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File: 834 KB, 576x720, american education.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9007546 No.9007546 [Reply] [Original]

is there really anything wrong with american education?

>> No.9007558

Not to sound like /pol/ but white and asians are doing fine. It's the other groups that fail big time. Colleges have to offer remedial classes which teach elementary algebra.

>> No.9007563

Is she erasing instructions on how to use a calculator?

>> No.9007592


Honestly it's not even a /pol/ thing to say. People need to accept the fact that there are biological differences between people.

>> No.9007632

For the most part, it's babysitting with forced "learning." It's just a continuation of the rat race but for kids.
Children don't learn at the same rate and they don't have the same interests. Instead they're expected to progress at the same rate and then measured against their peers and made to feel better or worse. There is no real attempt to let children progress at their own rate with their own motivation and discipline. This just continues for years until some kids are doing okay and everybody else is basically a retard who was pushed too far too soon. This is without considering the problems of shitty parents and life for these students. Teachers don't have any real ability to help or discipline students either. It's all about making the students look good on paper. No one cares about what the student is interested in as they are there to follow a set curriculum and not spend too much time on their passion.
In general, most kids are inquisitive, like learning new things, and will decide to catch up to their peers if they feel like they are being left behind (kids don't like being the one left out because they can't read, play, etc.). School on the other hand kills children's minds. It's just a way to weed out who will be better at jumping through hoops once they are able to get a job.
As far as higher education is concerned, there are too many people who shouldn't be there. It's not that most of them are even incapable but rather that their previous education was so substandard that they're going to get stuck on the basics or just barely keeping up instead of progressing further. No where is this more obvious than in any field that requires some college level math without even considering proof-based mathematics. You can see the students struggling because of their poor grasp of this subject. Lectures are okay but more practical experience tends to be left up to the student, which is okay for some fields but not others.

>> No.9007635

it's sql basics, moron
I'd optimize inner joins and dml inserts with her all night long.

>> No.9007656

I don't know about other nations but in the US everything from High School down teachers are on your ass to do things. In college they treat you as if you are an adult and can do shit on your own (though they still look down at you unlike how an adult would treat another adult).

>> No.9007669


not if you're an ass man

>> No.9007812
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I'm not an asses guy but holy shit, I'd take her class 3 semesters in a row after which an NBC containment team would have to come and take care of my desk

>> No.9007970

That's not American. Look at the power plugs.

>> No.9008106

in general american education is perfectly fine only two issues really:
1.) the gap in actual education between schools of the same format (e.g. highschool) is too large
2.) ridiculous tuition fees for higher education is a bad thing
I majored in economics myself so please dont give me the "muh free market" speech. if you want to grow economic and social wealth across the board youre better off providing education at a reasonable price

>> No.9008132
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If I were a high school teacher, I wouldn't fail kids if they put the effort into learning. If a student did poorly on a test/struggles, or even just wants to know more, I would have a box where they can slip a note with their name on it and offer extra lessons after school or something like that to learn the material/retake a harder version of the test. This way it's more anonymous/less confronting for students since some people just don't like asking for help. Also, there are just a lot of bad teachers out there.

>> No.9008138

I would also sexually torment them if I were a thicc girl.

>> No.9008144
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I would sexually torment the thicc girls with my dicc.

>> No.9008430
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>tfw I choose my professors based on whether or not they're female/have hotness on ratemyprofessor

>> No.9008437

>sql basics
>implying there's an advanced version

but but we're. ..they're . ....RACIST!!

>> No.9008503

>is there really anything wrong with datass
absolutely nothing

>> No.9008521
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Math b.s. here who's becoming a hs math teacher. I'm taking the first of the prereq educ classes this summer before i can get into the credential program.
No one cares about the subject they're going to teach, and everyone just cares about the kid's feelings. Everyone's always clamoring about student-centered education and how the students should be deciding what they want to learn. The whole class is pretty much unanimous in agreement that one of the key focuses in education should be on what they call Social Reconstructionism. They want to empower kids to make social changes and promote equality as one of their main goals. I've heard the phrase 'white privilege' at least 3 times during lectures and presentations, and when a qt Mexican girl said we should stop using such phrases, the professor stepped in and said everyone has a level of priceless in society, and we should be making our students aware of such things.
There are 2 or 3 music majors in the class (who are not going to be teaching music) and nearly everyone else is some sort of humanities/art major. Only myself, and 2 girls majored in some sort of STEM area. Also, gun rights were brought up twice in class, and we had a guest teacher humblebrag about how he had multiple hs girls offer him favors to boost their grade. Lastly, everyone agreed IQ means nothing and that people are all just intelligent in different ways.

You tell me

>> No.9008537

cost + too unfocused would be the two main things. curriculums are infested with required bullshit/irrelevant elective classes, which is doubly unacceptable given the costs. disciplines that are demonstrably unlikely to see future job prospects should be cracked down or at least some sort of warning style entrance counseling should be introduced like with taking out loans (another huge but separate issue)

>> No.9008546

that smells like job security

>> No.9008556

one of my friends is a high school math teacher and is extremely miserable. godspeed

>> No.9008574

My brother and I failed high school, and now I'm an EE that got a $55k job before I finished graduating with literally no research or relevant previous jobs on my resume. My senior project wasn't even related: electronics for a medical device vs setting up software/programming fucking VoIP and shit. People need to get their shit together and be better. I was tutoring maths for six years and science for two and a half. Some people are thick as bricks and still graduated, but I can appreciate the ones who are trying to actually learn something instead of just being passed on.

I don't even use my Facebook, and they keep wanting me to friend a trans teacher at my uni.

I would totally suck her dick.

