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/sci/ - Science & Math

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9005049 No.9005049 [Reply] [Original]

Mnemonic techniques, memory tricks, etc., are actually a lot of fun. You can blow people's minds with it, learn anything you're studying more quickly, and probably win a beer or a little bit of money off somebody if you feel like it.

Imagine being able to memorize the order of a deck of cards in about a minute. How's that for impressive? In fact, here's a fun one you can do right now.

>1. Write down the numbers 1-10, down the left-hand side of a page.
>2. Next to each, write down a word that you can easily associate with that number, either because of how the numeral looks or how the number sounds when you say it, or some other meaning the number has to you personally.
>3. Just memorize this list. It's 10 things that you already associate with those numbers easily. It shouldn't be a lot of work.
>4. Now, have a friend write a numbered list of ten objects. Look at the list, connecting the new things to the ones you have memorized in startling or unusual ways. Engage your senses. For example, my 1 is gun, so if the object was zipper, I'd imagine some crazy asshole trying to undo his fly by shooting at it. Hear the gun go off. See the bullet whiz past the zipper, or maybe hit him in the dick. Whatever. It's your imagination.
>5. Once you feel like you've successfully connected all ten in your mind, give the list your friend made back to that friend, and have them give you random numbers 1-10. You should be able to respond with the item on the list your friend made.
It's easy enough to increase the number to 20 items, and to then get to where you can memorize the list in about a minute. At which point, you have yourself a good party trick.

Also useful for remembering a grocery list, or an ordered list of the noble gases, or whatever you like.

tl;dr mnemonic tools are great and you should use them to get a kickass memory

>> No.9005467


>> No.9005469

Mnemonics are for brainlets.

>> No.9005500

I learnt the same solar system except to the tune of good king wenceslas.

Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars
Jupiter Saturn and Uranus.
Jupiter Saturn and Uranus.

Pluto isnt included, but you cant if you want.

The only other Mnemonic that i know is IP MAT

The phases of cell division.

The other one i know is:
Adenine Guanine Thymine Cytosine Uracil
But again this is just remembered like a rhime. Its the different chemicals that make up DNA base pairs.

The other things i memorised like Gen1 Pokemon, Guns and Certain parts of the perioidic table i just did by constantly going back and forth thinking about them until i came to a question and going back and searching and such.

>> No.9005504
File: 66 KB, 500x700, 42be11b56059d244f573bac445e722aa--sherlock-mind-palace-sherlock-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Mind Palace, though.

>> No.9005506

Fun mnemonic for the planets that nods at Pluto being dropped:

Mother Very Easily Made a Jam Sandwich Using NOTHING!

>> No.9005512

Not exactly a mnemonic, but I don't think I'd ever remember trigonometric formulas without easily deriving them from basic properties of complex exponentiation.

>> No.9005554

not when it comes to trig functions. the magic hexagon is a life send.

>> No.9005734

>chemicals that make up DNA


>> No.9005797

>the magic hexagon
damn, 3 years into electrical engineering and this is the first time I hear about this

>> No.9006242

They're extremely useful for keeping a thing in memory long enough to actually hard-memorize it and encode it in long-term memory. They also allow you to categorize new information so you can recall it more easily.

>> No.9006320

[math] \displaystyle
angle & sin & cos \\
0 & \sqrt{0}/2 & \sqrt{4}/2 \\
\pi/6 & \sqrt{1}/2 & \sqrt{3}/2 \\
\pi/4 & \sqrt{2}/2 & \sqrt{2}/2 \\
\pi/3 & \sqrt{3}/2 & \sqrt{1}/2 \\
\pi/2 & \sqrt{4}/2 & \sqrt{0}/2

>> No.9006351
File: 32 KB, 500x500, eb9[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Camels often sit down carefully; perhaps their joints creak. Possibly, effective oiling might prolong perfect health.
Oh be a fine girl and kiss me.
Silly old Hitler couldn't advance his troops over Africa.
King Philip came over for good soup.
Hi. Here little beggar boys catch newts or fishes. Never nab maggots alone since poisonous substances clog arteries. Keep calm.

>> No.9007456


>> No.9007743


the hormones of the anterior pituitary gland

>> No.9007753

I sing the periodic table to the tune of 10 little indians to remember it.

>> No.9009118

>Can I Keep Selling Sex For Money, Officer?

A personal mnemonic for the substrates in the citric acid/tricarboxylic acid cycle:

Citrate, Isocitrate, (alpha)-Ketoglutarate, Succinyl coa, Succinate, Fumarate, Malate, Oxaloacetate

>> No.9009137

My paleontology professor taught a mnemonic for the North American Land Mammal Ages (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_American_land_mammal_age).). I never took the time to memorize it, but it was damn impressive to see a 25+ word acronym.

>> No.9009230

Aren't mnemonics cheating?
You're basically forcing your brain to remember a story instead of raw info, so it ends up taking up more space.
Is the a size limit to your brain? It always felt wrong to me.

>> No.9009232

Is studying cheating? Is learning new information cheating? Is thinking cheating?

>> No.9009242

On old Olympus's towering tops, a Finn and German viewed some hops.

>> No.9011245

People posting mnemonics without the things they represent are not helping anyone learn anything.

>> No.9011272

ROYGBIV = colors of the rainbow

Please excuse my dear aunt sally = order of operations

SOHCAHTOA = a lot of trig functions

7 plus or minus 3 = the typical, maximum number of items that can be held in short term memory

There's also a variety of tools for each language. There was a lot that I learned for Spanish but never had to use Spanish so I forgot them all.

>> No.9011279

Cis(x)= cosx+isinx
It's a transphobic function.

>> No.9011297

What a dumb argument. What's next, needing mnemonics to remember how to tie your own shoes?

>> No.9011545

Mnemonics are good for remembering large amounts of information long enough to encode them in long-term memory in themselves. No need for flash-cards, you can just go through the actual thing in your head because it's stored there.

Also, you realize there are people who memorize dozens of decks of randomly shuffled cards in order in a very short amount of time, right? And that they do it through mnemonics?

Not to mention that it's how Roman poets and speakers would remember hours of lines the day before they had to recite their poems/give their speeches with nothing in front of them to prompt them or read from.

You can feel how you want, but if there were two possible realities, and in one, you learned mnemonics, and in the other, you didn't, in the first you'd be far more able to remember new information and recall it easily.

Our brains are better at remembering locations and visual information than abstract, context-free symbols. To fail to take advantage of that when you're aware of it is stupid.

>> No.9011649

Many very early men jumped straight up near Pluto.

H he libebcnofk


Those are the ones I learned in school

>> No.9011686

>My Very Elderly Mother Just Sucks Up Nuts