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9011738 No.9011738[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do black people run faster than white people? I see nothing that could've led Africans to need to run faster, except maybe predators, but why are they faster than any other race?

>> No.9011748

I dunno man it's like maybe there IS a difference between the races or something

>> No.9011751

I know there's a difference, I'd just like to know what. There's a reason for everything

>> No.9011757

>Why do black people run faster than white people?
Why look at it like that? You won't find your answer that way, Africa is humongous. I doubt that populations of Africans living in jungle would be good runners.
You should look at Africans and which populations produce the most runners.

>> No.9011762

Because Jamaica has no other big money sports programs except track and field, so everybody goes into it, and they can find the best people. Usain Bolt originally wanted to be a soccer player and just sort of ended up in track and field because he got scouted for it.

If it was just 'black people' who were good at running, then why does Jamaica usually dominate the track and field events... it's because they prioritize that in their country so have the best managers/coaches/ect.

If the Netherlands prioritized running, which is a nation of tall lanklets, instead of becoming a soccer player or fighter, they would likely dominate track and field too.

>> No.9011766

I understand what your saying, but I saw a clip of him breaking the 100M record, and there were ONLY black guys at the startup line

>> No.9011781



>> No.9011791 [DELETED] 

Look where those black guys are from, Canada for one tends to import Jamaicans like they did Donovan Bailey when he broke the record too but he had already had a lifetime in Jamaica under their coaches. This is because in Canada track and field is not the predominant sport, hockey, football ect is so the top athletes go into that instead. Same goes for say, Germany who's top athletes get pushed into anything besides track and field.

See http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/olympics/athletics/usain-bolt-rival-superstar-12-year-old-girl-200m-brianna-lyston-jamaica-a7665531.html this girl was only found because Jamaica's industry is track and field athletes, so this 12yr old wound up in the system under the top national coaches otherwise she would probably be in women's basketball or soccer in the US, because there's no $ in track x field.

Do black hockey players skate faster than other players? Do black rowers row faster than other races? Do black fighters kick faster than all other fighters? Some maybe, not in general.

It's like asking why Cuba has such good baseball players, it's because that is the way out of Cuba and their top sport so all their top athletes tend to wind up in baseball. It's not that the Cuban race is somehow superior in swinging a bat and running bases.

>> No.9011793

Take this shit back to /pol/, you fucking fire-starting, retarded cumskin. Your race is dumber than Asians, I hope you know.

>> No.9011797

Maybe they are tastier than the rest of us.

>> No.9011805

Black people unironcially have better fast twitch muscles, probably other things, east Africans like Kenyans up in the higher altitudes have superior lung capacity as well, if you deny clinal variation of humanity you should just fuck off back to /r/eddit

>> No.9011809

This was a good post to read, thanks anon.

>> No.9011816

it's not even "africans" or "blacks"
it's kenyans and jamaicans

>> No.9011821



>> No.9011822

Why does /sci/ assume race is the CAUSE of people running faster? I understand that there's a correlation, but where does causation come in?

Even if there is a proven cause, I don't see how you can justify discussing it. It just gives fuel to subhuman whites to brag about how they're "better" than the rest of us, when they're arguably the worst race to ever exist.

>> No.9011825

For me the difference between /pol/tier stuff from the more credible stuff is thinking in terms of black people instead of looking at the different populations in Africa

I doubt Congolese make great runners to make one example

>> No.9011826

Look where those black guys are from, Canada for one tends to import Jamaicans and so do other countries who want to medal in track and field. This is because in Canada track and field is not the predominant sport, hockey, football ect is so the top athletes go into that instead. Same goes for say, Germany who's top athletes get pushed into anything besides track and field.

See http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/olympics/athletics/usain-bolt-rival-superstar-12-year-old-girl-200m-brianna-lyston-jamaica-a7665531.html this girl was only found because Jamaica's industry is track and field athletes, so this 12yr old wound up in the system under the top national coaches otherwise she would probably be in women's basketball or soccer in the US, because there's no $ in track x field.