>> No.9008756


wouldn't go so far as to say it's biological. it's definitely cultural though... and with that regard blacks are fubar

>> No.9008758


They behave the same place everywhere though. The blacks in China came from parts of Africa that were never colonized/oppressed, but their descendants behave no different than ghetto blacks in America.

>> No.9008762

Her pants go into her anus, which is an incredibly unclean, disgusting thing that I've ever witnessed within my lifetime, and I've been birthed by my own mother before. Birthing sometimes comes at a price of feces coming out the anus, not that there's already residue from previous releases of browned turds, which is alike this situation where the female has her pants inside her own anus wiping against her leftover logs from the previous night of dirty diapering.

>> No.9008814


Yeah no, this has little to do with innate biological ability and more to do with keeping up a charade.

K-12 general education is literally about discipline and following directions so you can get a fucking career and contribute to society. Kids aren't being asked to invent and discover new shit. They're being told to read, recreate and/ or solve already known problems with established answers.

The problem is american education doesn't just outright tell kids (and their parents) that every single piece of work you will do for the next x years of your life has already been solved in advanced. They don't tell them that unless you fucking do your school work you're going to 9 times out of 10 end up in the poor house (if not already in the poor house) and your life will consist of struggling for the basic necessities and living like unwanted parasite by society who will in turn most likely want you dead or gotten rid of because you don't contribute a fucking thing.

Boys need to be told that unless they fucking listen and do school work they're going to end up in a shitty low paying job with depression, dead in the streets by gangs or cops costing money to their parents and tax payers to bury them or getting butt fuck by their eventual cell mate in prison.

Girls need to be told that unless they do school work they're going to end up selling their body to the entire neighborhood or become drug addicted and pass on defects to their future kids.

Most of East Asia countries already drill this shit in their kids via culture so the teachers don't have to do it. But American teachers may have to do this since the culture isn't doing it's fair share.

>> No.9008818

>if you want to grow economic and social wealth across the board youre better off providing education at a reasonable price
Then you know what to do. Open your own University and set the tuition fees you find reasonable.

>> No.9008821


Then explain why blacks do so much worse at school than whites.
Even when those blacks are raised in upper class white households.

>> No.9008833

>Not to sound like /pol/ but white and asians are doing fine. It's the other groups that fail big time.

But this is because of systematic discrimination....Of course they're doing fine because of their history, blacks/hispanics have historically been denied the same quality of schooling and have been denied living in great neighborhoods, which makes everything else harder.

>> No.9008838


Then why do they do equally as bad, or in many cases worse, in other countries where there was no history of racial discrimination?

>> No.9008853


>Then explain why blacks do so much worse at school than whites

Honestly there's no need to explain, even "IF" they 100% naturally do worse in school there is absolutely no excuse an able bodied child who has enough agency to attend school on their own accord, have enough mental processing power to hold continuous social conversations in the national language and adhere to the concept of time should fail out. The work done in K-12 is effectively memory and behavior training.

They don't fucking need to be straight A students with near perfect test scores.

They don't need to be college material.

They don't need to be future Nobel winners.

They just fucking need to be functional either go into a trade or the military. Which 90% of the population can do regardless of IQ averages.

Fuck your shitty rat race of being "good" in testing and school.

>> No.9008858

ofc. there is and I bet you know shit about It.

>> No.9008861


Public schools are only as good as their weakest links.
The average black has an IQ a standard deviation below the average white. 85 compared to 100
Some sub-Saharan populations of blacks have an IQ of 60 or less.

A below average black in America could easily have a sub-70 IQ, which makes school very challenging and naturally increases their chance to fail or drop out.

>> No.9008891


>Public schools are only as good as their weakest links.

No they aren't you retard, this isn't the military or a sports team. If the weakest link needs help you move them to special education or a separate program altogether. That's literally why they exist in the first place.

Also in a world where private schools exist, public schools by definition are almost always second rate.

>The average black has an IQ a standard deviation below the average white. 85 compared to 100

That's still a high enough average to get through k-12 with at least a C+ average if they fucking apply themselves. You are over estimating the difficulty of the k-12 curriculums because even if you average a "D" in supposedly the hardest subject that being Math almost all the other classes are subsets to language arts (the supposedly easiest subject) i.e. History, Writing and English literature with Science being the middle man in all this. Which itself isn't hard if you properly teach them logic and classifications.

>Some sub-Saharan populations of blacks have an IQ of 60 or less.

From my understanding the only Sub-saharan population with a IQ in the 60's are the Khoisan Bushmen and they are not black. Sub-saharan blacks average 70-75 IQ with poor nutrition at prenatal putting the outliers in the 60's.

>A below average black in America could easily have a sub-70 IQ, which makes school very challenging and naturally increases their chance to fail or drop out.

Only if you let them, if they have problems with the curriculum you just make the teaching more rigorous and again put them in programs to address that purpose.

>> No.9008964

you should be ashamed of making this a point.
Its like saying sun and moon are two different things and you should start accepting it.

>> No.9008969

How do you fail high school tho? Did you just stopped showing up?

>> No.9008971

Exactly. Critical thinking is just the willingness to question, investigate, and endure. You need to do that to be good at any trade or discipline. If you're a critically thinking electrician or carpenter, then that's good enough for me. Just use make the best of the Pythagorean theorem for cutting the right size wooden planks and I'll be satisfied.

