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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 38 KB, 450x271, nasa-lies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9009935 No.9009935 [Reply] [Original]

I got into an argument with a friend about climate change(mind you he is not a scientist) and I presented him with data from NASA

and he told me that we can't trust NASA's data because they have a political agenda

How do I convince him?

>> No.9009938

how can you still trust NASA after they've been exposed so many times for liars and frauds?

>faking the moon landing
>the roundearthers who work there refuse to publish undoctored photos of Earth
>fake climate data so they can keep getting white man's welfare (grants for profit-less science)

>> No.9009942

Why is it valid to assume that NASA has a political agenda but nobody else does?

>> No.9009955

You can't unless you can get him a job at nasa.

>> No.9009956

False flag meta thread. OP is anti-nasa flat earth spammer. Sage

>> No.9010279

My dad works at NASA and he says the data is real

>> No.9010327

sage and ignore

>> No.9010370
File: 55 KB, 620x413, Donald-Trump-Theresa-May-Vladimir-Putin-Russia-US-ISIS-Meeting-White-House-Britain-Special-582489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The answer is Extremely Simple.
>And don't know why /sci/ don't thought about that.

The argument is that:
All Space Agencies in All Countries in The World Agree have independent data proving that Earth is Round regardless of each country political agenda, not only NASA.

For example:

Roscosmos (Space Agency Russia, ex-Soviet Union)
JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency)
CNSA (China National Space Administration)
ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation)
SSAU (State Space Agency of Ukraine)
ESA (European Space Agency)
ISA (Israel Space Agency)
Mohammed bin Rashid Space Centre
ASRI (Australian Space Research Institute)
KARI (Korea Aerospace Research Institute)
CSA (Canadian Space Agency)
Iranian Space Agency
Mexican Space Agency
Brazilian Space Agency
All of them have independent sources of data.

Among all mutually enemy or rival countries, if it's false then at least one country's space agency should disagree with the others.

But all these space agencies agree regardless of being enemy countries at conflict in each other or not.

Russia (ex-Soviet Union) is a rival of USA & Europe Union
Russia is at war with Ukraine
Japan, China & Korea hate each other
Israel is enemy of Iran

Regardless of being politically enemy of not all agree at same point: Earth is Round.

Note that Putin is praised by Conspiracy Theorists because supposedly they fight against the ""Illuminati"" agenda.

However Russia itself has a strong space program, supply the International Space Station using their Soyuz Space Ships.

Regardless of How Conspiracy Theorists love Russia, Russia confirm that Earth is Round.

No Russian Astronaut ever will say that Earth is Flat. All Russian Scientist also agree with USA that Earth is Round


>> No.9010386

But Nasa do it. Even color of the Moon is different when Chinese do photo instead of Nasa cheaters.

>> No.9010886

There is no data.

There's no spaceship data, no satellite data.
No abundant images or videos.
No extensive documentation.
No space experiments.

All there are are some terrible looking websites with weather data, 4 or 5 poor photos per satellite/craft and a few documentaries.

>> No.9010890

How would you even know if they fake them or not

>> No.9010905

become a solipist, forget your friend, make nasa real.

>> No.9010909
File: 840 KB, 935x1080, 1496487573836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9010919

>big iliminati conspiracy
>earth is really flat
>nobody can know this truth. Keep the sheeple down.
Hey let's use our secret truth map as the emblem of our new global puppet regime

>> No.9010921

Where did this Earth is flat bullshit come from?

We're talking about NASA.

>> No.9010933

Your friend is right. Data has been faked by multiple agencies, not just nasa. The climate model proposed by the ipcc doesn't work and hasn't for almost 10 years. Climate change as it is isn't real science. I'm not even saying that climate change doesnt exist, but the facts are we have no idea whatsoever on how we're impacting it.

>> No.9011057

>what if climate change is fake and we build a better world for nothing?
Yeah that makes sense.
If you had a gun on your head and you deny the existence of the bullet inside the barrel, you are still gonna die when someone pulls the trigger.

