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9019434 No.9019434 [Reply] [Original]

I am bored to death.

I am a PhD chemist. I work in a organic synthesis lab. I have access to a wide range of research chemicals and all the analytical equipment you could ask for. I am quite skilled at organic synthesis. I have some experience in biochemistry and inorganic chemistry.

What should I do? What project should I start? What compound should I make? Give me ideas!
I am not interested in explosives and poisons. Would consider drugs but I am open to anything. If I get interesting suggestions I will make update threads to show you how I am doing.

>> No.9019442

create a spontaneously self replicating organic polymer encapsulated within a lipid vesicle.

>> No.9019445

cocaine full synth from scratch - would really be an interesting project

>> No.9019448

Make non-flexible star polymers (with aromatic or conjugated arms).
Concentrate them to the overlap concentration and characterize their behaviour.
Make crystals and analyze them.

>> No.9019451

Make some LSD. With a fortnight's work, you could enlighten half the global user base for minimum a year or so.

>> No.9019454

>create life
>make drugs
>whatever that is

>> No.9019455

I don't have enough knowledge/skills/experience to create a cell or a mono-cellular organism from scratch. In fact, the best research groups in world can not do that. Give me a better suggestion.

>> No.9019459

here if u want a real challenge
cocaine total synth without relying on 2-CMT reduction

>> No.9019462

Make an organic dildo

>> No.9019463

Has been done before. Not a challenge. Besides, to get any noticeable effect, you need to do a gram-scale synthesis.

>> No.9019464
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>> No.9019467

>Give me a better suggestion
you said you were bored and smart about chemistry. Go make some progress on the RNA backbone linkages replication problem

>> No.9019472


>> No.9019475

make drugs, or try to make some novel drug delivery polymer

>> No.9019476

Why you have to be such a smart-ass. Suggest a reasonable hobby for a single chemist.

>> No.9019479


You want to get kicked out of your lab because you aren't working on whatever your adviser wants 100% of the time like the little bitch organic chemists are supposed to be?

>> No.9019482
File: 103 KB, 1024x576, Heroin-Fentanyl-vials-NHSPFL-1024x576 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make Fentanyl

100x more powerful than Morphine
50x More powerful than Heroin

concentrated 2g of this drug can lead to Overdose by mere contact with the Skin.


>> No.9019489

real talk answer:
go check out the latest organic chem journals and read those for ideas. Coming to this shit hole and expecting to get anything resembling a good idea was an obvious mistake.

>> No.9019499

There are plenty of research groups who work on organic-semiconductors. I can't compete. This field is very competitive and contributing anything of value would be extremely difficult.

>> No.9019513

Sometimes people who are not involved in the field can come up with very interesting and original stuff.

>> No.9019516

I think it is enough if I am a bitch chemist 80% of the time. I can make enough progress. I could do something more interesting 20% of the time.

>> No.9019527

It is such a simple compound that most second-year undergrads could make it. Why should I bother?

>> No.9019587

Try to make polyphenylsiloxane containing iridium (the content of iridium is not less than 16%)

>> No.9019599


>> No.9019606

You are very vague. You want some solid-phase catalyst? For what reaction? Covalently bonded iridium or doped? Iridium nanoparticles? What ligands on Iridium?

>> No.9019609

make nanocars/structures

>> No.9019637

Separate a coke into all its ingredients.

t. took one chemistry course in college

>> No.9019651

These polymers called active hydrogels that are used as actuators to drive tactile pixels. You could make something like a "Braille kindle" and sell it. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/252415323_High-resolution_tactile_display_operated_by_an_integrated_'Smart_Hydrogel'_actuator_array

>> No.9019653

>tfw I want to break down local edible wild plants into their chemical constitutes as well as sequence their genome all for nothing more than adding to data science for everything from disease prevention/treatment to dietary uses
>tfw OP is a bored PhD chemist shitposting on 4chan and of course mentioning drugs

God damn it, OP. Do something for humanity.