>> No.9008989
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>Math b.s. here who's becoming a hs math teacher

>> No.9008992
File: 2.77 MB, 640x360, send help.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>guest teacher humblebrag about how he had multiple hs girls offer him favors to boost their grade
oh now it makes sense

>> No.9008999


>had math teacher in HS who taught geometry
>everyone took this
>other than that class, he for some reason was forced to teach all the remedial classes
>this dude was miserable as fuck
>like remedial as in high school kids who were in there because they failed a standardized test over the quadratic formula multiple times

>> No.9009016

That's the fate of eurangutan stolen home. America belongs to the Amerindians. You are being replaced and you can't do anything about it.

>> No.9009059

I honestly believe that from middle school and up children should have car shop,carpenting,plumbing,metal working,computer repair and soft engineering classes.

Not everyone is going to be a lawyer or a chemist honestly.

>> No.9009074

Intelligent people who are not naive will always find a way. Many former Lefties here have pulled a Mussolini (he went from being a socialist to a fascist), though they aren't /pol/ fags who wear it like a badge of honor. Many have seen the people they stucked up for only have came back to stab them in the back. Left wing ideas (especially the social ones) ironically are incompatible with poor ill educated people, the same people intellectual Lefties fight so much for. Sooner or later they discover society will always have bottom feeders and not all are equal. If you are an intelligent person it's best to accept this and help out the few poor kids who have shown to have a special gift in them Avoid the hood niggas who have no desire to be something in life.

>> No.9009077

hello redd*t

>> No.9009081

>that slight dig at engineering at the end
I already know you are a pure meth major.

>> No.9009082

Is it gay if I want to bury my face in there?

>> No.9009086

Her penis is bigger than your face.

>> No.9009091

Obvious retoric is useless.

America belongs to the Amerindians, and mexicans replacing eurangutans is just the first step.

>> No.9009094

Yes. As with anything in America, education caters towards the rich and shits all over the poor. If you are born poor you're shit out of luck.

There is a threshold though. If you are poor but a borderline genius they make sure you go to the good universities because they cannot afford to have your brains going to another university that might end up becoming competition for the prestigious universities.

So basically if you're poor and borderline genius, you get "adopted" by the rich just so your brains wouldn't become competition for them.

If you're poor and just average or below average intelligence you're fucked.


And it's a bit ridiculous how everyone keeps coming with more and more radical ways to change education to fix it when it fact it just lacks funding. There is a cost to education and the rich don't want to pay for the education of the poor. It's that simple. Some schools are massively underfunded. It's ridiculous. Moreover you have lots of these children growing in troubled dysfunctional families that need even more hands on coaching and mentoring than usual not to mention basic things like food and clothing.

>> No.9009095

So Mexican inherit the chimp problem? Maybe the savageness of Mexicans and their lack of altruism will make them go full genocide on blacks.

>> No.9009097

>if you are poor and smart you get adopted by the rich and their culture
Sounds like an immense incentive, no? Egalitarianism is a meme. Not everyone has the capability or aptitude. Another mouth to feed in this world needs to contribute in some way. Having more idiots who can't do shit is a great way to destroy the planet further.

>> No.9009100


What a stupid elitist attitude.

Most people are average or below average. You cannot have a society that only caters to the elite and expect it to last. And as far as I can tell, it's not the "idiots" who are destroying the planet. It's the elite who call the shots.

>> No.9009106

The masses consume. You are telling me the 1% are the reason why the entire species over consumes? If hypothetically the human species finds a way to travel the solar system then the people on those spaceships are not gonna be idiots but the very creme de la creme of humanity. This means the future of the species will always, justifiably so, belong to the elite (economic or intelligent wise). Also I assume you are socially left wing as well as fiscally? Poor, uneducated people always vote against socially left wing ideals. The upper class, altruistic Liberals that fight for the poor are getting stabbed in the back by them. The greatest enemy of homosexuals isn't white people but minorities especially those of the islam faith and black baptists. Sooner or later you will have to accept this reality. The Liberal's ultimate goal will never come to be because the very people they champion and fight for fuck them over, their is no tit for tat relationship at all.

>> No.9009108

Oh look, it's another racist thread from /pol/ claiming blacks to be inferior because of biological differences. Throwing around completely made up I.Q. numbers that no one can source. It must be - well, the sun must have risen.

>> No.9009109

Tests with check-marks can be easily deceived.

>> No.9009147

Everything you said is correct.
Unfortunately there are literally no schools that take alternative approach.

>> No.9009150

yes there are, problem is they're all expensive private schools

>> No.9009153

I will challenge you to name one.
I really doubt there is such thing as school where inclination to a certain topic in a kid is recognized and nurtured.

>> No.9009158

how many stones in two ounces and a pound

>> No.9009159

>As far as higher education is concerned, there are too many people who shouldn't be there. It's not that most of them are even incapable but rather that their previous education was so substandard that they're going to get stuck on the basics or just barely keeping up instead of progressing further. No where is this more obvious than in any field that requires some college level math without even considering proof-based mathematics. You can see the students struggling because of their poor grasp of this subject. Lectures are okay but more practical experience tends to be left up to the student, which is okay for some fields but not others.
Higher education in america is probably the best in the world, secondary education is the problem

>> No.9009160


check the links at the bottom for lists of schools

>> No.9009168

To be honest mentoring should be the one and only method for higher education.
From day one to have a guide that will let you through the hoops of profession and pass on the knowledge hand to hand.
Unfortunately such form of human sharing is a thing of the past,people are too selfish.

Instead lest put 200 people and a projector screen,give out the ppt presentation and recommend some books and charge money for it.

>> No.9009172

Very interesting,I guess not all people are animals.
No wonder we have such difference in intellect between wealth classes.

>> No.9009202

>I guess not all people are animals
you guess incorrectly

>> No.9009214

The examples above beg to differ.
It is interesting how a small percentage of the populous can organize itself for advancement through the shortest route because the are somehow conscious of their purpose in life while the rest of us follow whatever social standards are for education like animals acting on instinct.

