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File: 364 KB, 1160x629, righty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9013503 No.9013503 [Reply] [Original]

Albert Einstein, Benjamin Franklin, Isaac Newton, Leonardo da Vinci, and Charles Darwin were all southpaws.
Eight U.S. presidents: James A. Garfield, Herbert Hoover, Harry S Truman, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.
Fully 25 percent of the Apollo astronauts were left-handed.
Gates, Winfrey, Jobs, Zuckerberg, etc.

Left-handed people make up ~10% of the population, but they are over-represented in areas of high IQ and achievement.

Is it possible that there are group differences in intelligence between left- and right-handed people?

>> No.9013507

statistically yes, but only because trump skews the statistics so much

>> No.9013694
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careful now, we don't want to bring free speech down upon ourselves.

>> No.9013706

i am left hand and am all of the smart so yes

>> No.9013708

they are statistically over achievers
no significant difference in IQ though

IQ fucking sucks as a metric?

>> No.9013717
File: 175 KB, 549x495, Autism43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might find this interesting, it is from the interesting half of "The Master and His Emissary", the other half is too speculative for me

>> No.9014020

>implying IQ and achievement are not strongly correlated
isn't this beyond settled by now?

>> No.9014030

alot of things are correlated with achievement, such as the social status of your parents
let's use those things to measure intelligence!!!

>> No.9014135

Does the book suggest any technique to take advantage of the information presented?

>> No.9014153

>Does the book suggest any technique to take advantage of the information presented?
Nah not at all, it just describes lateralization and in the other half of the book the author speculates about a cultural lateralization, the idea goes something like this: we use one part of our brain more in our current culture, but that's all a some kind of speculative neurophilosophy

>> No.9014157

>strawmanning this hard
OK, if left-handers are statistically over-achievers, and you posit that it's not due to some innate quality that they have, what do you propose is the reason?

>> No.9014173

>>implying IQ and achievement are not strongly correlated
they aren't tho
iq explains at most 25% of difference in achievement (for academic)

is that strong? maybe
according to the wiki article on handedness left-handers have 1 (one) IQ point more than right handers

>> No.9014176

There is no such thing as "genetically superior."

>> No.9014180
File: 97 KB, 750x981, einstein11a-7-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Albert Einstein
>Isaac Newton
I don't know about the others, but there's zero evidence these two were left handed. In fact, there are pictures that imply Einstein was probably right handed.

I don't know why lefties make up these lies. Are they trying to feel special?

>> No.9014192
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But wouldn't be reasonable to assume one could unlock some more brainpower by, say, learning to write with the non-dominant hand?

>> No.9014196

Additional neurons in the frontal lobe.

Ambidexterity is where you have statistically significant results.

>> No.9014197
File: 686 KB, 656x626, farage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He used to jack off with his left hand to avoid getting questioned about his ripped right bicep.

>> No.9014293

Yeah, i meant to say "superior intelligence with a genetic basis"