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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9019282 No.9019282[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone else noticed that /pol/ has been invading this board more than usual over the past 10-12 months?

Why don't these 80-IQ assclowns have the courtesy to stay on their containment board?

Every post from a /pol/tard is painfully obvious and cringeworthy -- their diction is at a 4th grade level, they never seem to know much about math or STEM, and they always bring up blacks or jews for no reason at all except to show everybody how edgy and le redpilled xD they are.

>in b4 "go back to r*ddit" -- /pol/esmokers love to say this shit when they get triggered, it's the number one way to spot them and disregard all their opinions

>> No.9019289

It's not an 'invasion', some people just have different opinions than you

The 'go back to pol' spammers are more of a problem than any pol posters

>> No.9019292

>Has anyone else noticed that /pol/ has been invading this board more than usual over the past 10-12 months?
Everyone has noticed mate.

>Why don't these 80-IQ assclowns have the courtesy to stay on their containment board?
Because at their heart those retards feel like they are social activists fighting in a culture war/meme war (look on youtube alt-right meme war videos to find animations and everything about how they are supposedly fighting a big war). To win the meme war, you need to spread your memes. It is not only /sci/, it is every board where something political becomes relevant.

For example, the /pol/tards are always naturally shitposting about flat earth, christianity and evolution because they are retarded. But remember when Bill Nye released his new series? The amount of /pol/ threads fucking quadrupled for an entire month. That is because science became more relevant to /pol/ so more of them decided it was important to campaign here.

Everytime something anti-/pol/ happens in the real world, they need to campaign to counter it out of fear of losing the meme war they are supposedly fighting in.

>> No.9019293

Go back to pol

>> No.9019299


Having ignorant and toxic opinion doesn't really count as "opinion".

Go back to /Pol.

>> No.9019303

>dude race isn't a thing in genetics, its about POPULASHUNS

>> No.9019307

>Having ignorant and toxic opinion doesn't really count as "opinion".
That's your opinion.

>But remember when Bill Nye released his new series? The amount of /pol/ threads fucking quadrupled for an entire month.
There's far more regular /sci/ shitposting than /pol/ shitposting

>open catalog
>free energy thread
>complaining about degree thread
>how do i learn thread
>how do i memorize thread
>timetravelling shitpost
>the black lives matter kid shitpost
>multiverse thread
>picture of fat guy thread
the list goes on...

>> No.9019312
File: 21 KB, 1854x235, pol raid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, it is happening all over 4chan on mostly "fast" boards. I'm just glad /sci/ is the only slow board affected that I actually view.

>> No.9019313
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>> No.9019316

>There's far more regular /sci/ shitposting than /pol/ shitposting

Bull fucking shit. We are busy people doing STEM. I remember when the shitposting started happening I was very confused as I don't watch too much media.

I thought, in fact, that /pol/ was fabricating a new Bill Nye series and that it was all fake because all they had were weird pictures and greentext stories. So I went in one thread and asked if this all was real and they said yes and told me to look for the series on Netflix. My dad has netflix so I borrowed his account and then watched the first two episodes and then the episode on gender to see if the memes were true.

So you see? The only reason I watched this shit was because /pol/ shitposters pushed it so hard here. I wouldn't have even cared. And I believe most of us also do not care about pretentious popsci garbage. But you know who cares? /pol/tards, because they literally have nothing going on in their lives.

>> No.9019319

>the left is paying shills to post on 4chan

Holy shit, these people are delusional. They might actually be fucking crazy. Schizophrenic and shit. God damn.

>> No.9019322

>We are busy people doing STEM.
Look at the catalog

I don't know how you could browse this board without hiding 90% of the threads

> The only reason I watched this shit was because /pol/ shitposters pushed it so hard here
Why do you assume they're from /pol/ and not just regulars on /sci/? There's plenty of easily recognizable anonymous posters who continually post the same garbage on this board

>> No.9019328

>Look at the catalog
All those bad posts are 12 year olds and /pol/tards. And for the really bad posts, 12 year old /pol/tards.

>I don't know how you could browse this board without hiding 90% of the threads

I only post in the SQT, the /mg/ and posts like this that catch my attention from time to time. Everything else I report or hide.

>Why do you assume they're from /pol/ and not just regulars on /sci/?


I wonder where they come from. I really do. I guess it is just a mystery that shall never be resolved.