>> No.9009303

Its demonstably not explainable by culture. Althought in turn a culture is emergent from people and people - biology.

>> No.9009366

You just wanted an excuse to post that fine booty, didn't you?

>> No.9009393
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This, a true intellectual knows how to appreciate all parts of the body

>> No.9009409

>white are doing fine
no they aren't. they're just the majority so they more than other demographics run the full gamut from absolute shit to excel. the system itself is grossly inefficient in more or less every regard.

>> No.9009415

There are, but it's not racial. It's just like breeding livestock, you want to keep breeding desirable like qualities together. white people aren't especially more intelligent on average, but they have kids all up and down the social ladder which keeps them with slim but fair odds on all ends. Poor people and by consequence demographics that overlap with poverty are all fucked regardless of the racial component because it's a long pedigree of subpar potential and performance culminating in every new generation of kids. The issue of racism in this field is less about the actual distribution of genetic advantage and more about the mediocre middle class white nobodies who mistakenly believe they're above average and try to hold that over other people's heads on the arbitrary basis of race or even class.

>> No.9009420

the problem is that my dick isn't inside that butthole

>> No.9009547

>Colleges have to offer remedial classes which teach elementary algebra.
why is this a bad thing? I'm returning to school after working for the last eight years since my high school graduation and I retained almost nothing of algebra. I'm kinda thankful that the cc I'm going to offers a class for it desu. all kinds of people attend college, anon, not just kids fresh out of high school

>> No.9009590

enjoy being the only white guy in the remedial classes....anon you are white aren't you?

>> No.9010075


>> No.9010126


If you think there's no biological difference when it comes to intelligence, explain the massive differences in SAT scores when organized by race and wealth? Across the board the wealthier the family the student comes from, the more intelligent they are on average when compared to the same race of a poorer family.
However, the richest black students barely score the same as the poorest white students on the SATs yet they all take the same test and learn the same material as their peers.
Just type in the magic words "SAT by race and wealth" into Google and you're good to go.
There's also other differences when it comes to race and genetics shown by data such as the Stanford study showing racial groupings matching genetic profiles, the minnesota transracial adoption studies, the different level of population differentiation among human genes study, the Kansas city desegregation experiment.
That's not even touching on many studies concerning genes like rs236330, c2orf16 rd191912, and many others that are strongly correlated with intelligence.
To deny that the gap exists because of biological differences and not socioeconomic reasons is to deny a massive amount of consistent evidence gathered over decades.
Life is basically racist all the way down to your genetics, get over it.

>> No.9010149

>life is racist
That's why your race is being replaced by mexicans on USA and muslim peasants on europe. You have to go back to europe. America belongs to the amerindians.

Incas developed faster, got to the continent 15000 years after eurangutans settled on europe, had less cultures to trade with, got a harsh climate which wipetd out coastal cities, isolation continent south-north, and didn't have anatolian nor egyptian cultures that babysit them to the iron age.

Incas were superior to europeans. And your kind will be extinct in this century. Deal with it.

>> No.9010285

Holy crap. You know the experiment where they plugged electrodes into the pleasure centres of rats' brains and they would keep hitting the power switch to the exclusion of eating and drinking? I almost couldn't stop watching that.

>> No.9010294

What? America was the last continent to be settled by humans you retard. Europeans were already in the dark ages by the time Aztecs figured out how to properly eat corn without dying from malnutrition.

>> No.9010307

The AP course system is being taken advantage of in lower income schools. They take students who don't belong there and fill classes to make extra income. Students who deserve to be there do not get the full, expected education and students who do not belong there get a worse education because they can not grasp the concepts.

This costs the tax payers more and gives the students a worse education.

>> No.9010579

>I assume youre left wing
>Proceeds to shit talk him
Stopped reading there

Whats the point of debating if you dont even know how to persuade somebody?
This is a problem with /pol/ in general where instead of reasonably explaining why they think what they think or appealing to the opposing side while explaining why theyre wrong, you just antagonize everyone who doesnt immediately agree with you. It doesnt matter if youre right or wrong because youre never going to persuade anyone if you keep insulting them.

>> No.9010590

The biggest problem with education at the moment is being a primary school teacher is a fall-back option for people who 'dont like math or science, and just like children'.

This means that when children get their first taste of academics and STEM subjects, it's taught to them by literally 22 year old blonde sluts that never understood math in their lives and dropped it as a subject at the first given opportunity.

Is it then any wonder that most kids grow up not understanding it, and following suite? "Oh it's a bunch of things I'll never get".

>> No.9010633
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I'm >>9008891 and >>9008814 here, where in my post did I even try to deny biological differences?

Did you even bother to read through my posts? Or where you jerking off to your racism so much that you forgot basic reading comprehension and grabbed the nearest posts that didn't 100% agree with your world view?

Go fuck yourself you brainlet.

>> No.9010720

dude what

>> No.9010729

My female hs bio teacher was pretty cool. Also the girl math teacher was the best at the school. Honestly most of my really competent teachers were female, whereas the guys were just chill with having fun and if you picked something up along the way then great. One of the only counterexamples being my male physics/chem teacher.

>> No.9010741

everyone else just trying to legitimize their racism or avoiding the issue

>> No.9010755

>This means that when children get their first taste of academics and STEM subjects, it's taught to them by literally 22 year old blonde sluts that never understood math in their lives and dropped it as a subject at the first given opportunity.
Q: how much of a passion for math and knowledge of it do you really need to reach primary school math effectively?
A: Not very much at all.

>> No.9010760

Bell curve disagrees!

