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9016730 No.9016730 [Reply] [Original]

Is It possible that at some point before the age of mammals there could've been some sort of civilization during the age dinosaurs? I mean they were around for about 65 million years and we've only been around in a civilized state for over a few thousand years.

I'm guessing enough time has passed that entire civilizations remnants would have disappeared by now.
Thoughts on this?

>> No.9016831

They don't appear to anatomically equipped for it. Our predecessor species had tools, fire, cooking, clothes and more. Us homo sapiens inherited all of that. It means such things are pretty much intrinsic to us as a species, part of our biology, just as language is. No others seem to display the requirements or indicators of a civilisation or a species able to create civilisation.

>> No.9016853
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>> No.9016858

You realize the world is just 7000 years old, do you? Believe in Jesus, brother.

t. Trump voter

>> No.9016882

While I really doubt there was anything resembling a dinosaur civilization, are tool use and language absolutely requisite for a civilization? Not to mention that in 65 million years I doubt much will be left of our cities for alien archeologists to find.

>> No.9016886

I would guess it would come from the ocean.

>> No.9016897
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Why is that?

>> No.9016908

What would a civilization be if not a complex society with language, tools, social classes and such?

>> No.9016910

you can have a complex social order without language or tools. I just think it's a little anthrocentric to assume all civilizations must look like ours.

>> No.9016914

Social order existed I believe, just like there is a social order for most species like penguins or bees. But I wouldn't call that civilization. Without language in particular, there's a limit to how complex that social order can be.

>> No.9016918

If it existed we would have found fossil evidence by now. Or, depending on how advanced a civilization you're envisioning, some remnants like styrofoam, nuclear fuel waste, etc.

We haven't found any. Not even a single scrap of evidence.

>> No.9016919

Surely if they fought with sticks and were able to make fire you wouldn't find any evidence of that after so many million years.

>> No.9016927 [DELETED] 

Primates literally did not exist 65mya. There are no fossils of anything resembling a human from that time.

>> No.9016941

What the fuck do humans have to do with anything? All I'm saying is that if dinasours were able to fight with sticks and stones you wouldn't find any evidence for it

>> No.9016942

Oh you're asking something entirely different, but the answer is still largely the same. If something like that existed it would be due to some drastically different anatomy. Since there is no fossil evidence for that, the answer is no.

>> No.9017796

>are tool use and language absolutely requisite for a civilization?

Kind of. You need tools for agriculture i.e digging sticks, hoes, ploughs. And you need a standard language to exchange ideas.

>> No.9017804
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I remember that episode... the smart dinosaurs escaped the planet before the asteroid wiped out the rest.

>> No.9017916
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>> No.9017941
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Well then with some fossils people should have found very large skull creatures that had enormously huge brains compares with body, because as we know now people have the biggest brain volume compared to the body so that ratio for those creatures should be pretty much same as to be intelligent. If there would have been some we would have find some tracks of civilization.

>> No.9018271

>people should have found

We haven't even found 1% of 1 era of fossils yet.

>> No.9020142

bumping so I can possibly reply later

>> No.9020146


aren't there any substances we can't totally explain? How about that nuclear bomb glass they find in middle east deserts?

>> No.9020153

>desert glass found that can be explained by meteors or by nuclear explosions
Please go back to x, or pol, or wherever you're from.

>> No.9020160

we only find fossils of creatures that died in mud or tar or something like that, which is rare. Creatures in forests never leave fossils, we don't have a single chimpanzee fossil, for instance.

>> No.9020185

some conspiracy theorists claim that tools and manufactured items have been found in rock thats millions of years old; I personally think it's bullshit, but you could look into that.

But yes, it's *possible* there was a dino civilization. There COULD have been humanoid dinosaurs, and yes, over 65 million years there wouldn't be much left, and all of it would be buried. You know the reptilian conspiracy shit? First time I heard about the "theory" of troodon humanoids and saw the picture, that was the first thing I thought of.

As said earlier, the fossil record is hugely incomplete and imperfect.
Some land never subducts; the freaking continents, for example (except under the himalayas and a few other places, I guess).
There were no ice caps at the time, so we have no ice cores to look at for evidence of coal burning or whatever (they'd need far less heat sources than us anyway).

Of course the buzzkills don't like it, but it's a moot question anyway; it's just fun to think about.

>> No.9020254

Fuck no before the mammal era spears and rocks wont do shit to the majority of animal life on land.

>> No.9022050

Does any other mammal have opposable thumbs?