>> No.9019334

>All those bad posts are 12 year olds and /pol/tards. And for the really bad posts, 12 year old /pol/tards.
I don't see why you assume people from /pol/ are posting any of these:
>free energy thread
>complaining about degree thread
>how do i learn thread
>how do i memorize thread
>timetravelling shitpost
>multiverse thread
>picture of fat guy thread

You've literally just fallen for the /pol/ bogeyman at this point

this makes up a very small minority of threads

Face the facts, this board is garbage, and still would be if /pol/ didn't exist

>> No.9019342

>I don't see why you assume people from /pol/ are posting any of these:
>>free energy thread
>>complaining about degree thread
>>how do i learn thread
>>how do i memorize thread
>>timetravelling shitpost
>>multiverse thread
>>picture of fat guy thread

Those are clearly 12 year olds. No self respecting human being who is already undergoing a rigorous education would be concerning himself with "multiverses" and "how do i memorize" threads. It is clearly a bunch of popsci teenage retards.

>this makes up a very small minority of threads

Not back then when the Bill Nye meme was still relevant! I remember there was a guy who made 4 threads and in each thread he put up a picture of a letter that together were meant to create a word.

Then he tried really hard to bump those threads in the perfect order so that they would spell out his word in the catalog. AND HE FUCKING DID IT. HE CREATED 4 THREADS AND THEN ORDERED THEM AS HE WANTED.

And that was just one guy. There were like 12 other REEEEEE LIBERALS REEEEE threads from other /pol/tards.

>> No.9019353

>And that was just one guy. There were like 12 other REEEEEE LIBERALS REEEEE threads from other /pol/tards.
meanwhile here you and others go
It doesn't help at all

Why don't you use that 'rigorous education' of yours to make a nice /sci/ related thread instead of just contributing to the long list of useless threads?

>> No.9019360

>Why don't you use that 'rigorous education' of yours to make a nice /sci/ related thread instead of just contributing to the long list of useless threads?

Well, I didn't make this threads. I just jumped in because I had an opinion about the topic. If you want to find me just go to the SQT and the /mg/.

>> No.9019470

The arrogance and level of self-importance you delude yourself with is astonishing, considering what a shithole this website has always been.

You aren't special, your "ideas" are shit, and your contributions to science are laughable. Nigger.

>> No.9019511


The cycle goes something like this:

>some bored anon makes a race realism thread
>people keep arguing in it, OP leaves after maybe five posts
>the resulting 400 replies drama climaxes with people making obvious bait threads
>whoever "loses" throws a hissy fit in several other threads

>> No.9019521

fuck off back to rxddit newfags

no one gives a fuck about your opinion senpai, this is an anonymous board, not your secret club. also I'm calling it right know that you're NOT a "busy person doing STEM".

>> No.9019526

the irony doesn't enter your dense fucking head

>> No.9019538

>wahhh stop having different opinions than me
You should go back to rebdit

>> No.9019544

This board has literally always been like this you dumb redditor. The eugenics threads and racial IQ graphs started here as a daily shitpost and then spread to /new/ and /pol/

People who whine about /pol/ are the problem and should fuck off to their well-moderated subreddit if they hate free speech so much

>> No.9019552

fuck off back to /pol/ and /r/le_donald you fucking newfags

>> No.9019558

>all he can keep saying is go back to /pol/ when anyone talks to him
the real issue here is the huge amount of threads and posts you've made derailing shit just to whine about /pol/
you're the cancer killing /sci/

>> No.9019567

you REALLY really need to go back to your safe space

here, let me assist you:


>> No.9019571

>creates a thread about censoring half of /sci/ and creating a safespace because the evil racists trigger him
>uses safespace as an insult in the exact same thread

typical retarded leftist

>> No.9019573 [DELETED] 

what are you doing to do, keep crying like a faggot? WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

>> No.9019578
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$10 it's a mad shitposter straight from /pol/, quit posting

>> No.9019584

go home

dont post here, you do not belong, you complain about refugees migrating to places they cannot assimilate to but you migrate here from /pol/ and refuse to integrate, that makes you a hypocrite


>> No.9019586


>> No.9019591


go back /pol/ refugee

>> No.9019594

no one's complaining about refugees you retarded cunt
we're complaining about shitposters fucking up the board by whining about inane shit and crying about opinions they dont like in every thread and every post they can

if you weren't such a retarded newfag you'd realize how idiotic you sound with your "hurr you do not belong", 4chan is not your secret club. 4chan is not your fucking secret club. lurk more until you fucking get it.