>> No.9019661



>> No.9019666

not him but what you are proposing is like... Bigger than the human genome project.

It's actually happening, the artificial yeast chromosome project

>> No.9019675

OP, what do you think about making orally bioavailable agmatine? It is the endogenous ligand for the Imidazoline-1 receptors, which show promising effects clinically and psychoactively speaking.

>> No.9019683

Quick glance at wikipedia suggests that it is already perfectly bioavailable. Quote: Oral agmatine is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and readily distributed throughout the body. Obviously, it can not cross brain barrier. It might be possible to attach some non-polar temporary protective groups that would allow it to reach brain.

>> No.9019692

It has been suggested that ectasy from MDMA comes from simultaneously activation of classic psychedelic 5ht2a receptors PLUS Imidazoline-1 activation (
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26826641 )

It would be interesting to experiment with the endogenous ligand as probe...
I have read contradictory info regarding its bioavailibility, but even if it was readily available in plasma, it wouldn't be in brain.
What kind of modifications would you do?

>> No.9019693

Brew some VX gas, or something similar. Go one, don't be a pussy.

>> No.9019695


>> No.9019707
File: 10 KB, 500x247, sarin-56a12b723df78cf77268118d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it then: Sarin Gas

>As a nerve gas, sarin in its purest form is estimated to be 26 times more deadly than cyanide.
> is a colorless, odorless organophosphorus liquid, used as a chemical weapon due to its extreme potency as a nerve agent.
>It can be lethal even at very low concentrations, where death can occur within one to ten minutes after direct inhalation of a lethal dose, due to suffocation from lung muscle paralysis, unless antidotes are quickly administered.
>People who absorb a non-lethal dose, but do not receive immediate medical treatment, may suffer permanent neurological damage.
>It is generally considered a weapon of mass destruction.
>Production and stockpiling of sarin was outlawed as of April 1997 by the Chemical Weapons Convention of 1993, and it is classified as a Schedule 1 substance.

>> No.9019711 [DELETED] 
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>>9019434 >>9019707 n>>9019527
Do Sarin Gas then & don't be a Pussy.


>> No.9019714

This Op, deliver results

>> No.9019718
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>>9019434 >>9019707 >>9019527
Make Sarin Gas then & don't be a Pussy.


>> No.9019721

Amino and guanidine groups are charged under physiological pH thus making agmatine very polar. Polar compounds can not cross brain barrier.
You need some non-polar masking groups attached to the amino group and guanidine group. Once the masked compound reaches brain these masking groups have to be cleaved by endogenous enzymes (most likely some kind of esterase or protease). However, such a masked compound would have to administered intravenously, because human gut contains plenty of esterases/proteases and masking groups would be cleaved before masked agmatine could reach the bloodstream.

>> No.9019731

Not a catalyst, I believe that a coating based on this compound will be quite high heat resistance. Iridium is bound by covalent bonds (= Si (Ph) -O) 4-Ir. As the starting compound of the iridium-containing compound, its tetrochloride can be used.

>> No.9019737

I said in the original post that I am not interested in poisons/explosives. Maybe it would be a fun way to an hero. But I don't plan on doing an hero anytime soon.

>> No.9019748
File: 2 KB, 120x88, Ni3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about non-exothermic contact explosive?

Nitrogen triiodide is fun/easy to make

>> No.9019749

Tetrachloride? Are you sure? Does it even exists in a stable form?

>> No.9019753
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Make a Nootropic Drug, Cognitive Enhancer Drugs.

A drug that Enhances the brain Power & Intellectual Abilities.

A substance that can make possible Goyim compete with the Big Ashkenazi Brain.

Because you know that High Brain Power is what Ashkenazim Girls Crave for.

Without Nootropic Drugs how can White Goyim even Compete?

>> No.9019754

Create graphene by sublimating active carbon in heptane and using adsorption, figure the right temperatures, the right fields, the right transfer process etc. Scale this up, congratulations, PhD saved + potentially replacing expensive cvd equipment + create batteries if you are bored.