>> No.9011058

>what if africans don't have lower IQs and we build a better world for nothing?

>> No.9011065

>what if I visit Sci, so that I can at least pretend to be as smart as an ape

>> No.9011162

>Roscosmos (Space Agency Russia, ex-Soviet Union)
>JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency)
>CNSA (China National Space Administration)
>ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation)
>SSAU (State Space Agency of Ukraine)
>ESA (European Space Agency)
>ISA (Israel Space Agency)
>Mohammed bin Rashid Space Centre
>ASRI (Australian Space Research Institute)
>KARI (Korea Aerospace Research Institute)
>CSA (Canadian Space Agency)
>Iranian Space Agency
>Mexican Space Agency
>Brazilian Space Agency
this, all have a similar logo, the chervor/vector, hmm coincidence?

>> No.9011164

Get school mate.

>> No.9011167

they all have 'space' in their name
don't people realise that's hebrew for 'deceit'

>> No.9011178

the rabbit hole just keeps getting deeper

>> No.9011196

why the long list? you had me at Mohammed bin Rashid Space Centre.

>> No.9011204
File: 2.44 MB, 2132x1600, Selfie-with-Hamdan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>9011196 >>9011162 >>9010370
>Mohammed bin Rashid Space Centre.
Allahu Akbar in Space.

>> No.9011205

I may not be a smart person, but wouldn't it be better to NOT leave subtle clues about your super-super secret world-spanning lizard/Illuminati club in everything? Maybe not use words that mean 'deceit', 'child sex-slave', 'gullible sheeple' in hebrew and so on?

>> No.9011208
File: 401 KB, 1948x2208, jFwFH4T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mohammed bin Rashid Space Centre.

Do Muslim Astronauts still receive 72 virgins in paradise if their Rocket/SpaceCraft explodes & Kill them?

>> No.9011221

They are arrogant beyond measure my friend. And this is how they let everyone "in the know" know that they are on their side. Also it is a way to communicate secret messages to other members.

>> No.9011327

they literally say new world order to your face on tv, and people still don't get the calling card.

the secret handshakes and all that jazz

>> No.9011331

Where in OP's post is it even implied that NASA is the only entity with political agenda?

>> No.9011336
File: 135 KB, 600x561, FLAT EARTH REFUTED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a popular troll here, and a great thread derailer. Mention of NASA is sure to bring them out of the woodwork.

>> No.9011337

>How do I convince him?
you don't. Retards will be tards and nothing will convince them otherwise. The real question is why you're associating with morons?

>> No.9011381


I'm surprised they don't think being in space is haram.

>> No.9011383

There's a fuckton of that data. Just check out JPL's PO.DAAC ftp

>> No.9011387



>> No.9011533

what is antarctica.

>> No.9011546

>mind you he is not a scientist
nooooooo, really?

>> No.9011550
File: 885 KB, 960x640, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9011632

Do you also go to church in case god might be real?

>> No.9011651

Is going to church a good investment regardless of wether god is real? You're missing the point completely

>> No.9011657

No, it's not a good investment. I understand your point and I reject it. There's been literally 0 proposal to actually fix global warming. The paris accord is a joke and carbon taxes are a big circlejerk. The whole thing is literally a ponzi scheme.

>> No.9011712

>Where did this Earth is flat bullshit come from?

If you want to be completely honest, it probably came from some government agency to see just how susceptible the general public was to embracing and believing outrageous theories (think social engineering tactics.)

All in all, they're probably probing us to see how pliable we, the general public, really are in terms of embracing new ideology without needing supporting scientific evidence.

>> No.9011717

you're fighting conspiracy theories with a conspiracy theory. It's easily googleable where these societies originated, key individuals, and how the viewpoint spreads, there are no vested interests or experiments, just stupidity

>> No.9011789

It does not matter what Antarctica is, my statement stands.

>> No.9011837

>there are no vested interests or experiments, just stupidity
I've always found this kinda funny, to be honest. Aside from every launch provider in the world, there are a bunch of university-sponsored launches each year, shooting sounding rockets hundreds of km into the sky. A lot of these are prop full of cameras. These are not expensive. What's stopping these people from buying such a launch them self, strap a few cameras on it and get their "proof"?

