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9029960 No.9029960 [Reply] [Original]

Is life the ultimate meme? Does anyone in this thread realize their complete insignificance in relation to the entire universe? Once we die, every single thing we ever accomplished, vanishes. Maybe you will be that one great Mathematician, or Scientist that EVERYONE remembers. But guess what? In a billion years, they won't. Everything will literally be gone. And don't start with this after-life bull shit.

>> No.9029963
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unless your brain is big enough

>> No.9029968

Don't be sad that you don't have a purpose. The universe doesn't owe you a purpose. That was never part of the deal.

>> No.9029970

How does it not bother anyone that literally everything we do is meaningless?

>> No.9029973

Yeah OP. I realized this while laying in bed way back in grade school. Unfortunately I was encouraged to swallow it and not confront the existential dread, but eventually I discovered the most fascinating self power to find good even in the most darkest of thoughts. After all, the smaller you are, the more possibilities you get. There's so much to learn and explore in this life, and focusing on the possibilities granted to you generally helps you confront the futility of life.

>> No.9029974

One way to think of it, I suppose. I am in pre-k currently.

>> No.9029981

I arbitrarily assign things meaning based on how i feel. if you don't want to do that, hey, more resources for me

>> No.9029986

I'm not everyone but I'm pretty sure just about everybody is indeed bothered by this. But that doesn't mean that the complaint makes any sense. Did the universe promise you a purpose? Did you sign a contract that said you were entitled to a purpose?

It's not totally depressing, at least not to everyone. The universe doesn't owe me anything, but I also don't owe it anything and neither do you. Live or don't.

>> No.9029993

ITT: Should I get on anti-depressants?

>> No.9029995
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You aren't even scratching the surface kid.
Do you honestly think this ride called life is as simple and easy as that? Dying?
Let me tell you something. You can't perceive time when you're dead, and it's a fact that sooner or later the exact atoms once made up your consciousness will form another sentient life form, whether it's a poor rodent or a human from a third world country. It's just like how we wake up instantly after we fall asleep. When this nightmare ends, you immediately wake up into another.
And it gets worse than that. Sooner or later, humans will find a way to time travel. It's simple, just surpass the speed of light. When that happens, whatever creature you have turned into in the future will time travel to the past in a hope to change things, but then you might or (might not) realize you ended up in an unbreakable loop. You have already had thousands of previous lives full of suffering, and when you reach at a certain point of the future, you'll go back, and this cycle goes on forever and ever.
It gets much, much worse than that, and I am sure you could reach such conclusions if you were smart and/or put some effort into it, but you don't really care about existential issues, that's a symptom of depression and depression is something you do not have. Soon you'll forget making this thread and will continue to live your meaningless life under the misconception that "might as well turn this into a good life then!".

>> No.9030010

>for sure

>> No.9030014

No one cares about your Cloud Atlas fan fiction

>> No.9030090

you forget that we born under differents brains and different minds. This means we are different entities.

>> No.9030120
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I am significant

>> No.9030169

No, you're schizophrenic.

>> No.9030201

Everyone still remember Jesus Christ even 2000 years after He died.

Socrates, Plato & Aristotle died even earlier. Abraham died much earlier. But there are still people remembering them.

I think that Thousands of years people might still remember people like Newton, Einstein, Darwin, Adolf Hitler, Karl Marx, Julius Caesar, Napoleon, Stalin, Gengis Khan, Buddha, Mohammed, Shakespeare, Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Chopin, Leonardo DaVinci, Van Gogh, etc due their striking influence in Human History.

While Shitty Celebrities will be surely forgotten. Human Shit like Bill Nye, Justin Bieber, Kim Kardashian, Kanye West, Lil Wayne, Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry.

In a Billion Years we would be either evolved into another species or already died/extinct.

But hopefully We will save & preserve the important historical information data for further generations.

>> No.9030216

that's very noble of you, but being remembered in 1000 years doesn't affect how much pleasure i experience now, nor later. further still it does not influence how many resources i can accumulate or how many offspring i can have.
being a memetic vector is not intrinsically better than being a genetic one

>> No.9030380

This post is like a microcosm of everything I hate about this board yet I keep coming back for some reason.