>> No.9010768

mental defects, chronic problem makers, and the functional but stupid should be separated out from the other students in public schools.

america should also adopt japan's education system. year round schooling. uniforms at the middle and high school levels. strict discipline. mountains of homework. replace big national standardized tests with individual university entrance exams. have students help clean up and cook the lunch. students stay in their homeroom and the teachers rotate through the classes.

>> No.9010773


When we learn concepts they are always 'hard' and 'strange' at first.

Even basic addition. It's useful if the person teaching it understands it in and out, and can explain it in 5-10 different ways and really gets the foundation down...

>> No.9010804

lol good luck, we're reaching the point where 50% of the us student body shows up to high school simply for the free lunch and to sell drugs

>> No.9010806

How you guys learn history. All you do is learn dates of battles and shit and then test it out in multiple choice questions. Pretty horrible tbqh.

>> No.9010832

yes, not enough thick mommies to teach the class.

>> No.9010833

high school entrance exams.

we already have charter schools and magnet schools. we should make the middle schoolers compete to get into the better high schools. then the rest are sent off to Special High School or to a vocational school to start a career in something like welding or forklift operation.

>> No.9010861

>didn't go to prom

I'm a fool it was gonna be great

I dunno..american education at least at the public level is mostly general education

A big problem is probably the labeling of mental disorders vs gifted and talented and stuff, nepotism and money even and especially at the public level

The fact that american education is based on european education and stuff also removes a lot of cool stuff, math and stuff is universal, we all communicate in english since we've been taught in english but there are things that have different meanings in different languages

>> No.9010864

>tfw beautiful blonde vixens could have taught me other things

If only but it was still a joy to be around them and I wish them well

>> No.9010867


I don't understand what this word means anymore...

>> No.9010876

>why is this a bad thing?
Because you can learn all of the algebra and trig you need to know to take calculus in a few afternoons on Khan Academy. That's what I did last year before going to college. Remedial math classes are for student-athlete tier brainlets and they lower the quality of the student body.

>> No.9010891

Reaching "effectively" isn't really teaching at all. Even though many people can progressively learn to write and whatnot, few are the one who fully retain their math knowledge because there is no integral knowledge.

>> No.9010925

I'm sorry. Did I offend your ego?

>> No.9010928

Allowing phones in class is one.

>> No.9010934

Most teachers I know will punish or warn children playing on their phones, but if you are in HS and can't have self control you will never make it. I use my phone to compliment or investigate what the teacher shows me. It helps a lot if you know how to use it. But maybe you are pne of those tards whp think people learn best from rote memorization.

>> No.9010935
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>tfw brainlet who avoided going to school because of social anxiety
>tfw going back to school because I finally worked up the courage to better myself
>tfw have to start at precalculus
>tfw brushing up on khanacademy
>tfw I still want to take precalculus in person so I can have reinforced knowledge and have an easier time in calculus the next semester.

>> No.9010941

Sounds like a solid plan. Definitely good to have the fundamentals down before going into calculus, and you can pad your gpa some early on by taking precal. Calculus is a breeze if you have your algebra and trig squared away.

>> No.9010946


Don't remedial classes not count toward GPA?

>> No.9010951
File: 177 KB, 900x600, lyceum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At my school I think they count toward your gpa but not toward your math gen ed requirement. Not sure though.

>> No.9010957


Shit, cos I took an online fundamental chemistry course and got a 79.467777...% in the class. (Never taking an online class again because it's so frustrating not knowing what is going to be on the mid-terms/finals. Also, it's hell taking a 3 hour long test.

>> No.9011022

dat ass tho

>> No.9011111

>maybe you are pne of those tards whp think people learn best from rote memorization.
No I'm one of those tards who thinks people learn best by paying attention to the teacher and actively being engaged in the class.

>> No.9011115

You can do all that and aid yourself through technology.

>> No.9011124


I love the IQ argument since we can always bring up the flynn study on the white IQ in 1900 (about 70).

>> No.9011130

No you can't. You can only do one thing at a time. And asking questions is better than googling the answer.

>> No.9011182


>> No.9011238

Asians were treated as second class citizens the same as blacks and hispanics. They do better than whites now

>> No.9011266

Anon can you honestly say that you were a good student in Middle School or that you in Middle School reflects what you are today? Thats way too early for kids to have their lives decided for them. Theres no way kids will take it seriously on their own, the kids that will do well would just be the ones that had strict parents deciding everything they do. Which is not the American way :]

>> No.9011269

>googling the answer

People who are on their phones in class are usually texting or browsing social media. If you have ever been in a modern classroom you would know that those kids usually get in trouble for it or dont do so well academically. I have never had a teacher or proffesor who has been ok with students unreasonably using their phones during class.

>> No.9011282

Amerifag here. The issue is a nonstandard approach to education that changes with almost every decade/presidency. There were 3 main education approaches that I had to adjust to which were no child left behind, and then a comprehension based program (forgive me, I forget the name), and when I exited high school it was common core. The first emphasized just getting students out the door, passing. We can hopefully all see a problem with that. The second emphasized reading and math skills and had tried to make an attempt to correct the NCLB practices by testing students on comprehension for English and math. Some of you may recall the constant daily or weekly quizzes, exams, reading/writing assessments, etc. The third was the worst of all, in my opinion. Common core took away the testing aspect but left the expectation to drill math into the soft skulls of children. Teachers were famously limited to teaching using the tools the government gives rather than what has historically worked in the past for them. Unfortunately, it worked for many other studies like English, social studies, and soft science studies but left children left to academically starve in hard studies like math, physics, etc. There are soooo many issues with the education system and I could go on about how easy it is to become a teacher, how gerrymandering impoverishes particular neighborhoods, and how students are left in a sort of intellectual disparity because of education becoming a subsidy in america, and so on and so forth.