Kinda hard to yell about cgi and fish-lens when you sent the damn thing up yourself

Kinda makes me wanna fund >>9010909

>> No.9012952

dont talk to them about it. if they bring it up tell them you dont want to talk about it. if they still bring it up get rid of them

>> No.9012968

this is a good point. my dad is a massive conspiracy theorist and also a good engineer weirldy, he basically denied newtons 2nd law and claimed rockets cant fly in space since they cant 'push off the air' or some shit. then the madman built a little vacuum chamber in the garage with a tiny air rocket inside to 'prove' it wouldnt work. of course it did, and he conceded the point and never questioned space tech again (the mechanics at least, still thinks therr are alienos hiding on the other side of the moon)

i asked him to make a video of it and share it with his conspiracy theory forums and he admitted they would dismiss him as a govt shill, fake experiment etc

so basically no amount of arguing can do any good. these nutjobs wont believe anything they havent seen

>> No.9013008

You don't. You tell him to fuck off and make better friends.


>> No.9013027

>Hundreds of kilometers into the sky

Try 60 at best.

>> No.9013076

Yeah, i was working of numbers for sounding rockets in general. The highest student launch i could find was about 44 km, which is still pretty damn impressive.

>> No.9013078

Ask him what he means by "political agenda",
and when he stammers for an instant, accuse
him of being an antiscience shillfag.

>> No.9013202

>we can't trust NASA's data because they have a political agenda

>> No.9013210
File: 297 KB, 755x858, PoliticizedData.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Truth About Climate Change

>> No.9013413

Arguing with tinfoils is an exercise in futility.

>> No.9013421

There is always another level in the conspiracy. Like peeling an onion

>> No.9013428
File: 56 KB, 328x328, bog3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is always another level in the conspiracy.
Blocks you Path

Quick rundown on them:
rothschilds bow to the Bogdanoffs
in contact with aliens
rumoured to possess psychic abilities
control france with an iron fist
own castles and banks all over the world
direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon the Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
These are the Bogdanoff twins
They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now
The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church
They learned fluent French in under a week
Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff
Trump is rumoured to be an agent of the Bogdanoffs
own basically every DNA editing research facility on Earth
first designer babies will be Bogdanoff Babies
both brothers said to have 200+ IQ


>> No.9013457

10/10, would visit

>> No.9013487

where here is the political agenda

>> No.9013638


>posting shit from a well known psuedoscience spreader
>does not take into account the concept of uncertainty or that that trend in temperature anomaly is essentially the same

>> No.9013641


read >>7597514

>> No.9014137

If we have to resort to back economic policies today in order to build a better future, then that's a problem. The biggest existential threat to people today is poverty, not the climate.

>> No.9014229

Literally prove this wrong brainl*ts.

>> No.9014232
File: 139 KB, 1169x993, cointelpro.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>R: 61 / I: 8

Fucking pathetic.

>> No.9014244
File: 132 KB, 735x727, QH1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I faked data in my PhD thesis that passed review at a very good school, who's to say NASA isn't faking data?

>> No.9014271

The "I" is for images.

>> No.9014283


Let's hope that someone, somewhere traces your IP, rats you out to your institution, effecting the stripping of your doctorate.

>> No.9014295
File: 88 KB, 634x892, monkey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who can prove it's not real?

>> No.9014296

happens all the time faggot, what are you gonna do about it?

>> No.9014303

Faking of data is extremely common in experimental science

My lab had to cut quite a few undergrads and basically blacklist them for grad school because they were basically fudging experiments for grads

>> No.9014349

Let the man do his own research, you aren't going to convince him anything. Your preaching might even be counterproductive 'why is this guy so worried of the way I think' 'this 4channer sperglord who learned to tie his shoes at the age of 15 is giving me advice, it must be the opposite of what he says'

>> No.9014368

Of course they are. They need that sweet cash from the $12billion a year global warming funding.