Literally million $, the post

>> No.9019756

why not go even more fantastical.

create an atomic 3d printer which can create any molecule i desire.

>> No.9019758

Find a way to make urease in a simple home chemistry environment. Probably either extraction from soybeans, or if possible, culturing a pathogen like Proteus mirabilis.

But all using stuff that can be bought over-the-counter. Then like, dumb it down for me.

I'm developing an interest in chemistry, I want to start by just extracting/distilling/getting some basic, common chemicals for practice. At some point I wanna convert urea to ammonia, then ammonia to nitric acid, and that's one route I had in mind.

>> No.9019761

Won't work, there is more to molecules than the ingredients placed in the right way, afaik.

>> No.9019762


>> No.9019777

>Want a subject
And your fucking PhD's subject ?

>> No.9019793

urea-->ammonia-->nitric acid? Why would you do such a retarded transformation. Why not buy nitric acid instead? Or if you can't buy it then just treat sodium nitrate with sulfuric acid.

There is no point in starting chemistry from scratch. You will be 100 years old before you make all the basic chemicals.

>> No.9019797

Something about organometallic chemistry/catalysis. I am not giving more details on fucking 4chan.

>> No.9019799

Learn neuro then make a variant fo a popular drug you think would be better/mixes effects of multiple.

>> No.9019812

In fact, you can use iridium dichloride or any other salt

>> No.9019842

Create some peptides that self assemble.

>> No.9019888

go to anons' homework threads and solve them

>> No.9019930
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Try making a graphene analog that can be modified into a low band gap semi-conductor.

I'm thinking something like pic related, or if you could create ligation centers on both sides and it would hop electrons across the coordinate bridge, then don't even bother trying to polymerize or fuck with aromatic rings on the side chains.

>> No.9019935

You're one of them playing with altered PC dyes and shit, aren't you?

>> No.9019958

Make a hydroxy torch with variable control of each. Play with the mixture and add other gases or liquids to see what happens.

>> No.9019967

they alredy exists
they are called penises

>> No.9020099

Dammit I'd give you a synthesis route for something our lab really wants to synthesize, but I'm a fucking pussy and worry my lab might find out.

>> No.9020102

Make rotaxanes

>> No.9020118

make cubane
hard mode: make nitrocubane

>> No.9020137

I'm curious as to how to make a 'poor man's' mdma at home.
Have you got a recipe.

>> No.9020166
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I've been in this position as well, dreaming of doing some interesting submarine chemistry in my fume hood. You need to think smaller, I just found papers that interested me and tried to repeat their results. Not very exciting but a good way to achieve what your looking for, which is respite from your research. Also best to choose chemistry that isn't too expensive (you don't want people catching on to this kind of behaviour).

>> No.9020174

I was wondering, what would be the consequences of being caught doing one's own experiment outside of lab work? auto expulsion?

>> No.9020177

Synthesize blood. You will get the Nobel and people will know your name.

>> No.9020187

Well first they will be very interested in what exactly what you have been up to. If it is harmless and legit science, they will just have a sit down and explain that any future experiments must be run by the group leader (with a completed safety assessment). Providing that you cooperate and come across as taking the advice seriously, that will be the end of the matter. If the experiments are particularly eccentric and poorly documented, it will likely raise concerns about your personality and result in increased scrutiny (maybe even reduced privileges, like using the store card and chemical requisition). But in general this sort of thing is frowned upon deeply as it shows lack of dedication to the group research and looks unprofessional.

>> No.9020215

>Why not buy nitric acid instead?
>Or if you can't buy it then just treat sodium nitrate with sulfuric acid.
...And if you can't buy sodium nitrate?

>> No.9020253

>> group research
Shit do you chemists work in goddamn beehives? Like do you have to be dedicated to synthesizing this one compound or developing synthesis approaches to toot your advisor's horn?