>> No.9019598

>everyone who disagrees with me lives in a website I don't like

>> No.9019601

go back


>> No.9019604
File: 7 KB, 206x245, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even go to /pol/ but they're the incel board so I fell like agreeing with them.

>> No.9019607
File: 172 KB, 400x382, 1499320840172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stay in school*, goyim

*Trade school

>> No.9019632

I started coming on /sci/ occasionally since January (I am NOT from /pol/). When I first came here there weren't many /pol/tard posts and it was refreshing to browse a board that hasn't been contaminated yet. However, over the next few months, every time I visited I would see more and more /pol/tard posts. The cancer is spreading and it is disappointing.

>> No.9019635

>someone posts about genetics
>marxists start screeching like howler monkeys to take the thread down
>OP defends himself
>couple other guys start trying to have a conversation about the thread topic

Sage because this thread is the kind of clutter that mods need to ban.

>> No.9019636

>ignorant and toxic
Go back to /v/, Anita.

>> No.9019639

You know about half a year ago, an NSA leaker posted Shareblue's media attack plan on /pol/, which does exactly what you're saying is impossible.

>> No.9019645

>self admitted newfag from reddit complains about /pol/ boogeyman

>> No.9019647
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I've been on 4chan for 13 years now. Don't ask how I feel.

>> No.9019648

no you mean a LARPing /pol/tard convinced you he was from the NSA.

just like those people who post those images with "shareblue filenames". you people are being trolled.

but i guess it's easier for you to be convinced there's a worldwide conspiracy against you and your race then maybe, just maybe, you're wrong

>> No.9019659

honestly all of the anti-/pol/ shilling has just made it easier to drop redpills in formal and scientific language, making it very convincing. James Watson would be pleased.

explain to me how race isn't another word for population

>> No.9019684

>explain to me how race isn't another word for population
most retarded thing i've read today, congratulations

>> No.9019688

>most retarded thing i've read today, congratulations
looks like cognitive dissonance has struck hard in this one.

>> No.9019701

I've been called /pol/ just for pointing out Jewish overrepresentation in STEM, and not even in a disparaging way.

I've also been called /pol/ just for suggesting strategies for "dealing" with this overrepresentation.

Muh /pol/ boogeyman needs to stop.

>> No.9019870

>hurrrdurrr if i spout le cognitive dissonance buzzword i can come across as smarter than i actually am!!!!

>> No.9019893

Been coming to 4chan for 9 years (mostly /a/ and /tv/) but i come here occassionally for something different. It definitely has become a lot more /pol/ saturated here and its a shame becaus3 discussions are kill. Shitposting can be fun, but keep it to your board. I dont post my waifus here

>> No.9019895

Not an argument.

>> No.9019907

Hello r*ddit retard

>> No.9019963

>pointedly ignores the entirety of the thing to focus on the last 3(THREE) words just to form a shitpost

>> No.9019973
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it's just assblasted fuckboys that refuse to even consider absolutely anything that is even remotely /pol/like, purely because of how booty bothered they are at the existence of /pol/
/pol/ itself doesn't even need to be referenced at all for them to start autisticly screeching about /pol/

>> No.9019975

why is it so bad. either ignore them or give the post negative feedback and then ignore it

if they keep coming back operant conditioning will cause them to adjust their style of posting or thinking until it's constructive

the trick here is to not get drawn into a posting war, but to simply point out the retard and forget about him

>> No.9019983

They are flat out science deniers, that's why. They hate real science. That's why there have been so many climate change denial threads and threads about race. They believe science is a conspiracy against them and all the scientists are being paid by some group (usually jews or liberals) to make up all these lies!

>> No.9019994
File: 142 KB, 780x800, Science+denier+bril+green+big3+see+more+comics+visit+big3+bril+green+big3+http+redpanelscom+big3_acaa63_5971900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They are flat out science deniers, that's why. They hate real science. That's why there have been so many climate change denial threads and threads about race. They believe science is a conspiracy against them and all the scientists are being paid by some group (usually jews or liberals) to make up all these lies!

>> No.9020002

>strategies for "dealing" with this overrepresentation.
did you say "gas the jews race war now"?

>> No.9020006
File: 139 KB, 1169x993, 1499387539222.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not /pol/ that's invading. It's the "new/pol" that showed up just in time to help Trump get elected.

Welcome to the new internet, where 4chan is new point of operations for various government sponsored propaganda and cointelpro operations.