>> No.9014575

he's half right to be honest op. all those pictures of mars and there's a real chance you could be looking at the atacama desert

>> No.9014589

print out every single document from the ALSJ and dump them in his room

I hope you have a lot of toner

>> No.9014651

Yes it is. It connects you to your community in a way no other organizations do. Go to church and pray anon

>> No.9014712


All Nasa's images of 'space' and 'satellites' and 'globe earth' are doctored images. Not a single genuine 'photograph', they're all images. I studied photography at university, and I've seen a few shoops in my time.

Nasa are all shoop da woop.

>> No.9014823
File: 18 KB, 236x274, 65fb88d23927c1b01b150faf5ddf53ab (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it does matter.

>> No.9014829

first off get different data sources than NASA then get NASA data, compare and contrast, while the dude is right (NASA doctored some graphs, with memos stating such being released on wikileaks if I remember), and while there is nothing wrong about being skeptical about the climate scientists claims (climate scientists in general lack proper data skills, something my maths lecturer has pointed out) but the data exists for all to see, we are getting warmer (the who, what when where and why are contentious)

>> No.9014836

>the who, what when where and why are contentious
no they're not. Also
>climate scientists in general lack proper data skills
according to 1 math lecturer? Sad evidence is sad.


>> No.9014839
File: 43 KB, 525x350, divoky-cooper-island.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white man's welfare
bountiful grant-money for muh lavish lifestyle

>> No.9014848

If you'd like I can go through with you HOW they mis represent data and how complex the heat feed back system is, anon you can't say that they understand exactly how the atmosphere works, nor that they can accurately predict the future weather phenomena/trends, hence
>the who, what when where and why are contentious

>> No.9014852

The word "political" appears twice in the second sentence,
and again in the fifth sentence. Political agenda much?

>> No.9014855
File: 47 KB, 400x480, backinmyday-tinfoil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

foil is made of aluminum now, Grandpa

>> No.9014867

Take it in the face retard


>> No.9014879

wow. 12 whole billion

>> No.9015946
File: 63 KB, 600x600, 500pxShopped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats actually a brilliant idea!
they would have to rename it into "see the flat earth with your own eyes" to attract more of these idiots trying to prove something, making their bodies disintegrate on launch when going max-q, and scatter their remains on re entry.

>> No.9016325

You're asking how to convince your friend that random retards are pushing this agenda. Actually, NASA/CIA publish most of this material, to draw attention away from genuine conspiracies surrounding things like the moon landings. Go find the video that analyzes The Shining. Practically every scene is a reference to Kubrick's involvement in the landing hoax.

>> No.9016549
File: 82 KB, 469x536, 1401970015411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9016581
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>> No.9016755
File: 60 KB, 600x335, ScienceLabs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oooo... you so edgy and smawty.

>> No.9016913

>flat earther research lab

dood what? i have just watched that video, it is by curious droid who is not even a flat earther, analyzing how it came that some murricans started to believe in a moon hoax conspiracy. he does genuinely educational videos on his channel. http://curious-droid.com/

and that other video above is just amazing.

>> No.9016922
File: 47 KB, 410x307, tin1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there was an MIT research in how effective a tinfoil hat would even be, they realized it doesnt even shield the wearer and ironically acts like a signal booster


>> No.9016926

I work at NASA as a professional data faker. All of NASAs data comes from my division. The rest of the NASA staff are actors.

Ask me anything

>> No.9016931

shit thread

>> No.9017326

how do you control all the other space agencies? and who framed Roger Rabbit?

>> No.9017914


>> No.9018148

I'm not going to watch a video from a who doesn't even know how to use the 'site:' search hint.

>> No.9018372

Topologically it is

>> No.9020037

standard policy is "if you die furthering the goals of islam"
going to space does not do this, murdering non-muslim children does

>> No.9020265


Everybody that gets grant money has an angle. When your livelihood depends on you finding something, unless the null result you get proves something amazing like the self-propagation of light, you'd be surprised how quickly some people run slipshod over their supposed principles.