Ignore any grammatical and punctuation errors.

~no proofreading mobile user.

>> No.9011322

Nevermind I was wrong. They don't count toward your gpa. Probably because remedial classes like college algebra have some of the highest fail rates of any college class if you look at the statistics.

>> No.9011323
File: 36 KB, 378x499, solutions_manual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also the trick for me succeeding in general chemistry was to buy one of these and use it along with the textbook. I can't express enough how useful it is to be able to check your work when you're doing problems and see what you did wrong and how to work the problem correctly.

>> No.9011330

Lot's of things are wrong.

First off math is taught completely incorrectly, and everybody wants to change it but can't because of A) No Child Left Behind bullshit stack ranking junk lowering the bar for everybody B) Teachers unions C) Schoolboards full of frauds.

Second academia is broken, requiring you to spend the vast majority of your time writing grant applications for months on end while going into extreme debt. Nobody wants to bother with a PhD anymore unless their parents are rich and paying for it.

Tuition is also skyrocketing due to government backed student loans. Since the money will always be available to anybody, they jack the fees into the stratosphere and fill their universities with hundreds of vice-provosts and deans for everything like "diversity and inclusion Dean" each making over $400k/year.

My solution to fix:
- stop giving away student loans, let private sector offer loans instead (tuition falls immediately)
- more charter schools that can independently offer a better math curriculum than state curriculum which will never change
- create an apprenticeship scheme like Germany has to defer people from going into debt, they can get paid to go to school by employers instead.

>> No.9011332

if they did count then black students from urban areas would flunk out of colleges.

>> No.9011339

Why not just allow government back loans for certain degrees only and only for those who can pass some kind of placement exam. Those government loans have low as fuck interest rates compared to (((sallie mae))) and other jewish institutions.

>> No.9011343

also allowing the privitization of schools will lead to shit similar to private prisons.
These schools will only offer and push degree programs that are low cost for them. Shit like humanities is cheap as fuck to STEM classes that require labs and equipment.

>> No.9011352

These schools if they are competitive will offer the best quality education for getting into a university as that will be their primary sales pitch, so the curriculum will be centered around whatever universities require.

It's exactly what charter schools right now are doing in most countries, in fact many of them are cheaper in that you can skip most of first year university by going to a charter school that covers calculus and other first year subjects in highschool instead of $30k/year university.

True but the problem still remains tuition for those degrees will skyrocket. The day the government decided to back student loans is the day every university multiplied it's dead weight internal staff by a billion and raised tuition 300%. Humanities degrees won't disappear either, they existed in the 1960s back when governments didn't offer loans.

>> No.9011355

Exactly. How do we reach these kiids? At my college it seems like they just kind of drag down the quality of the school by making it offer watered-down classes so that they're able to pass, and spending tons of money on diversity departments that could go to areas that would actually be useful. They don't even seem to learn anything for four years. They're totally indistinguishable in the way they speak and act from black people who didn't even finish high school. All the while going to school for free because they're black and we feel bad for being segregated at one point.

>> No.9011364

Charter schools in Harlem predominately filled with blacks collectively outperformed 89% of NYC public schools on math exams. The problem is state run education is a joke

>> No.9011443

pray for this every day.

>> No.9011554
File: 56 KB, 500x296, 1487018701730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hear me out-
I think one of the biggest problems with US education is the lack of arts programs.
Even though art is "useless" in most applications, it is necessary for children to have something outside the math/science grind, but instead, children are taught that interest in math/science is the polar opposite to the arts.
That's why there are so many good brains wasted on liberal arts, and so many uncreative pod people working on STEM degrees. People are forced to think that interest in art ruins them for an engineering degree, and vice versa.

>> No.9011677

Well, not me.

>> No.9011689

>Most people are average
You don't say? Sorry, couldn't resist.

>> No.9011756

how do you solve that q? havent done physics in like 10 years but do know some basic math.

All I remember is F = ma and v = x/t fuuuuck

sorry for being a brainlet

>> No.9011761


FYI, OP's webm was not taken in an American classroom.

>> No.9011803

nvm got it
m = mass puck
v = vel puck
m' = mass puck + mass octo
v' = free variable
m v = m'v'
0.115*35 = (0.115+0.265)*v
v ~= 11 m/s

Havent done this shit in fucking years, good to do it again.

>> No.9011807

Well, its impressive that you retain conservation of momentum after that much time. But yea that's about it.

>> No.9011906

>America was the last continent to be settled by humans you retard

/pol/ once again proves that they can't fucking read

considering that there's literally only one state that just pays schools to have AP students vs paying schools for having an ap program or paying schools for having students pass the exams, I'm gonna say this is fucking bullshit.

>> No.9011921

Charter schools are a meme. Selecting for the best and brightest and claiming their model is inherently superior to the public school model is kind of bs.

(Though of course concentrating all the intelligent kids in one school to insulate them from the troubke making brainlets is an inherently good thing)

>> No.9011938

found the newfag

>> No.9011941

>Open your own University
...muh free market?

>> No.9011949


If you can game the whole system just by picking the best students, then you've established that education is not the significant factor in student success, which case improving schools is likely pointless.

>> No.9011951
File: 35 KB, 490x290, back-to-pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Teh Masses
>Teh Libruls
found the /pol/itard

>> No.9011953


You are a dope my friend.

>> No.9012548

That's just not true.

