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9008897 No.9008897 [Reply] [Original]

Anons I'm sick of the human body, it's trash.

Please let's fucking bio-engineer a real body already.
One which is incapable of exhaustion, depression and cancer.

ITT: Post everything you hate about the human biology.

>> No.9008903
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>has to sleep

>> No.9008905
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>can't photosynthesize

>> No.9008921
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>eventually dies

>> No.9008930
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>has nothing to cover the head of the penis

>> No.9008932

>takes control of your mind over outdated/ancient needs like survival of the species
I just want to enjoy life without feeling shit like >tfw no gf

>> No.9008933

My wishlist
>body incredible durable in general
>can jump from a building and land without harm
>all joints able to rotate 360
>download new skills and knowledge matrix style
>all senses working in a broader spectrum
And of course immortality.

>> No.9008948
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>almost irresistible urge to seek out a mate
>requires daily maintenance (food, water, exercise)
>constantly in some sort of discomfort, whether it be through itch, pain, or illness
>existence in and of itself is a task

>> No.9009021

This pretty much summarises it.

>> No.9009042
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>lungs aren't indestructible

>> No.9009048

just be a cat. problem solved.

>> No.9009052

it's not a body thing. Source of depression is mind.

>> No.9009087

>implying the mind is separate from the body
dualism, not even once

>> No.9009089

>only two arms
>no eyes in your wrists to view things up close

>> No.9009104

>get permanent kidney disease at age of 12
>get insanely tough calculus between teeth
>stress about everything
>chase the red dot for all eternity

>> No.9009472
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>limited focus
>unlimited intensity of pain

>> No.9009483
File: 52 KB, 300x300, heliozoa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would be made of some kind of material found no where else, on the value of diamond or gold. They would be beautiful and perfect. Symmetric. Intelligent. Not bound by the mere illusions of suffering and pain, ecstasy and pleasure, love and comfort, anger and sorrow, but rather truly perceiving of the Universe, truly existing, understanding, seeing all of the things the human eye cannot see, hearing and smelling as far as other galaxies, feeling atom by atom when touching something. They wouldn't have any impurities and do anything disgusting. They would not have to take shit or piss. They would not be bound to any form or shape, and would be able to fully recreate themselves as they wish.I would give it so much brainpower that they could simulate the entire Universe into their mind, fall asleep, and live whatever reality they want to, and it would feel as if thousands of years have passed, and when they wake up, the clock would have only moved by a second. These would be many, and plentiful. Eventually, there would be so many of them that all of the Universe would be made up by humans. Each fundamental particle that exists is a part of at least one of these humans, in a way that everyone who has ever lived, every human, every insect, every cat, would be brought back to life from the dead, and given the experience of existence again. Humans would eventually become an all knowing, all understanding thing. An existence shared by all spacetime, all matter, all energy in all of the Universe, or multiverses while at it. Something truly infinite in all imaginable ways. Perhaps it already has happened, and this existence is part of it. Physically speaking, it would look way different from what we imagine them. They would look much closer to this image than to those little grey-men or some robotic crap. Something axially symmetrical. With those spikes. Purple. And with some kind of core just floating in the middle. Like heliozoa but the size of mountains, maybe small moons.

>> No.9009520

pure autism

>> No.9009550

>implying it isnt

>> No.9009603

>>Please let's fucking bio-engineer a real body already.
we don't have the technology to do so and won't for a long time. Even if we did, it would be years before we could determine if the process was safe enough to do.

>> No.9009611

Poikilothermal, it would be so sweet to never have to feel cold again

>> No.9009651

Yeah until you fucking die of hypothermia. Just move to somewhere that isn't cold or wear a sweater

>> No.9009653

>insanely tough calculus between teeth
Kitt Godel when?

>> No.9009655

take thyroxine and never feel cold again

>> No.9009662

The first thing to fix would be shitting and pissing.
Can you believe that girls poop?
It's disgusting and this feature should be removed.
While you are it, make it so the digestive system can easily take extreme amounts of drugs, alcohol, and junk food.

>> No.9009682

>t. fat slob

Fuck this /b/ thread.

>> No.9009775

Look up Wim Hof