>> No.9020010
File: 69 KB, 852x480, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>government sponsored propaganda

>> No.9020011

I'm putting it out there:
most /pol/ bait could be simply done by /pol/ haters such as /co/, /qa/, /neogaf/ and assorted redditors from r/politics
When you see a really obvious one, consider the fact that it could be scorched earth tactics and, honestly, badly done shilling

>> No.9020013

4chan is the busiest forum on the entire internet.
It's 100% anonymous
Requires no registration
And is used world wide.

It's the ideal target for a blanket operation.

>> No.9020014

you do realize how much traffic 4chan gets, right?

>> No.9020018
File: 20 KB, 255x255, c4993a495961dbd495caeb53855b478a6ae9067e47843d36839ecc309fa87bf8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck your shit tier opinion.

>> No.9020026

>Everyone I hate is a leftist.
/pol/ spotted.

>> No.9020031
File: 292 KB, 2560x1440, AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holy shit, these people are delusional. They might actually be fucking crazy. Schizophrenic and shit. God damn.

>It's not /pol/ that's invading. It's the "new/pol" that showed up just in time to help Trump get elected. Welcome to the new internet, where 4chan is new point of operations for various government sponsored propaganda and cointelpro operations.

What did they mean by this?

>> No.9020041
File: 7 KB, 259x194, images-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jordan meme peterson, neck yourself.

>> No.9020042
File: 8 KB, 228x221, smugpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not meant to represent me, it's meant to represent the cognitive dissonance of the posters who claim simultaneously that 1) /pol/ is schizo for blaming Correct the Record shills; and 2) /pol/ is beset by COINTELPRO Trump shills.

>> No.9020043



>> No.9020049

Which poster claimed both simultaneously /pol/tard?

>> No.9020063

The second is from /pol/. It actually proves the first guy's point.

>> No.9020078
File: 206 KB, 960x804, abovethefray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're too stupid to read the two quotes to identify the cognitive dissonance
>tfw you're too stupid to read that I've cited two posters and not one poster
>tfw I can see your rhetorical traps from a mile away
So this is the power of /sci/...

>> No.9020355
File: 143 KB, 897x293, autism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there was a guy who made 4 threads and in each thread he put up a picture of a letter that together were meant to create a word.
that guy had autism, anon.

>> No.9020383

My biggest problem with /pol/tards is moreso than any other group, they are so entrenched in their ideas it makes any real discussion with them impossible. That's fine on a politics board, because politics is mostly just shitflinging. It's also exactly what we don't want on a science board where you should be prepared to back up what you say with more than just buzzwords and autism, and also be prepared to attempt to understand the arguments of other people. Hiroshimoot should build an option to filter posters who have posted on /pol/ in the past X hours, I think it would fix a lot of what I see as the problems on the site today

>> No.9020385

Ah yeah, it was SPECTRUM. Lol. Good days. And by good days I mean bad days that I remember fondly.

>> No.9020396

>some people just have different opinions than you
their opinions are based on logic that only follows if you have an IQ of 80, that's the OP's point

>> No.9020400

>OP starts his 224th post about genetics
>gets blown out by references to the latest literature on the topic, facts, and logic
>lets the thread slide and starts his 225th post on genetics...

>> No.9020413

>climate science is science
>climate science is not science :^(

>> No.9020438


>> No.9020449

That is a lot of salt you're crying there.

>> No.9020452

In the future try to not post heavily politicized sources when trying to make a scientific argument. You are not on /pol/

>> No.9020482

>how dare he post something related to politics
>I'm completely justified in sperging out about politics for it

>> No.9020489

You're a dumbass

>> No.9020537

you sure told me faggot. take your politics somewhere else, "hurr he started" is a shitty copout

>> No.9020575

Unironic /pol/tard with stem degree here.
I asked a real science question on /sci/ once, zero responses.
Meanwhile threads about race and iq get hundreds of responses from buttblasted /sci/tards.
Where is the evidence that /sci/ isn't just a bunch of sjw leftist reddit popsci larpers?

>> No.9020578

a bunch of people on /sci/ are
thanks for bumping a terrible thread with a terrible post

>> No.9020581


The invasion will continue unabated until you acknowledge that there are racial differences in intelligence and you are seriously prepared to support social policy changes which reflect this reality.

A lie retold is a damage compounded. The lie of equality, the denial of reality, affects all areas of human endeavor. That is exactly the reason why /pol/ users fan out into all other boards, and that is exactly the reason why they are right to do so. It is quite impossible to escape politics elsewhere. Just as it is impossible to escape the truth.