>> No.9013020

>Muh /pol/ boogeyman
Honestly kys

>> No.9013060

lol read a book
'already in the dark ages' isn't a fucking achievement, that was when most infrastructure fell apart because roman engineers left britian and other parts of europe because their empire fell apart
It's called the dark ages because we don't have much information, because people literally couldn't read or write anymore

>> No.9013087
File: 18 KB, 200x253, 200px-Dick_Cheney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Muh /pol/ boogeyman
>Honestly kys
Not hm, but...

Yes, you clearly are a /pol/tard.
Face it, you're an invader here, and you shit up the place.
Go back to your shitty containment board.
You people do believe in segregation, right?
Practice it.

>> No.9013098

>fact it just lacks funding
Hasnt this been disproven? New York spends the most per student but is still below average when ranked in quality.

>> No.9013104

I would argue that best in the world for undergrad is weakening, or at least the gap between us and the next (EU?) is shrinking. I would easily say the graduate programs are by far the best, but undergrad? Lower academic standards, grade inflation, admin bloating, and adjunct professors is going to cause a massive bubble burst in college value.

>> No.9013106

You sound mad that you failed.

There are plenty of alternative teaching methods in primary/secondary/college. They all fall to the same problem. You cant make a student learn. You can do inverted class rooms or whatever, still falls to the student to WANT to learn.

Also you are just describing an apprentice system, which works great for skilled labor. Mentor/advisors are all usually required in schools, with a lot more 1 on 1 when you go to smaller schools. But an apprentice system for mathematics is silly and only makes sense when the student has built up enough base to be able to work with a professor, ie grad student.

>Instead lest put 200 people and a projector screen,give out the ppt presentation and recommend some books and charge money for it.
So a large entry level intro course, not designed to teach, but to broaden. No one learns chemistry from Chem 1, you learn about and some basic concepts in regards to chemistry. Take a higher level course and you wont see this, at least in the US.

>> No.9013115

>You sound mad that you failed.
Got my phd 6 months ago.
I still will claim that a lot more could have been done during my education process.

>> No.9013129

But why is it the schools fault that you didnt do more. You get out what you put in. If you do the bare minimum, dont be surprised you got the minimum out.

>> No.9013148

>But why is it the schools fault that you didnt do more.
Bear with me here.
In primary school from day one I was faced with a discrimination,parents brought me to school I talked to some Mrs. there and was put in a class.

My class was fucking horrible,thy were all black kids,there were like 5 white including me.
You can imagine how that went,instead focusing on whats in front of me I spend my days of fighting with animals.
Teachers didnt gave a single fuck they just came,get whatever money for 45 minutes class and left.
Later find out that there is a special class,all white,all from good families.
The previously mentioned lady was the one deciding who goes where.
What were her basis for making the class you ask,personally knowing the parents and I shit you not it was called the Soros class because it was sponsored by the Soros foundation.
I know few of those kids still,one of them is a local DJ and another is a physical worker.

Thats is 8 years down the drain with nothing but bullshit.
Shall I continue into highschool?

>> No.9013155

the problem i see with American education is there expected to teach to the social norm. Basicly making likeminded people not fully thinking for themselfs, jumping on the next trend without ever looking into what there supporting.

>> No.9013324
File: 110 KB, 567x411, 4.99-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I studied in Europe. No teacher gave two fucks about you. I remember a classmate who came from the US with top marks and failed every single subject at my school.

>> No.9013358

>I studied in Europe.
There are enormous differences in Europe. Schools in Finland tend to be rather good, while in Scandinavian countries teachers are recruited from those who themselves didn't do well in school and now want to take it out on their pupils.

Noise levels are unbelievable and if you have hints of Aspergers you are basically done for.

>> No.9013369

It's not UK either, so I'm guessing Oz/NZ, or maybe SA.

Wherever it is, she shouldn't be arriving at school dressed like a slut.

>> No.9013383

>blacks/hispanics have historically been denied

Yeah well Asians were denied a thing or two also

>> No.9013392

Keep blaming the system m8. It's cultural stigma against success in black neighborhoods, while Asians and Hispanics tend to have cultural attitudes of success as the endgame for their children which is why Hispanics risk jumping the border all the time for work. While hispanics may not be higher on test scores, that doesn't mean they don't attain success in fields that don't require them. You also don't see Asians and Hispanics going around protesting that this country is theirs and that they should kill all white people because they actually know the value of self-achievement.

Lack of money would be rectified if blacks actually aimed towards success outside of it, which a small percentage do, and then contribute back to the communities they're from to encourage a shift in cultural outlooks.

>> No.9013400

>sql basics
Even the most complicated part of the theory behind sql queries is set theory basics. Moron +1.

>> No.9014129

You can pick at it and point at everything wrong, but children who are at least somewhat intelligent and work should complete it. Many of the kids who fail are just lazy or flat out retarded. The big thing wrong about our education is probably summer break, which no kid wants to hear. The knowledge you gain degrades everytime. As far as I know, asians don't have summer vacation. And from what I understand, hard work ethic is something ingrained in Asian many Asian societies. No matter how much you fix American education, we can still be held back by our own culture

For college, it is really retarded having to take a bunch of electives you don't need. It wastes everyone's time and people lose money. Humanities courses are interesting and all, but I don't want to pay tuition and hours of my time when I can read on my own.

t. Dumb phone poster

>> No.9014298

Not the anon you're replying to but that's exactly how I failed high school.

>> No.9014317

Actual HS math teacher here. Why do you expect humanities people to be less brainlets than they were in college?

>> No.9014356

Close, but no.