Do black hockey players skate faster than other players? Do black rowers row faster than other races? Do black fighters kick faster than all other fighters? Some maybe, not in general.

It's like asking why Cuba has such good baseball players, it's because that is the way out of Cuba and their top sport so all their top athletes tend to wind up in baseball. It's not that the 'Cuban race' is somehow superior in swinging a bat and running bases.

>better twitch muscles

>Kenyans have superior lung capacity
Sure that's possible, though there's no Mexico City long distance runners or Peruvian long distance runners winning medals because again in those countries it's not prioritized, so if you've got excellent endurance in Peru you're in soccer or something else.

>> No.9011829

Africans and blacks are the super set of Kenyans and Jamaicans

>> No.9011831

Cant say anything about the other stuff youre blithering about but intellect isnt validly measurable considering IQ is psuedoscience.

At least with sports you have concrete data.

>> No.9011839

Faster is just a social construct.

>> No.9011846

Usain Bolt started out as a shitty runner, losing to basically most people on his own national team. His times even a few years before 2008 olympics were absolute shieeet. The only reason Usain Bolt became the best is because coaches taught him how to become the best, and he worked his ass off hard to become the best. So now this thread is "How come some countries have better coaches than others?"

>> No.9011850

How can speed even measured?

Speed isn't a linear concept. Some people are fast in short bursts. Some people are fast at long distances. Some people are faster at hopping, some at skipping, some at cartwheeling.

How can you get anyone an SQ test and expect to know how fast they are when everyone is fast in xir own way?

>> No.9011855

Usain bolt would have out ran 99% of the population if he never met a coach in his life anon.

>> No.9011861
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Why do white people whack a pellet with a stick better than black people?

>> No.9011867

This is what /pol/niggers actually believe.

Race is a term used by people who can't into modern genetics and by social scientists. It is literally a non-thing and we have much better ways to classify and measure genetic difference between humans (i.e. population genetics). By using the term race on /sci/ you are only exposing your true nature as a severe brainlet who cant into science.

All the famous black runners come from certain tribes/cultures where running is a huge part of the culture (specifically Kenya though there are other running-based cultures like the Kalahari in Africa). Similarly there are running-based cultures in other countries as well such as Japan (kaihōgyō) and Mexico (Raramuri/Tarahumara).

It's likely that the differences that allow them to perform so well are due to a combination of cultural and biological differences. It is unlikely that the biological differences are genetic since other genetically similar groups do not share the same traits. It is possible that the biological differences are epigenetic, due to gut flora, or otherwise hereditary.

>> No.9011873

out running 99% of the population describes all professional runners. As a professional runner though, he wasnt a prodigy, is anon's point

>> No.9011875

This basically. /pol/esmokers go out of their way to be dumber.

>Implying a crossboarder from /pol/ represents /sci/
How embarrassing for you.

>> No.9011877

Except he didn't, and he failed to qualify numerous times until he spent years with top coaches and their best runners training him.

>> No.9011878
File: 167 KB, 960x1231, 1487720866242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is unlikely that the biological differences are genetic since other genetically similar groups do not share the same traits. It is possible that the biological differences are epigenetic, due to gut flora, or otherwise hereditary.
>it's biological but it's not rooted in genes, it like comes from the great random number generator in the sky man
Watching you redditors beat around the bush and ending up confusing yourself because of your cognitive dissonance is always a treat.

>> No.9011895

>Mexico City
>Doing long distance running in one of the largest cities in the world.
lol, you are dumb.

The Raramuri however are legendary for their long distance running feats. However, the tribe lives in extreme poverty with a huge ongoing suicide epidemic alongside starvation and other stuff. Recently a Raramuri girl made a bunch of headlines after winning the Puebla Ultramarathon (other people paid so that she could compete).

Link is from a quick google search, you can find lots of better sources if you look.

>María Lorena Ramírez, considered one of the fastest long-distance runners from the Rarámuri indigenous community in Chihuahua, won the females’ 50-kilometer category of the Ultra Trail Cerro Rojo, in which 500 other runners from 12 countries participated.