>> No.9020594

>riously prepared to support social policy changes which reflect this reality.
Science has nothing to do with politics. It only cares about data. This is the problem: your endgoal is not truth, it is politics. When the truth doesn't agree with your politics... thats when you start to whine and cry and raid boards like /sci/ pretending you are somehow going to magically change reality and the universe around us with your tantrums.

>> No.9020597

no one's raiding shit, stop larping
no one's raiding shit, stop replying to bait

>> No.9020603

Look at the catalog you dolt

4 race threads
1 climate change denial thread

/pol/ hates this places because they know their mental retardation is not dealt with on other websites and they get banned, but on 4chan they can pretend to vent their frustration on a board that at least pretends to represent modern science. That's what they hate: science. Of course they are going to raid this board.

>> No.9020609

you don't represent anything but a faggot newfag who keeps replying to bait
the reason there's so many bait threads is because you idiots keep biting
so why don't you fucking stop? it's really fucking cringy when you start crying about "muh science" as an excuse to shitpost and derail everything you can while at the same time bumping bait.

d o n o t r e p l y t o b a i t

maybe then the few math threads can at least be visible

>> No.9020610

Go back to /pol/.

>> No.9020619


>> No.9020620

Relatively new to sci, still trying to work it out.
Are /pol/tards the only legit scientists on /sci/?

>> No.9020639

/sci/ is about facts, not opinions.

Go back to /pol/

>> No.9020649

>/sci/ is about facts, not opinions.
That's your opinion

>> No.9020651


grouping people by board is retarded, what does it even mean? they live in that website? stop.

there's some chemists and biologists, a whole bunch of mathematicians (some very bright), a couple of physicists, and a shitload of idiotic people from assorted majors, many not even students in STEM. also a couple of resident schizos.

>> No.9020681


Your claim that science has nothing to do with politics is idealistic. You directly and falsely reject what I had claimed above, which is that politics permeates absolutlely everything, where humans are concerned. And this because humans are social animals, and politics is the form of social organization.

You would falsely like to believe that the content of science as praxis is independent of human forms of social organization. This of itself is clearly false, and would make the average teacher of undergrads blush. Perhaps what you really mean to rescue is a certain notion of the nobility of science , the special-ness of science, because you do not care about the fat old men who blather about jesus or nukes or Muh Society or whatever. You want to pretend a field of human endeavor, as practiced, which is ideal and independent of these nabobs.

You will go on pretending.

>> No.9020956

>Trump memes, flagposting and rare pepes saved 4chan
I'll admit I've been there since the Zimmerman incident really kicked that board into gear (took way too long to get /his/), but the thought that presidential shitposting made the website popular again is hilarious.

>> No.9020972

>claim that "/pol/ posts" on /sci/ are unscientific
>shit the board up by creating a thread which is not about science at all

so called "/pol/ posts" actually do contain science frequently. But you get butthurt and try to whine "not /sci/ , go back to /pol/" anyway.


>Factor Analysis of Population Allele Frequencies as a Simple, Novel Method of Detecting Signals of Recent Polygenic Selection: The Example of Educational Attainment and IQ.

>Two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) whose associations with intelligence seem to be robust because they have been replicated in several independent studies were chosen as representative of intelligence increasing alleles.

>East Asian populations (Japanese, Chinese) have the highest average frequency of beneficial alleles (39%), followed by Europeans (35.5%) and sub-Saharan Africans (16.4%).


>> No.9020974

Pardon, would that study be suggesting that, at least for the genetically inherited aspect of intelligence,
African people have half as much benefit as Caucausid European and Asian people?

For the curious, calculate a compounding effect based on the correlation statistics for inheritance. Take your time.

>> No.9021061

Nigger if you think that's insane you should see 8pol.

>> No.9021070

Literally fucking kill yourself.

>> No.9021144

That's why Incas were superior to europeans.

>> No.9021167

>all these replies only confirming fpbp

>> No.9021171

why do SJWtards come to this board just to call everyone /pol/tards? Why don't you go find yourselves a job and remove your cancerous existence forever.

report and hide SJWtard threads

>> No.9021287

>Has anyone else noticed that /pol/ has been invading this board more than usual over the past 10-12 months?
>posts the exact same garbage thread here everyday
no its just you.

>> No.9021335

Its just that there were about 5-6 race and IQ threads.
They could have just given their input in the existing one.