The amount of spending on tards is out of control and it needs to stop. If that money was spent on fence sitters society would be better off. Instead we spend billions so sped parents feefees don't get hurted

>> No.9014389

Nigger with applied math major here
The problem with America is that STEM jobs are kind of overrated. Most STEM majors do not work in a job related to their degree. Even then the pay is not too much. Chads and Tyrones making the real bank

>> No.9014466

Teachers Unions and Public schools.

Privatize them and we'll eventually get cheap and good education.

>> No.9014547

i don't see what the big deal is here, it's just a girl erasing a whiteboard?

>> No.9014878

You don't see dat ass?!

>> No.9014883

>Muh /pol/itard
gtfo asshole

>> No.9014900
File: 191 KB, 736x751, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hispanic here, I have to go from Pre Algebra to Linear Algebra within 3 years for CS. I am already struggling with pre algebra. Playing video games and watching anime has taught me nothing in life, I'm fucked.

Pic related is my college's mathematics pathway.

>> No.9014907

one does not care for orifices where shit excretes

>> No.9014952

>Its demonstably not explainable by culture.
Demonstrate this.

>Althought in turn a culture is emergent from the needs of the environment.

>> No.9014986


>dressed like a slut.
>only bared skin is her wrists

Do they? The UK, which has definitely had lower rates of systematic racial discrimination than the US, has blacks doing fine, often even better than native brits
>No you can't. You can only do one thing at a time.
if you're a complete brainlet, maybe.

>And asking questions is better than googling the answer.
>Disrupting the class and stopping the teacher talking is better than using a quicker tool which easily serves as a launchpad to learn about related things through linksurfing

>> No.9014991

People's entire lives and careers hang in the balance, the spooky "eventual" action at a distance of the invisible hand doesn't work fast enough

You could have just said you're gay

>> No.9015146

Most people stay in the class of wealth they're born in. You're just average if you were born into a wealthy family and end up similarly wealthy.

>> No.9015165

ass? what are you talking about?
i don't see that at all, it's covered by some bushes she's walking through

>> No.9015208

It's a combination of identity politics of the religious right and feminists/sjws who are fucking our education system up.

>> No.9016282

There are tons of successful Hispanics in academia. So yes you sound a bit like /pol

>> No.9017451


Holy fuck you're wrong. About half the people I went to high school with didn't give a shit and did the minimum to get by. My dad forced me to apply myself and do well in school but understood me well enough to know where my limits were. I think good parents are the best motivators.

>> No.9017467

is there anything wrong in getting millions of people to waste half a decade and get into debt for a piece of paper that will be worthless to them as soon as they hit the job market?
you tell me

>> No.9018737

it is no longer about the encouragement of knowledge and instead has become a business

>> No.9018751

Well goodluck, it's all a fucking joke and you're more likely to be fired or ignored for positions because you're over-qualified and require more pay.

>> No.9018764

I can confirm this is a godsend. Having examples is the most useful thing when learning a process, it just sucks that so many people blatantly copy answers and chat their way through degrees.
>Fuck you Paige Hansen you incompetent slutbag

>> No.9018780

You have my empathy. I had to move before I was in 8th grade because of a house fire. Went into a school 1/3 black, 1/3 hispanic and 1/3 white. Was forced into normal classes instead of "honors" which later prevented me from getting into AP classes for an extra year. The students were so fucking stupid that when I got in everyone was forced to take an extra math lab to help with math because they got the lowest math scores in the history of the school. I was treated as an outcast and people spread rumors about me having a hitlist. I eventually scrambled up to AP classes with less retared people and was able to spend all of my free time studying from the Physics teacher;s old college textbooks. Was the only good experience I had.

>> No.9018787

That's some baby level curriculum. The highest class is ODEs? What about Systems of ODES, PDEs, Real Analysis, Complex Analysis, Math modeling, Prob. & Statistics, etc. Is there even vector calc in any of those calc classes? Fuck man I am upset on behalf of the nerds who get stuck with just that while wanting to learn math.

>> No.9018804
File: 981 KB, 342x239, Stare.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>See thread in the home page
>Decide to click it thinking it will be filed with hot teachers
>People are actually fucking replying seriously
This is a level of nerdiness i didn't thought it was possible to find on the internet

>> No.9018820
File: 33 KB, 610x343, teacher2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hur ya goe

>> No.9018868
File: 124 KB, 500x500, e72db037b84ee4147de1b3cdf7f206b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to INSERT into her database if you know what I mean

>> No.9018879

Like ping into a storage server she has admin privileges to?

>> No.9018922

Australian 4th year mech eng student here.
The major problem I have is that I feel like I didn't start learning anything until this year.
Although I was a shit student until this year, so that probably has something to do with it.
And I did a second major in economics in my undergraduate. So I wasted almost half of my units.

>> No.9018927

Any sauce on this?

>> No.9018960
File: 552 KB, 700x583, glasses_sciyaka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9019139

Memory, knowledge-oriented education does not bring anything.
The most important thing is logical thinking ability which doubts common sense.

>> No.9019278
File: 95 KB, 331x429, le smug assburger man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>American education.webm
>Outlets are Yuropoorian

>> No.9019296

Your school's highest class is sophomore level at best

>> No.9019308

I started off at CC to the equivalent of algebra and am now in a reputable Mathematics program at a 4 year university. Am white.

Not everybody has a great childhood anon.

>> No.9019315

yes it does. doing any valuable work is knowing how to recognize a problem from your subset of well understood problems, and then being able to recall a solution that someone else - perhaps even yourself - spent dozens of hours solving, instead of wasting incredible amounts of time solving every problem and performing every task that comes your way.
high school students need to stop posting here

yes, those brainless mongs waste the valuable time and lower the quality of education for people who didn't have to pay for university

>> No.9019750

Skin tight leggings are slutty, anon.