>But unlike her fellow contestants, Lorena completed the course with neither sports equipment nor professional preparation. For clothing she wore a skirt, hat and kerchief. For shoes, a pair of basic sandals with soles made from recycled tire rubber.

>Carrying only a bottle of water, Lorena ran the 50 kilometers in seven hours and three minutes.

>“She carried no special accessories,” said race organizer Orlando Jiménez. “She didn’t bring any gel, nor energy sweets, walking stick, glasses or those very expensive running shoes that everyone wears to run in the mountains. Just a bottle of water, her hat and a kerchief.”

>A Puebla community website provided even more details.

>Lorena ran “without a hydration vest, without running shoes, without Lycra and compression socks, without any of those gadgets used by the runners of today.”

>Nor were her kilometers published by Nike or on Facebook, the site added.

>> No.9011904

>he doesn't even know about the japanese runners
/pol/tard detected



>> No.9011911

When people who are black from the poorest countries absolutely dominate the 100m sprint, as in every contestant across the board has west African roots, statistically there is something very wrong here, i really don't understand how anyone can point to anything but a genetic predisposition towards it.

>> No.9011912

>comparing distance running and sprinting
brainlet pls go back to /r/ilovescience

>> No.9011915
File: 284 KB, 613x609, cat - I'll kill you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You unbelievable retard, I want to kill you.

>Journal articles linked under references at the bottom.

>Follow links to the papers. I know newscientist is shit tier but fuck you I'm not going to spoon feed you all day.

>Free version here:

>> No.9011917

Poor communities actually have an affinity for athletes because sports is a more realistic opportunity than academics for a lot of those people.

>> No.9011924

Africa isn't the only poor part of the world hoping to use athletics as a meal ticket.

Where are all of the Bengali sprinters?

>> No.9011937


See, this is why racists like you are retarded.

There is way more genetic diversity within Africa than there is between any given African and a European. You probably don't realise just how huge Africa is. You have no clue.

So you are trying to pool together a bunch of people that don't really belong together (besides the fact that they have darker skin) and trying to claim that all of them have this trait that only belongs to a very small subset of them.

There is no logic in what you are saying.

>> No.9011940

>moving the goalposts
there's plenty of talk ITT about kenyan distance runners.

>> No.9011946

>it's not race-based genetics, it's population-based genetics
Same shit nigger, if maybe more appropriately defined boundaries between groups of people. Stop beating around the bush unless you want to give me more formal ways of spewing /pol/-tier redpills.

>> No.9011947

What in your post refutes what I'm saying? Kenyan and peoples from Burkina Faso are ultimately a subset of "Africans", having a large catch all label doesn't dismiss variation within that label, I don't understand what I'm saying is actually "racist" or unfair.

>> No.9011950

>María Lorena Ramírez

I love the fact that she ran in a T-shirt, a skirt and fucking what looks to be some sort of female sandals.

Or maybe they just photographed her like that to push the underdog story.

>> No.9011957

Serious question: What should be done about white people?

>> No.9011961

>not knowing that native acclimatized high altitude living people have better oxygenation at birth, enlarged lung volumes throughout life, and a higher capacity for exercise
wow you're dumb.

They're good runners because they train from the time they are kids. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-40006985
>Run in groups, offering each other support and teaching youngsters to pace themselves
>See running as a fine art, which forms part of religious ceremonies as well as traditional games and competitions in which men, women and children participate
>They run in thin home-made sandals called huaraches or barefoot


>> No.9011963


Your logic is flawed.

Just because these tribes are a subset of Africans, doesn't mean that it makes any sense to say that Africans are faster runners than Europeans. There are clearly a lot of African tribes that are just as sluggish and Europeans if not worst performing.

All of these tribes also have black hair. So would it make sense to say that all black haired humans are faster than blondes and redheads? Clearly not.

You cannot take a subset that makes up less than 1% of a population and extrapolate their features to the entire superset population.

