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File: 281 KB, 490x639, von neumann.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9012622 No.9012622 [Reply] [Original]

I probably have made billions of threads about this man, people on here have talked about him for ever

but the man just endlessly fascinates me, how the fuck could someone like him actually exist

>> No.9012629

he never made any great discovery though

>> No.9012631

He was almost a different species than us. Not quite human but also not too different. Too bad his genes weren't preserved, now we'll have to wait another 1000 years for nature to produce a similar specimen.

>> No.9012635

cellular automata
game theory
first person to mathematicize quantum mechanics

among many things, yeah they arn't as deep as something like godel's incompletness theorems, but they were not shallow by no menans

>> No.9013188

and this

>> No.9013221

There are countless guys out there who did much more important and difficult things. Newton, Maxwell, Euler... Why is sci obsessed with fatty von Neumann?

>> No.9013230

Because of his ``special'' mind, which is not as extraordinary as people make it out to be and it pales in comparison with, say, Ramanujan or any other actual savant.

>> No.9013257

If he was so smart why didn't he solve the abc conjecture?
Neumanlets btfo

>> No.9013295


Von Neumann is at least a tier above Ramanujan. Both geniuses in their own right but Von Neumann accomplished more.

>> No.9013300

You know what's crazy? There are probably some 160 IQ level geniuses out there who are completely wasting their talent in non-STEM fields.

For example, the smartest woman in the world is a puzzle magazine editor.

It kind of saddens me that we 130 IQ plebs are busting our asses in the sciences and there might be a 160 IQ genius who spends his time doing accounting books for some random company and going to the chess club ever so often.

The world is fucking crazy like that.

>> No.9013309

>Von Neumann accomplished more
Woah, great criterion there, buddy. Could it be, potentially, because Ramanujan died very young, shortly after his genius was discovered?

>> No.9013315


Yeah I considered that. But then again

Jew > Indian

when it comes to brains. I doubt Ramanujan could ever catch up.

>> No.9013322

Fuck off, you racist prick.

>> No.9013368

Go back to /b/ mongoloid

>> No.9013376

one of the best applied mathematicians of all time. but i don't see why people constantly make von neumann threads when the previous one is archived.

>> No.9013385

The point is he wasn't a savant, he was a normie extrovert.

>> No.9013394

There is more to personality than intelligence (which can be viewed as being nested inside the trait openness).
You have 4 other traits to consider, one can be high in openness/IQ while low on consciencousness (hope I spelled that correctly at least somewhat) and also high in extroversion in which case he might avoid long solitary theory crafting.

>> No.9013401

Yes. For Example in Biomedical Fields.

Among typical Premed Majors (Biology, Neuroscience, Biochemistry, Biomedical Engineering)

The Top Class/God tier students become Medical Doctors

Second Class/Good Tier students become Dentists & Pharmacists

Third Class/Mid Tier become Nurses, Veterinarians & Physiotherapists.

Then Leaves the Brainlet students competing for the PhD.

And finally the Bottom Shit Tier Scum become unemployed.

See the PhDs aren't the best in Biomedical Areas. These PhDs are just one tier above Shit.

>> No.9013412

>>9013401 >>9013401

Same thing in Humanities

The Law Schools are filled with the Best, top tier with IQ above 140

Economics/Finance PhD is filled with Second Tier

Business Schools is filled with Third Tier.

Every other Humanities Graduate PhD field is filled with Brainlets except Finance/Economics

The Average Normie just work in sales or become a mere white collar worker.

Then the Bottom Shit work in McDonalds.

>> No.9013418

In my country getting into veterinary is much harder than medicine.

But anyway I don't see your point. Almost all life science students are pretty brainlet. High IQ people are too bored by it and get STEM PhDs.

>> No.9013427


Not sure I believe you because veterinary science is actually seen as harder than med school. At least in my country.

>> No.9013429

What country is that, it also makes almost no sense.

>> No.9013433

I don't know about either programme, but in general it's much more competative to get into vet in most countries as far as I'm aware. It's a longer programme than medicine too.

Their earnings are dogshit though (pun intended), so even if the kids going into it are smarter than med, they're idiots.

>> No.9013443

It's anatomy, physiology, pathology etc on several different species as opposed to only one.

Specialising in vet is extreme they have to spec in a species and then spec in a particular area like cardio surgery etc.

The ones working with race horses etc outearn most MDs.

Your bias is probably because of how vets in a small domestic practice are portrayed by the media.

I'm assuming you're an aspiring medstudent?

I'm in math before you ask. Only know these things because I've dated girls in both programmes.

>> No.9013444

>Almost all life science students are pretty brainlet.
>High IQ people are too bored by it and get STEM PhDs.

This is correct.

Biology & Liberal Arts are filled with Brainlets.
Because that there is a lot of False Positive Experiments, Statistical Error & Marxism/Freudian Pseudoscience in these fields.

Math, Physics, Chemistry still more based because they are more based on Math & Hard Facts.

Humanities use more Ideological Bullshit as Premises like "the truth is a relative social construct that swings according to the social norm & MUH FEELINGS"

While in Math, Physics & Chemistry seek Universal Laws/Formulas that are valid in Every Corner of The Universe regardless of your feelings.

>> No.9013447

I'm sorry, but law is extremely easy to get in to. It's an oversaturated clusterfuck. Most law students are probably around 110 IQ.

>> No.9013451

Ramanujan was overrated, he made no great lasting influence on mathematics

someone like Grothendieck achieved much more than Ramanujan

>> No.9013504

everything is saturated, knowing the law is always going to be valuable

>> No.9013516
File: 161 KB, 747x1120, 1491982108188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neumann was okay, but he lacked the phenotype that Ashkenazi women crave.

>> No.9013624

Neumann was Ashkenazi

>> No.9013778

>k Universal

>> No.9014373


>> No.9014824

I agree, but surely you can see that the average law student is a dolt?

>> No.9014833

He also liked parties, wearing funny hates, and soviets dying. There was a nice documentary about his life on youtube that got taken down.

>> No.9014844

Found a piece of it

>> No.9014856

Lol just another fucking kike

>> No.9014893

I can wiki but I'm new to sci and want to know why he's a cult figure here