>> No.9035540

>supercharged visual processing
There was an article that creative people can take more visual information as other people
I found the original paper but no citations so far

>> No.9035553

>Pretty sure a lot of autists have higher reasoning ability compared to the average person though

You'd be wrong, most autists are of below or significantly below average intelligence, it's only a small minority who exceptional in any way.

>> No.9035588
File: 142 KB, 1276x820, master race.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9035595

The problem is that neanderthals were ugly as fuck, so the only humans who would breed with them had to be ugly losers as well. This is why we tend to have ugly NEET autists who are basically the scum of society.