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9011385 No.9011385 [Reply] [Original]

College student here in need of some assistance.

Okay, so firstly, I am majoring in CompSci, and I've got a few questions about it for you guys, since you're much more experienced than I am.

Question 1: Is it normal to only have two programming related classes for the fall semester as a freshman? I feel like taking American Government is a waste of time and another programming class would be much better suited in its position.

Question 2: Will I be prepared to take calculus? I only got as far as trigonometry in high school (due to being a bit of a delinquent in middle school and not taking Alg 1 until HS), so I never took pre-cal. My ACT math score is a 33 though and I've always been great at math. Should I take the time to learn pre-calculus over the course of the month of July, or will I be fine?

Question 3: About how long does it take to teach yourself a certain area of math?

>> No.9011406

>Question 3: About how long does it take to teach yourself a certain area of math?
Really fast considering that CS students don't learn maths the way maths students do.
Calculus isn't challenging, yet extremely boring(Real Analysis > Calculus). Considering that you were pretty good at maths in your high school and weren't falling asleep during trig classes, it doesn't matter how much your high school sucks at maths education I'm pretty sure that unless you skip lectures/home assignments you won't have many problems. Nevertheless, it's highly recommended to study on your own in addition to college. Do not worry, mathematics can never be that challenging in an undergrad CS course

>> No.9011424

>Is it normal to only have 2 programming related classes for the fall semester as a freshman
I'm surprised it's that much, your first 2 years are mostly general education requirements

>> No.9011465

Your answers were really reassuring, I expected to hear something like "you'll be at a disadvantage for having no prior knowledge of Calculus as a CompSci student."

>> No.9011466



I would say if you're a freshman, pace yourself with the programming related classes. Your first year or two are the general classes that everyone needs, so get that shit out of the way and maintain a decent gpa.

Don't underestimate taking classes like govt or poli sci in the summer, thats prime time to get shit like that over with, so that way you can spend the full sems in a class you actually enjoy.

Side note: I took java and my cs2 class concurrently and I wouldn't recommend it, so as far as taking multiple languages in one semester, I wouldn't. If you're a freshman, you have time. Plan your classes out so that way you don't have an unbalanced semester down the road.

>> No.9011470

Seriously? That's a bit disappointing. I expected to be able to delve right into it.

>> No.9011476

Don't worry. Some of your programming classes likely have a high failure rate to weed out shitters. You'll be busy enough.

>> No.9011488


You wouldn't even ask this if you saw the workload for a typical undergrad 'programming' class and now you want to do two at once. Maybe when you are at least second year and have the fundamentals down. Also computer science is not about programming or computers either. If instead of American Govt they offer philosophical logic classes take that.

There's nothing stopping you right now from taking calculus you lazy millennial. Go to MIT OCW, Youtube, get a book by Stewart, Thomas, Spivak or even Tom Apostol and do it yourself before you even get there to see if you're prepared or not.

However you should know the whole point of calculus is a uniform curriculum to guage the math abilities of students and bring them up to undergrad level through TAs.

Impossible to define obviously. The key is daily effort, pick 1hr a day to learn something instead of smoking dope and watching vidjya gayman and by the time September rolls around you could have finished Tom Apostol's Calculus and read "How to Think like a Mathematician" by Houston.

>> No.9011565

>you lazy millennial

Well, I'm not a millennial, I'm Gen-Z.

Anyway, I appreciate the advice you gave, it was helpful, if not a bit rude.

>> No.9011574

>I am majoring in CompSci

I am so sorry.

>> No.9011989

Would you care to explain this mental retardation, or are you just memeing?

>> No.9012022

I'm a 16y/o compsci student, taught myself calculus, my formal education is GCSE maths. Watch 3blue1brown and blackpenredpen on youtube, I've taught myself calculus from there. At first it makes no sense, but within a few months it all started to click together.

>> No.9012035
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>> No.9012098

>Spewing paragraph after paragraph of biased anecdotal drivel.
>This is the "truth"

Kek. Anon, none of those descriptions apply to me whatsoever. To attempt to generalize every single CS student based on the one experience you had at ITT Tech is the highest degree of mental retardation.

Moreover, what did you major in, and what do you do for a living, anon?

>> No.9012108
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>The "you go to a shitty school" deflection

Every single time.

>> No.9012133

>Question 1: Is it normal to only have two programming related classes for the fall semester as a freshman? I feel like taking American Government is a waste of time and another programming class would be much better suited in its position.

programming classes are only useful if there are code reviews (done by good programmers). In other words, most of them are useless and only encourage poor coding practices.

>> No.9012191

Anon, you still completely ignored my second question. What did you major in and what do you do for a living?

>> No.9012195

Moreover, you still haven't provided anything factual whatsoever to support your argument, you've just posted biased memes which really allude to your own intellectual insecurity.

>> No.9012235

seconding 3blue1brown, decided to brush up on linear algebra, and it's very easy to follow (then again college lin-alg is babby level)