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9016841 No.9016841 [Reply] [Original]

What does it mean to be "Gifted"? Does it just mean above average IQ?

>> No.9016845
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No, half of the population has above average IQ.

>> No.9016848

130 according to Wikipedia. Genius is 145. Super genius is 160.

>> No.9016849

Significantly above average
Also, average =/= median

>> No.9016856

>Facebook filename
>doesn't understand a Gaussian
as expected.

>> No.9017226

Is it possible to be a genius without having a high IQ? I mean artistic, comedic, etc.

>> No.9017230
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>Super genius is 160.

>> No.9017272

if you're a white suburban mother, then it means your child is exceptional no matter what his IQ/achievement is because he can play a clarinet.

If you're in psychology, then it depends on who you ask. Generally the cutoff for gifted is 2 SD above the mean, which is about 130 on most adult tests. Above 145 is what most of us think of as "genius" (some say 140, but 145 is 3 SDs).

If you want to read about the other theories and traits of "gifted" individuals, then you can start with hoagie's gifted for links. However, a lot of the "gifted" stuff is total BS. Parents have pressured the shit out of the school system to provide better education in the form of special ed, but do not actually have highly intelligent children. The cutoff for gifted is as low as 120 in a lot of districts, and academic redshirting skews the other things that the gifted programs consider (creativity, achievement, motivation). Also, there isn't as big of a race discrepancy in gifted special ed as you would think considering the reputation of the public school system, BUT there is a HUGE family income difference.

Genius is generally defined in terms of intelligence when talking about "gifted" individuals, however it is common for certain people with specific learning disorders or working memory deficits to bomb IQ tests. There are also factors like stereotype threat, autism (commonly causes verbal and nonverbal scores to have huge differences), and the existence of savant abilities.

Savant abilities are truly where someone can be painfully average but still be exceptional or genius in one area. However, there is decent evidence that savant skills can be induced by brain injury or suppressing the left fronto-temporal lobe. So essentially savant skills are somewhat latent in most people, so it's not special in that respect, but savant syndrome is pretty rare in general.

This got long but I'm too lazy to go back and delete parts. meh.

>> No.9017279

Yes. Generally there is some overlap in ability required, for example music and math (verbal intelligence). But, IQ is not deterministic in all domains (or even most). A simple example is that someone may be gifted at nonverbal things like painting, but have delayed language abilities and comprehension. An example of this is a lovely little girl named Iris Grace (autism spectrum).

But, IMO, the largest factor of someone being really talented isn't IQ. It's exposure and encouragement from the environment combined with intrinsic motivation - usually bordering obsession.

>> No.9017293
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I did some research on this because some suspect I was, am. This is correct >>9016848
There are loads of sites with behavioral traits, and I swallowed that stuff because back then I wanted to be gifted, but try to find where it comes from
And most of it comes either from very old papers or it doesn't become clear where it comes from. Others are just sketchy

So this:
>However, a lot of the "gifted" stuff is total BS.

Picture related is such a behavioral list, this one compared to high functioning autism

>> No.9017616

I was put in a gifted seminar class my sophomore year of high school and the right column describes me and the left describes a lot of the people I had in the class
Do they just label all autists as gifted?

>> No.9017627
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if your a genius you have the phenotype Ashkenazi women crave

>> No.9017646

>Do they just label all autists as gifted?
They think there is overlap between the two and according to them some gifted people are misdiagnosed as autistics.
But I want to repeat that I am wary of these behavioral descriptions.

On the other hand if people with autism and other atypicals have different behavioral traits perhaps it makes sense that high IQ people also (possibly) have it.

I think it is important for both that these behavioral traits are based on experimental tests of sorts instead of (only) observations. I think certain observations might be spot on but in general they are less reliable and potentially biased. Consider for example that giftedness is considered a gift and autism as a disorder.

I tried looking for biological (biophysical and neurological etc.) traits for giftedness but could hardly find anything whereas there has been plenty of research of that in schizophrenics and especially autists.

Also not all autists are labeled as gifted, for one there is also low functioning autism. If memory serves me well it was believed that low functioning autism was much more common until Simon Baron-Cohen did research on it.

>> No.9017654

Annie, it means your school gets more money for sports. Every "gifted" student is a cash cow.

>> No.9017752

defined as: a made up term to describe someone with average intelligence in such a way as to improve their self esteem.

>> No.9017795

Is /sci/ unironically this brainlet?

IQ is designed to follow a normal distribution in which the median is equal to the mean...

>> No.9017851

You guys, gifted is all a bunch of hype. I was tested and put in gifted when i was 8 and although k was definitely smarter then my classmates, I was also 8 so i wasnt that knowledgable overall. All gifted does is make the kids in it special snowflakes, by highschool it was pretty clear who was actually smart, who was just a normal person and who should have been held back a grade but despite how clear it was, we were all still gifted. The kids in the program often have stunted social skills but this seems to be fixed as they grow up and mature, even the most autistic ones were able to learn. In the end the main factor was just how hard each student worked since it seemed like even the lowest scoring ones had high potential. I think the program should be reformed though. Sorry for bad grammar, on my phone.

>> No.9017863

In high school we took the Raven test it's not based on knowledge it was mostly puzzles

>> No.9017876

Yeah same here, mine was all timed puzzles, im saying that knowledge is a big part of how smart someone is and most 8 year olds dont have much

>> No.9017904

>All gifted does is make the kids in it special snowflakes
I think the behavioral traits make this even worse. I will admit that when they thought I was gifted, when I am really a brainlet, I would use the traits as excuses. For example being bored.

And I have taken a look at a gifted forum and you see that kind of behaviour there too. When they fail they blame it on lack of stimulation, underachievement and so on - perhaps true but excuses nonetheless.

Though truth to be told all communities develop myths. I always have great fun probing into communities and finding those patterns i.e. the commonly held beliefs which often are myths.

>> No.9018076

I'm high IQ, not insanely high, but it's high. So was my Dad but his IQ was around genius level and things didn't turn out too well for him.

Honestly, I just learn things quickly compared to other people. I have a specific learning difficulty on account of me being developmentally different but it's more sensory based and only negatively effects my motor-skills. I get sensory/information overload whenever there's too much going on around me but it's not too debilitating, things just feel fuzzy. When I'm in a room with multiple people talking I can hear all of their conversations at once in my head, I'll probably be able to recall information from their conversations too and use it. I hear there's a correlation between high IQ and sensory differences. Socially I can be hard on other people because I compare them to myself and think they're just being dicks. I also try to downplay my intelligence a lot and have a hard time relating to people and that sucks. I'm pretty emotionally intelligent too and have great relationships but I'm very lonely. Those are the only differences I see between myself and other people.

I've never had to put much in academically but I dropped out of school so I haven't got too far up the ladder yet, I'm sure I will suffer. Obviously, if you're IQ is 140 or above there'll be a clear difference in your abilities and personality and you'd almost definitely be considered gifted. If you're like me it's just more of a quirk. I definitely would not consider myself gifted and I actually thought I was an idiot for a pretty long time, I can barely hold a pen and I'm very clumsy, have a bad working memory. Also, just being in a traditional learning environment and I'm sure a person with a much lower IQ could be much more successful than me.

You can be considered a genius and not have a high IQ but genius is just a subjective concept that doesn't actually exist outside the realms of our own minds. Anyway, I hope I've been helpful.

>> No.9019128
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You can only be gifted if you have autism or are Ashkenazi Jewish btw.