>> No.9021347

is there a problem with race and IQ threads? coz they dont teach race or IQ in polisci classes

>> No.9021368

>is there a problem with race and IQ threads?
They belong on /pol/.

>> No.9021369

says who? science denying libtards?

>> No.9021386

Psychology is pseudoscience.

>> No.9021391

Cognitive abilities and genetics is science. You'd know that if you finished highschool atleast.

>> No.9021419

Phenotype studies without the genotype component is not used with scientific method. Not a science.
>cognitive abilities
Broad term that includes animal reactions against farts is not used with scientific method.

Take your pseudoscience to >>>/pol/

>> No.9021435

What if I told you there's this new thing called not replying to /pol/bait bread. I know its a difficult concept but I'm sure you can do it.

>> No.9021441

So /pol/ wants to talk science on /sci/ but /sci/ doesn't want to talk the kind of science /pol/'s interested in.
How about a new /polsci/ board where people can discuss politically incorrect science?
/pol/ brainlets won't infest it with scientific illiteracy and /sci/ snowflakes won't get PTSD from racist hatefacts.

>> No.9021444

>gets blown out by references to the latest literature on the topic, facts, and logic
I've read all 224 posts in question and this has literally never happened.

>> No.9021452

>Free energy, timetravelling, multiverse, the list goes on...
Most of these are by people from /x/ who think they've had some great revelation, like a little deepak chopras

>> No.9021464

Anyone who's been on /sci/ knows that this board goes to shit on the weekends

>> No.9021559

> Jewish overrepresentation in STEM
Is there a problem here? Just because your imaginary sky father has a son, theirs doesn't, and your bullshit book has a few more chapters than their bullshit book, there's no reason to get all /x/ on us.

>> No.9021571

>I've also been called /pol/ just for suggesting strategies for "dealing" with this overrepresentation
Please stop being triggered and just fuck off back to your safespace

>> No.9021650

Only morons like you who don't understand science try to politicize it.

>> No.9022309


>> No.9022315

>interested in science
lmao, those retards only "study" pseudoscience from blogs and youtube videos.

>> No.9022334
File: 387 KB, 390x464, ayyyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Having ignorant and toxic opinion doesn't really count as "opinion".
That's a bit extreme and completely false: Opinions exist on a spectrum!

Clearly your Ooh Ooh Oooh is not as long as my Aahh Ahh ahh


>> No.9022366
File: 28 KB, 600x726, 1472614671691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youre right I derserved that
What have i fucking become?

>> No.9022401

>muh ebil /pol/
First of all, you are a nigger.
Secondly, we are educated.

>> No.9023402


>> No.9023409

There isnt that much of a problem but just don't post a lot of them and just put your input into the existing one in the catalog and not post another thread about it

>> No.9023488

Everything OP says is true. Not gonna bother reading this thread. I'm sure it's full of triggered /pol/ newfag anti-intellectuals

>> No.9023559


>> No.9023615

>I do STEM
>I also pick up my wife's son from soccer practice and defend minorities on 4chan

>> No.9023644
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>>9019282 >>9023615 >>9019511 >>9023488

>> No.9023800


>/tv/ memes

>> No.9024426
File: 198 KB, 640x498, Cuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this version also works.

>> No.9024447
File: 401 KB, 1360x1888, stormies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we are educated.

you got groomed by aryan nation like lambs to the slaughter

>> No.9024481


>> No.9024518

The only person benefiting from this is Hiroshimoot $$$

>> No.9024526


also, this is pretty much common knowledge

>> No.9024528

the only difference between triggering /pol/ and triggering liberals is that you can get more creative with the second one and there's more comedic possibility

like the melanin receptors and shit, you actually get serious replies

>> No.9024536

>equating /pol/ and liberals
/pol/ is literally in favor of genocide

>> No.9024561


This shit made my day.

I'm starting to think we might actually outsmart the Jews after all. I just hope Stormfront doesn't blow this shit by engaging in too much infighting.

>> No.9024570

Stormfronters and /pol/acks are two different kinds of people with vaguely the same ideology. Nobody really takes the retarded boomers at Stormfront seriously, since they're always trying to corral every right-leaning person and brainwash them with their vocabulary. /pol/ doesn't take kindly to shills in general, not even neo-Nazi shills, so people like Richard Spencer and Varg never really took off. In fact, that board has been the death of many right-wing personalities who overstepped their reach. /pol/ has superseded Stormfront in internet influence.