>> No.9011967

>Africans and blacks are the super set of Kenyans and Jamaicans
>the super set
>a super set
>Africans and blacks are a super set of Kenyans and Jamaicans
This is is how we all know you /pol/niggers haven't taken any formal logic or proof based math courses. Literally brainlet tier mistake that cripples the entire argument.

>> No.9011973

HMmmMmM yes africans are the super set of Jamaicans and Kenyans meaning Jamaican and Kenyans are a subset of Africans run along now brainlet

>> No.9011982

The difference between those two is the same as the difference between a handful of sets and set theory in general. You are a fucking brainlet.

She looks like that in all her pictures and in general that's not atypical of Raramuri runners.

The Raramuri aren't from that region. They settled there after they literally outran the Spaniard colonization. Also, refer to: >>9011867
>It's likely that the differences that allow them to perform so well are due to a combination of cultural and biological differences. It is unlikely that the biological differences are genetic since other genetically similar groups do not share the same traits. It is possible that the biological differences are epigenetic, due to gut flora, or otherwise hereditary.

Protip: Sage hasn't worked for years you downvoting /r/etard.

>> No.9011992

The people represented in those populations are also a subset of 'cultures focused on running', which is not equal to Africans. Ergo you are a brainlet.

>> No.9011997

Do cultures that spring up that focus around running fall from the sky? Think about where I'm going here for a moment.

>> No.9012009

Natives here have artist guilds that are pretty good at carving.


>> No.9012026

Just because one kind of African (or "black" in colloquial terms) runs ways better than another kind of African does not invalidate the statement "blacks are the best at sprinting".

Is it "racist"? Going strictly by the definition of term free of value judgements yeah sure okay it is "racist" but dems the breaks. It's crude and reductive but is definitely not untrue.

>> No.9012034

>Still failing to understand how there can exist hereditary traits that are not genetic.
Confirmed: 1000% brainlet

What part of cultural did you not understand?

The only thing I said was that some of these groups may also have some hereditary epigenetic traits or hereditary gut flora. I actually said it was likely not to be genetic because other groups with near identical genetics (including offshoots) do not often have the same abilities.

>> No.9012040

>Confirmed: 1000% brainlet
>some hereditary traits are not genetic therefore there is no genetic basis for west African over performance in sprinting
You seem awfully insistent of dying on this hill for whatever reason, I'll leave you be.

>> No.9012090

>Every argument ITT for a genetic basis can be trivially explained by other non-genetic hereditary traits as well as cultural traits.
>A genetic basis fails to explain how other groups with near identical genetics do not have these characteristics.
There is literally no compelling argument for it and many against it.

>> No.9012134

other races stopped hunting as their primary foodsource millenia before the africans did

>> No.9012146

3 evolutionary reasons: longer legs, stamina/endurance & resistance to sun/hot-climate/dehydration/hyperthermia

to run & hunt beasts in Savanna under hot sun/climate.

>> No.9012148


Also, while it's true that there are some African tribes that hunt in the old ways you're overlooking the fact that old school human hunting is/was essentially long distance running. The idea is to follow the pray over a long distance until they overheat (human skin is actually crazy in how well adapted it is towards radiating heat) at which point they're easy to kill.

This is overall very different from sprinting, which would be analogous to chasing down and tackling a dear.

>> No.9012151

>having this cartoonish an understanding of Africa and evolution.
lmao kys yourself

>> No.9012211

t.ugg chinks
You'll never be number 1 stay mad pissskins

>> No.9012223

>Assuming someone is a white racist for questioning races
Why are all libtards so racist and narrow minded? What are they getting out of being stupid all the time?

>> No.9012285

Euthanasia. Or ethnic mixing until they assimilate.
Are you some kind of niggee freshmen or a black neet desperatley trying to establish this meme?

I will fuck your fat mom nigger.

>> No.9012333

Why are Asians more hard working, more studious, more polite, and smarter by all measures - from IQ to GPA - than whites? And why are their rates of criminality, abortion, divorce, welfare and unemployment lower than those of whites?

>> No.9012483

Incas were superior to europeans actually.