I had the freedom to walk up to my advisor and politely tell them their methodology is utter shit and that I'm doing things my own way whether you like it or not. I did exactly this and got away with it and got my PhD

>> No.9020257

Then just throw picric acid all around the lab.

>> No.9020274

>Then just throw picric acid all around the lab.
So, uhh, I'll just pop down to the hardware store and buy some of that, then?

Where is it usually located? Next to the fingerless gloves section?

>> No.9020289

He's not interested in explosives. Non-exothermic contact explosives are still explosive.
Here's an idea OP: design a reaction which causes the rapid contraction of surrounding atmosphere (an implosive). It would be a handy safe way to perform crowd control; if people can't breathe they'll just pass out and the air will return quickly enough, right? Maybe some sort of limited runaway reaction with a refrigerant.

>> No.9020335

Sup bro, I have a PhD in Organic Chemistry, currently working in the industry.

Anything that's interesting will take you years to accomplish. I would consider getting heavily invested in DoE modeling. Maybe try to look into flow reactions, especially heterogenous metal catalyzed reactions (bonus points for polymer supported catalysts). Apply these things to method development, pharma will be interested in you having this experience.

>> No.9020767
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>>design a reaction which causes the rapid contraction of surrounding atmosphere
OH BOY! That sounds real entropically favorable if you ask me!
>>a handy safe way to perform crowd control; if people can't breathe
OH BOY! that sounds like there's no way that can go horrifically fucking wrong!

no, no, no, you have it all wrong, synthesize a large quantity of nitrogen triiodine and dry it out in random locations in the lab! Carpeted floors offer larger sorbent surface areas from which to perform the drying. This will generate laughs and fun for months to come! For fun lasting years or more consider making your own landmines! I hear Iraqi insurgents were able make completely non-metallic ones based off of potassium permanganate reacting with something organic! This will ensure that your legacy last for decades to come!

YOU MIGHT HAVE ALREADY WON! If you have a really fucking old chemistry lab, there might just be an old bottle of picric acid, just sitting around in the back somewhere:


Happens all the time really.

>> No.9020799

Don't be a pussy. I wont tell anyone.

>> No.9020811

Not necessarily. As long as I keep producing enough results in my main project no one cares what I am doing on the side. I am actually encouraged to do "science" and I even might be able to get some funding to buy reagents. However, I would get into trouble if I work on drugs/poisons/explosives.

>> No.9020842

How the fuck are you a PhD, yet don't have any of your own ideas?

>> No.9020869

>If you have a really fucking old chemistry lab,
Unfortunately, I don't even have a lab yet, still getting my learn on, but I'm planning a list of initial experiments, starting from some really basic stuff, like
>purifying ethanol from methylated spirits, also probably try distilling ethanol from scratch
>extracting various things I've been able to locate from other OTC products by scouring MSDS' online
Thank god for Excel!
>converting copper sulphate and water to sulphuric acid and copper
Which is also why I wanted to do the ammonia to nitric acid route, because firstly, can't really get OTC nitrates in my country, and secondly, I've already bought a couple cheap platinum coated electrodes for making the sulphuric acid.

Honestly, I can buy small quantities of this stuff, like 250mL, from a chemical supplier that I've found online, who's willing to deal with hobbyists, but I thought these would be good starting experiments, and I'm also not limited to quantities, expensive hazardous shipping charges, government restrictions, police interference, etc. if I do it from byproducts.

Because lol precursor chemicals, he must be making explosive meth!

>> No.9021036

Why don't you try coming up with an alternative synthesis for a compound of your choice ?
One that has never been tried, or suggested only in theory ?
So you can tell other chemists that you have a synthesis named after you afterwards. I think this is what you're looking for.

>> No.9021179

synthesize small non-polar capsules for across blood brain barrier drug delivery. sorta an oversized protecting group that surrounds the whole molecule bu can be cleaved off easily enough (no strong covalents)

>> No.9021329

If you like inorganic.
Do a couple of lithium, MeH or MAir batteries using ceramic or polymeric electrolyte and find a way (fuck knows how) to prevent lithium dendrites at room temperature and become one of the richest men alive overnight.