>> No.9024571

/sci/ should just admit it doesn't want to talk about human biodiversity, or how evolution has affected human beings. It is clearly too controversial of a topic for this board. And that's fine; such science is better discussed elsewhere.

>> No.9024580


I don't understand where this idea came from that because an idea may be true it should be discussed or tolerated. So what if there are racial IQ differences? Discussing that shit is inappropriate and cruel. It's like trying to disabuse people of afterlife or God or free will. Think what you want in private. What you say outside has consequences for society as a whole.

>> No.9024590
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>> No.9024595

Why would discussing it be cruel? I think that practice and the will to learn is more determinant than racial IQ differences be they true or not.

>> No.9024597

We do "want to talk" about it. Humans have been studying it since the 70s. We just don't observe the reality that fits your narrative. You retards deny basic facts about human genetics that are easily reproducible in the lab, and even claim that well-accepted theories like OoA are "liberal propaganda."

Talking about it doesn't me we accept your science denial.

>> No.9024627


Because that which can be destroyed by the truth should be.

It's a very basic philosophical question of values, which inform differing political attitudes. What you are espousing, just now, is a sort of feminine value system, which values being nice, going along to get along, and not speaking certain unpleasant truths in order to keep the peace.

There is some sense to this value system. All memes aside, it is legitimate to point to holocausts and ethnic cleansings as cautionary tales against what happens when you hold groups of people to be fundamentally different, to the point of dehumanizing others: "see, this is where this leads." This is what leftists are afraid of, and there is validity to the concern.

But truth is critical to informed decision making. And the truth is, that human beings are heterogenous, different, and some are on average more capable than others, depending on the task.

>> No.9024628

>discussing why /pol/ uses debunked data is the same as believing in the afterlife

you are right, it's cruel to lie about people

>> No.9024644

>/sci/ should just admit it doesn't want to talk about human biodiversity
human biodiversity on here is just 'hey guys look niggers xddd 70 iq look colored map.jpg'
the obsession with blacks is literally accepted on all levels
ya uncomfortalbe truths like hispanics are basically white people
not to mention of middle easterners where 'basically' isn't even needed

but i know, race realisms stops at blacks

>> No.9024670

>Nobody really takes the retarded boomers at Stormfront seriously, since they're always trying to corral every right-leaning person and brainwash them with their vocabulary.
already happened

who do you think made the misleading charts that you have saved on your mom's computer
precisely those boomers

>> No.9024705
File: 37 KB, 206x188, 1492473841984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is just one big shitpost

>> No.9024710
File: 349 KB, 1280x1109, totallypolyouguys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of us /pol/acks talk normally and start political shit. its the people in pic related

>> No.9024727
File: 682 KB, 1080x1039, 1480516657093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the liberals are pretending to be nazis!
top kek

>> No.9024761

There is actually not a lot of hitler on /pol/, and most memes are not about race too.

>> No.9024763

I have a solution. Get rid of captchas and replace them with knowledge, logic and IQ questions. That would eliminate the poltards and the christians in one swell foop.

>> No.9024775

i'm in favor of genocide too
kill all whites :^)

>> No.9024776
File: 83 KB, 905x624, pol is satire.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we are educated
We've seen the /pol/ reading list, stop lying faggot.

>> No.9024790

>We've seen the /pol/ reading list, stop lying faggot.
It can't be much worse than the /sci/ reading lists...

>> No.9024806

this is how to tell if someone is new/from reddit very easily

in other words you're the same as every other anti-/pol/ poster

>> No.9024825

Why doesn't /pol/ discuss the fact that Whites are the most awful, murderable race of subhumans ever to walk to the earth?

>> No.9024828

false flagging

>> No.9024835

>this is how to tell if someone is new/from reddit very easily
/pol/ is reddit and normie tier rn
see >>9019313

>> No.9024836

you ever look at cosangunity rates in the middle east? theres a reason the lesser races are lesser, its not their fault, but it doesnt make it less true.

>> No.9024842
File: 61 KB, 689x702, IMG_3148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pol crossposters and those who drain their time complaining about them

>> No.9024849
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>> No.9024864


>> No.9024866

Whites are the best at conquest, /pol/ is pretty quick to be proud of that. Whites invented the vast majority of the world's significant inventions, so naturally they are the best at killing. Everybody else in the world also tries to be the best at killing because humans are humans, but they just can't compete.

