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9016165 No.9016165 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think the more intelligent you are, the more interest you have in sexual links?

>> No.9016169

Fucking autocorrect.

>> No.9016177
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>> No.9016182

I think the more intelligent you are the less likely you are to make shitty posts like this.
>this is the average quality of a dumb phoneposter

>> No.9016190

It's the other way round

Intelligent people realise the "sexual "kinks"" is useless animalistic behavior that shouldn't have any place in modern society

>> No.9016329

b-but they told me having rape fantasies and wanting to be dominated or dominate others is human behavior not p-primitive...

>> No.9016333

Yes, only unimaginative animals would find vanilla sex fun.

>> No.9016337

Obviously since the smarter you are the less you are controlled by your monkey impulses like wanting to fuck all the time. Its why stupid humans always breed the most in history.

>> No.9016495

"human behaviour" is the completely animalistic and primitive you dumb fuck

>> No.9016501

Only cuckolding

Cuckolding: The Sex Fetish for Intellectuals

>It’s S&M for Ph.D.s: Cuckolding, in which men watch their wives have sex with other guys, is catching on among people with high IQs who revel in the psychological agony.

>> No.9016522

Yes desu

I'm a genius and I masturbate exclusively to videos of axolotls being skinned alive

>> No.9016528

This. Degeneracy is a destroyer of minds.

>> No.9016535

IQ 150 and I can only get hard on traps. Luckily for me, I have found one cutie girl with a feminine penis

>> No.9016555
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This makes sense to me. Only intellectuals can comprehend the redpill that is cuckoldry. Through the power of abstraction they transcend social norms. They do no own their women. Sex is a mutual contract. If one party does not want to stick to the contract, then that choice should be respected. Nothing brings an intellectual more joy than letting another man enjoy the pleasures that he himself has experienced. True freedom will bring happiness to all of mankind. Sexual freedom is only a part of this program free humankind.

>> No.9016972

Lol no. As a young curious kid who watched cartoons and unrealistic fetishes, scenarios, kinks I was interested more in them because it was something new.
But as I grew older I realized how dumb, boring and unpractical they are. Just as boring as feet worshipping, something I didn't get even when I was small.

>> No.9016980

>psychological agony
Uh for whom? the poor sap I send to have sex with my wife ?? that poor guy doesn't know what he's in for.
I'd pay a sex pro just because I'm too lazy to have sex with my own wife.

I don't know a guy or a woman who doesn't get bored of their waifu/husbando after 20-30 years.

>> No.9017243
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Here guys, I made a chart.

>> No.9017265
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>sexual links

>> No.9017269
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>> No.9017320
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my bad

>> No.9017339

is BDSM the most normie fetish there is?

>> No.9017340

>is BDSM the most normie fetish there is?
no, feet

>> No.9017341


>> No.9017345

that's literally not a fetish though it's just dumb monkeys confusing what hole to put it in

>> No.9017349

>that's literally not a fetish though it's just dumb monkeys confusing what hole to put it in

>any object or nongenital part of the body that causes a habitual erotic response or fixation.

>> No.9017354

Jewish social propaganda.

>> No.9017355

>If one party does not want to stick to the contract, then that choice should be respected.
t. Chink

>> No.9017398
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148 IQ going to a top 10 school

I don't think these preferences are really correlated with intelligence, but rather experience. My girlfriend (156 IQ, same school) and I are into rope play and we both like it because we've developed a tolerance to vanilla sex. Both of us had strange internet backgrounds throughout middle and high school and developed these preferences as a result.

>> No.9019187

quite the opposite in fact

>> No.9019258

so what you're saying is my wife is too retarded to into rope play... fascinating, I always suspected as much.

>> No.9019413

I would lean towards that assumption. People with high IQ are usually quite inquisitive by nature. They enjoy making new discoveries and learning new things. I think there's a hardcap in the correlation between sexual kinks and intelligence. After a certain point, things like upbringing and place of birth become more relevant in what sexual fetishes you may develop.

>> No.9019554
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>strange Internet background

>> No.9019557
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High iq women select for an extremely specific phenotype

>> No.9019566

>i had a pretty traumatic online childhood!

>> No.9019658
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obviously mathematicians have life full of sex

>> No.9019665
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and money

but it is worth it all perhaps

>> No.9019667

Following Satoshi Kanazawa's Savannah Principle, you would expect persons with higher IQ to be more inclined towards evolutionary novel practices. I'd count kinky sexual behaviour and sexual deviancy under evolutionary novel, as this kind of behaviour doesn't seem to me to provide any evolutionary benefit and may even be dangerous. Therefore you'd expect high IQ individuals to be more inclined towards this kind of behaviour.

>> No.9019743

Anon, you should consult with your doctor.

>> No.9020685

the more intelligent you are, the more specific sexual things you thing about it and no general things

>> No.9021228

I think the more intelligent you are, the more interest Mossad has with you.

>> No.9021616

do not respond to shitposters

>> No.9021642

I mean probably. BDSM and a lot of more kinky sex involves a lot of roleplay and fantasizing so you have to be somewhat socially intelligent and creative to do it. If you're talking a high number of partners I think you have two different camps: the autists at the high end of the intelligence scale who don't really have sex and the more well rounded higher intelligent people right below them, who probably have a lot of sex but also have a lot of other vices (drugs, socializing) that don't live long but live well. This probably has something to do with selection where the ones right below the tip are having a lot of sex because they also have carried on all of the other degenerate traits that make life desirable and have led them to survive.

>> No.9022164
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>Intelligent people realise the "sexual "kinks"" is useless animalistic behavior that shouldn't have any place in modern society
fucking lol

the discovery that sexuality is animalistic and not "civilized" is not exactly profound lmao no shit it's an uncivilized evolutionary instinct which does not intrinsically serve our own interest.

the truly intelligent learn to merge these worlds, not dismiss one outright hahahah you use your body to enhance your mind, not revoke it in the name of principle you fuckin virgin pseudointellectual pleb

>> No.9022374

>you use your body to enhance your mind
Dude if I press this button I get dopamine, wow true intelligence achieved.

>> No.9022384

>being this vanilla

>not knowing about axolotl CNS nanotorture

>> No.9022402

Comparing vanilla BDSM to elaborate BDSM is like comparing elementary arithmetic to differential topology.