>> No.9022111
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do the orange oil smell experiment. like go to store buy oranges extract smell from the skin. show it to a kid or a woman you like. often the most basic things are quite amazing. post pictures

>> No.9022196

are you a phd student? or have you gotten your phd already?

since youre bored, can i borrow some chloroform, i need it for my lipid extraction

>> No.9022217
File: 17 KB, 800x594, 2C-G-5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



CAS: 207740-20-3

One of the most interesting but least researched psychedelics.

Less than 5 reports of consumption in documented history.

Duration of 48 hours.

>> No.9022229

Academia selects for diligence/willingness to put up with bullshit. The most creative and brightest tend to drop out to evade the dumb bullshit

>> No.9022240

Stuff like this reminds me how utterly hopeless humans are at playing God.

>> No.9022247


Try to create a 2D organic material, I bet it has interesting properties. (Something like graphene, but then with funky side-chains).

>> No.9022337

Sure, how much you need? I have only stabilized with ethanol but it does not matter for extraction.

>> No.9022351

I will look into this. I was gonna make 5-MeO-Tryptamine but I might do also 2C-G-5. I am curious about psychedelics.

>> No.9022385

Dude just make a whole bunch of butanoic acid and "accidentally" spill it all over the place.

>> No.9022460

Why would I make it if I can just take it from our reagent storage cabinet. Spilling would be stupid. If I spill it everyone would think that your mom is somewhere nearby.

>> No.9022511

how about an organic chemists version of alpha-getti? make a heterogenous mixture of organic molecules shaped like the letters of the alphabet, each inert so you can grab a spoonfull and think too yourself of all the microscopic letters inside

>> No.9022517
File: 110 KB, 1024x768, itsatrap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love science but I'm not good at this stuff all I know is how to work computers all day

>> No.9022522

I'm basically a monkey with a laptop

>> No.9022573

HAHAHAHAHA that would be great. But the real question is how can you make a pun out of it so you can publish in Angewandte Chemie

>> No.9022618

hahaha, only thing i got is that if you made it edible your could market it as 100% 'organic'

>> No.9022640

1 lt should do it thx brah

>> No.9022653

You should make an introduction to chemistry textbook or something.

>> No.9023164

create an organic steel.

>> No.9023289

Try to make a molecular knot.

>> No.9024743

Azidoazide azide. Have fun.

>> No.9025008
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order online analyze recreate. can you explain to me what it does or how it works?

>> No.9025323

Make fireworks. Really really big fireworks with lots of pretty colours.

>> No.9025352

Make a lizard with wings.

>> No.9026177

can you give an update on what you actually did in the end?

>> No.9026220


Drop some 1P-LSD my friend. From my experience I suggest around 400mg.

Have a nice day.

>> No.9026273

>t. Bitter dropout

>> No.9026681
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Just do total synthesis of non-recreational drugs, herbicides or total synthesis of different porphyrine derivates (i. e., from hemoglobin, chlorophyl etc.).
Or, since you're skilled, invent a Ni-catalyzed [math]C_{sp^{3}}[/math]-[math]C_{sp^{3}}[/math] coupling reaction.

>> No.9026783

wants somebody to have a pretty certain bad trip if not knowing what this dosage can do
aight, I am an fan of bigger doses too but this is why psychedelics have such a bad rep.

>> No.9027162

Someone did that and won a nobel prize.

OP why don't you design a bundle of molecular switches that can expand and contract when stimulus is applied. Provided the bundle is sufficiently rigid, you could get angstrom resolution control of bundle length.

>> No.9028187

Ghostpepper vape juice, for all the haters

>> No.9028211

Aerogel. Make some motherfucking aerogel. It's not easy but it's got documentation and that shit is amazing. Like fuck me it really does look like ifyoutook some dense ass barbecue smoke and froze time on its ass