>> No.9024872

kill all non-whites

it's only natural

>> No.9024893


As a nonwhite, I find it painful to agree with you, but you do have a point. I still want your race obliterated for its crimes, but I will concede that the rest of the human race will tremble when it remembers you, and will feel perhaps some envy as well.

>> No.9024901

Am I the only black person on /sci/ who DOESN'T want to see whites wiped out?

Torture them? Fine. Whatever.

Mutilate them? Okie doke.

Kill them? Motherfucker, who is going to pay for my welfare?

>> No.9024907
File: 62 KB, 431x582, not an argument.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>80-IQ assclowns
Ad hominem - not an argument.
>Every post from a /pol/tard is painfully obvious and cringeworthy
Ad hominem - not an argument.
>their diction is at a 4th grade level, they never seem to know much about math or STEM
Ad hominem - not an argument.

Do you actually have any arguments? I thought scientists were supposed to be intelligent?

Race realism has a strong scientific case for it. Can you actually provide a scientifically rigorous rebuttal?

>> No.9024918
File: 9 KB, 251x191, 1270065441414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello sir would you have a moment to talk about the upcoming racewar

>> No.9024921
File: 64 KB, 552x612, a5eac2c692f8bfc5f5f71cb23f12dfe2b3b1c80f48d9503046f176b6ba7875be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying a poltard didnt make this thread

>> No.9024927

>TFW most /sci/ users are more arrogant than trump, but hate trump for his arrogance.
And /sci/ is suppossed to be the smart board on this site. I am a regular /sci/ user, I work in STEM, but you guys gotta admit that we have a lot of people who are just as full of themselves as /pol/ people.

>> No.9024928

nigger nigger nigger

>> No.9024929
File: 406 KB, 399x614, wow start arguing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worst thing is that OP thinks he's smart but his entire "argument" is ad hominem.

>> No.9024935

You're right, don't go back to /pol/. /pol/ is actually far too good for you. Fuck off to r/The_Donald instead, newfag.

>> No.9024941

see why liberals are funnier to mess with? anyone not clinically retarded can tell i'm being ironic but the fag still needs to point it out

>inb4 i wuz only pretending to call you out

>> No.9024944

Holy shit you're one assblasted nigger! Back to

>> No.9024946

Well as far as I can see now, we have a poster who posted a thread that's completely unrelated to /sci/, has nearly 200 replies and mods for some bizarre reason still haven't taken it down. As of now, /pol/ isn't really of much concern to me because you are the one fucking up my board.

>> No.9024951
File: 24 KB, 320x600, I+see+you+aslo+liek+teh+bang+theory+its+cool+_d5c7cbb401f94c967687373cad778bca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mods on slow boards doing anything else, but masturbating while their board is somewhere running in the background trying to survive on its own.

>> No.9024957
File: 1.67 MB, 4000x2250, ALDH2_rs671_genotype_frequency.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the fact that the races are genetically different is a fact.

Picture related. This is the worldwide distribution of the genes which cause "Asian flush", a.k.a. "alcohol flush reaction". You'll notice they're almost exclusively found in East Asian populations.

Just one of the many genetic differences that there are among the races.

Why are you incapable of discussing science with rational arguments? You should go back to >>>/b/, if you can't discuss scientific issues rationally then you don't belong here.

>> No.9024967

Not once in my post did I deny the difference between races, retard. I'm not the person you originally responded too.

>> No.9024970


>> No.9024975


>> No.9024981

/pol/ happens to be the most popular board and that attracts new friends from other sites that later spread on other places.

Remember how everyone blamed /b/ for everything because just happened to be most popular?

Now /pol/ is the new /b/ and boogeyman.

>> No.9024982

>I'm not the person you originally responded too.
I didn't make the post YOU were responding to.

>Not once in my post did I deny the difference between races, retard.
But you implied that what is discussed on /pol/ is mere "opinion". I am telling you that it is scientific fact.

>> No.9024988
File: 90 KB, 575x1024, 1498537289520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*tips fedora

>> No.9024991

I just love seeing /sci/ niggers twisting themselves when it comes to race and IQ.

>> No.9025006

Co$ started in 2007 via an unholy union between digg and /b/
in 2015 /pol/ essentially begin a Co$2.0 by tapping into reddit instead of digg, the parallels are uncanny. we'll be feeling this one for years.

>> No.9025010

>Tripfag thinking he is superior to anything

>> No.9025013

>misusing the word tripfag

>> No.9025014

looks like you managed to trigger reddit
also fpbp